Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 13

by J. L. Berry

  Now what? His wolf asked.

  Now we find the prisoners and see if Cole is still alive.

  COLE SAT CHAINED IN the darkness completely alone. He had been contained with other wolves over the past however many years, but they didn’t seem to last long. As a child he remembered sharing a cabin with other pups including some from his own pack. The girls had left them quickly along with a few of the boys but he had no idea where they went. Milo, a wolf from another pack who was a couple of years older than Cole, had kept him sane and together they found the strength to resist the guiles of their captors.

  Some of the guards tempted them with food, water and a hot shower to get them to swear allegiance. When that didn’t work others went with brute force, beating them into submission. The worst though was when they beat another wolf in front of you, inflicting pain on them to make you cave in and stop it. That’s what broke most of the guys in the end.

  Years went by and after several near death beatings it became clear to their guards that they couldn’t be broken and so Cole and Milo along with another male called Sam were separated from the group. Days at a time went by with no contact and they frequently feared they had been left to starve to death. One day out of nowhere the guards dragged them outside but before they even had time to adjust to the light they were being hosed down. The icy water hit them hard, washing away the dirt, sweat and other bodily fluids covering them. The shock broke through their fatigue and hunger as they shielded themselves from the pressure of the water while trying to drink as much as they could.

  Cole felt euphoric at the chance to be clean and drink fresh water but the seemingly random act of kindness had a sinister motive which would soon become a regular part of their lives in the years to come.

  “Boys, today’s the day you become men and start to earn your keep.” The three boys glanced at each other nervously, they knew better than to ask questions or answer back. “You,” Beta Harrison pointed to Sam, “Oldest first.”

  The other guards moved forward to separate Sam’s chains from Cole and Milo, pulling him forward. Beta Harrison then gestured to another guard standing in front of a different storage container. He opened the door and slipped inside returning with a struggling girl around sixteen years old. He threw her to the ground in front of the boys before stepping back. The girl cowered before them her eyes fixed on the ground.

  Beta Harrison circled her slowly before gripping her chin to look at her face. He turned her head towards Sam, “Like what you see?”

  Sam didn’t reply.

  “Well you’re in luck. Alpha Santos recognises your strong genetics and feels you deserve the opportunity to ease those raging teenage hormones.”

  They boys looked on with a mixture of horror and confusion.

  “I.... I...” Sam was lost for words.

  “Quit stuttering and get on with it,” Beta Harrison sneered crossing his arms. Sam didn’t move. Surely they couldn’t be serious? “Do you need a demonstration?”

  When Sam didn’t move again, Beta Harrison lurched forward pulling the girl to her feet. He swiftly ripped the clothes from her body and turned her to face them. She tried to cover herself modestly with her arms but Harrison simply grabbed them and restrained them behind her back. Grabbing one breast roughly he squeezed, “Does this turn you on? Do you feel yourself getting hard, because you should?”

  He slid his hand down between the girl’s legs. She tried to buck away from him but he continued to contain her sharply against him. He thrust his fingers inside her causing her to wince. “Your cock goes in here,” he moved his fingers back and forth, “And you move it in and out until you come. Plain and simple.”

  He removed his fingers bringing them to his mouth, “I even warmed her up for you, “he winked at Sam, “You’re welcome. Now is that enough of a lesson for you or do I need to go first?”

  The girl whimpered and looked at Sam with pleading eyes; he knew then that it wasn’t the first time and he had no doubt they hadn’t been gentle. Tears filled her eyes as she begged him silently to do as he was told. Sam stepped forward hesitantly his eyes fixed on hers. He grasped her hands in his and whispered, “I’m so sorry.”

  She trembled at his touch but gave him a brief smile and shook her head.

  “What are you waiting for? This isn’t some lovey dovey first date bullshit!” Beta Harrison shoved them both to the floor, “You know the drill. He can’t fuck you with his pants on!”

  The girl cowered next to Sam as he instinctively reached to shield her. She reached for Sam’s shorts pulling the knot from the drawstring before sliding them down his legs. She didn’t say a word but again looked pleadingly at Sam her eyes welling with tears. Sam’s penis lay almost flaccid between them. Her naked body was not enough to arouse him given the circumstances. Desperate, she took him in her hand working the length.

  “That’s more like it, good girl!” Jeers came from the guards watching on.

  Sam’s shoulders stiffened, the audience wasn’t helping him and he was only semi-hard despite the girl’s ministrations. “Please,” she whispered her voice barely audible.

  Sam focused his attention on her, shutting everyone else out. He closed his eyes and kissed her gently forcing himself to relax as he felt himself harden. When he was ready, the girl rolled herself onto her back guiding him on top of her. She used her hands to frame his face, blinkering his vision so his only focus was on her. Nodding with encouragement she ground her pelvis up into him granting him access. As he entered her Sam couldn’t help but groan at the feeling. It wasn’t long before he felt his muscles tense as the pressure built up inside him. Sam came quickly, releasing himself deep inside her.

  A slow clap sounded.

  “Congratulations, you just lost your virginity,” Beta Harrison announced, “Now who’s next?”

  And so it continued, once a week they were brought out hosed down and took it in turns to have sex with the same girl. Each week a different girl was chosen like they were rotating cattle. The boys never spoke about it. It was like some sick perverse joke they were forced to participate in only they didn’t know the punch line. Cole didn’t understand why the guards didn’t just sleep with the girls themselves, why use them?

  A few months after this routine began it became clear. The boys were dragged outside and hosed down as normal before a girl was brought out. It was the same girl they had first been forced to sleep with.

  “Last chance, you know what happens to infertile bitches in this pack.” Beta Harrison spat at her. She sobbed on the floor as the boys looked at each other, realisation dawning on their faces. They were literally being used as stud dogs.

  They never found out whether she got pregnant that day, but they tried hard to make it happen for her sake. Knowing the girls’ lives were at stake gave the boys renewed purpose as each week they were put to work. Weeks ran into months, months ran into years as the boys continued to grow older becoming men in earnest.

  One day Sam was taken away from the cabin earlier than usual. Cole and Milo waited and waited for his return but he never came back. When their routine continued without him they assumed the worst. There had been times they were tempted to flee but the silver chains around their ankles prevented them from shifting. Besides, one of the guards always carried a rifle so the chance of freedom was slim to none.

  The day Milo was taken never to return was the day Cole nearly broke. He knew Milo would never swear allegiance and he wouldn’t leave without him which could only mean he was dead. The solitude took its toll and there were times Cole felt he was losing his mind. Sometimes a male wolf that smelt like sandalwood would bring him food and water but Cole wondered if it was just another sick joke the guards were playing on him. Eventually even he stopped coming by and Cole was completely alone.

  Chapter 26:

  Autumn woke as usual to the sun creeping in around her curtains the rays warming her skin in a comforting familiar way. It has been weeks since Elijah had left and a fortnight s
ince she agreed to marry Drake. Time had flown by in a flurry of activity as Luna Grey kept Autumn busy with preparations. Two weeks seemed like an impossible timeframe to get a wedding organised. There was the food, the flowers, the cake, let alone the guests that needed to be invited from other packs. But nevertheless in two weeks they were ready to go.

  This was an important wedding given that it determined the future alpha of the pack. There had been so much to do Autumn barely got a minute alone with Drake. Her nerves have grown day by day but she put this down to normal wedding jitters. Now it was the morning of the wedding and Autumn was filled with anxiety. She heard a knock at her door.

  “Autumn sweetheart, are you awake?” Luna Grey called through the door.

  “Yes Mom come on in.”

  Luna Grey opened the door and entered her daughter’s bedroom. “Well sweetheart today’s the big day do you feel ready?”

  “Is it normal to feel this anxious?”

  Her mother chuckled, “Of course sweetheart, getting married is a big decision even when you know they are your mate. It changes who you are as a person, you’re no longer just our daughter you become his wife.”

  Autumn sighed.

  “Drake is a good man, I know you will be happy together. There is no doubt he loves you and will do whatever it takes to make sure you are happy. Your father and I would not give you away for anyone less worthy.”

  Autumn’s eyes welled with tears at her mother’s words.

  “Now then, enough of that no one should cry on their wedding day... We better start getting you ready.”

  After a quick shower Autumn sat at her dressing table while her mother did her hair. She wove delicate braids in an intricate pattern styling her hair into a romantic up-do. She lightly applied make up to her daughter’s face enhancing her alabaster skin and drawing attention to her silver grey eyes. Her mother smiled at her in the mirror,

  “You look beautiful sweetheart, Drake is a lucky man.”

  “Thank you mom, for everything.”

  “Knock, knock,” Alpha Grey rapped on the bedroom door before entering. “Wow sweetheart you look breathtaking,” he smiled at his daughter. Stepping into the room he kissed his Luna on the side of her head. “My love it’s time to get changed.”

  “Already? Well I’ll hurry and get changed and come back to help you dress Autumn.” Luna grey sped out of the room leaving Autumn alone with her father.

  “Nervous sweetheart?”

  “Were you when you married mom?”

  “Honestly, no. I’d never met anyone as perfect as your mom and when the mating bond called me I’d never been more relieved in my life. Marrying her was the best thing that ever happened to me; it started me on this journey with you.” He smiled lovingly at his daughter. “Despite the past we still overcame the worst tragedy a parent can face. When you have children of your own you will understand exactly what I mean.”

  Luna Grey came swiftly back into the room.

  “Wow that’s the quickest you’ve gotten ready since the day I married you,” Alpha Grey grinned.

  Luna Grey scoffed good-heartedly at her husband, “Men, they understand nothing.” She looked pointedly at her husband with raised eyebrows.

  “What?” He asked clueless.

  “You expect her to get changed in front of you?”

  “Oh... Sorry, I... yes I better go check everything is ready to go.” He kissed Autumn on the crown of her head, “I’ll see you soon sweetheart.”Alpha Grey left the room closing the door behind him.

  “Right then let’s get you dressed.”

  Luna Grey helped Autumn into her wedding dress, masterfully slipping it over her head without disturbing her hair or make-up. The cream lace and chiffon dress was the same one her mother got married in. The bodice had a sweetheart neckline and fitted to her waist while the layered skirt sat just above her knee. Together with her hair and light make-up, the dress was the perfect touch to her romantic look. Autumn ran her hands over the skirt of the dress relishing in the feel of the fabric. It was then she noticed her mother had embellished the dress with tiny crystals. Autumn twisted and swayed on her feet, causing the skirt to move and the crystals to capture the light. Blue twinkles reflected and danced over the walls making the dress look like it was decorated with stars.

  Autumn stepped into a pair of cream peep-toe heels and smiled. Drake will love this. As she thought of Drake her hand instinctively went to the amber necklace around her neck. Had it really only been two months since her birthday? So much had happened, she didn’t feel like the same girl anymore which was probably a good thing since she was about to be married.

  Autumn looked at herself in a full-length mirror smiling at her mom. Luna Grey gazed lovingly at her daughter, “Just one more thing.”

  She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small jewellery box. Opening it she presented it to her daughter.

  “It’s beautiful!”Autumn gasped speechless. Inside the box lay a sapphire and diamond necklace which perfectly matched the ring Drake had given her.

  “I know you love the necklace we got you for your birthday but I thought it would go better with the dress.... just don’t tell your Dad it came from me ok,” She winked.

  “It’s perfect mom thank you.”

  Autumn unclasped her amber necklace before replacing it with the new necklace in the box. Her mother helped attach it around her neck satisfied that it sat perfectly at the base of her throat. Looking at her reflection again in the mirror Autumn knew her mother had been right. The blue of the sapphire complimented not only the dress but also her skin tone and her eyes. For the first time in weeks Autumn’s mind felt clear and she felt her wolf stirring.

  Luna Gray began sobbing quietly.

  “Mom what’s the matter?” Autumn was worried, her mother wasn’t the crying type.

  “Don’t mind me, I’m just being silly. I just wish your brother was here to see this.”

  Autumn hugged her mother tightly soothing her as best she could.

  “Did you know he would be turning 21 today?” She asked rhetorically before continuing, “The years have gone by so fast. I sometimes wonder if I’d even recognise him now, he would be a full grown man and not my little boy anymore.”

  “I’m sure if he was here he would be grateful to have a mother like you.”

  Luna Gray gave her daughter a small smile despite the tears pouring down her face. There was nothing either of them could say, even after all these years Cole’s absence left a gaping hole in their hearts.

  Footsteps thundered up the stairs as Alpha Grey ascended.

  “Are you two ready, you’re going to be late!?” As he entered the room he saw his mate crying and instinctively became alert looking for danger as he moved towards her. Taking her into his arms he asked soothingly, “What’s wrong my love?”

  “Nothing, it’s just...”

  “It’s just our sons 21st birthday,” he finished. Pulling her head back from his chest she smiled wanly at him sorrow written all over her face as well as his. “Cole may not be here but this is still a day for celebration, we have a beautiful daughter who will make a fine Luna some day when she is ready.”

  Luna Grey gathered herself nodding her head and wiping away her tears. “You’re right; we cannot change what is past but today is all about Autumn’s future.”

  Her father placed one hand on Autumn’s shoulder squeezing gently, “Speaking of futures we best get a move on as yours is waiting.”

  Together they descended the stairs and headed outside. The wedding was being held in a clearing just outside the forest. A platform with an arbour on top had been erected for the occasion and white wooden chairs lined a makeshift aisle scattered with rose petals in a variety of colours. The entire Lunar Forest pack was in attendance along with a handful of representatives from packs they dealt with on a regular basis all dressed in bright colours ready for the celebration.

  As Autumn walked towards her future, her parents on either side o
f her, she felt herself begin to tremble. Her father patted her on the arm, “It’s okay to be nervous sweetheart.”

  Autumn nodded her head but could not find any words to say to her father. With every step her anxiety grew until she felt weak at the knees.

  It’s just wedding day jitters it’s going to be fine she told herself.

  Her wolf said nothing but she could feel her pacing in the back of her mind.

  When they finally reached the start of the aisle, the guests stood and turned in their direction. Luna Gray walked ahead graciously nodding and smiling at their guests before taking her seat in the front row. Drake stood on the platform wearing a black suit and white shirt with a navy blue tie, his father similarly dressed at his side. Beta Morgan patted his son on the back before clasping his hands in front of him. Drake’s focus was completely on Autumn as he gazed longingly at her. She was every bit the future Luna. With her hair up it showed off her slender neck and the jewels sitting just below her throat. As his eyes travelled down her body he couldn’t help but think about their wedding night to come. When he spotted that she was wearing heels he smirked before switching his gaze back up to her eyes again.

  Autumn caught Drake’s smirk and knew it was because of the heels. She smiled to herself and felt her shoulders relax a little. Taking a deep breath she forced herself to stand tall and proud, looping her arm through her father’s. “Here we go sweetheart.”

  The music started and Autumn made her way down the aisle with her father. She heard murmurs from their guests but did not let them distract her. In no time she was standing on the platform with Drake in front of her.

  No her wolf spoke up.

  What do you mean no?


  You said that already but no what?


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