Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 22

by J. L. Berry

  Without more information, which they could not get, these variables were always going to be points of contention. It was likely they would suffer heavy losses from going to war and that was the reason why some packs chose to pull out of an alliance. They had already lost so much. However to others the opportunity for justice and maybe return their loved ones was more than enough motivation to justify the risk. They wanted to ensure that no parent would suffer what they had ever again, even if it cost their lives.

  Over the following few days everyone gathered in and around the Lunar Forest territory creating a hum of energy from anticipation. The armouries were emptied and extra rounds of silver and non-silver bullets were purchased. Everyone had refresher courses on combat training and marksmanship aimed at tackling assailants much larger than themselves.

  The scientists and doctors amongst the packs sat down and speculated about what experimental enhancements the Raptors may be using and created potential remedies which may help even the playing field. The most important of which was the loss of their wolf instincts as soon as they crossed into the Raptors territory. Thankfully with this they had a detailed description of how this was achieved thanks to Jess’ analysis. Being able to combat that one aspect gave everyone a boost in confidence. The Raptors would assume they were weaker than they were and that would give them an advantage, albeit only for a short time.

  Jess and Cole along with a small group of others headed out to gather supplies to create what they were calling the Raptor antidote. Autumn found she missed her brother when he left even though he’d only been back in her life for a few weeks. Luna Grey was even worse, Cole leaving for a few days had her anxiously chewing her fingernails and pacing around the house.

  Finding herself unable to sleep yet again, Autumn headed out for a night time run. The steady thud of her feet as they hit the ground soothed her anxiety as she moved with no particular direction in mind. She caught a familiar scent and felt her wolf purr from her slumber and instinctively moved towards it. Finally her footsteps slowed as she approached the side of the lake where she had spent her eighteenth birthday.

  “This is where I first saw you,” Elijah stated without looking at her, his gaze fixed across the shimmering surface of the lake. “I was so happy but so angry at the same time.”

  Autumn moved to sit cross-legged beside him a couple of inches between them. She felt the electricity tingling across her skin pulling her towards him but maintained her self control. “Trust me, I remember that night all too well.”

  Elijah chuckled at her, “Kinda threw a spanner in the works didn’t I.”

  “Something like that.”

  They sat in silence for a while, the quiet lull of the forest at night soothed them both. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you,” Autumn began, “I know now why the whole situation was so confusing. It wasn’t fair on you.”

  “Fair on me? It wasn’t fair on you Autumn. They lied to you and deliberately deceived you.” Autumn nodded glumly. “Drake’s a good guy though.” Autumn’s head snapped up to see Elijah looking at her. “I’m not saying what he did was right but he did it with good intentions.”

  “You know what they say... that paves the road to hell.” Autumn responded sarcastically.

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Why are you suddenly sticking up for him? Have I hurt you so badly that you’re now just giving up?!”

  “Your wolf picked me Autumn, not you, just her. Do you still even want me to fight for you?” Autumn let out a frustrated growl in response and covered her face with her hands. Elijah pried them away before lifting her chin between his thumb and finger, forcing her to meet his eyes. “That’s not an answer Autumn. I refuse to be your back-up plan.”

  “I don’t have an answer Elijah!” She yelled. “It doesn’t matter what I do I’m going to end up hurting someone.”

  “You’re hurting yourself and others by not making a choice.”

  “That’s not helping,” she scowled.

  Elijah smiled at her, “What I mean is you can’t stay in limbo forever. Trust your instincts and make a choice. The sooner you do the sooner everyone can move forward and people will have the chance to move on and heal.”

  “What if I make the wrong choice?”

  “You won’t, so long as you pick what makes you happy.... apparently if you make a decision and then regret your choice as soon as you’ve made it then you know it’s the wrong one.”

  “Thank you oh wise one,” she mocked.

  Elijah laughed and turned back to face the water while slinging an arm across her shoulders. “We all just want you to be happy.”

  Autumn tilted her sideways to see his face through her lashes, “Even if that means I pick Drake?”

  A flash of pain crossed Elijah’s face before he swallowed, “Yes, even then.”

  He placed a lingering kiss to her hair breathing in her cinnamon apple scent while he had the chance. Autumn groaned as his sandalwood scent filled her nostrils and her scalp tingled underneath his kiss. She shifted so her face could meet his. Licking her lips she inched forward and closed her eyes in anticipation when Elijah cupped her face in his hands. She felt his breath across her face as he whispered,

  “The next time I kiss you I’m going to need your decision, whatever it may be.” He inched his head further back so he could look at her as her eyes fluttered back open in confusion. “Are you ready to make that decision right now?”

  Autumn was stunned. He wouldn’t kiss her? Even though that would help reinforce their bond? Her lack of response caused Elijah to nod with resignation. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead before standing to walk away.

  “I already told you I won’t be your back-up plan. Let us know when you’re ready to decide.”

  “Wait, what?... Us?”

  Elijah had the good manners to look embarrassed at her realisation, “Yeah Drake and I talked, and we both decided to hold off and give you space to make a decision without any pressure.”

  What the... How dare they!

  “So you both decided what I needed without my consent? Again!”

  Elijah held his hands up as a stormy expression crossed his face, “Actually no. This wasn’t about what you needed. This is what we needed! You’re constantly blowing hot and cold and are clearly confused but it’s not just you who’s struggling with this decision Autumn, we are too.”

  It was Autumn’s turn to look embarrassed now, “Elijah, I’m....”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he stopped her, his tone softening. “Just take the time and space to make your final decision. But if you can decide sooner rather than later that’d help.”

  With that he turned and walked away, “But feel free to pick me!” He called back through the forest, making Autumn smile.

  We need to choose she told her wolf. Soon.

  Chapter 42:

  The day before the planned attack the Lunar Forest warriors and their allies shipped out to their agreed rendezvous point. That night there was a mixture of excitement and fear in the air as the final preparations were made and equipment was divvied out. Although they tried to rest, few could sleep with the knowledge that tomorrow would be a day of reckoning. For some, it would be their last day on this earth and that reality lay heavily on everyone’s shoulders.

  The wolves waited until dawn was starting to break on the horizon before making their move. They had split into three teams, one which would head straight to the prison camp and the other two which would merge in on the main camp in a pincer manoeuvre. As Autumn and Drake had trained together for years it made sense that the pairing work together in this fight as well. They were working with the team that would move in on the main camp. Elijah’s knowledge of the prison camp and surrounding area was unparalleled and so he had been teamed up with the elite group to tackle there.

  Autumn had still not made a decision. She could see in both of their eyes that that’s what they wanted when they had all boarded the transportation tr
ucks at Lunar forest. But she could not bring herself to pick right then. She told herself it was better this way so they would not lose focus during the fight. If the one she didn’t pick died due to being distracted she didn’t think she would ever be able to live with herself. The dark side of her conscience scoffed at this reasoning. If one of them died during the fight, she wouldn’t need to pick at all.

  Finally the signal was given; everybody placed the Raptor antidote in their mouth and swallowed the bitter concoction before stepping across into their territory. Autumn felt a strange deprivation of her senses as she crossed the border but then her body warmed with a tingle spreading all the way from her head to her toes and the world appeared as normal once more.

  Great job Jess she thought.

  As silently as possible they moved forward in a well practiced formation gliding through the forest. After what seemed like an incredibly long time they began to see silhouettes of buildings in the hazy morning light. It made Autumn nervous that they hadn’t come across any sentry wolves by now. As if in silent agreement Drake glanced sideways meeting her eyes. If they were thinking it they knew that everybody else would be too.

  The signal came down the line to halt where they were. Scouts were sent ahead to try and figure out why things were so quiet. Too quiet. As they waited pheromones of anxiety were strong in the air. Autumn found herself wondering what was going on at the prison camp. She hoped everyone there was okay. She hoped Elijah was okay.

  Eventually they got the all clear to continue moving forward in formation and quickly reached the edge of the camp as the other group came up on their flank. As they reached the outer buildings they found everywhere looked deserted. Not a single light or fire to be seen.

  Where the hell is everyone? Her wolf asked.

  Low growls could be heard from more than one of the shifters in her group. “Several hundred people cannot just disappear,” Beta Brogan, Jess’ father, announced.

  “Agreed,” Alpha Grey responded, “Search every building in groups, check the walls, the floors, everywhere for hiding spots. But be careful.”

  Once more the orders spread through the group and they divided up to search and clear every building one by one. Autumn and Drake paired up with another two wolves to clear their share of buildings. They were all similar. Dark, cold, stone huts with little light coming through the small glassless windows and barely any furnishings. The largest room they came across was probably the most heart-breaking. There were threadbare mattresses strewn across the floor, the springs all but poking out and makeshift bandages and herbs stacked on a few shelves in the corner. Drake’s nostrils flared when they entered. There were a myriad of scents present but he was drawn to a faint aroma of strawberry which lingered on one of the makeshift beds. The room had clearly been used as an infirmary but there was no equipment whatsoever. Autumn’s heart sank at the conditions. No wonder Elijah had so many scars.

  Autumn had to pull Drake by the arm to get him to leave the appalling depressing infirmary as they finished clearing their buildings. When they reached the end of their row they saw a simple wood and wire fence. On the other side of the fence stood a separate group of well constructed brick buildings in good repair with large glass paned windows and plush furnishings visible inside which she suspected belonged to the enforcers and their mates. Autumn sneered at the clear disparity in the accommodations without even needing to see inside properly. The simple fence causing the segregation angered her beyond words and she grabbed the portion closest to her, ripping it from the ground.

  “All clear” sounded across the camp every few minutes as the searches were completed until at last everybody met in the centre non-the wiser as to where the Raptors had gone.

  “Could they have moved on elsewhere?” Alpha Grey asked.

  “No. Alpha, we had patrols outside of their perimeter monitoring their movements and it’s just been the usual supply runs as normal. Definitely not enough activity to shift hundreds of people to a new location.”

  “Damn it!” Nobody spoke as they shifted uncomfortably on their feet waiting on what to do next. Alpha Grey paced back and forth for a minute before making a decision, “Ok let’s proceed to meet up with the others at the prison camp and see what’s happening there. You,” he indicated to one small grouping of fifteen wolves, “Stay put but stay hidden just in case someone does appear. Don’t take any unnecessary risks though if someone does show up, there’s no point playing the hero if you’re outnumbered.”

  “Yes Alpha.”

  With a curt nod Alpha Grey started towards the direction of the prison camp and everyone except the assigned group followed. As they proceeded in silence, yet again there was no-one stopping their movements. Things were not going as planned at all.

  Alpha Grey was uneasy. If the prison camp was empty like the main camp then at the very least he would expect to see his allies headed in their direction. He stopped and signalled for everyone to halt while he called for Mariah. Not that he didn’t trust any of his allies with strategy decisions but they needed a quick decision and he trusted her judgments implicitly since the cheese grater incident when he was just fifteen. “Something must be going on at the prison camp; we’d have come across them by now.”

  “I agree,” Mariah whispered. “May I make a suggestion?”

  “Of course.”

  “If they’re not at the main camp then they must have known we were coming. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they know how many of us there are. They will be expecting us to follow the shortest easiest route to the camp like we’re doing now. I advise we split our group into three again so we seem smaller and less of a threat. Send the marksmen off to round back into the woods where there’s more cover and the opportunity for higher ground. Send the fastest out to flank our position as we come in, that way we stand a better chance at surrounding them or at least gauging their positions to give us back some control.”

  “Ok, get it done.”

  Mariah nodded and swiftly divided the group into her suggested components and directed them on the new plan. The main group hung back to give the others time to get in position before continuing. Alpha Grey could sense the fight coming and his wolf was fuelling testosterone through his body. His aura sent off dominating pheromones so potent that his allies could not stand close by. Cole kept glancing at his father but did not kowtow away from him like the rest. Jess along with any other shifters who wanted to come but had less combat training were positioned further back in the ranks.

  “They’re here.” Alpha Grey growled when he finally caught the scent of other unknown shifters.

  There was no noise of a fight up ahead which filled him with a sense of foreboding. What had happened to the elite team? The group moved into their defensive formation and proceeded cautiously.

  There they were.

  All of them.

  Hundreds of malnourished and ratty clothed people were organised in a circular formation standing shoulder to shoulder, seemingly unarmed. Rows and rows of them. Men, women and children of all ages. At the centre stood an entirely different calibre of shifter. Alpha Grey’s eyebrows rose at the size of the Raptors enforcers. It was one thing to hear about it, another to see it with his own eyes.

  “Nice of you to finally join us!” A cold smooth voice called out from within the centre group.

  Alpha Grey’s eyes roved through the group until they landed on the speaker, Alpha Santos. “Where are my men?” He growled.

  “You mean these men?” Alpha Santos gave a signal and one of the storage container doors was pulled open to show the elite group inside. “You really should have sent more of them.... ten against eighty was not a smart move.”

  Ten. Where were the rest?

  “You’re going to pay for what you did,” Alpha Grey threatened, “Your time is over!”

  “See now that’s where you’re wrong,” Alpha Santos smirked, “You’re going to turn around and walk away right now because it’s the only chance I’m gi
ving you.”

  “Ha! From what I’ve heard you don’t give chances so you must be feeling intimidated by us.” Alpha Grey scoffed at his offer, “After everything you’ve done do you really think we’re going to walk away?”

  Alpha Santos clicked his fingers and one of his enforcers stepped forward with a flaming torch, “Every time you defy me there will be consequences.”

  The door to the container with the elite warriors inside was slammed shut and padlocked while the enforcer with the torch stalked forward. It was then Alpha Grey noticed the wood stacked beneath and a quick glance round told him that all the other containers were also prepped and no doubt had prisoners inside. Children.

  “Don’t worry, they won’t burn from the flames.” Alpha Santos’ eyes gleamed with malice, “The heat from the metal will be much slower and more painful. If they’re lucky the smoke may knock them unconscious.”

  There was an outraged cry from all the Lunar forest and allied wolves as they itched to lash out but waited for the signal from Alpha Grey. Before he could open his mouth to speak a white blur flashed from somewhere between the buildings. Elijah’s wolf collided with the enforcer before tearing off his arm and tossing it along with the flaming torch into the distance. Before he could make another move his body started convulsing and he dropped to the ground. Several stun guns had been fired at once to subdue Elijah who now lay paralysed on the floor.

  “Elijah!” Autumn screamed from down the line as she instinctively surged forward.

  Some other wolves moved forwards as well, before Alpha Grey gave the signal. He raised his hand to get everyone to move together as Autumn screamed once more. In her haste to get to Elijah, Autumn had stepped on a trap which bound her in a silver net and rocketed her up in the air. She hung helpless, like a trapped animal.

  Alpha Grey sprinted towards his daughter.


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