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Paranormal Word Series Box Set (Books 1-3 and Novella)

Page 81

by CC Solomon

  Silence hung in the air as Joo-won allowed us to ponder his words.

  “So, you have to ask yourself,” Joo-won finally spoke, “Why wouldn’t you follow the original mates? They could protect us against the humans who are surely conspiring against us. There are more than just the ones who imprisoned you.”

  “Just because we might not want magic to end doesn’t mean we want to follow them,” Erik answered. “You’re so willing to bow down to these people as if they are the only ones who can make a difference. They aren’t. We’ve taken out regular humans who meant us harm before. We can do it again.”

  “We aren’t bowing to them,” Joo-won spat.

  It was the first time I’d seen him give anything other than a smile. Clearly, Erik touched a nerve. Not surprising. Joo-won was an old being just like the original soulmates. It stood to reason he wouldn’t want to come out of retirement just to be a henchman to someone else.

  Still that’s what he was.

  “The male soulmate told me to submit or he’d kill my friends. The mates had a human town in Ireland attacked as well as a government town,” I started. “They got someone to put a dark spell on Phillip and I’m sure a host of other things we can’t yet pin on them. They’ve been terrorizing us for months. They don’t want us as friends. They want us as followers. The same as you. The only reason they’re threatened by us is because they think we could be more powerful than them. They don’t know what we stand for, and they don’t care. They don’t care about you either. The only thing that matters is you follow them to help them get ultimate control over everything. Including you and your people.”

  Joo-won’s eyes darkened, losing their sparkle. The air in the room grew stale and thin, making it a challenge to breathe. “Child, you have no idea what you are talking about. What they have planned for you is yours alone. We aren’t on the same level, you and me. You shouldn’t forget that.” He stood, the four of us rising as well. “I’ve been around a long time. I’m not being played by the soulmates. The only question is, where do you stand? It would be better for you if you choose wisely.”

  I pushed out my chest in a superhero stance to show how confident I was trying to pretend to be. “We don’t stand with those who hurt innocent people. If these soulmates really wanted us to join them, there were a number of ways they could have done things. You’re right, we aren’t the same. The soulmates want us dead because they see us as competition.” I stared him in the eyes as best I could. I wanted him to hear the unspoken words. He was no threat to Gedeyon and Rima, and if he was no threat to them, he wasn’t a threat to us. Of course, I wasn’t quite sure any of this was true, but I needed Joo-won to waiver and second guess or delay any attacks on Silver Spring or Hagerstown.

  Neither place was ready to fight, but we could get ready if we had to.

  “Look, we have no quarrel with you,” Erik started. “We don’t want to hurt humans, and we also don’t want magic to end. We all have a sense of self-preservation. What is in this for you? Perhaps we can match what they’re offering. Or something more.”

  I glanced at Erik. I’d never seen the peacemaker side of him before. I knew he wasn’t a total hot head, but it was impressive seeing him try to negotiate.

  Joo-won smiled at him. “I like you. You seem like a smart man. But there is nothing you can offer me. I’ve been around long enough to know the winners from the losers. As much as I adore Lisa, I fear she is on a losing side. You all are simply too young to take them on. Even without followers, at their full strength, the first soulmates are too formidable. And they have followers. Powerful ones. You don’t have such support.”

  “Yet. And with help from beings like you, maybe we could get there.”

  “You are optimistic, that is important. However, my seers believe the new soulmates will not remain together. If they don’t remain together, they cannot win.”

  I frowned. This was the first I’d heard of such a prophecy. Everyone from the Fae to Mae to the witches had worked to keep us together, and it was working. Or so I thought. Would something happen to break Phillip and I up in our current truce? Would it happen before we were able to take down the first soulmates?

  “Perhaps they interpreted what they saw incorrectly,” Lisa touched his arm before quickly removing it.

  Joo-won gave her a patient smile, touching her cheek with the back of his hand. “Butterfly, they have done this for centuries. I trust in their sight.”

  “Then can we set up a meeting with the first soulmates and come to an understanding?” Charles moved a possessive step closer to Lisa.

  “They don’t compromise.”

  Of course they didn’t. They just killed off any threats to their power, and did as they pleased to the innocent souls around them. However, I was hoping that since they weren’t at their strongest right now, they might be more open to negotiation.

  “The female soulmate is nearby. Couldn’t you set something up so we could try?” I asked. We had no way of knowing for sure the female soulmate was near, assuming she wasn’t Blake. Maybe Joo-won could give us some confirmation.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Is she near?” He gave an arrogant laugh before sitting back down.

  We all sat back down with him as it seemed like the appropriate thing to do.

  “Is she not near?” I leaned towards him.

  Joo-won leaned in as well. “Do you think I’ll tell you either way?”

  “A girl’s got to try.”

  “Regardless, she’s not the negotiating type.”

  Erik drummed his fingers on his thighs. “Well, whether she’s near or far, they both have enough pull to reach us. And if that’s the case, why are we still alive? This would be an appropriate time for you to impress your… partners? Just kill us, or at least hold us prisoner. That’s what they want, right?”

  I turned to him with wide eyes. Way to state the obvious, and if he was being nice by just wanting a talk, I was fine with that.

  Joo-won threw his hands out to the side. “I’m feeling generous today. I’ll let you walk out of here peacefully. But, outside of Lisa, I would advise you all not to come back.” He grazed the back of her hand with his.

  I squared my shoulders. “Tell your bosses we would like to talk to them face to face.”

  “Oh, that will happen soon enough.” He smiled, and I felt creeped out by him. That was not a meeting I really wanted to have.

  A tingle of fear spread over me, and I fought the urge to shake it off.

  Chapter 7

  “I knew that thief would be a challenge,” Ahmed stated as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and flipped it back before taking a graceful seat on my couch. “You know he was the one who stole my lamp.”

  I did. Ahmed didn’t repeat himself much but he, apparently, really wanted to make sure we all knew about the cause for his lamp’s disappearance.

  Phillip crossed his arms and leaned back in a dining room chair, sitting across from me. He looked deep in thought as he fixed his gaze on me.

  “What?” I asked before taking a sip of vodka from a shot glass. The meeting had fried enough of my nerves that I had to turn to alcohol to relax. I had to admit standing up to Joo-won and seeing him angry had left me a bit shaken, not stirred. Attempting to be big and bold left you with some scary shit to face.

  “He let you go,” Phillip said, tapping his forehead with his index finger.

  “You sound disappointed,” Faith muttered, sitting on my left.

  “Not at all. I’m glad my Amina returned safely.”

  “I’m not yours,” I let out an exasperated sigh and closed my eyes, shaking my head. I wished he would stop talking.

  “That’s not exactly true.”

  I snapped open my eyes and glared at me. “Don’t be difficult, Phillip,” I spat. “What point are you trying to make?”

  “They had half of their biggest threat and most of The Six. Joo-won could have just kept you. You walked right into their territory and were surrounded by them all. Th
at would have enticed the rest of us to come. Then they’d have us all.”

  “Mae said they’d return after the visit,” Felix answered, sitting on the couch. “That’s the only reason they even went.”

  “But why?”

  “Maybe Joo-won isn’t such a bad guy,” Lisa reasoned. “He swore to protect me, and he’s done just that without wanting anything in return.”

  “Oh, he wants something in return, sweetheart,” Charles muttered, hunching his shoulders up as he crossed his arms.

  Lisa frowned at him. “Really?”

  He shrugged. “Then again, since you know him, maybe you already gave him what he wanted. I mean, you were with him in Fae world, right?”

  “Charles, stop being an ass,” I cut in. We really didn’t have time for lover’s disputes. Now I knew how Faith felt when she used to get annoyed at Erik and my quibbles.

  “And while I was there you were here hooking up with Blake, pretending to be a victim,” Lisa spat back.

  “You left me.”

  “I thought you were dead.”

  “You didn’t even stick around for the funeral.”

  If only I wasn’t so tired to get up and bang my head against a wall.

  “Well, ya knew I ran away upset, and instead of searching for me, you go and hook up with another woman. And you didn’t even defend me when Erik locked me up.”

  Charles threw out his hands. “Who is going to fight Erik. Angry Erik is scary as hell.”

  Lisa rolled her eyes. “That is so beside the point.”

  Faith slapped her hand on the table. “Oh, my God, this will not be my life, watching couples fight each other all the damn time!”

  I gave Faith a grateful look and whispered sorry.

  “We are not a couple. I’m not sure we ever really were,” Lisa said, pursing her lips and looking away

  “You got that right,” Charles crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall.

  “Did Joo-won steal Lisa from you?” Ahmed had a look of concern on his face. “As I said before, he is a thief.”

  “How in the hell did we get here?” Faith shouted, throwing her hands up.

  “I asked an unrelated question that resulted in this soap opera,” Phillip replied with amusement dancing through his eyes.

  “Joo-won didn’t capture us because they aren’t ready for war, yet,” Erik answered, rubbing his forehead. “If they had captured us the war would begin, and they really don’t want war. It’s why their attacks are weak, and they can only threaten us through dreams. They aren’t at full strength.”

  “Well, they’re at some level of strength because they attacked a whole town and killed a lot of people. War has already started,” Phillip said.

  Ahmed rubbed his chin. “If they wanted to capture you, they could have. A soulmate is mobile and close by, and she has not harmed you beyond the spell on Phillip and the few attacks you easily survived,” Ahmed pondered.

  “So, you and Erik are saying they really don’t want to hurt us? That those dreams were just empty threats?” Faith asked, balancing on the back legs of her chair.

  “I’m certain they aren’t empty. However,” Ahmed paused and traced the rim of his glass of water with a finger. “As I’ve said, they aren’t on the same accord. I’d say that the side pushing for you to submit is winning over the side that wants you both dead. Submitting buys you a little time.”

  “Submitting is a last resort. We just need to stay the course and build in strength and supporters,” I pushed.

  “And how long would it take for us to build more supporters willing to fight alongside us?” Faith asked.

  Phillip shrugged, muttering, “I mean, if I could use my mind control magic, not long. We could teleport in and out of places, command a few crowds…”

  “We are not mind controlling people,” I hissed.

  “Well, my gathering of support is moving slowly since most people don’t even know any type of soulmates exist. There’s a difference in reaching people who may like us because we heal their sick and those who want to fight to the death for us. That’s a niche group. So what, we start up a web page and try to get followers that way?” Phillip cracked.

  I twisted my lips and looked up at the ceiling. He was being funny, but I kind of got his point.

  He threw a hand out. “I can put up an Outfit of the Day and hope people like my posts. How long would that take to get people? I mean, even if I posed naked on the site, folks aren’t exactly going to find their way here and risk their lives fighting demons. And besides, who the hell here has fought a demon, raise your hand?”

  No one did.

  I looked to Felix, and as if he could read my mind, he looked to me. “I’ll see if Azrael can round up a posse,” he gave me a smile from across the table. “Gotta be some angels who can support us.”

  Easier said than done.

  We continued to try to strategize the next steps with no successful outcome.

  “So, what are we going to do?” Charles asked, looking around the room.

  “If no one else can come up with a plan, I say we go with mine,” Phillip stated, touching his chest. “We all stop what we’re doing, spread out globally, and physically round up the troops. Without mind control.”

  Erik looked up at the ceiling and shook his head in disbelief. “I think he’s right.”

  “And if people don’t believe us?” I questioned.

  He looked down and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “We might just have to use mind control. For the greater good.”

  Phillip coughed and straightened. “Can I get that in writing?” He smirked.

  Before Erik could respond, I spoke up. “So, we’re going on a road tour? Shake hands, kiss babies and all that?”

  Phillip gave me a wide grin. “Yeah, buddy. You and me against the world again.”

  I gave him a toothy smile back that failed to reach my eyes. “Fun.”

  Chapter 8

  The next night the pack had a party, gathering, social, whatever it was. I was still figuring out the whole pack process It was the full moon, but this was special because a child would be turning for the first time. I knew that was a big deal. Were children only had a fifty percent chance of survival upon their first turn, which usually occurred between the ages of five and seven years.

  There would be a gathering, some fellowship, and then as soon as the moon was high, the changing. I wasn’t a were, so I had no place being there, but it still felt isolating to be a part of a pack I really didn’t join. However, Erik convinced me other non-were pack members would be in attendance because all magic was useful in helping the child survive the change.

  I’d much rather sit in my room and watch paint dry, but if me being there could help a child survive their first change, I couldn’t skip out.

  Before heading to the gathering, I stopped at Mae’s place for a chat.

  Bill greeted me at the door with a bear hug, and when I entered their first-floor garden-style apartment, I could already smell chili and some type of dessert.

  “It’s been a while since you’ve come by for a visit.”

  I’d had a challenging relationship with Mae. I wanted badly to trust her, but she had a problem of withholding the full truth from us to serve some greater purpose or whatever. However, she’d never steered me to my doom. She also knew helpful information, and I’d be a fool to ignore someone who had such a gift of sight. She was part of my tribe, and I’d just have to tread carefully on how much I could expect from her.

  “Hey, honey,” she called from the kitchen. “You ate yet? I made my special five-alarm chili and lemon glazed pound cake.”

  “Uh, I did not,” I said with wide eyes. I was practically drooling already.

  The three of us sat down to dinner, and I gave her a recap of my visit in Baltimore and the talk with Blake.

  Mae dapped at her mouth and shook her head. “I’ve seen visions that lead me to believe there is an outcome where we can all live happy lives. I only wish
I knew which path led to those visions.”

  I chewed on a mouthful of chili before speaking. “Well, I’m sure when you find out, you’ll share it with us,” I gave her a meaningful look. If she wanted me to trust her fully again, she was going to have to start telling me the whole truth.

  Mae smiled. “Of course. I really want nothing but the best for you. All of you.”

  “Even if it means I’m not with Phillip?”

  Mae looked over to Bill, who shrugged before sipping his water. Beads of sweat pooled around his forehead. The chili was amazingly hot, but I had a high tolerance. I had to believe he must like the heat, although his body didn’t seem to. It was funny, actually, and cute. I knew he would eat anything his love, Mae, cooked for him.

  “The relationship between you and Phillip will be a complex one. However, it’s totally up to you regarding how you define it. The main thing is that you don’t work against each other. That’s all I can ask for. You’re both going on a visit soon, right?”

  I dug into my chili again, refusing to let it beat me. “Yeah, a town in Jacksonville in a couple of days.”

  “Just you and him? No Erik?”


  Mae gave me a pat on the hand but said nothing. Not that she had to. She was very well aware of my confusion over any lingering feelings I had for Phillip. I cared deeply for him but I was not in love with him. I had no intentions of betraying Erik. The concern was more about how to keep Phillip from making things awkward with his confessions of love.

  “Now, about this Blake matter. I had visions she was the soulmate and visions that she wasn’t. I can’t quite reconcile that. Part of me feels like she’s good, but my visions are telling me otherwise. It’s a nagging doubt I just can’t shake. Keep your eyes on her.”

  “What about Joo-won? Do you think we can get him on our side?”

  Mae squinted her eyes. “Here’s all that I know. If he remains fighting on behalf of the original soulmates, you will not win. I don’t know if that means he has to fight on our side or just stay out of it.”


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