Mated To Magic (Stark Creek Shifters Book 1)

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Mated To Magic (Stark Creek Shifters Book 1) Page 14

by Barb Shuler

  The snarl I released had me vibrating as the shift took me.

  “Son of a bitch! That hurt, woman.”

  “Serves you right.”

  I chuckled and pulled her to me, burying my nose in her neck, nipping at the mark I gave her. I needed a few minutes, then we needed to go home. I needed to heal, and I needed my mate to calm my burning nerves.



  My fingernails tapped against the glasses. Tonight had been crazy busy, everyone wanting something the very second they asked for it. Like, bitch, give a girl a minute to breathe. I was not the one to test. Nick had to pull one guy away from the bar before I shoved the Budweiser he was drinking up his ass. Pushy people were one thing, but a drunk pushy person—uh, no. I had no patience for that.

  I’d cleaned my end of the bar until it shined, then worked the rest of it to a clean shine. Melody and Nix have been gone for about a half hour, and I was putting off going home. Why? I’m not sure. Being alone sometimes made my anxiety spike with the fear of someone from my past, one of my pride, just strolling in and taking me back to Gregor.

  I shuddered, my entire body shaking as the wave of adrenaline passed. Mia promised he couldn’t find me. I believed her. I knew I was safe here, but my head convinced me otherwise sometimes.

  I was tired and my feet hurt. I was just going to suck it up, shut my mind off, and go get some veggie lo mein from China Gardens since it was open until four a.m. Then I could go home and take a nice, long, hot bubble bath and read a book until I fell asleep. Sleeping was my nemesis most nights, but as tired as I was once my belly was full, I’d be asleep in no time.

  Hopefully tonight will be a dream free, peaceful night. Last night was awful. I’d dreamed of nothing but dead deer and blood. I must have forgotten to take the sleep meds Mia had made for me. They kept the dreams of my past away, usually. Last night’s dream just messed with my head.

  I was not meant to be a shifter. I was completely broken. Why Mia tolerated my neurotic, OCD obsessed craziness…I’ll never know.

  I gave the counter and bar area a final glance before walking around and turning off the main lights. I double checked to make sure the front door was locked. The tables were cleared, stools stacked. The guys had swept and mopped already, so the place was ready for tomorrow.

  My purse was in Mia’s office so I slipped into the back and into her office. I opened the cabinet, grabbed it, and with each step I took, my poor toes cried. I leaned down to undo my boots and took the damn things off. Never wear new boots on a busy night. God bless it, my poor toes. If they could sigh in relief they would.

  I was going to knock on Liam’s office door, but I heard Mia talking to him and Dalton. I stopped. I’d not bother them to walk me out. It wasn’t like I couldn’t defend myself if need be.

  Rubbing the back of my aching neck, I walked to the back door, slipped through it, and let it shut behind me. With my free hand, I pulled my keys from my bag. I yawned hugely as I rounded the corner of the building, my sock covered feet carrying me quietly toward the lot. My car sat in its spot, my freedom from this place just waiting there for me.

  “Come to mama,” I sighed.

  I heard a scuff behind me and went to turn. A familiar scent hit my nose just as something sharp pricked my neck. I yowled, my cat not liking this at all. I pulled away from him, my nails raking his face.

  That was a mistake because everything shifted around me.

  “You stupid bitch!”

  As whatever he injected me with raced through my bloodstream, I was helpless to stop his fist as it made contact with my cheek. I grabbed for him, my nails marking his arm as I went down.

  “She’ll come for you. Her precious, pathetic excuse of a shifter. Never seen a cat so scared of its own shadow!”


  “Nah, bitch, you ain’t worth that kind of trouble. But you’ll bring her to me, where she belongs!”

  The world around me started to blur, my body no longer able to fight his drug. I just hoped his face wasn’t the last face I ever saw.


  I listened in as Mia and Liam discussed the new software that would help with inventory and ordering supplies. They were both geeking out and I didn’t see the joy they had in it. But I was preoccupied. My mind and focus was elsewhere.

  The new software was a good segue from what we had been discussing and that was Sy. It had been almost a week since his little minion Morris was taken out and still, nothing. He’s not been on any of Liam’s facial recognition programs. There was no activity on his credit cards. Nothing.

  It was as if the bastard had just up and disappeared. I knew we wouldn’t be that lucky. He was waiting for the right time to strike. He thought I’d be stupid enough to let Mia out of my sight long enough for him to get to her. He was wrong. After her little vision quest with her Goddess, leaving her alone was the last thing that was going to happen.

  I glanced up at the big monitors, checking the areas around the building, and cursed. “What in the hell is she doing?!”

  “How did she get past us?” Mia gasped when she looked up at the monitors. Jayden was outside—with Sy! This was not happening.

  I raced to the back entrance, shifting mid-stride and barreling through the door. It crashed to the ground and I jumped free of it, racing to the side lot. Ty streaked across the lot, Kody and Max right behind him. Mia’s scream when she saw Jayden on the ground sent a chill up my spine. Her power had flared...if she lost control there would be no stopping it.

  She and Ty went for Jayden, so I was free to focus on the bastard who was behind all of this.

  I came to a stop when I saw Kody holding Sy up off the ground, his face turning purple. I stalked closer, my body ready to pounce and tear him to shreds.

  “What did you do to her?!” Mia screamed, that spike of energy rolling across me. I shook my body.

  Kody’s fingers relaxed against Sy’s throat. He took in a deep breath of air.

  “The bitch is fine!”

  Kody growled, shaking Sy. His head flopped around like a bobble head for a minute. He dropped him to his knees. I leaned in, my muzzle resting against his face. He jerked when my fangs snapped, nipping his skin.

  “I…should...have...put…you down…”

  I snarled, jowls expanding with the vibration of it.

  “Come on, Jay, sit up.” Mia’s voice pulled my attention away from Sy. Ty sat on the ground, his arm around Jayden while Mia patted her cheeks. She was starting to come around but not fast enough.

  What had he done to her? The needle he’d used was on the ground. I sniffed it and my nose wrinkled up at the scent. I sneezed, shaking my head.

  He’d dosed her with a liquid form of GHB. It had a distinct chemical smell to my wolf's nose. It was something a human nose would never catch, as it had no real smell. The fucking bastard dosed her with the date rape drug. I don’t know where he got it, but it would be the last time he ever hurt someone. I looked up at Sy and snarled again. He jerked in fear.

  “She…she’ll be fine!”

  I shifted back to two legs before him, my fist connecting with his face when Kody let go and stepped back.

  “Mia! Get her to the hospital. He dosed her with GHB. Even with her metabolism, she could be in trouble. Max, go with them.”

  “I’ve got her,” Ty growled. I turned to give him a look. His eyes were rimmed in gold. I didn’t have time to argue with his asshole cat. I nodded.

  “Max is still going with you.”


  I moved to Mia, kissed her lips. “Go. Kody, Liam, and I have this. Get her to the hospital.”

  I left Jayden’s care to them and turned to give Sy a hard look.

  “Boss,” Liam came around the corner, “Cameras have been taken care of.”

  My smile grew at that news. That was Liam’s way of saying no one would see what happened to this sack of shit.

  “Wait! I have money. I just wanted Mia—”

  “Mine!” My wolf pushed forward with a deafening snarl.

  I hit the ground on all fours, my nails clicking on the asphalt. One paw at a time moving closer to him.

  “Sylvester, for someone who knows about shifters and how they work, you’re kind of stupid. You go after a shifter’s mate, an Alpha’s mate at that…you should pray he kills you quickly.”

  Kody stood back, scowling down at the man trying to get up from the ground. My body surged forward and I grabbed his thigh, biting down and shaking my head. My muscles flexed as I turned and released him. Gravity did the rest as he slammed into the brick wall.

  Time and time again I bit into his flesh, dragging him back and shaking him like a rag doll. His body was broken and bleeding, but I wasn’t done. My claws extended and I buried them in his chest, opening him up like a can of pumpkin purée. I ripped his heart out, no one would ever need it, it beat for someone he couldn’t have. Someone he was supposed to help and protect.


  My wolf howled in triumph as we devoured the heart of our enemy. He may have had her friendship at one point, but he’d never have her. She was ours. Pack. Pack protected pack. I shook myself from head to tail and let the energy of my change wrap around me. When I was on my own two feet again, I looked toward Kody and Liam.

  “Mind taking care of this? I need to get to the hospital and check on the girls. Mia is one surprise away from going all witchy and…no one wants that.”

  “Go, we got this. I’ll let Kody dispose of that. I’m waiting on the guys to get here with another door.”

  I winced. That was the second door I’d busted through in two weeks. At this rate, we may need to buy a few spares and keep them in the store room. I sighed. Jesus.

  “I’m going to clean up and head out. Cell will be on.”

  “Got it. Keep us posted,” Liam called out as I ran to my truck and grabbed my go bag. I went back into the club’s locker room and showered, changing into a Reed Security polo and cargo pants before pushing my feet into my boots.

  When I ran to my truck, the boys and the body were out of sight. It was over. Finally. Sy had been the last piece to this crazy puzzle.

  No more late night hunts. No more spending hours upon hours watching security cameras from all over town trying to spot one of these assholes. No more tapping into tracking systems, though Liam had a lot of fun doing that. The kid was scary sometimes.

  We could relax security at the bar, slightly. At least the Deltas could go back out in the field and work some of ten other cases we had…and Angus wouldn’t have to be Mia’s shadow. Unless my little witch tried blaming me for moving Jay’s water bottles again.

  My witch was going to keep me on my toes. I wasn’t complaining, not one bit.

  I’d loved her for so long. Now that I got to call her mine, hold her at night and keep her safe, nothing else mattered, other than the pack. Our family. We had dysfunctional written all over us, but we worked.



  With everything that had been happening over the last few weeks, I wanted to do something extra special for Mia. She was feeling guilty about Sy attacking Jayden and that she’d dismissed the fact that a few of us had bad vibes about him. None of this was her fault. It was all on Sy. Lately, she had been doing to Jay what Angus had been doing to her. The girl couldn’t move without Mia there. It was sweet, but I could tell Jay was ready to strangle her.

  Hopefully I could give her something else to focus on. I wanted to help her heal and move on from this experience. Shit happens. That’s life, right? Nothing any of us can do except ride it out. You know the saying, “life goes on,” well, it’s true even if it makes you a little mental.

  When we first moved to town, she had mentioned wanting a dog. I used to joke that she had a wolf, she didn’t need a dog, but I could see the look she got in her eyes when she’d mention having a dog. It wasn’t possible for me to actually say no to her.

  If she wanted a dog then, I was sure she’d still want one now. That’s why operation hound dog started. It’s just taken a little longer to sort out than I originally thought.

  I’d told her that I had a meeting with a client out of town, but it was all a lie. A little white lie, not the kind she’d kill me for. Maybe.

  I felt bad for lying to her. It’s not something I ever wanted to do, but it was necessary - in this instance anyway. I’d been searching rescues within four hundred miles for just the right pup.

  Mia has always said she wanted a bulldog. I’d tried to tell her years ago she needed a real dog—big, loud, and mean—then she’d remind me that it was my job to be those things. Touché.

  It turned out there was a bulldog rescue about three hours from here. I’d been stalking their page on Facebook and their YouTube channel where they’d place videos of new dogs as they came in. They’d just taken in a bulldog and her puppies from a surrender. They had five when I talked to the owner of the rescue, and one was claimed already. She agreed to wait for me to come and see them before she let anyone else claim the others. The pictures on my phone had been the only company I’d had for the last ten minutes while I sat outside of the rescue facility.

  How could someone choose between these faces? Seriously, they were the cutest little things. There were three of them that I just loved. They had great coloring and it would be easy to tell them apart.

  I got out of my truck and headed toward the main entrance. This was either going to be a great experience or a big mistake. I was walking into an enclosed space full of creatures that would know I was the biggest predator of them all. Every dog in the place would either go nuts or cower. I really hated when animals cowered down and were scared of me. With other shifters, I was fine with them showing that emotion, but not innocent animals. I’d never hurt them. If the dogs didn’t like me and wouldn’t come to me then…I’d not be getting Mia a dog today.

  I said a silent prayer, pushed my wolf down. Surprisingly he let me, and I went inside.

  “Good morning. I’m here to see Mrs. Susie. My name’s Dalton Reed,” I said to the young girl behind the counter.

  She picked up a phone and I heard the intercom beep before she spoke, “Nanna, front desk please.”

  I looked around until she came around the front cabinet. “Mr. Reed, so nice to meet you.” We shook hands and I smiled at the short, stocky, grey haired woman. “Why don’t you come back and I’ll introduce you to the dogs. Janna, I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay, Nanna.”

  “Thank you for waiting on me. My girlfriend really wants a puppy and she’s talked about bulldogs before, over and over.”

  “They’re smart and amazing animals. They get to a decent size, forty or so pounds.”

  “I’ve done a little research on them. They’re loyal and loving dogs. I feel alright agreeing to them ‘cause—no offense, ma’am—but most girls want purse puppies. I’m a big guy, I can’t do those little purse puppies. Bulldogs are real dogs, at least. I won’t be as likely to step or sit on them.”

  She laughed as she opened the door to an empty room. “I understand, son, really. Come through here and we’ll go to the back with the dogs. They’re out on the grass, getting some sun and stretching their legs.”

  When we went outside, all the dogs gave me a look but seemed to stay relaxed. I moved to a blanket she indicated on the grass.

  “Please have a seat and I’ll get them for you to look at.”

  Twenty-five minutes later, I was still staring at two of the puppies. I could not decide which one. They were both little girls. One was hyper and playful, my wolf did nothing to scare her. She was bouncing around, yapping and growling as she tugged at my pant leg and shoe laces. Talk about adorable. The other would yap at her sister when she was stepped on, growling a little to make sure her point got across, but spent her time leaning into me as I scratched along her neck and back.

  “Have you made a choice?”

  I looked up at Mrs. Susie and nodded. I
had. Right? My wolf grunted in acknowledgment of the little ones. He tried to act tough, but I knew he liked them too. I chuckled to myself.

  “I’ll take them both, if that’s alright?”

  “Oh yes, absolutely. Your girlfriend is going to be so excited. Come inside with me and we’ll get the paperwork done. While we do that, I’ll have my granddaughter get these girls ready to go to their forever home.”

  I stood, both puppies cradled against my chest. They were so content there. I was honestly amazed. That’s how I knew they were meant to be with us. I handed them over to the girl at the counter and both of them whined, their little howls making my wolf perk up. His little ones were—they were fine. I had to stop that train of thought before he made me shift right there in the damn office.

  They’re fine, asshole, relax. My inner thoughts slapped him and he growled at me. Better me than a little girl.


  For fuck’s sake. They’re Mia’s, shut the hell up.

  When the paperwork was laid out in front of me, I looked it over. I had to agree to not sell the pups, to not abandon them on a street corner, and if there were any problems and we couldn’t keep them that we would bring them back here. None of that would happen. Once Mia saw them, she would be a goner. They were freaking adorable. I just hoped they liked the boys as much as they did me. Max wouldn’t be a problem, his scent was similar to mine since he, too, was a wolf. Ty and Liam would probably be okay. The bear would be the one to freak them out, I’d think. Who knows? Maybe they would be able to sense he was just an overgrown toddler.

  “Here you are, sir.”

  The girl held out a basket with a pink and white ribbon tied around it. Both puppies were laying in it, a soft blanket under them.

  “Thank you, sweetheart.” I sat the puppies on the counter and grinned. Mia was going to keel over with joy.


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