Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 3

by J. L. Berry

  A FEW HOURS PASSED and Elijah’s wolf was getting restless, paranoid that someone would return to check. They needed to be gone and he needed to make sure they covered their tracks. Slipping back into the water he paddled slowly to where the pool outlet into a downhill stream. Water would be the quickest way to cover some distance; they just had to hope the stream didn’t lead them back to the camp. He carefully scrambled out of the pool and into the shallow stream sniffing the surrounding area. So far so good. With caution he proceeded along keeping his paws in the water, slowly at first and then as fast as his weary body could handle, constantly checking for signs of danger.

  After a couple more hours Elijah’s wolf was exhausted, the sensory overload was mentally draining and they hadn’t eaten all day.

  We need to leave the stream at some point Elijah reasoned.

  His wolf growled even though he knew he was right. Everything was just a little too quiet given they were still surrounded by forest and his wolf’s suspicious nature was running overtime. Relenting, he padded on to the bank and headed in the direction of the wind, at least the wind might give them more warning if trouble lay ahead.

  As they continued on their route to nowhere Elijah’s wolf was scouting for something to eat. The occasional bird could be heard in the tree tops but there was no sign of wildlife on the forest floor. Odd, isn’t it spring time? Hours went by and still nothing; trembling with exertion the only thing keeping him moving forward was a stubborn strength of will. The forest started to thin as he climbed up the side of a hill to view the surrounding area from a vantage point.

  All of a sudden there was a cacophony of sound, birds were flying overhead, squirrels were scampering through the trees and there was rustling within the undergrowth. Elijah’s wolf snapped his jaws into a bush killing a large rodent which he promptly swallowed without another bite. Finally some food! After hunting down some more small prey, Elijah’s wolf was satisfied and found a small ditch to curl up in and sleep.

  AS DAWN ROSE THE NEXT morning Elijah had never felt more alive in all the years he could remember. His wolf’s senses were much more heightened as if he had been living in black and white only now seeing in colour.

  We should circle back a bit to check we weren’t followed.

  His wolf hummed in approval picking up their scent and began traipsing back the route they had taken. As they started to descend the hill the wildlife seemed to vanish, all the noise was suddenly gone. What the hell?

  Elijah pushed forward in his wolf’s mind and shifted back into his human form. He stretched his stiff muscles and ran his hands over his healing face. His nose was no longer broken but he could see his skin on his arms and body was an interesting array of colours. Unabashed by his naked state Elijah explored the hillside, passing from one region to another trying to understand this invisible barrier. There was nothing obvious at first but then he noticed some subtle changes. Near the base of one tree there appeared to be two types of moss, one older and more established than the other.

  Me, his wolf demanded.

  Elijah allowed his wolf to come forward intrigued to see what he would uncover. His wolf started to dig in the area and it wasn’t long before he exposed a metal cage containing a sack of organic material. The stench was overpowering. It made Elijah feel weary and hazy.

  Cover it back over!

  As soon as the soil was back in place Elijah could think more clearly although he still felt a little dizzy.

  What the hell was that?

  His wolf growled, glaring at the site of the strange contraption. Heading back up the hill, they soon crossed into the ‘normal forest’ and it felt like a weight had been lifted off Elijah’s mind. How have I never noticed this before, is this what everyone else sees? Whatever the object buried in the hillside was he felt it must have something to do with his pack and maybe they had just left the pack boundary. With no-one apparently searching for him Elijah couldn’t help be feel relieved. He’d made it. He was finally free. All his life he had never known how beautiful the world really was. With that happy thought in mind his wolf began to lope away in search of new beginnings.

  Chapter 7:

  Drake awoke just after midnight on the day of his eighteenth birthday when he felt a surge of power course through his body. Smiling, Drake threw back the covers and climbed out of bed feeling the urge to put this new increased power to the test. He swiftly headed out onto the landing in his boxers, not bothering to dress knowing he would be shifting once he got outside. His muscles were tingling with anticipation and he felt like a kid on Christmas morning as he crept down the stairs. Just a few more feet and he’d be out the front door and off like a rocket.

  A light flicked on in the living room and Drake froze. His father, Beta Morgan, was sat in his chair with his muscular arms folded across his chest causing his biceps to bulge and strain his polo shirt. Beta Morgan was a logical man who showed great attention to detail and nothing escaped his notice. His light brown hair was threaded with streaks of grey and starting to touch his collar on the back of his neck. His hazel eyes were sharp as a hawk’s and currently they were fixed on Drake with a severe expression on his face.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked sternly, his low tenor voice exuding power.

  “I....I... for a run?” Drake answered with a stammer although it sounded more like a request. His father had never stopped him leaving the house since he turned sixteen and it was unnerving to have him do so now. Drake was beginning to feel like a young boy again, not a grown adult.

  “I thought as much,” Beta Morgan’s face fell into a grim expression. “Son, the power you inherit when you turn eighteen, it can be overwhelming, almost addictive actually. It is a blessing from the Moon Goddess and ensures that you will be able to take care of your pack, your family and most importantly your mate.”

  Drake swallowed at the gravity of his father’s expression and tone of voice, unsure where his father’s thoughts were leading. Beta Morgan stood and moved towards him clasping a hand on his shoulder.

  “Son, it is time for me to share the secret of the Morgan Family,” his tone was serious as he stared Drake straight in the eyes, “On the night when a Morgan turns eighteen they must endure a terrible fate...”

  Drake’s hazel eyes dilated as a feeling of fear washed over him.

  We will face it whatever it is.

  “... they must take their first full wolf run with their father!” Beta Morgan broke into an enormous smile shaking his son in a playful manner.

  “What? I...” Drake stammered even more confused.

  “It’s a father son rite of passage! I want to share your first full powered run with you, just like my father did with me,” he beamed at Drake. “May I join you?”


  They headed outside and took the path towards the forest.

  “It’s an incredible feeling isn’t it, that raw energy coursing through your body,” Beta Morgan reminisced, “I hope this will be a moment you remember for the rest of your life and when it’s time you will share it with your own kids.”

  “Me too Dad.”

  At the edge of the forest Beta Morgan stripped immediately and left his clothes in a wooden crate designed for the purpose. Drake hesitated initially, finding the prospect of being naked with his father somewhat weird. Knowing that as a member of the warrior sub-group it would become common place he let go of his inhibitions and removed his boxers placing them in the crate.

  Both men shifted, Drake’s tawny brown wolf standing shoulder to shoulder with his father’s brown and grey wolf. Drake could feel his wolf had grown and there was more power in his hindquarters. His father’s wolf gave him one look, winked and charged off into the forest. Drake’s wolf let out a deep howl before tearing off in pursuit. The feeling was exhilarating. Drake had always loved to run but this new power made his speed unparalleled and his reflexes were pin sharp. Within thirty seconds he had caught up with his father, his wolf playful
ly snapping at his heels. As they weaved through the trees Drake had never felt more connected to his surroundings. He let the sights, sounds and smells of the forest fill every neuron of his brain.

  Apparently, this new found power also meant enhanced stamina as both wolves ran through the night only slowing down occasionally to drink from the stream. It was only as dawn came at 6am that Drake realised how exhausted he was. Together they headed back to the camp shifting at the edge of the forest and redressing with their clothes stored in the crate.

  Beta Morgan looked at his son with a great sense of pride, hugging him to his side with an arm across his shoulder. They walked like this back towards their home as the morning light continued to rise on the horizon.

  “I guess you’re particularly looking forward to seeing Autumn this morning.”

  Drake smirked at his father’s not so subtle comment, “Maybe.” They continued in silence for a moment, Drake now pensive about the thought of seeing Autumn. “Will I know straight away, even though she’s not eighteen?” He asked his father.

  “Yes, although the call won’t be as strong since it will be one-sided.”

  “What if she’s not my mate?”

  “If she’s not then there will be someone else who is.”

  “But I don’t want it to be anyone else! I... I love her Dad.”

  His father smiled and squeezed his son’s shoulder, “Then I am sure that she will feel the same and the Moon Goddess will bless you both.”

  As they reached the main part of the camp where most of the houses were located, other members of the pack were heading out and getting on with their day. Wolves were accustomed to their pack being in various states of undress and so did not bat an eyelid about Drake walking home in only his boxers. Greetings of “Happy birthday” came from everyone they passed. The pack was close, particularly after the kidnappings, and everyone had been looking forward to the day the gap between the younger and older generations would cross over once more. Drake would be the third wolf to turn eighteen and join the warrior group in the last eighteen years.

  Up ahead Drake could see Autumn sat on his front porch. Beta Morgan not wanting to intrude on their private moment tactically disappeared without a word. Her slim toned legs hung down over the steps and the emerald green skater dress she was wearing highlighted her tiny waist. She had braided her hair to the side today, with the length draped over one shoulder drawing attention to her sculpted shoulders and collarbones. She was gnawing gently on her lower lip as she picked at her fingernails anxiously waiting for Drake to come home. Her eyes had light shadows underneath them, like she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep. Drake couldn’t blame her. This was a big moment for the both of them.

  Drake took a deep breath, releasing it slowly through his mouth. Please, he begged the universe. As he walked towards her she looked up and smiled, the sunlight hitting her face gave her russet hair a warm glow which made Drake’s heart skip a beat.

  Stunning his wolf hummed with pleasure.

  Autumn stood as Drake continued to move towards her. Holy crap! He looked like he walked straight out of an underwear catalogue, his tawny hair was windswept on top and his muscles glimmered with sweat. Did he get more muscles overnight? Her eyes roved over his wide chest and down his perfect six-pack to the tops of his boxers. She swallowed with appreciation.

  Drake stopped one hundred yards away and Autumn looked at him with confusion. Her grey eyes pained at his obvious hesitation.

  Is she ours? He asked his wolf, but got no reply.

  His heart rose in panic as he stared at her soulful grey eyes wanting nothing more than to whisk the pain and doubt away. Unable to bear it any longer he sprinted towards her gathering her up in his arms and swinging her around in a circle. Before she could utter a word his lips crashed down on hers in a searing kiss. He wound his fingers around her plait, pulling her head to position it in a way where he could deepen the kiss. Gasping, Autumn allowed his tongue deep into her mouth as she groaned with pleasure at the sudden passionate assault.

  Breathless, Drake finally placed Autumn back on her feet and she looked up at him with the unasked question in her eyes.

  “I love you,” Drake told her.

  A beaming smile crossed her face as her eyes welled with tears. She stifled a laugh at how elated she felt in that moment and flung her arms around Drake kissing his neck before burying her head in his chest, inhaling his citrus scent.

  “Come on,” Autumn said stepping away from Drake and grabbing his hand, “I’ve got a surprise for you.” She pulled him into his house and headed up the stairs to his room, closing the door behind them. Her grey eyes met his but he couldn’t make out the expression there. Going up onto her toes Autumn grazed her lips softly over his, “I love you too,” she whispered tracing her fingers down his bare chest.

  Drake went to speak but Autumn silenced him by placing a finger over his lips. He could sense now how nervous she was and wanted to question her but curiosity demanded he obey her wishes and see what happened. As her hand lowered and traced the edge of his boxers he could feel the tremor of her fingers as his arousal grew. He gently cupped her face with both his hands and ran his nose along hers tying to soothe her anxiety, instantly feeling her relax.

  That appeared to be the little push of confidence she needed as she looped her fingers under the band of his boxers pushing them to the floor. Autumn took in the sight of Drake fully naked and erect before her. Her wolf growled in approval. His body was lean carved muscle from top to bottom and covered in smooth tanned skin. Her eyes naturally fell to his perfect Adonis belt and the brown trail of hair which led south to his arousal. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to worship him.

  With a confidence she had never felt before in her life, Autumn pushed Drake backwards onto the bed and knelt before him. He leant up on his forearms watching her with anticipation. Confidence suits her. Running her hands up his strong muscular thighs Autumn stared into Drake’s hazel eyes which were dark with lust. She lowered her face to his legs and traced feather light kisses from his knees up to his hips. Drake watched her every move with excited expectation. Is she going to do what I think she’s going to do?

  She ran her tongue from the base of his penis all the way to the tip before licking off the salty dew on top. She was surprised how soft and velvety the skin there felt under her tongue given how hard he was. Lifting her eyes to his she saw his pupils dilate with desire as he licked his lips, his mouth slightly open. Holding his gaze she fisted the base of his shaft and angled the head into her mouth. As she sucked she swirled her tongue around his head causing Drake to groan loudly, thrusting his pelvis upwards as he collapsed flat on the bed. Satisfied with this response Autumn started to move in earnest. She stroked her hand up and down his shaft while drawing him in and out of her mouth. The suction made her jaw ache but she was determined to make her first blow job perfect, her future mate deserved it.

  Autumn continued her ministrations as Drake moaned and struggled to contain himself. His hips gyrated to her every touch and he longed for her to mount him. He could feel the pressure building as his cock swelled in her mouth. She tried to take him as deeply as she could but gagged when he hit the back of her throat causing her eyes to water. He gripped her hair and warned her, “Baby I’m going to come.”

  Spurred on Autumn increased her pace using her hand and mouth to cover the length of his shaft as she felt Drake’s muscles clench. He tried to pull out of her mouth but she refused to let him, sucking hard on his head.

  “Oh my... Autumn!” He cried out as he found his release.

  She swallowed him down and licked his head gently as his muscles trembled in the aftermath of his orgasm. Drake sat up and scooped her into his arms holding her tightly as he flopped back down onto the bed. “That was amazing,” he gushed.

  Best surprise ever, his wolf agreed.

  Autumn blushed at the praise but was secretly proud that she could cause him to come undone like that.
“We’re going to be mates and I wanted to show you how much I love you,” she told him.

  Unable to respond, Drake tucked her under his chin kissing the crown of her head. He didn’t deserve her, he needed to tell her the Moon Goddess did not bless them but he didn’t want to lose her yet.

  Chapter 8:

  The next few days flew by in a haze for Drake as he began training to join the warrior sub-group of the pack. He spent his days training with the other adults and his nights running with Autumn’s wolf in the forest before falling asleep with her in his arms. He still hadn’t told her about the mating call; she was so blissfully happy he didn’t want to ruin the facade he had created. Plus everyone else in the pack seemed buoyant at the idea that they would be their future leaders.

  “Hey lover boy,” one of his fellow warriors interrupted his daydreaming. “Alpha wants to see you in his office ASAP.”

  Wonderful Drake’s wolf grumbled sarcastically.

  Ever since his birthday Drake’s wolf had displayed a myriad of emotions. Running with Autumn’s wolf he was carefree and happy, purring in content whenever she showed him affection. During the day when they were now apart he was sullen and pessimistic about their future together.

  You’re not helping Drake told his wolf who grumbled but settled down.

  Drake left the training centre and made his way to the main building where the Alpha’s office was located. He knocked on the door and waited before hearing Alpha Grey call, “Come on in Drake.”

  Alpha Grey sat behind a large wooden desk with a leather writing top, a family photo under a lamp on one side, a filing tray stacked with papers on the other. Floor to ceiling bookshelves lined the wall behind the desk and were packed with texts, rosters and protocols. His study was well organised which reflected his disciplined persona.


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