The Moore Sisters of Montana: The Complete Series Box Set: Books 1-4

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The Moore Sisters of Montana: The Complete Series Box Set: Books 1-4 Page 28

by Ann B. Harrison

  As he drove past the hotel, he turned into the back car park before he could change his mind. A van with a major broadcaster’s logo he recognized sat parked near the door and he almost backed off then thought better of it. He had every right to be there but Jake wondered if he would be stepping on toes.

  He walked into the foyer and into a hive of activity. “Look out.” He ducked as a harried man scuttled past him with a heavy camera on his shoulder. The cameraman pushed through the doors to the kitchen and Jake followed.

  Bella stood at the counter, hands gesturing madly as she argued with a man who had his back to Jake. She slammed her hand down on the counter, shouting above the din around her. “I said no and I mean it. Defy me, Russell, and I swear to God, I’ll walk, regardless of the consequences.” She looked up and saw Jake.

  The anger on her face turned to one of resigned annoyance. Maybe he should just slip out and leave her to it. Looked like something was happening here that didn’t involve him. She hadn’t said she was filming anything, but then again, why should she? It was her business. He turned and pushed out the doors again, ducking around a couple of young men laying cables and lights down the hallway to the ballroom.


  He strode out the door through the foyer, hurt creeping in to take over from the need he’d felt for her moments earlier.

  “Jake, wait!”

  He paused outside under the shadow of the back entrance.

  She grabbed his arm, spun around to stand in front of him. “Why didn’t you stop when I called you?”

  “You looked busy. Figured it was best if I left you to it, whatever it was.” Because I don’t fit in here. I get that now.

  Her eyes flashed with anger. “Are you pissed at something? Because I really don’t need you behaving like a prima donna right now. I have enough to deal with in there with the crew and an overzealous producer who doesn’t know how to take no for an answer. I’m sure he has a God complex.”

  “What have I got to be pissed about? The fact that you seem to have half the movie industry in the hotel and I didn’t know anything about it? Nope. Not my business.”

  Bella put her hands either side of his face and brought his lips down to hers. As she pressed against him, used her tongue to force her way in to meet his, his resolve started to fade away. He slid his arms around her back, pulled her against his chest, and kissed her, all the frustration and determination he’d been tossing around turning into a passion he couldn’t hold back. When it came to Bella, he was as weak as a newborn foal.

  She sighed when they broke apart, her anger replaced with a satisfied grin. “Wow. I’m glad you came in. That was worth waiting for.”

  “Sorry. I had no right to be annoyed with you. What you do is your business.” He rested his forehead against hers, tried to calm his racing heart. How was he going to deal with losing this firecracker of a woman?

  “Welcome to my world.” She kissed him again. “Come inside and meet Russell, my producer. He arrived today with hardly any notice to shoot some scenes for the show, otherwise I would have warned you. Editing lost a huge amount of what we’d already shot for my last program and he needed more footage, demanded I go back to sort it out.” She wrapped her fingers through his and tugged him back inside.

  “Ah, I get it. You said no because of the dinner, right?”

  Bella grinned at him. “You catch on quick. I couldn’t say anything to you about it because when I pitched the idea to him, he didn’t answer me. But he’s here now and it will do the hotel good to give it a bit of airtime.”

  “Not that I’m complaining or anything but why on earth would he bring the whole crew down here for a few shots? I get how famous you are but isn’t that going a bit overboard?”

  Bella looked a little uncomfortable with his question. “Well, it’s more than that actually. When I made the suggestion they come here I used the dinner as a kind of drawcard, said he could film the whole thing if he wanted to so I didn’t have to go back there.”

  “And he went for that obviously.”

  “Yeah, he did.” She snuggled against his neck, her warm breath rolling over him. “Kind of an end of series finale. A bit different to what we usually do but I think it will work well. Don’t worry, the ratings will more than make up for the cost of the production if I know Russell.”

  “You were arguing with him.”

  “I always argue with Russell. We’re both driven and often clash but it always works out well in the end.” Bella pulled him back through the foyer, ducking television staff as she went. “Watch out for the cables. They’re everywhere.”

  Russell looked up as they came back into the kitchen, gave Jake a condescending look, and pushed himself off the kitchen counter where he looked so much as ease. “So, this is the man who shall not be filmed, is it?” The producer arched his eyebrows as he stepped forward giving Jake the once over.

  “That’s him. Jake, meet Russell. Russell, behave.” She pointed her finger at him.

  “Hello, nice to meet you.” Jake held out his hand, shook, and then stepped back.

  “You really should change your mind, Bella. Nothing the public would like more than seeing you with a brooding hunky fireman, especially one who looks this good. The ratings would soar, darling.”

  “Do not go there. You’ve been warned, Russell.”

  Russell smiled and didn’t answer, just continued to scrutinize Jake as if he was sizing up a side of beef.

  Bella pulled Jake over to the corner of her prep area away from Russell. “I don’t think I’m going to get home early enough to spend any time with you tonight. I’m really sorry.” A frown appeared between her eyes.

  “Can’t be helped. You have a job to do.”

  “Yes, but I was kind of hoping to snuggle with you for a bit and forget my crazy world. Doubt that will happen until after the dinner is over and I get rid of this lot. Too much going on as you can see.”

  He watched people vying to get her attention and decided to make a move. “Look, do what you have to do and I’ll see you tomorrow night. You have enough to worry about without adding me to the mix.” He cupped her chin in his hand. “I didn’t mean to get annoyed back there. Put it down to raving hormones that I can’t hold back when you’re around. You’ve ruined me, Bella Moore.”

  “You were jealous of Russell? Seriously?”

  “Not just him. Everyone having a piece of you, I guess.” Jake kissed her and stepped away. “Go get ’em, Bella.”

  She grinned and when he turned at the door, she was still watching him with a smile on her face ignoring those around her.

  This was her world, not his, no matter how much he tried to kid himself.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jake straightened the bow tie and took another look in the mirror. He ran his finger under his collar, grimaced, and tried to loosen it before it squeezed the air out of him.

  “You’re going to make a mess of it if you don’t stop fiddling.” Woodsie smacked Jake’s hand away and put it back in place, half choking him. “Now leave it be, will you?”

  “It’s killing me.” He ignored the giggle from Cory and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He hadn’t worn a suit since he got married and was surprised to find one in his closet that still fit. The bow tie had been his father’s idea.

  “Grow up and stop acting like a baby. Damned if you’re going to show your face around Hollywood stars looking like you’ve come out of the barn. Bella wouldn’t appreciate it.” His father smoothed a brush over the shoulders of Jake’s black dinner jacket and made him turn around. “Guess you’ll do.”

  “Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence. I do know how to behave, you know.”

  “You look great, Dad.” Cory gave Jake a head nod. “Bella’s gonna tremble at the knees when she sees you.”

  “Oh, please. Don’t get so carried away.” He gave himself one last glance in the mirror.

  The scar over his eye had faded to a pale bruise giving him
a rugged vibe, the stitches adding to the edgy look. “Almost forgot to ask, Cory. How did the cookies go with the class?”

  “They were a hit. Nobody could work out who sent them either. The office claimed they didn’t see who delivered them, so that was cool.” He blushed a little.

  “Guess that gives you time to work out your next move, eh?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” He wiped a hand over his chin, pondering. “So, talking of moves, are you really going to give that to Bella?” He pointed at the small gift wrapped box on the dresser.

  “I think so.”

  “Cool.” He shuffled his feet. “Dad, I have something I want to say to you before you go.”

  After a quick talk where his son blurted out his idea, Jake had to leave or be late. “Can we discuss this in the morning? I don’t want you to think I don’t appreciate it, I do. But it’s not a decision to take lightly.”

  “Sure, Dad. I just wanted to let you know what I was thinking.”

  Jake hugged his son good-night, walked out the door and got in his truck. “Behave for your grandfather.”

  “Sure, always. Hope Bella appreciates the trouble you’ve gone to.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Cory. This is her night. Hers and Mari’s. I’m only an observer and support person.”

  His normal calm nerves were stretched tight as he pulled up at the hotel. The parking lot was packed and along with the broadcasting vans, he spied a couple of stretch limos. Looked like this was a far bigger deal than he thought it was going to be. Funny, Bella hadn’t said anything to him about who would be here but she’d been very busy.

  Jake walked in the front door and into a red carpet event just as Ben predicted. Lights blazed and a silken rope guided the diners to the grand ballroom that had been set aside for the evening. His ticket was checked by two dark-suited security guards before the doorman would let him proceed into the mix. As he made his way along the carpet, Jake marveled at how much work Mari had put into the evening. The walls were hung in gold silk to match the rope running along the edge of the carpet, keeping the general diners from what he assumed would be stars strutting their stuff. Photographers trawled up and down looking for potential people to photograph. He avoided making eye contact, not wanting to explain who he was. He wasn’t expecting anything quite so dramatic. This was going to top the Christmas gala if he was any judge.

  “Jake.” Ben and his wife Sally greeted Jake at the end of the queue. Sally was made up as if she was meeting the president. Diamonds dripped from her ears, her hair styled high and scattered with clips and her makeup looked professionally done. The dress left little to the imagination. It clung to every curve and swirled around her high heeled shoes whenever she moved. Ben was slightly more sedate in a black suit with black shirt and red tie to match Sally’s dress. They’d gone all out and looked fantastic.

  “Hi, guys. Isn’t this something? I didn’t realize it was going to be so fancy.” He leaned in and gave Sally a kiss on the cheek.

  Sally squealed. “I am so thrilled to be here. Apparently, nobody knew it was going to be quite this flash although I had an idea it would be with Bella being the chef. Have you seen the cameras? They must have celebrities here too. With all the fuss and the security, it wouldn’t surprise me. Not with the connections Bella has. I mean, look who the studio is and the other shows they produce.” She paused for breath, her gaze constantly scanning the room for a sight of someone famous. “The limos are parked outside and security guards are at both ends of the carpet. I bet they’re hiding out in the small bar off the ballroom until it’s time to come and start filming. Look, things are getting interesting.” She pointed down past the entrance where the cameras were panning the crowd, the photographers were taking their places ready to start snapping. “Did Bella tell you who was going to be here?”

  “No. No, she didn’t.” She hadn’t told him much about the evening at all and he hadn’t asked. Jake wondered what he’d walked into. It was too late to make a run for it.

  Ben gave him a look that said he’d rather be fighting an out of control bush fire than touching elbows with the rich and famous. Jake knew how he felt.

  “Oh, my goodness, look.” Sally pointed down the carpet at the man preening in front of the camera with a vivacious blonde on his arm who posed for the cameras. “That’s Ryan Freeman, tell me that’s him, Ben.”

  “Yep, that’d be him, alright.” Ben rolled his eyes in Jake’s direction, careful not to let his wife see him. It was her night and he was playing the good husband, a role he did well.

  “Who’s he?” Jake had no idea who they were talking about but watched as the crowd fawned over him.

  Ben leaned over and spoke in his ear. “You know, the guy that fronts Survivor? That series where they put a group of people on an island with nothing but their life skills to fight for the chance to win half a mil.”

  “Seriously?” Jake shook his head. “Not the kind of thing I watch.”

  Sally shook her head in disbelief. “Oh, Jake. You have no idea what you’re missing. The guy is to die for, honestly. The same network that films Bella’s show does his as well. Top rating show too. They must be friends or something. I bet they are and this is their way of helping each other out with ratings. I hear stars do that kind of thing.” Sally preened as the camera panned the line of waiting diners including the three of them. “Oh, my goodness. I do hope I get to meet him. Ben, can you make sure we get a photo before the end of the night? It will make my year.”

  “Sure, honey. Whatever you want.”

  “Maybe Bella would introduce us. They have to be best friends for him to be here, Jake.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” Jake wondered what other famous friends she had if Sally was to be believed.

  She nudged him, a secretive smile on her face as another famous actor walked in to the cheering of the waiting crowd. “You didn’t tell me Bella had such important connections, shame on you, Jake. I’ve had to go trawling the Internet to catch up on who’s who in her little circle.” Sally smiled, stepped forward so she was in front of the men and waved hoping to get some attention.

  “Well, that makes two of us in the dark. I had no idea it was going to be this kind of night either.” His hand found the small box in his jacket pocket. Wrong time, wrong place. It suddenly felt all too hard and he now doubted he could change her mind about leaving.

  They made their way closer to the ballroom door, tickets ready to be checked again when he saw Bella walk out of the kitchen, looking harassed. The look changed to one of pleasure when she lifted her head. Jake smiled at her, raised his hand. She spied Ryan and ran laughing into his embrace leaving Jake stunned.

  Her voice reached him. “You didn’t tell me you were coming. You sneaky thing you.” He hugged her tight, then spun her around, the cameras on them the whole time. When he put her down she reached for his date, gave her a quick hug before tucking her arm into Ryan’s for more photos.

  “Oh, man, that has to suck.” Ben patted him on the back consolingly.

  The pleasure of the evening turned sour as Jake watched her reacting with people she knew in line ahead of him, people that were so foreign to him and his way of life. They were the contacts she was used to, the crowd she ran with and she seemed so relaxed with them. The folk of Cherry Lake, and him in particular, had nothing to offer her compared to this. It would only be a matter of time before she missed it all and what they had wouldn’t be good enough.

  The line moved forward and he was pushed closer. Sally and Ben greeted Bella and she played the part of famous chef superbly. Jake introduced them and took photos on Sally’s phone for her but his heart was no longer in the evening. Even when Bella reached for him, it didn’t manage to move the block of ice that had lodged in his chest.

  He smiled, played the part for her but he would never be able to compete with the rich and famous. Sooner or later, Bella would tire of him and Cherry Lake. It stood to reason.

  “I’m so glad you’re
here. This place is crazy.” Bella leaned into him, gave his hand a squeeze. “You certainly look the part.” Her fingers found his and she looked at his stitches. With the dressing gone, it didn’t look anywhere near as bad as it had before.

  “So do you. I didn’t realize it was going to be this, well, red carpet and famous actors kind of dinner.”

  Bella looked up at him. “Would you have come if you’d known?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “And I didn’t know all these people would be here either. You can thank Russell for that.” She waved to someone when her name was called out, smiled while photos were snapped of them together. “I’m going to have words with him later but since Mari let him film this for the show, he has total control. We have no say in it whatsoever.” She leaned up and kissed him. “I have to get back to the kitchen. Enjoy your evening and I’ll be with you as soon as the main course is delivered.”


  Bella pushed her way back into the kitchen and walked into a firestorm. Russell stood in the corner, yelling at one of his assistants and Bella shook her head. She hadn’t missed his bad temper at all. After he calmed the situation, he hurried over to her.

  “So, are things going to plan? Is there anyone I need to hurry along?”

  “I don’t need your help in the kitchen, honestly, I’m fine. The best you could do for me is tell me what you think of my idea though.”

  “Sorry, petal. Not right now. We can talk about that later, once we wrap this last show up.”

  She glared at him, knowing it wouldn’t do any good to push. Fine then. “Go out and have a drink with your visitors, enjoy the limelight for a change. And leave me to do what I do best without you hovering over me.”

  “If you’re sure. When you’re ready to start service, have someone come and get me. I want to film you plating the last entree. We won’t have time to go over this again, Bella. It’s now or never.” He smiled and hurried away, leaving her alone with the staff.

  She clapped her hands to get attention. “Okay, folks. We need to get a move on here. Plating up will start in fifteen minutes. Are you all under control? Is there anything anyone is having issues with? Speak up now.”


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