Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 20

by J. L. Berry

  “When I was three years old I was taken from my bed in the middle of the night. You would think that at such a young age I wouldn’t remember much about what happened, but I can still smell the chemicals they pressed to my face to make me drowsy and compliant. I remember the face of the man who smiled down at me like I was prey. I had no time to scream. No chance to call for help, and within what seemed like moments I woke up on the cold floor of a storage container in Goddess knows where, surrounded by people I’d never even met.

  “We were all prisoners, although to begin with there was only a handful of others but this increased over time. Both boys and girls joined me from packs all over the country. Some stayed, some died, some were taken and I don’t know what happened to them. All I know is what happened to me.

  “They tried to break me. They starved me, beat me and then rewarded me for no obvious reason in an attempt to integrate me into their pack. But even not knowing who I really was I could not bow to them. When I wouldn’t yield I was moved into another container along with two other boys who became my friends. One day it became clear why we were separated and what would become of us. The Raptors used me and my friends to have sex with their female captives with the aim of siring more wolves.

  “To begin with I wasn’t sure why we were singled out, but now it is clear to me that my friends were also likely sons of Alphas and they were using us like prime stud dogs. I have no idea how many of those women got pregnant or what happened to the offspring but I am so sorry for the role I played in their lives.”

  The pack stood in a collective state of stunned silence. They would not question Cole’s validity; he wouldn’t have been allowed to speak if their Alpha and Luna weren’t certain he was their son. But the reality of what he had gone through was horrifying for them to hear. Eventually one woman stepped forward, “What about the other pups that were taken from us?”

  “I wish I could tell you,” replied Cole, “But I was captive for the entire time and for the last eight years I never saw anyone I knew.”

  “I may be able to help,” Elijah spoke up, stepping into the room from the side entrance. “Sorry I’m late,” he added to Cole giving him a reassuring smile. Cole gestured for Elijah to join him up on the stage knowing that he would be able to fill in the gaps regarding his time with the Raptors.

  “As you may all be aware, Elijah is the reason why I am standing in front of you today. Without him I would be dead.” There were gasps of shock around the room as Cole continued, “I turned twenty-one a few days ago. On realising this, the Raptors decided that I was no longer worth holding onto and getting rid of me was the best option. I had lost all hope when Elijah came for me as if the Moon Goddess herself intended me to be saved. I won’t bore you with the finer details but it is also thanks to him that I have met my fated mate,” he smiled warmly at Jess who was standing to the side of the stage with his mother.

  The pack turned and looked at Jess almost in unison resulting in her quirking an eyebrow up in response. It all seemed too good to be true like something out of a fairytale. The Alpha’s son was back, he had his fated mate and now the bloodline for the pack was secure.

  With nothing more to add Cole clapped Elijah on the shoulder before moving to stand alongside his mate. He pulled her tightly into his side and grazed a kiss to her temple before turning his attention back to Elijah. Now completely alone, Elijah stood on the platform looking out at the Lunar Forest pack. He still felt an air of trepidation. Regardless of how he had helped he was still an outsider, although he could almost convince himself that there was less animosity towards him now.

  “I will tell you my story from the very beginning,” he began, “So please bear with me while I explain how my fate became entangled with that of your Alpha’s son. I have no memories outside of the Raptors. I was there since I was a baby and I have no idea who my mother and father are. I may have been kidnapped. But there is also the chance that they are my true pack.”

  Angry whispers could be heard passing through the pack members.



  “Silence!” Alpha Grey commanded, “Hear his story in full before you pass any form of judgement on him. That is all I ask.” Alpha Grey nodded to Elijah to continue although a stony expression was still on his face.

  “I grew up within one part of the Raptor pack. I had no specific mother or father just like the rest of the pups I was cared for by the group as a whole. The pack is split into three groups. At the top you have the Alpha and his Beta along with the packs enforcers and their mates. These wolves are the only ones with privileges. They are also the ones responsible for carrying out all of the Alpha’s wishes so it is safe to assume they are responsible for the kidnappings.

  “The second group which I was part of is full of wolves that carry out all the day-to-day needs of the pack such as growing and preparing food and maintaining buildings. It may not seem like a lot but the pack is so large that we didn’t have enough food to feed everyone. The enforcers got the lion’s share to keep them strong and ready for combat, the rest of us were allowed to starve. It was common for the older members of our group to give their rations to the pups to save them and allow themselves to die of starvation. When things got really tough they would provoke the enforcers in order to get themselves executed. We were treated like slaves of no real value.”

  “If there were so many of you why didn’t you fight back?” Someone called out.

  “We did,” Elijah swallowed closing his eyes at the memory, “But the punishments for fighting back were so severe few would risk it once they learnt the consequences. The first time I remember I was around seven years old. The men stole tools from the shed and armed themselves against the enforcers, even managed to kill one of them. But they were too weak to really fight against them. Another reason they kept us starved I guess. Anyway, when they had managed to beat all the men bloody and into submission that’s when the punishments started. First they burned two thirds of the rations and made us all watch as our food was wasted in front of us. Then they lined up all the pups,” Elijah’s voice began to crack, “I stood in line as they went down pulling out every other pup in the row. I got lucky, I wasn’t chosen. The others.... I can still hear their screams and smell their burning flesh. The lucky ones died that day. The ones that survived suffered more.”

  The reality of Elijah’s words hit home and made everyone feel sick to their stomachs. Who would do that to innocent children? The Raptors truly were monsters. Elijah then seemed lost in his thoughts and unclear what else to say.

  “What is the third group of the pack Elijah?” Autumn’s consoling tone helped draw him away from his dark memories.

  “The third part I didn’t discover until I was in my teens. There was a prison camp located away from the rest of us. If I hadn’t gone exploring on my own I would never have found it. This is where I met Cole along with many others. As Cole said earlier they were housed in storage containers with no basic amenities, no water, no real light and certainly no toilet. They were more starved than we were.” Elijah took a deep breath before removing his shirt. There were puzzled looks from everyone present until he turned around. Then there were just gasps of horror.

  “That’s why I have these scars. I brought the prisoners food as often as I could but eventually the decreased rations got noticed and reported and the enforcers figured it out. After I survived my public punishment Alpha Santos decided I was more trouble than I was worth and sentenced me to death. My wounds were laced with silver dust before I was bound and tossed into deep water to drown. It’s pure luck that I survived nothing else.”

  The pack was unsure what to believe. Some wanted to accept what Elijah said as truth given it all made sense and fitted in with everything else they had heard. Others were so distrustful of outsiders that nothing he could say would sway them.

  “Are the other members of our pack still alive?” the same woman asked from before.

  “The pri
soners were all mixed up so I have no idea who came from where. I can say that some prisoners did become integrated with the rest of the workers as I remember seeing them in the containers. But whenever I tried to talk to them they didn’t seem to know who I was. I’m not sure if they were just trying to keep themselves out of trouble or if the Raptors did something to them to affect their memory? I’d be happy to look at any pictures you may have along with items with a strong scent to see if I can help give you more information though.”

  This offer perked up several pack members who were eager for a positive outcome like their Alpha but not everyone was convinced.

  “Even if there are any left, how are we going to get them back? This pack’s enormous and run by monsters who have evaded us for eighteen years!”

  Murmurs of agreement could be heard all over the room as general discussion broke out at last. Elijah sensed he was no longer needed at present and quickly exited the stage to go stand by Cole. Autumn tried to meet his gaze and offer her support but he kept his focus elsewhere, not wanting to open those floodgates just yet. It wasn’t the time.

  “There’s an obvious solution,” a voice boomed down from the main entrance at the back of the hall. “We don’t do this alone. We’re not the only ones who have suffered, others will join us. All we have to do is ask”

  Drake was home and he wasn’t alone.

  Chapter 38:

  Drake strode confidently into the room as his pack mates stepped back to accommodate for him and the wolves following behind. Several wolves called out in greeting welcoming him home once more. He looked different. Older and more at ease with himself. His tawny highlights had been cut shorter making his hair a darker brown. His face even had a short well groomed beard which enhanced his angles making him appear more rugged yet in control. As Drake reached the stage Beta Morgan stepped out and embraced his son, “Glad to have you back.”

  “It’s good to be back. We’ve got a lot to tell you.” Drake gestured to the large group of wolves who had followed him into the hall.

  The Lunar Forest pack wolves looked warily at the guests. They must be safe given Drake had brought them inside unguarded but they were wary of outsiders given what had happened in the past.

  “Alpha,” Drake bowed his head respectfully, “May I introduce representatives from the Black Mountain, Winding River and Ghost Moon packs.” Drake gestured to the guests gathered behind him who nodded their heads collectively in timing with the name of their pack.

  “You are most welcome here,” Alpha Grey informed them, “I am sure Drake has invited you here with good reason. I will ask my Luna to sort out accommodations for you all while we sit down and share information.”

  One of the wolves stepped forward giving a curt nod to Alpha Grey before speaking, “Thank you Alpha Grey. My name is Kurt Brogan and I am the Beta’s son from the Winding River pack.” Kurt gestured towards Jess stood at the side of the stage, “I believe you have already met one of my pack mates and I am pleased to see she has come to no harm.” He smiled warmly at Jess who stood between Cole and Luna Grey, “She is much loved and respected.”

  Jess bowed her head towards Kurt in response to his praise while Cole bristled at her side issuing a low growl at the male’s attention towards his mate. Luna Grey chuckled at her son’s possessive attitude while Jess simply rolled her eyes.

  “Yes, it seems she was instrumental in helping my son and Elijah escape for which I am personally incredibly grateful. As you can see she’s already made quite an impression,” Alpha Grey added light-heartedly. Kurt grinned at the obvious understatement given Cole’s reaction.

  “Well everyone I think we should call an end to this meeting now and let you all get back to your homes. If there are any volunteers to help our Luna sort out accommodations for our guests I am sure she would appreciate the help.”

  With Alpha Grey’s dismissal everyone in the room began to move and disperse. Kurt quickly made his way over towards Jess holding his arms open for her to step into his embrace. Cole instinctively stepped in front of her lowering his stance ready to attack.

  “Honestly Cole, Jess admonished him while deftly sidestepping around him, “Put your inner caveman away.” Jess rushed forwards into Kurt’s open arms as they embraced each other warmly.

  After a few moments Kurt backed away to hold her at arm’s-length, “I came looking for you at the clinic and when I saw the mess I was so worried about what had happened to you.”

  Jess raised one of her hands to cup Kurt’s face as she looked at him lovingly, “It’s okay, I’m fine. Better than fine actually” She turned her head to look back at Cole who was seething with anger. Alpha Grey had to forcibly restrain his son from doing something stupid. “Cole,” she said soothingly, “I’d like you to meet my brother, Kurt.”

  The information caused Cole to relax instantly as realisation dawned on his face. Kurt burst out laughing as his sister smirked at her mate, “I told you to put your inner caveman away. You should have listened to me.”

  “You have to admit though, this was way more entertaining,” Kurt finally managed to say once his laughter was under control.

  “Mocking me clearly must run in the family,” Cole grumbled only to start Kurt laughing again.

  “At least he has a sense of humour Jess it could be worse.”

  Jess stepped up beside Cole and threaded one arm through his as Alpha Grey left to give them all time to talk.

  “You could have told me you had a brother little mate,” Cole mumbled.

  “She didn’t tell you?” Kurt clasped a hand to his chest with mock hurt.

  “Not exactly had time to go over my family history yet Kurt,” Jess replied sticking her tongue out at her brother.

  “Ah I see.... too busy getting acquainted in other ways,” Kurt wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  “Kurt!” Jess exclaimed at the same time as Cole confessed,

  “I wish!”

  Kurt began laughing once more, “Dude that’s my sister you’re talking about.”

  Cole was beginning to understand and like Kurt’s easy going nature already,

  “Yep, your very hot sister.”

  “Oh my Goddess, enough the pair of you!” Jess chided them both before the three of them left the hall together.

  ELIJAH HAD WATCHED the interaction with interest. He was initially concerned for Cole in case Jess was already in a relationship. It reminded him too much of when he met Autumn and he didn’t want his friend to go through the same kind of heartache. He watched the three of them leave with an easy familiarity which he was sure would only strengthen with time. Elijah felt an odd mix of happiness and jealousy for his friend.

  If only it had been as easy for us his wolf agreed with melancholy.

  Still feeling like an outcast Elijah stood alone in the hall as groups formed. Autumn stood with her mother and other volunteers as they organised tasks to provide for their guests while the guests in question mingled together alongside members of the Lunar Forest pack becoming acquainted. Drake was stood with his father and Alpha Grey deep in discussion, although Elijah could see his eyes flick towards Autumn periodically.

  He still loves her.

  Elijah felt that same mix of happiness and jealousy for the two of them. He didn’t begrudge Drake being happy. In the end the only thing that mattered to him was Autumn being happy, loved and well cared for. He had done what he set out to achieve, Cole was back home where he belonged. It was time for him to go and enjoy his freedom at last. He turned to leave but before he could reach the door an unexpected voice called him back.

  “Elijah! Come meet everyone,” Drake offered gesturing him to join their group.

  Elijah froze, completely confused. His eyes flicked up towards Autumn who was also shocked by Drake’s invitation. When her eyes met his Elijah felt a pull of longing inside him but he forced himself to look away and approach Drake, albeit with a puzzled expression on his face. Once he was close enough Drake clapped a hand down on E
lijah’s shoulder before facing the group of wolves.

  “Elijah here is solely responsible for the rescue of our Alpha’s son. He has inside knowledge of the Raptors pack, how it functions, its layout et cetera.” There were mumbles of interest from the guests and lots of nodding going on which unnerved Elijah almost as much as the praise from Drake.

  “It’s true,” Beta Morgan added, “He’s been invaluable and I’m sure will have a lot to contribute to our plans.”

  “Why don’t we all pull up a seat, “Alpha Grey instructed.

  As the wolves sat down in a large circle the discussion began. Each pack shared their own experiences with the Raptors and notes were taken to collate the information. The talks went on well into the night before everyone was done. It was astounding how much impact the Raptors had had on them all and Alpha Grey was sure more packs that had been affected would have even further information to add now that everyone was finally talking.

  They all headed to bed in the early hours of the morning, with accommodation fully arranged by Luna Grey and her helpers. There was still a lot to be discussed but they all had enough to be thinking about for one night.

  Before heading to bed himself Alpha Grey stopped by his office. He located the wolf pack charter in his top draw and drafted messages to each pack across the country. One thing was clear; they would need great numbers to ensure a win, the Lunar Forest pack alone was nowhere near enough. He was grateful to have his son back but Alpha Grey would not stand by basking in his own luck when there was the opportunity to give others their children back as well. He needed to make amends for his actions against his daughter and this was the perfect way to do it.

  Chapter 39:

  Cole, Jess and Kurt had returned to the hall to attend the meeting and left with everyone else once it was over. Kurt was housed with other members of his pack while Cole and Jess returned to the Grey family home. As they ascended the stairs behind Luna Grey she moved down the hall and opened the door to Cole’s childhood room.


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