Regenis 4 Chronicles {Book 1}

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Regenis 4 Chronicles {Book 1} Page 12

by Steve Simons

  "Yes" replied Ed, "Do you know why he has been arrested?"

  "Something to do with his work they said, when they took him away. He was supposed to be 'helping them with their enquiries'." Jenny replied wiping her eyes, then she pointed down the hallway, indicating that they come in.

  "Probably investigating an accident at work or something like that." reassured Ed.

  "I don't think it can be, or if it is, it must be pretty serious, as he's been held so far for three days. He rang after the first day to say he was going to be held for a bit longer and he asked how we were." Jenny pointed to herself and Elcesior, who had come out to see who had come round. She continued, "Then he said he had to go again, he looked really rough as if he hadn't slept all night."

  "He hasn't mentioned anything going on at work has he?" asked Paul.

  Jenny turned to him and looked as if he were accusing her of a crime, then calmed down as she realised he was trying to be helpful. Jenny replied, "He hardly ever talks about his work, does he?" she asked Elcesior.

  "Not really, just the odd thing now and again. From what I gather things were going well. The mining operation was ahead of schedule and things had been going really well. The people learning how to operate the new machine had picked it up fast." said Elcesior.

  "There was something strange about their uniforms." remarked Jenny.

  "What the mining staff?" asked Elcesior.

  "No dim wit! The police who arrested dad!" rebuked Jenny.

  "What sort of strange?" asked Ed.

  "Well they had the usual R4C logo on the uniform, but underneath was written 'SD5'." relied Jenny

  "Perhaps it was a police division like 'Special Detectives'." suggested Paul.

  Ed backed him up with, "That's probably it, they have all sorts of department names."

  "But there was no braid." responded Jenny.

  "What?" asked Paul.

  "The police have yellow braid, down the sides of their uniform and each officer has a unique ID number. All three officers just had 'SD5' under the logo." retorted Jenny.

  "Perhaps being detectives they don't have to have a number." suggested Elcesior and rapidly got the feeling he should have kept quiet, as Jenny threw him one of those 'shut up dim wit' type of looks.

  "So anyway what have you two been up to?" asked Jenny.

  Ed, relieved he hadn't actually voiced the same suggestion, although he was thinking it, replied, "Our uncle called out of the blue and invited us up to the Hescedion space port to spend a few days with him."

  "More like a week!" interjected Elcesior, then slinked off to the food prep area, as Jenny threw another of those looks at him. Just before he disappeared he managed to get out, "Drink anyone?"

  Ed and Paul asked for a FRUICOL.

  Jenny was still glowering at him as he asked, "Ice?"

  Simultaneously Ed and Paul said, "Yes please."

  Jenny pointed to an open door and said, "Do come in. This is the first time you've actually been in our place isn't it?"

  Ed replied, "Er....Yes it is."

  They walked into the main room and were quite surprised by the d?cor. Paul had seen similar in history info, the style came from a planet called 'Earth' and a region called 'the Mediterranean'. Paul quite liked it, it seemed to have more character than most modern places, which seemed quite bland in comparison.

  Ed said, "Wow like what you've done with the place."

  Paul asked, "Is it Mediterranean?"

  Jenny replied, "I don't know where the style comes from, saw it in an old video and liked it. As dad is not into d?cor, he gave me and Elcesior a free hand in decorating the place. We had to import some of the materials."

  Ed said, "That doesn't surprise me."

  The conversation continued on about design, taste in videos and the like. Elcesior stayed out of it having had his "fingers burnt".

  Chapter 14 - Working Things Out

  Richard was notified the following day, that Grakeon had been released. Shortly afterwards, Jenny called Ed, to give him the news. Although Ed already knew, he managed to cover it up and appeared to be pleased that Grakeon had returned home. Apparently he had been told, that he should not return to work, until told to do so. Jenny said, he'd be like a cadged animal, as he loved his work.

  Ed was still suspicious about Grakeon and whether he was involved in the plot or not. The secret service may have released him to see what he does and who he contacts. On the other hand he may have been innocent.

  Edward could see, that Ed was struggling with the news. He put his arm around Ed's shoulder and said, "I know its hard, just got to stick with it for the time being, you're doing well and I'm proud of you both." The last was said, just as Paul entered the room.

  Later that morning, one of Paul's mates arrived and started talking about Grakeon's arrest. Paul wondered where he'd got his information from, some of it was quite detailed and some was more like wild guesses and totally wrong. Paul's mate, Geraldo Deakon, knew that there were items going missing from the mine and it was something to do with the Galtoid Sector planets and he knew that Grakeon was suspected of being involved in their disappearance. Geraldo knew nothing of the secret factory though and Paul wasn't about to tell him anything about it. Ed couldn't listen to the things that Geraldo was saying about Jenny, Elcesior and Grakeon, so he made his excuses that he had some maintenance work to do on his air sleaker.

  Geraldo said, "Strange to be doing some maintenance on the air sleaker isn't it, he's only just got it hasn't he?"

  Paul said, "Oh its only some minor defects that are easily put right, you know what these ace pilots are like?"

  Geraldo replied, "Oh yeah I do at that."

  The conversation turned back to these darned "off-worlders who come to our planet and think they can do what they darned well like..." Paul tried to keep a balanced view saying things like, "Well nothing's been proved as yet", whilst not wanting to upset his mate and his views. Paul mainly ended up listening to Geraldo ranting on about off-worlders and other alleged occurrences involving "these scum" as he put it. Paul didn't know where to look, after all until now Elcesior had been classed as one of his mates. He felt quite disloyal about the conversation.

  When Geraldo finally left, Paul went to see Ed and chatted through the conversations. Ed suggested that as Paul had felt so strongly about running down Elcesior and as nothing adverse had been proven against the family, Paul should have pushed the "Well nothings been proven card a bit more, to make Geraldo realise that there may be another side to the story."

  "That's easy to say here, but you should have heard him going on about off-worlders generally. It was conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory with a few dodgy facts thrown in for good measure." replied Paul.

  "I know it's never easy when you have someone with such strong views. However, you can't just sit back and let him walk all over you and your thoughts and feelings on the matter. He should respect that you have your views also." said Ed.

  "I suppose you're right, probably won't see or hear from him for a while anyway. I think he got the gist that I wasn't buying into his theories." replied Paul.

  Then after a short silence Paul asked, "What do you really think Ed, are the Fluerescens guilty or not guilty?"

  "Jury is out here mate! I just do not know. I'm convinced that neither Elcesior or Jenny knew anything about the plot. As for Grakeon, who knows, you heard Elcesior, his dad was pretty quiet about his work. That could have been because he didn't want to bore them, on the other hand perhaps he didn't want to let anything slip and put them at greater risk. Only time will tell." replied Ed.

  "I think you're right there." said Paul.

  "Fancy a ride on the Airsleaker?" asked Ed.

  "Hey yeah you must be dying to have another flight, not going near any secret factories though are you?" replied Paul.

  "Na, given them up. I thought I'd go to the trading centre and see what accessories I can get for the Airslea
ker." said Ed.

  "What like a couple of laser cannons?" kidded Paul.

  "Something like that." replied Ed.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  It seemed strange to be going back to the Academy after their adventures, also saying goodbye to the uncle that they never knew they had. He'd promised to come back and see them in a couple of weeks, but just had to get back to the office to sort out all the "paperwork".

  Ed had said to Paul, "What about that? Even exotic jobs like being a secret agent has its boring elements. You'd never have guessed it would you?"

  The Academy looked exactly the same as the last time they saw it. It just didn't feel the same, there was a kind of secretive buzz going on. Paul caught the odd comment or two and quickly sussed out that everyone was talking about Jenny and Elcesior, obviously Geraldo had been passing off his comments and opinions about the off-worlders. From what Paul had overheard, the general opinion was that Jenny and Elcesior were spies sent here to help sabotage the mining equipment and send secret information back to their home planet.

  Paul whispered the rumours to Ed and said, "Talk about getting things completely wrong."

  Ed whispered back, "Say and do nothing, we're not involved we're just acquaintances right?"

  Paul nodded.

  Apart from the gossip still going on around them, no-one involved Ed and Paul, they didn't even discuss their absence from the Academy and that included the teaching staff. The whole thing made Ed and Paul feel particularly uncomfortable, almost as if they were being accused of being involved in the plot with Jenny and Elcesior. Ed and Paul were treated as if they were strangers from "out of town" and totally ignored. As neither Ed nor Paul pursued the matter and just got on with their studies etc. it seemed to the external observer as if this were normal, however if you'd seen the two boys and their friends a few weeks before you just wouldn't recognise the scene now.

  When Ed and Paul got home, they discussed their strange day at the Academy with Edward and Maria. Edward said, that apparently Geraldo had been spreading all sorts of rumours about the Fluerescens and about Ed and Paul's involvement in the plot. Edward agreed that the boys had taken the right stance of not raising their profile and engaging anyone in conversation or argument as it could turn nasty. The boys were tempted not to turn in to the Academy the following day, but Edward encouraged them to "ride out the storm".

  That evening Jenny and Elcesior came round and they all discussed the days events . Ed asked how their dad was coping.

  Jenny said she'd never seen him, so down in the mouth, he'd lost interest in everything, he just couldn't believe that colleagues that he'd worked so closely with could believe that he'd be capable of being involved in anything against the administration and peoples who had welcomed him and his family with open arms.

  Jenny went on to say that Grakeon had helped the Regenis 4 Authorities to try and identify who was behind the plot, that they were investigating, as he had theories about who was ultimately behind the whole thing based on things he'd heard and seen before they left the Galtoid sector. He'd kept an eye out for suspicious goings on and had discovered the extra shipments, but only when it was too late. He didn't think that the mining machine corporation itself was involved in the plot, but more a case of someone pretending to ship stuff out in their name. He'd heard that a Mr Klayfer was arranging for shipments to be made to the mine, then as mysteriously as they appeared, they'd be picked up again and Mr Klayfer's name would appear on the collection papers as the person authorising for a mistaken shipment to be collected.

  The discussion was confirmed latter that evening when Richard contacted Edward on a secure comms link and informed him that Grakeon was in the clear; in fact he'd been of great assistance to the "authorities" in pinning down the activist ring. As a result of the information and names that he'd been able to supply, the whole ring had been arrested with the exception of someone called Deakon, he warned Edward that Deakon's son went to the same Academy as Ed and Paul and that they should be careful what they do and say. Edward had filled Richard in on the day's events. Then he relayed Richard's news to Ed and Paul.

  ~~~~ Later ~~~~

  At the Academy there was a buzz going on again, apparently the principle had called an urgent faculty meeting and wanted to address the students before classes began. It seemed strange not going straight to classes, instead everyone was mulling around the main campus hall. After hanging around outside for half an hour they were ushered inside by the teaching staff, just as there were sirens from departing security vehicles.

  Ed and Paul had been looking around desperately to see if they could spot Geraldo Deakon, Jenny and Elcesior; but to no avail.

  The hall was buzzing with raised voices as the students were trying to figure out what all the excitement was about.

  There was a self imposed hush set upon the audience as the senior faculty staff stepped out onto the stage. The principle, a short rather portly man with a head that boasted very little hair, was the last to step onto the stage. He went straight to the front of the stage, whilst his senior staff sat in row behind him. As if to add drama to the moment of hush, he cleared his voice and after a moment's silence started his speech, his voice boomed right to the back of the hall.

  "It has come to my attention that there are various rumours spreading across the academy about four of our students. I want to set the record straight about the students and put an instant stop to the rumours that seem to be spreading like wildfire and proliferating like a rapidly expanding organism." The principle paused to take in breath and survey the audience. Then continued, "The students concerned are Ed and Paul Glaceon plus Elcesior and Jenny Fluerescens. The rumours are essentially that these students were involved in wrong doings against the Regenis 4 state and its peoples. In fact I have been assured by the state that nothing could be further from the truth and that in fact these individuals have been very courageous and have helped the state foil a potentially very dangerous plot, which would have not only affected this planet but countless others too. The state cannot at this stage authorise me to reveal details of the plot concerned as they are still in the process of rounding up all who have been involved in it. I can however say that all will be revealed in the news bulletins in a day or two. In the interim I request, no, I demand that the students in question be no longer the subject of malicious gossip, instead be afforded the status that the state wishes to afford them in due time, namely that of heroes of the state. As principle of this Academy I wish to extend my thanks to the four for their part in safeguarding Regenis 4 and its peoples."

  The senior staff stood as one and clapped most heartily. Everyone turned to look for Ed, Paul, Jenny and Elcesior. The latter pair had appeared near the front of the stage and were accompanied by one of the teaching staff. The whole audience followed the lead of the senior staff and joined in the clapping.

  Ed and Paul didn't know where to look, they were totally surprised by this turn of events. The remainder of the day was a total opposite of the previous day, instead of no-one wanting to talk to them everyone wanted to be their friend or mate.

  When they got home later that afternoon, their uncle Richard was waiting for them. He had a medal for each of them, which he told them the president himself had asked to be given to the boys for their courage and heroic actions. Richard was most shocked about the Principle's announcement, as he'd only been asked to put a stop to the rumours, so that things would be more comfortable for the four students. Luckily Richard didn't feel that the clean up operation had been compromised at all, as both Mr Deakon and his son Geraldo had been arrested that morning on the edge of the Academy campus. There had been numerous other arrests both on and off planet.

  "Ah that's what the noise was all about just before the Principle's announcement" remarked Paul. He looked around for Ed, but he was nowhere to be seen.

  Paul wandered off to the food prep area but Ed wasn't there. He went to Ed's room, but h
e wasn't there either. He decided that Ed must be in the store cupboard tending his precious Airsleaker. The door was slightly ajar, Paul pulled it fully open and to his surprise Ed was kissing Jenny. He stopped, looked at Paul and said, "Mind if you close the door old chap, there's a terrible draft in here?"

  Paul asked, "Nice to see you've worked things out. What's it like kissing a hero then?"

  Ed replied, "Its very nice thank you, now why don't you clear off and find yourself a hero, so you can try it?"

  There was no reply, except for the gentle "Tap!" as the cupboard door closed by itself.

  Written By: Steve Simons - Originally written and serialised for KidsCastUK in 2007, but due to demand was re-written as book. (c)2009 Steve Simons

  Book 2 - "The Invisible Foe" is now available through, search for "regenis book 2"

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