Mate or Fate

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Mate or Fate Page 25

by J. L. Berry

  “Yeah, she sent me back... said I had things left to sort out.”

  “Wow. That’s.... I don’t really know what to say to that.” Drake smiled at Autumn, “But I’m glad you’re ok.”

  “Thanks. I’m glad you’re finally awake, they’ve not really told me anything,” she gestured to the door.

  Drake waved a hand in dismissal, “Don’t worry, they’ve got enough on their plate looking after everyone. Best not to bother them.”

  “You’re right. They’d say if they had any concerns right?”

  “You’re deflecting. And you’re nervous,” Drake raised an eyebrow and gave Autumn a knowing look. “Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?”

  “I... The Moon Goddess asked me what my biggest regret was. And I told her I regretted not telling you and Elijah how I felt and making a decision. It wasn’t fair to leave you hanging, I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to apologise to me Autumn. After my own poor choices I’m surprised you were considering me at all!”

  “Of course I’d consider you!” Autumn was shocked at Drake’s self-deprecation. “We’ve been through everything together. You were my first kiss. My first... well you know.” Drake chuckled at her embarrassment causing him to wince. “Oh Goddess, sorry. Note to self, don’t make you laugh just yet. Anyway, you and I, we always made sense. Everyone expected us to lead the Lunar Forest pack, especially now my father is gone.” Tears slipped down Autumn’s cheeks as she gripped Drake’s hand tighter.

  “I’m sorry Autumn. He was a good man and he will be missed.”

  Autumn wiped away her tears and sniffed, “Well now you’re awake you’ll be able to come to the mourning ritual at least.”

  They sat in silence for a few minutes, each lost in their own grief. Drake wanted to know the outcome of Autumn’s decision but he knew she would carry on when she was ready. As if hearing his thoughts Autumn continued, “We’ve been brought up to believe that the mate bond is the only path. The one that’s chosen by the Moon Goddess to match us with our perfect mate. But...”


  “But when I met the Moon Goddess she told me something else. She told me it was there to make sure that everyone had the chance to be loved unconditionally. That we all deserved to experience that bliss. But she also told me that we already had that, you and I. That we were lucky and hadn’t needed her help to know what love feels like.”

  “She’s right. I love you,” Drake squeezed Autumn’s hand, “It’s ok.” He nodded at Autumn with a grim smile on his face.


  “It’s ok that you’re choosing him Autumn.”

  “I... How did you...”

  Drake raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles briefly. “You’re my best friend. I know you. So hear me when I say it’s all going to be ok. Elijah deserves someone to love him unconditionally. He deserves you, Autumn.”

  Autumn let out a sob as she stood on one leg to embrace Drake as gently as she could. He held her close and smoothed one hand over her hair as she cried.

  Knock knock.

  Cole opened the door to Drake’s room, a concerned look on his face when he saw his sister crying. “Sorry to interrupt guys but Autumn, there’s an update on Elijah. He’s just come out of surgery into the ICU.”

  Autumn lifted her head to look at Cole. She was torn between not wanting to leave Drake given the conversation they’d just had and the need to see Elijah. “Go,” Drake urged her.

  She stood up and looked deep into Drake’s eyes, seeing the earnestness in his request. “Ok. But I’ll be back in an hour to check on you again, ok?”

  “Come here,” Drake raised one arm to ask for another hug. As he held her close he whispered in her ear, “Go be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”

  Autumn let out a half laugh half sob at her friend’s never ending support before giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek and allowing Cole to wheel her out of the room. Drake watched her go before sagging back onto the bed. He was in a lot of pain and having a long conversation with Autumn had physically exhausted him.

  One of the nurses came in again to check on him. “How are you feeling Drake? Can I get you anything to ease the pain?”

  “Tired and sore,” he admitted. “I know the doctor mentioned before about giving me a sedative so I wouldn’t feel the pain...”

  “She did yes. Have you changed your mind?” Drake nodded. “Ok. Have you spoken to everyone you needed to before you have this?”

  “Yeah, I was only waiting on Autumn. My Dad was here earlier... but... can you fetch him for me. He’ll want to be here I think.”

  “Of course. I’ll fetch the doctor and your father and be right back.”

  It wasn’t long before everyone returned. Beta Morgan looked distraught, he was barely holding himself together. He was acting as Alpha in the interim period which was at least distracting him from Drake’s condition a bit. He sat by Drake’s bedside, his whole body shaking with exertion as he tried to maintain his composure.

  “Drake,” the doctor spoke softly, “I just need to confirm your wishes before I go ahead with sedating you if that’s ok.”

  “Sure Doc, go ahead.” He encouraged calmly.

  “As you are both aware, the silver bullets you were shot with were designed to shatter and although every attempt was made to remove the fragments the location and number of fragments makes surgery impossible. The silver fragments are poisoning your blood stream and causing multi-organ failure. While we can support you and treat your symptoms we have no way to cure your condition.”

  “I understand.” Beta Morgan grabbed a hold of his son’s hand in a vice like grip as the doctor continued.

  “To stop you feeling the effects of your body shutting down I can sedate you to place you in an induced coma. However, once I have done this it is extremely unlikely you will wake ever again. Is this what you would like me to do Drake?”

  Drake swallowed deeply and let a long breath out through his mouth. Beta Morgan continued to stare at their joined hands, not wanting to sway his son’s decision. He didn’t want to lose his son, but in his heart he knew it was inevitable.

  “I don’t want anyone to watch me suffer during my final hours. So yes, please can you sedate me Doc. I’ve done everything I needed to now.”

  Chapter 46:

  Cole wheeled Autumn into the ICU just as the hospital team were finished settling Elijah in. Autumn gasped in shock at the sight of him. Wires and tubes seemed to be coming from every area of his body. He didn’t look like the strong, selfless wolf he was in that moment and it made her heart ache.

  “When will he wake up?” She asked the doctor writing in his chart.

  The doctor looked up from his work and saw her anxious expression. “It’s too early to tell I’m afraid. His injuries were extensive and the surgery was extremely difficult.”

  “But now he’s out surely his wolf healing will make sure he’s alright? He has Alpha blood!” Autumn was starting to panic at the Doctor’s lack of reassurance.

  “His Alpha blood is the only reason he’s still alive. Few other wolves would have made it this far.” He placed a hand on Autumn’s shoulder, “He’s a fighter, but it would be wrong for me to give you false hope. The next 24 hours will be crucial; I’ll be able to give you a better idea tomorrow.”

  Autumn trembled as she fought to control her trepidation. Her breathing became shallow and rapid as she gripped Elijah’s warm hand. Cole could tell his sister was struggling but had no idea how to comfort her. They were still strangers despite being bound by blood. “Autumn, what can I do?” She couldn’t or wouldn’t answer him as her short breaths became sobs. Cole couldn’t bear to watch her suffering and do nothing to help. “Let me go find Mom, I’ll be right back I promise.”

  With that he left in a hurry to find the one person in a position to be able to help her. Autumn remained still, her eyes completely focused on Elijah’s face as she sent up prayers to the
universe for his life. The steady beep of the machines and the suction of the ventilator helped Autumn to focus her erratic mind and her breathing finally slowed.

  Beep. Beep. Beep. The machine continually reported a steady heart rate.

  “I’m right here,” she whispered to him as she brought his hand up to her lips and placed a gentle kiss on his palm. His fingers twitched in response and she felt a small smile sneak its way past her melancholy.

  It’s going to be fine. He’s our mate, it has to be.

  Autumn heard footsteps coming from behind her, “Sweetheart how are you doing? Luna Grey asked clearly concerned.

  Autumn turned to give her mother a wan smile, “Yeah Mom, I’m ok. I just want him to wake up so badly.”

  Luna Grey observed her daughter with scrutiny as her eyes flicked between hers. She was happy with the relative peace she found lying underneath the grief, “You’ve made your decision then?”


  Before Autumn could answer, alarms started sounding as the machines attached to Elijah flashed warnings. Within moments doctors and nurses surrounded the bed and Autumn and her mother were being ushered back to make space. They worked quickly and efficiently as they assessed Elijah.

  “What’s going on?” Autumn wailed as her mother gripped her shoulders to keep her in her wheelchair.

  “We need to take Elijah back to surgery,” one of the doctors answered her as the rest of his team prepared to move him. “His oxygen saturation is dropping rapidly which means he’s probably developed a pulmonary thromboembolism. Unfortunately, it’s very common in patients who have had extensive thoracic surgery.”

  “What does that mean?” Luna Grey asked as Elijah was rapidly wheeled out of the room back towards the theatre.

  “He’s thrown a blood clot which is stopping his lungs from transporting oxygen into his blood. If his oxygen levels stay too low for too long it could cause permanent brain damage, or worse. We need to go and remove the clot, and quickly.”

  “Is he going to die?” Autumn sobbed.

  “We’ll do everything we can.”

  The doctor left immediately to rejoin his team leaving Autumn no choice but to wait as Luna Grey consoled her. Cole joined them as they waited to hear about Elijah’s fate.

  ELIJAH WAS RAPIDLY prepped for another surgery as the team opened him up once more to locate the position of the clot causing his issues. One portion of his pink lungs was already a deep mauve colour, the blood supply clearly compromised. The surgeons worked swiftly to locate and remove the clot from the blocked artery and repair the damage. All they could do then was wait. The team stood still patiently for Elijah’s oxygen saturation to rise to normal. As the beeping of the machine normalised and the alarm ceased the team took a sigh of relief. The abnormal portion of lung was returning to a light pink and inflating with the rest as the ventilator pushed air into Elijah’s lungs. They were safe to close Elijah back up for the second time.

  Before the surgeon could ask for his suture Elijah’s heart stopped beating and the telltale sound of a flat line screamed out of the machine. A second surgery was too much for his heart which had already had to work so hard.

  “Come on Elijah.” The surgeon began to massage his heart encouraging it to start beating again as his assistant charged the defibrillator. The paddles were placed on either side of the heart, “Clear!”


  Elijah’s body jerked in response to the electrical current but there was still no heartbeat.

  “Charge again.... clear!”


  Still nothing.

  “And again.... clear!”


  ELIJAH WOKE TO FIND himself laid beside a babbling brook surrounded by lush green vegetation and towering trees. The musical sound of the water was soothing to his ears and he instantly felt relaxed. He sat up to take in more of his surroundings as the realisation dawned.

  He had died.

  His heart sank as he realised he would not see Autumn again. He hoped for her sake Drake had made it so she wouldn’t be alone.

  “Hello my son,” a gentle feminine voice called out to him. The Moon Goddess offered him her hand to help him stand before her. “I’m afraid we don’t have much time Elijah.”

  “Moon Goddess?”

  “Yes dear,” she cupped his face with one hand as she gazed at him. “There have been many times I thought I would get the opportunity to meet you. But they were always too soon. Your father....”

  “That monster was not my father,” Elijah seethed at the mention of Alpha Santos.

  “Nevertheless he sired you biologically even if he didn’t raise you. Which means you have a decision to make.”

  “About what? Aren’t I dead?”

  “Yes... and no. We all deserve a second chance at happiness. Most that come through here are happy with their lives and ready to pass on to a better place. Some however feel they have more to do, more to experience. So tell me Elijah, are you ready to die?”

  “NO!” he blurted out at her causing her to laugh daintily, “Sorry, I didn’t mean that to come out so loud.”

  “It’s ok Elijah, I completely understand. Well, if you want to return then I can give you a second chance but I would ask a favour of you.”

  “Anything! What do you need?” Selene gestured towards the forest and a tawny wolf stepped out followed by Alpha Santos. “What the hell!”

  “Elijah, please. I want you to hear him out. It’s important that you understand,” Selene requested.

  Elijah glared at the man who was meant to have been his father. He looked far less intimidating in the presence of the Moon Goddess but the scowl on his face remained. “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  Alpha Santos sneered at Elijah, “Throwing you out of my house was the best decision I ever made. I’d still be alive if you weren’t such a traitorous piece of crap. I wish I’d killed you myself.”


  “Why? Because you’re pathetic. All you ever wanted to do was be kind and helpful, and make your mother laugh. I thought some time out with the workers would squash that stupidity out of you but no! You refused to change. You would never survive in the real world.”

  “What the hell would you know about the real world?” Elijah looked upon him with scorn.

  “Plenty. I know that the rich and powerful prey on those weaker than them to keep themselves rich and powerful.”

  “You mean just like you did.”

  “Exactly! Where do you think I learnt? Life isn’t all sunshine and roses Elijah. It’s cruel and twisted and if you don’t stomp on others you will get crushed yourself.”

  Elijah shook his head in disbelief as he looked his father up and down, “What the hell happened to you?”

  “Me? I’ll tell you what happened to me.” Alpha Santos’ face darkened, “The government decided to carry out a little experimentation programme to create the perfect shifter soldiers. Immune to bullets. Strong enough to take out a tank single-handed. Do you know how many times I was shot? How many of my bones were broken until they perfected the serum they injected me with? You think you know what it’s like to suffer? Well you know nothing! I protected you. I protected all of you! If it wasn’t for me they could have come for any of you.”

  Elijah was shocked at his father’s warped sense of morality, “Then why kidnap all those pups?”

  “Pfft money, why else? A baby on the black-market is worth a lot of dough. A shifter baby however, is a gold mine! It’s not cheap running a pack and keeping it hidden, it’s not like we could go out and work. I had to pay shamans for perimeter security spells. People need to be paid to get us information and bribed to keep their traps shut. You think my enforcers would stay in line if I didn’t pay them well or offer them incentives to follow me? I had to stay one step ahead.”

  “You have no clue do you. They should follow you because they respect you! Not because you bribe or intimidate them.”

  “Ha! Yo
u’re still the delusional little boy your mother pined over.”

  “Don’t you dare talk about my mother you murderous bastard,” Elijah snarled.

  “Or what? You gonna kill me like I killed her? You’re too late!” Alpha Santos was becoming more and more irate.

  “Marcus...” Selene warned.

  “She was your mate! How could you do that to her?”

  Alpha Santos’ rage had reached boiling point, “She didn’t want to be my mate anymore. She wanted to leave me. Leave me?! As if I would ever let that happen,” Alpha Santos barked. “She left me no choice. If I couldn’t have her, no-one else was going to.”

  “You delusional son of a bitch!” Elijah lunged for his father’s throat. The tawny wolf jumped forward and blocked Elijah as Alpha Santos simply watched on laughing.

  “Marcus, that’s enough,” Selene intervened, “It’s time for you to go now.”

  Alpha Santos sneered at her but said nothing more as he followed the wolf back into the forest without a fight. He had no real power there in that realm so arguing was futile. Elijah took several deep breaths to calm the anger that had built inside of him before asking, “What will happen to him?”

  “Your father is mentally damaged and deranged. I’m not sure how much, if any, of the real man remains underneath but I intend on finding out before a decision is made.”

  “And me?”

  “Well that depends. With your father gone the Raptors are in need of an Alpha.”

  “What? You can’t be serious?”

  “They’re scared and lost. They are so used to being controlled and told what to do they cannot function without a strong leader. You are an Alpha by blood Elijah, like it or not, but you are also kind and selfless. You will make an excellent Alpha to people who desperately need you.”

  “What if they don’t want me? They never listened to me before.”

  “They couldn’t see you for who you were before, they will now. The man who survived a brutal punishment and near drowning. Who escaped the clutches of his captors only to return to free another prisoner and eventually bring them all salvation.”


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