Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1)

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Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1) Page 38

by Shaun F. Messick


  Salt Lake City, Utah, Earth ?

  "Mr. Palmer."

  "Yes," Kevin said, as he worked on his computer in his office, which was located in the fifteen-story home office of Compu-Tech Super Computers, located in Salt Lake City, Utah.

  "You have an urgent message from Michael Konrad of NASA," said Nancy, his secretary.

  Kevin was excited. It had been a week since he had seen the video footage of Mars II and NightHawk going through the wormhole. Was this it? Had Jake successfully returned from the wormhole with Adrian? "Patch me through."

  The screen on Kevin's computer changed from his work to Michael Konrad's image. "Kevin. How are you doing?"

  "I'm okay, Mike. How are you?"

  "I'm doing great."

  Kevin interpreted Mike's response and body language as good news. "So, Mike, it's been a week since I saw the ships go through the wormhole. Are they back?"

  Michael looked a little confused and said, "Yes ? uh ? I mean, we think so."

  "What do you mean ? you think so?"

  "Well, remember the probe that Mars II deployed just before it went into the wormhole?"


  "Just a few hours ago it picked up some interesting video."

  "What kind of video?" Kevin asked.

  "Here, let me show you the video footage."

  Michael's image disappeared, and the image of Mars appeared. To the right of the screen, Kevin noticed the frozen image of a ship. "What kind of ship is that?"

  "Well, we think it's Mars II."

  Kevin leaned in a little closer toward his computer screen in order to get a better look at the ship. It looked a little like Mars II. However, the ship was red and black, instead of silver and blue. It was also bigger and more streamlined in shape. Kevin noticed that in the wings were what looked like gun turrets, four of them, to be precise.

  The ship also had different insignias on it. Instead of the traditional NASA symbols and American flags, these symbols were diamond-shaped, but the background was white. The symbol in the center of the diamond was that of a woman in a light blue dress. She had her arms outstretched and looked to be descending from a light blue sky in the clouds. Kevin thought the symbol was a little strange.

  Kevin noticed another symbol on the tail of the ship. The symbol was that of a gray shield. In the center of the shield, there was a red sword and a black sword crossing at the blades. A man with long black hair and a goatee who was dressed in red military fatigues was holding the swords.

  After examining the ship, Kevin finally broke the silence. "I don't think that this ship is Mars II."

  "It may not be. But, Kevin, look at the design and structure. If you take away the size and other modifications, it could be Mars II," said Mike.

  "Perhaps, but why would they need to modify it and how?"

  "Well, you know us. We have a theory for everything. Maybe this planet is technologically advanced. Maybe the original Mars II was disabled after it went through the wormhole, and this alien civilization helped fix and modify it."

  "Why the different colors and insignias?" Kevin asked.

  "It could be that this civilization wanted to put their stamp on the ship."

  "Yeah ? maybe," Kevin said with doubt.

  "We don't know, Kevin, but I'll tell you what. We should know within two days."

  Kevin was stunned. "Two days?"

  "We weren't able to establish communications with the ship, but based on our calculations, it will be in our orbit within the next two days."

  Kevin sat straight up in his chair and shook his head. "That's impossible. Mars II can't travel that fast."

  "No, but ? here ? watch the video, and you'll see."

  Kevin watched as the ship moved slowly with the probe following. But then, the ship took off like a beam of light. If Kevin had blinked, he would have missed it.

  Michael spoke after the ship disappeared. "Our mathematicians broke down the video and came up with an equation." Michael paused as if waiting for a climax.

  "What kind of equation?" Kevin asked, getting frustrated.

  "Based on the equation, they calculated that this ship is traveling at or around twenty-eight million miles per hour!"

  Kevin stood from his seat in shock. "How is that possible?"

  "We don't know," Mike said. "But, maybe this civilization has technology that we haven't even dreamed of yet."

  "I hope you're right about this civilization, Mike."

  "How so?"

  "I don't know. Maybe this is a hostile civilization that has discovered the wormhole?"

  "I don't think so. Besides, where's your faith? It has to be them."

  "Maybe," Kevin said, again with doubt in his voice.

  "I have to go, Kevin. I will notify you when we establish communications with them."

  "Okay, Mike. I look forward to hearing from you. See you later."

  "Okay. Bye."

  The image on Kevin's screen switched back to its original. Kevin sat back in his leather office chair, leaned his elbows on his desk, and cupped his face in his hands. I hope you're right, Mike. For some reason, I don't think that's our ship, he thought.

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