Bear Next Door (Midlife Shifters Book 1)

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Bear Next Door (Midlife Shifters Book 1) Page 18

by J. L. Wilder

  “Do you really think so? They won’t be disappointed know.”

  “Because what?”

  “Because it’s me,” she said. “My reputation among the den isn’t exactly sterling.”

  “My parents have never been the type to worry about reputation,” Brady said. “Besides, they knew you when we were kids. They know a lot more about you than one choice you made. The people who think badly of you are the ones who don’t have anything else to judge you on.”

  “I guess that’s true,” Evelyn said.

  “And if you need more proof,” Brady added, “look at the way they treated me. I made some choices I regret. But just like you, I turned my life around. I came back home. And they’ve always embraced me.”

  He wrapped his arms around Evelyn and kissed her deeply and passionately. He knew that his kisses were often enough to drive whatever she was thinking about from her mind, and he was eager to stop her from worrying. Worry would do her no good. This was something that just needed to be faced head-on.

  When they separated, she looked a bit winded, a bit distracted, and he was pleased with himself. Once again, he had used his power for good.

  But she shook it off quickly and reached for the grocery bag.

  “I’m sure you’re right about all of that,” she said. “But I’m still going to bring the cheese tray.”


  Brady’s mother was absolutely radiant as she ushered them into the house. Brady hugged his mother, then took Evelyn’s hand and gave it a squeeze, casting her a knowing look.

  “What can I get for the two of you to drink?” she asked, wrapping an arm around Evelyn’s waist. “You know, when I was pregnant with Brady, I drank nothing but tomato juice! I have some here if you’d like it.”

  “Just water would be great,” Evelyn said, glancing back over her shoulder at Brady.

  Brady grinned and mouthed the words told you. He had known his mother would want to hover, to dote on Evelyn like this. The past was all but forgotten.

  “All right,” Brady’s mother said. “Why don’t you two kids go and sit down in the den? Evelyn, your parents are already here. I’ll be in with some drinks in just a few minutes.”

  “We brought this,” Evelyn said, offering the cheese plate.

  Brady’s mother squeezed her arm. “Aren’t you sweet,” she said. “I’ll get this ready for us as well then. Won’t be a moment.”

  She bustled off into the kitchen.

  Brady raised his eyebrows at Evelyn. “What did I tell you?” he asked. “I knew she would take it well.”

  “She does seem happy,” Evelyn admitted. “Do you really think she is?”

  “It couldn’t be more obvious,” Brady said. “She can’t wait to be a grandmother.”

  He led Evelyn into the den. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were already there, as his mother had indicated. They were engaged in conversation with Brady’s father, but they stopped talking when Brady and Evelyn entered the room.

  “Evelyn,” Brady’s father said warmly, getting to his feet. “It’s so good to see you. How are you feeling?”

  “All right, thank you,” she said, returning his smile.

  “Well, come, sit.” He guided her to a chair. “Let’s get you off your feet.”

  “She’s only a couple of months along, Dad,” Brady said, laughing.

  “She works at a restaurant all day,” his father said. “I’m sure she’s glad to sit down for a while, aren’t you, Evelyn?”

  Before Evelyn was able to answer, Brady’s mother came hustling back into the room with two glasses of water. “Here you are, sweetheart,” she said, handing one to Evelyn. “You always liked it with lemon when you were younger. I hope that’s still the case?”

  “Yes,” she said wonderingly. “I’m surprised you remembered.”

  Brady’s mother placed a hand on her shoulder. “It doesn’t seem so long ago to me,” she said gently. “I’m sure twenty years is a very long time to you, Evelyn, but to me it’s not so long at all.”

  Mrs. Matthews took a sip of what looked like a cup of coffee. “Thank you for hosting tonight,” she said.

  “Of course,” Brady’s mother said. “It’s such a treat to be able to have the kids here.”

  Brady grinned at Evelyn. He supposed they would always be the kids to their parents, even now that they were having a child of their own.

  “All right,” Mr. Matthews said gruffly. “Enough of this. Let’s get on with it, shall we?”

  Evelyn darted an alarmed look at her father. Brady moved closer to her, remembering what she had told him about her father’s begrudging acceptance of their pregnancy. If his intention was to make Evelyn feel bad in some way, Brady wouldn’t hesitate to get her out of here. He would protect his mate, even from her own father.

  Mr. Matthews reached behind the couch and pulled out a wrapped package.

  Brady blinked. This was not what he had expected.

  “A present,” he said. “From your mother and me.”

  “A present?” Evelyn repeated. It was evident that she was as shocked as Brady was.

  “A gift for the baby,” Mr. Matthews said. “I can’t allow my grandchild to be born with nothing from his grandfather, can I?”

  Evelyn glanced at Brady.

  “Open it,” Brady urged.

  She unwrapped the package to reveal a small stuffed bear. Not a teddy bear, like one would expect a baby to have, but an actual representation of the animal. It was positioned on all fours and had a calm face that would be unlikely to frighten even a human child.

  Evelyn hugged it. “This is great, Dad,” she said.

  “Well, that’s just part one,” he said. “Part two is still in the works.”

  "In the works?”

  “Your father is making a crib for the baby in his wood shop,” her mother explained. “He’s been hard at work on it all week.”

  “It’ll take some time,” Mr. Matthews said. “But it’ll be ready by the time that baby is ready. Count on it.”

  “Oh, Dad!” Evelyn launched herself into his arms. “Thank you.”

  He patted her back. “Family is bigger than anything,” he said quietly. “We’ll always be your family, Evelyn. I’m sorry I ever let myself forget that.”

  “I’m sorry I ever left,” she said.

  “We’re just glad you’re back,” Brady’s mother spoke up. “Brady always did have a crush on you when you two were young.”

  “Ma,” Brady said, feeling a mixture of annoyance and amusement.

  “What?” she asked. “You did. Besides, it’s not as if she doesn’t know you have feelings for her now.”

  “I know that,” Brady said. “But I still wouldn’t have expected you to sell me out like that, for God’s sake.”

  “Well, I’m not selling you out! I just—”

  He held up a hand. “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “You’re right. You didn’t tell her anything she doesn’t already know.”

  Evelyn beamed at him. “Brady is going to make such a great alpha,” she said. “Don’t you think so? He’s so skilled at defusing tension.”

  “Well, that is certainly something that’s been in short supply over the years,” Mr. Matthews said.

  “I haven’t even wanted to walk down Beech Street since Steve took over,” Mrs. Matthews admitted. “He ran this den like a fraternity house. I’m so glad that someone’s finally going to be bringing a little maturity to the organization.”

  Brady couldn’t help beaming a little at that. He had always felt, in his heart, that he would be a stronger leader than Steve had been. But it was very rewarding to know that somebody else felt the same way.

  “We couldn’t be prouder of you,” his mother said. She took his chin in her hand and tilted his face slightly, examining the scar Edgar had left. “That scar really is unfortunate, though.”

  “I don’t think so,” Evelyn said. “I think it makes him look brave. I think it marks him
as an alpha who fought for his place. I like it.”

  Brady loved that she understood. His scars were a part of him. They told the story of the journey he had taken. His mother might see them as unfortunate, but Brady himself wouldn’t trade them for anything.

  His life had been a long and difficult road. But it had led to such a beautiful place that he couldn’t bring himself to regret any of it.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Seven Months Later


  Brady cornered Evelyn on her way back to bed. “What are you doing up?” he demanded. “I told you I’d get you anything you needed, didn’t I? I told you to text me if you needed me.”

  “I was using the bathroom!” she said. “Were you going to do that for me?”

  “Come on,” he said, wrapping an arm around her. “Let’s just get you back to bed.”

  “I can walk, you know,” she teased him, but she allowed him to take the bulk of her weight as they made their way down the hall. Yes, she could walk, but at nine months into her pregnancy, she felt unwieldy and unbalanced. It was easier, and felt safer, to lean on Brady and to let him do the work of getting her to where she needed to be.

  They reached the bed quickly, and Brady eased her down onto the mattress, reaching behind her to plump up the pillows. “There we go,” he said. “Are you comfortable?”

  She laughed. “No,” she said. “But probably as comfortable as can be expected under the circumstances.”

  “What do you need?” he asked.

  She hesitated.

  “Hey,” he said, reaching up to stroke her cheek. “Whatever you need is yours. You know that, right? I’m here to take care of you.”

  “I feel like I ask too much of you,” she said.

  “That’s crazy,” he said. “What would make you feel like that? You could never ask for too much from me.”

  “I know,” she said. “But I’ve been so needy lately. I’m not used to needing other people to do things for me. That’s never been my style. And I know you’ve got a lot on your plate, what with running the den—”

  “The den is fine,” Brady assured her. “You know that. Everything is going smoothly. And I’ve got Will to watch over things when I can’t be around.”

  Evelyn nodded. She thought Brady had made a good choice when he’d picked Will to be his second-in-command. Will was loyal, but he was also clever and competent, and he was only one year younger than Brady himself. He was more than able to handle the day-to-day needs of the other den members so that Brady could focus on Evelyn during the late stages of her pregnancy.

  She just couldn’t help feeling guilty about it.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked her.

  “I feel selfish,” she said.

  “Selfish? Why selfish?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” She leaned into him a little, and he responded by lying down next to her on the bed. “I know you want to be here for the baby and me. And I appreciate that more than I can tell you. But I don’t really need anything. Not in an urgent way. We’re perfectly healthy, and we’ve got at least another week until I deliver.”

  “You can need things that aren’t life and death, you know,” he said. “It’s not selfish to ask for something you want.”

  She closed her eyes.

  She felt the press of his lips on her forehead. “I know you’re still not used to being a priority,” he murmured. “But you are, Evelyn. Nothing matters more to me than your happiness and our baby’s well-being. So whatever you want, even if you think it’s trivial, I want you to tell me.”

  The truth was that it wasn’t trivial at all. It wasn’t life or death, but it was necessary. So very necessary.

  She couldn’t have asked Marty for this. But Brady was not Marty.

  She turned to him and pulled him close, curving her body just so to allow her lips to meet his. Physically, she told him, she showed him what she needed from him.

  And he understood immediately, just as she had known he would.

  There had never been any doubt in her mind that he would know what she was asking for, and that he would give it to her. He had been completely available to her, sexually, as her pregnancy had progressed, and for that, she was very thankful. She didn’t know whether it was hormonal or whether she was simply intoxicated with the new shape of her body, but she had never wanted him more.

  She had never felt insecure with him, though she would have expected to. She knew that, if she had still been with Marty, she would have worried over whether her changing body would make her less desirable.

  But Brady had made it clear from the start that he was deeply, viscerally attracted to her in this state, and today was no exception.

  He peeled away her nightgown. She was naked underneath, and he looked at her hungrily for several long moments. She was driven wild by it. It was almost as if he was making love to her just with his gaze, and the arousal she’d felt when she had first brought him to her bed began to grow.

  “Brady,” she murmured.

  “Nothing is more important than you, Evelyn,” he said quietly. “Not the den. Not my responsibilities as alpha. You’re at the top of my list. Whatever you need comes first, always. Ahead of everything.”

  He traced the swell of her breast lightly with the side of his thumb, and her breath hitched. He was so focused on her, on her body and her pleasure. She would never get used to the fact that she could occupy every bit of his attention without even trying, that she didn’t need to pose or work to keep him engaged. Just her presence was enough to hold him captive.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured, his eyes skating over her.

  Her hand went automatically to the round swell of her stomach. His hand covered hers, his fingers interlocking with hers, as he rolled her onto her side.

  “I’ll miss this,” he said quietly, tracing his fingers over her in profile—her massive breasts, her swollen nipples that were already beginning to leak, her tight belly. “You shouldn’t hesitate to ask, Evelyn. I want to be with you as much as possible before the baby comes. As many times as we can. You’re so hot.”

  She closed her eyes and allowed herself to get lost in his touch as his hand moved between her legs.

  “I like that you need me,” he murmured. “I’ll always give you whatever you need. You should know that.”

  She exhaled hard and tipped her hips back, her body reaching for his.

  He returned his hand to her breast, playing with her nipple almost absently, sending jolts of pleasure through her body that made her thighs convulse with need.

  Then his hips were pressing against her ass and she could feel how thick and hard he was, how badly he wanted her. His words had given her some idea, but feeling it was different. Feeling it was what mattered.

  She wriggled desperately, needing more. Needing it now.

  Then he pushed into her, and as soon as she felt the hot, hard length of him, she started to come.

  She lost all sense of the world around her. The only thing that mattered anymore was Brady’s body moving in and around hers, his arm holding her pressed against his chest, his breath on her neck as his thrusts became faster and harder.

  He groaned as he came but didn’t release his hold on her. She was shaking uncontrollably, and even as her body began to relax and she began to come down from the intense pleasure, spasms passed through her limbs.

  “You all right?” he murmured into her shoulder.

  She couldn’t find the words she needed. She just gripped his hand in hers and nodded.

  “Feel better?”

  “A little. Can’t promise I’m not going to need more of that later.”

  Brady chuckled. “I’m here for you,” he said. “You know that. Whatever you need.”

  “How about a bath?” she asked. “It’s next to impossible to get that done by myself anymore.”

  He nodded. “Sounds good,” he said. “I’ll go run the water, and I’ll be back in a minute to help you get settled.�

  Brady was as good as his word, returning to the bathroom moments later and helping her to her feet. The water was warm and smelled of lavender as he eased her into the tub, and she could feel it fizzing around her.

  “I used some of your bath salts,” he explained.

  She nodded. “Good call,” she said, leaning back and closing her eyes.

  “Want me to massage your feet?”

  “Mmm. Yes, please.” She lifted one of her feet out of the water, and he caught it in his palm and began to rub slow circles with his thumb.

  “Are you looking forward to it?” she asked.

  “To what? The baby?” He laughed. “Of course I am. You know I am. It’s all I can think about most days.”

  “It’s going to be strange, raising a kid here,” she said.

  “Strange how?” he asked.

  “Well, I just mean that after so many years away, being back still feels new to me,” she explained. “Every time I go outside, every time I even look out the window, I almost feel like I’m a kid again. So it’s going to be interesting watching a kid of my own growing up on these streets.”

  “He’ll probably join a pack of kids around his own age, the way we did,” Brady said. “Travis’ son is still a baby. I’d be willing to bet the two of them will be friends when they get older.”

  “Do you think our kid will get into the kinds of trouble we got into?” Evelyn asked.

  “Like what trouble?” Brady asked. “I don’t remember getting into that much trouble.”

  “Oh, you don’t?” Evelyn laughed. “Do you remember the time we went down to the beach and set off fireworks?”

  “I remember that being Will’s idea, not mine.”

  “What was your punishment after that?”

  “My mother made me go online and research stories about injuries caused by amateurs trying to set off fireworks.”

  “Yikes,” Evelyn said. “That’s harsh. Mine just made me clean the bathroom.”

  “Well, maybe we’ll teach our kid not to set off any illegal fireworks before it happens,” Brady said. “That way, we won’t have to worry. He’ll have the benefit of our experiences.”


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