The Wicked Horse Boxed Set (+Wicked Bond [5])

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The Wicked Horse Boxed Set (+Wicked Bond [5]) Page 75

by Sawyer Bennett

  He doesn't need the hint. "Yeah man... sorry. Good seeing you, and Auralie, very nice to meet you. My buddy, Logan here, is a good man."

  Auralie looks up and gives him a polite smile, but it's guarded. "Nice meeting you too, Rand."

  "Tell Cat I said hello," I say as an afterthought, and Rand nods his head.

  As he walks away, I watch his retreating back for a moment and realize something that's very interesting. Usually when I'm in Rand's presence, I will often think of sex. Not just because he and I have fucked and sucked each other, but because we have had numerous women we've shared over the past year. He's a good friend, yes, but most of our encounters revolve around fucking, and that's because I use sex as a drug and so I have it a lot. So naturally, whenever I was around Rand, it would only seem to reason that I'd think about sex.

  And Cat... who couldn't think of sex when she was around?

  But when I saw her just a bit ago, and talking now to Rand, I didn't think of sex once during my conversation with him. Didn't have a stirring in my pants. No matter how hot our encounter was last week, and I'm sure they'd probably be up for that again, I didn't have any desire to be with the two of them.

  For now, they merely felt like good friends.

  "So, he's a friend of yours?" Auralie asks softly, and my head swivels to face her.

  "Yeah, really good friend," I say, which is sort of true. Well, good as in as long as we keep things simple, we're good. He doesn't know shit about me. No one here does.

  "Did you meet him through The Silo?"

  The waiter returns with our drinks and asks if we're ready to order, but I decline and tell him we need more time. Neither of us has even looked at the menu, and I'm in no rush for this evening to end.

  When he leaves, I answer her question. "Rand and I both got part-time jobs at The Wicked Horse around the same time to supplement our full-time jobs. We got to know Bridger. He eventually let us in on the secret club behind The Wicked Horse and offered us jobs there as Fantasy Makers."

  "You get paid to... to... have sex?" she asks hesitantly.

  "No," I say with admonishment but temper it with a quick grin. "That would be prostitution. But we do get a free membership. Bridger even gives out 'quarterly bonuses' to the Wicked Horse employees who... shall we say... make the other full-paying members happy."

  "So you are getting paid for sex," she points out but her face is still questioning. It's asking, What motivates you to do that?

  So I enlighten her. "I don't do it for the money although it's nice and it helps pay the bills, and frankly, I don't do a lot of fantasies there so I don't make a lot of money. I just take advantage of my membership, and I use it a lot."

  She just stares at me.

  "I do it because I like the kinky sex," I clarify further, and wait to see how she takes that.

  "I've seen a lot of weird things go on in that building that I never even knew were possible," she murmurs, and I don't mistake the sensual heat in her voice.

  I can tell she's both put off and attracted to the debauchery that she's seen. It makes my dick start to swell at the thought that perhaps we share that in common too. Because while I love sex, even just normal, missionary, fuck-pussy-until-you-get-off sex, I also get off on the perversion of the things that happen in The Silo. Never even blinked an eye the first time I fucked Rand--my first guy. I wanted to be different and drown my misery in the new and exciting world of unrestrained sexual play.

  "Anything you saw that you liked in particular?" I ask, my voice husky without meaning it to be.

  She drops her eyes in only the way a virgin would when an experienced man asks what turns her on. This strangely does not turn me on. The one thing that makes my attraction to Auralie very weird is that I like my women experienced, bold, and adventurous. Those are not words synonymous with virgin.

  "I like watching other people have sex," she says in almost a whisper.

  "It's living porn," I agree with an encouraging smile.

  "It's still shocking to me."

  Not so much to me. Most times now in The Silo, I'm not even really paying attention to what's going on. My mission is simple, and that's to find an interesting way to have a release. I'm almost numb to the experience.

  Except last night.

  An amazing performance in front of the entire club last night with a woman who made me hornier than I've ever been in my life. I'd recreate what we did last night, every night for the rest of my foreseeable future, and be happy with it.

  "Can I ask you a question, Logan?" Auralie asks.

  I have to blink to orient myself back to the present and this beautiful woman who is having dinner with me, not sucking my cock. "Sure."

  "You truly don't do it for the money? Just because you like 'kinky' sex?"

  Well, isn't she persistent? Still, I hedge because she's pushing too close at my personal boundaries. "What's not to love about kinky sex?"

  "I don't buy it," she says with a shake of her head, her long, black hair falling over her shoulders. "I watch the people in there, and something drives them. It's more than just feeling good or carefree. It's more than just being a libertine. I mean, the men who want a virgin... they want that because it represents something rare and precious that they'll likely never get another crack at. It's like someone who collects rare antiques or works of art. There are bragging rights and inflation of ego. Every person in there wants something, and they are being driven by something personal to want it. I want to know what drives you."

  I stare at her, my heart thundering so hard in my chest that it feels like it will punch through bone and flesh and race right out of the restaurant without me. She's asking me the one question that would explain everything about my life in the last two years, and it's not something I discuss with anyone.


  I take a deep breath, will my pulse to calm down, and try to tactfully decline her curiosity into the reasons Logan McKay is the way he is. Besides, she hasn't offered up any of her secrets to me, and even if she did... I'd still never tell her. I'm not prepared to suffer "the look" that I would invariably get. Not ready to destroy what little bit of attraction and connection she has to me.

  So I lie to her... yet again, and I try to shock her at the same time so that she gets misdirected. "I'm just a very sexual man, Auralie and that's all there is to it. I like sex, and I like variety. I'm adventurous. I like trying everything, and The Silo is the perfect place to do so. It's just as simple as that."

  "How adventurous?" she asks, eyes wide with almost a childlike curiosity, and that totally makes my dick twitch. Any further conversation along these lines, and I'm going to have to pull her out of here and do something about it. Maybe drag her in the bathroom and have her suck my dick since she's getting me riled up.

  So instead, I pick up my menu as I say, "How about we figure out what we want to order, and maybe keep the sex questions down to a minimum? There's only so much I can handle with you sitting across from me looking as sweet as I remember you tasting last night."

  Her eyes go round and a small gasp slides past those lips that I never did even get to see on my dick last night. I could only imagine them since my face was full of pussy.

  I grin at her and open my menu, lowering my gaze to check out the salad choices as a starter.

  Chapter 10


  The rest of dinner was relatively... normal.

  I mean, as normal as could be for a girl posing as a virgin for money, who lets another man dictate whose dick she can suck and who put on an oral sex show for a crowd of strangers.

  There's no doubt that Logan and I are doing an awful lot of lying to each other. Because we have this weird extra-perception going on with each other, and can have entire conversations with mere looks, we both know we've skirted the truth with each other on multiple occasions.

  While I've refused to talk about my reasons for being in The Silo, and so Logan can only guess as to those, he knows I'm being evasive when he
's asked about my background. Likewise, I know there's something twisted in his past that has driven him to a place where he takes solace in anonymous, kinky sex. We're hiding things from one another, but somehow, it seems to be okay right in this very moment. We know our time together is limited, so we seem to be okay with the partial truths and banal conversation regarding world events and funny stories from our lives that don't impact the house of cards we've built so far.

  But overall, dinner was enjoyable. It was not a hardship to spend a few hours with an amazingly gorgeous man who made me feel like I swallowed butterflies or something. It's a feeling I've never had before with a man.

  Granted, grifting is not conducive to relationships. When you live moment to moment in one con or another, you build a wall around your very human nature so that you never let your guard slip. Grifters are notoriously unromantic creatures, shifty and sly. We can't open our hearts up to be stolen because we're too busy doing the stealing.

  It's not to say I'm without experience though.

  I've dated here and there, usually people from my world, but we're territorial and competitive, and always looking for a way to one-up the other. So yeah... meaningless dates and even more meaningless conversation. Nothing more than a way to step outside of my structured little world, blow off some steam, and accept something for just a moment that feels good even if it's completely manufactured.

  Logan pulls his beat-up old truck into the driveway of the rented cabin outside of Jackson. He'd picked me up here a few hours ago. I'd come out the door and met him before he even made it to the porch. I didn't want to feel compelled to invite him in and give him a tour of a home that meant nothing to me.

  But now... as he cuts the engine off, which rumbles and sputters once before going dead, I wonder if I should invite him in now. We diligently avoided the topic of sex for the rest of our meal, but it didn't mean we weren't thinking about it. I would have images of last night pop into my head at the most inopportune times, causing my panties to get wet. Logan seemed to squirm at times in his chair, and once he reached down to adjust himself.

  Just the two of us sitting across from each other at dinner with simple memories of the previous night, and we were both turned on.

  Will we repeat it tonight?

  I know I'm game, but I wonder if he is as he was clear last night that it was a onetime only thing.

  "I'm going to offer to walk you to the door," Logan says into the quiet truck cab. I turn my gaze to him because something about the rumble in his voice causes me to go on alert. "And if you accept, I'm not stopping when I get to the door. I'm coming in with you."

  "I can't--" I start to put him off, because I need him to know that sex is out of the question. I can't blow this elaborate set up just because I want to feel him inside of me.

  He shakes his head, cutting me off. "I'll leave your pussy alone. But that's all I'm promising."

  A violent shudder runs up my spine, producing a full-body shiver. Every detail of last night pulses in my mind. Things he did to me that I have only imagined in my sexiest dreams, and things he did to me I'd never imagined.

  His finger in my ass...

  Another shiver.

  "Okay," I say in a rush. For a split moment, I think Logan looks almost disappointed. As if he wanted me to decline him so we could say goodbye right this minute and try to move on from each other, because we're only making the addiction worse by feeding it.

  But then, just as quickly, his eyes start to shimmer with an almost fevered need, and I know he's going to wreck me even better than he did the first time.


  "Last night," Logan asks me in between soft kisses down my belly. "First time a man's gone down on you?"

  "Mmmm. Hmmmm," I manage to purr from the back of my throat as his lips trail along the waistband of my panties. It was the one and only time I'd had a man do something like that to me, and it was more incredible than anything I could imagine. My orgasm was definitely bigger, brighter, and longer than any I'd ever given myself with my own fingers. It's like Logan knew my body better than I did.

  "Tell me how it felt?" he whispers as he uses his hands to drag my panties down, peppering my legs with kisses as he goes along. "My mouth on you. What was that like?"

  "Warm," I say, gasping as he spreads my legs wide and crawls in between them.

  "What else?"

  "Electric," I moan as he glides his fingers over the bare skin of my pussy.

  Two thumbs at my swollen lips, and he peels them apart, making me both self-conscious and apparently wanton as my hips start to move. My body flushes warm all over. When he bends over and rolls his tongue in a circle around my clit, I cry out. "More."

  "It felt 'more'?" he asks teasingly, and I lift my head up from the bed to see him smiling at me lecherously.

  "Give me more," I clarify.

  Well, it's actually a demand.

  "Mmmmm," he ponders thoughtfully. "Giving me orders. I like that. What else do you want me to do?"

  My pulse starts hammering with the possibilities, but while I'm not without some experience, I'm without the kind of experience that would ever give me confidence. So I mumble, "Do what you did last night."

  "Uh-uh," Logan chastises. "Specifics. Tell me specifically what you want."

  I heave with a frustrated grunt, rotating my hips again to try to get his attention there, but when he just stares at me expectantly, I finally tell him, "I want your mouth on my clit."

  He nods with a smile. "What else?"

  "I want you to suck it," I say, my voice more firm and with a tiny bit of authority that sounds weird. He apparently likes it because his eyes go dark with appreciation. So I add on, "Hard. I want you to suck it hard."

  "Christ," he mutters and rears up, his hands swiftly pulling his shirt over his head and then whipping his belt open. I watch in fascination as he unzips his jeans and pushes them down slightly, pulling his swollen cock out from its confines.

  He gives me a sheepish grin as he strokes himself a few times. "Had to get my dick out. It was getting strangled because your dirty talk was making it so hard."

  I give a feminine chuckle and try to provoke him further, because I have just found out that turning Logan on is turning me on. "And your fingers... I know you can't breach... well, you can maybe stick one in a little bit while you're eating me out."

  "Holy Jesus fuck, Auralie," he groans, stroking his dick harder. "No. I get anywhere near the inside of that pussy and I'm not stopping. But I'll finger fuck your ass again if you want."

  Oh, God.

  I swear if words could cause a mini orgasm, I think I just had one by the savage shudder that rippled through me. With my breath practically frozen in my lungs, I say, "Logan... I want you to do whatever you want to me. Whatever you think I can take?"

  The last comes out almost like a question.

  His hand freezes on his cock and he tilts his head at me for a discerning moment before he tells me, "Baby... I know you don't have much experience, but I think you could take whatever I handed you. You've got the backbone for it."

  Oh, geez. Another ripple runs through me as an ache forms between my legs. "Then do it," I whisper.

  Logan's eyes narrow at the challenge in my voice, and I expect him to fall on me like a starving man at a buffet. Instead, I give a tiny shriek as he pushes off the bed and pulls me with him.

  "What are you--?" I start to ask, but then he's sitting on the edge of the mattress and spinning me so my stomach comes down over his legs. Suddenly, I'm staring at the carpet. He rests a large, warm palm on my butt and strokes it, and oh... that feels so nice.

  Then it's gone. Within a nanosecond, it's back with a resounding slap to my skin. I cry out, "Shit," but then his hand is stroking the spot warmed by his palm, and I moan at how good that feels.

  "Knew you'd like that," Logan practically purrs at me. "So I'll tell you how we're going to start..."

  The threat in his voice is unmistakable, and I know there's goi
ng to be a sting to whatever he does to me. But I can't deny I want that more than anything because I know he'll ultimately make me soar above the stars when it's all said and done.

  Logan nudges my legs open a bit before tentatively sticking his fingertips to my wet opening. He drags his fingers through to test my reaction so far, and says, "I'm going to spank your ass. I'm even going to give a few well-aimed slaps at your pussy, because I know a sweet girl like you has never had her pussy slapped. I'm going to do that until you're dripping, and when you're wet enough, I'm going to drag that sweetness up to your ass. When it's slick, I'm going to use at least two fingers on you back there... maybe three. I'm going to get you so worked up that you're going to beg me to fuck your ass, but I won't do it. We'll leave that cherry too, but then I'm going to flip you over and make you come with my mouth on your clit and my fingers in your ass. Sound good?"

  One last giant, seismic shudder quakes my entire body. All I can do is nod in abject capitulation mixed with dizzy anticipation.

  "Good girl," he says just before he brings his hand down on my ass again.


  Everything from my waist down is tingling. Ass, clit, butt cheeks. Hell, even my toes are still curled and prickling after what Logan just did to me. But I don't let it distract me as Logan silently crawls off the bed to shed the remainder of his clothes. He knows he's next. I have a lot to give him to make up for what he just gave me.

  The man has no personal boundaries when it comes to my body, and he's touched and tasted parts of me that I'll never know myself. And he was right. I was begging for his cock in my ass, but he only gave a dark laugh when I did. True to his promise, he flipped me over and made me come with his mouth while I ground down on his fingers that were deep inside my tightest spot.

  "Get on the bed," I tell Logan with a nod toward my pretty, western-themed comforter that's all sorts of disheveled.

  He doesn't grin at my tart ways or give me a comical rejoinder. Instead, he crawls back over me, fitting his entire naked body against mine, and presses his mouth to me. Logan gives me a blistering kiss that starts to make my core ache again, but then he's pulling away before rolling to my side and onto his back.


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