Learn My Lesson (Wicked Villains Book 2)
Page 14
The implications of his words have me shaking down to my very center. Emotions flick through me, too fast to settle on just one. “What are you saying?”
He reaches down to the hem of my dress and pulls it carefully over my head. “Tonight is yours, Meg. Just yours.”
Chapter 18
If I was a different man, I would have told Meg my purpose for Hercules from the very beginning. I’ve made more than a few mistakes with her in recent years. Such is the nature of life. Even the best of us, the ones with the farthest reach, are still bumbling through it as best we can. I’ve hurt her. She’s carrying a wound that I dealt, unwittingly or not. A wound I’m incapable of healing on my own.
But I’m not on my own anymore.
I cup the back of her neck and bring her forward until her forehead rests against mine and our exhales mingle. “You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t give you.”
“I used to know that. I’m not so sure anymore.”
The raw honesty in her voice cuts me to the quick. Deeper yet because she’s not wrong. She hasn’t been this honest with me in years. If I hold a good portion of the blame for that, she’s not completely innocent, either. I close my eyes and inhale. The room smells of her desire and Hercules’s need and their commingled scent that is pure sex. I’ll deal with him in a moment. Right now, she’s has my entire focus. “You should have asked.” I trail my fingers over her thighs. “You left me to figure it out for myself what you need.”
She looks away, flushing. “I never had to tell you what I needed before.”
“Communication goes both ways, love.” Now isn’t the time for recrimination and blame. It took me longer than it should have to realize she was unhappy, longer still to decide on a path forward. Already, Hercules’s presence is helping, just like I’d hoped it would.
“Communication.” She pressed her lips together. “Would you have told me the truth about him and your plans if I’d asked?”
I am not an easy man to share a life with. I’m self-aware enough to know that. Our games have always held a darker edge, and I’m incapable of changing that, even if it’s what she wants. For the first time, I wonder if I’ve left things too long. If we are too broken to truly fix.
“Hades.” Meg gives a broken little laugh. “I suppose that answers that, doesn’t it?”
“Jesus fuck, Hades, just talk to her.” Hercules glares up at us. At me. “Can’t you see that you’re hurting her?”
“Hurting is what we do.”
If anything, his glare intensifies. “It’s not the same thing and you know it.”
I do know it. His righteous fury makes me feel strange, and I dislike it intensely. I snap my fingers at him. “Eyes on the floor, little Hercules.” He holds my gaze for a long moment and then deliberately drops his. Letting me know that he’s choosing to submit. That I’m not forcing it. He’s stronger than he realizes, and it’s a mistake to enjoy that strength when he’s only here for two very specific purposes, neither of which truly includes the long term. I’ve always been too self-indulgent when it comes to strong submissives.
Meg is just another example of that.
“We’ll talk after,” I find myself saying. Asking for the trust she used to give so freely. She either trusts me now or she doesn’t. Black and white. Up and down. I don’t know how to be anything but what I am. It used to be enough for her, though things shifted somewhere along the way. If she can’t give me this, then—no. Meg is mine, for better or worse. There is no finished with us. Not while there’s still something left to fight for.
She finally nods. “Okay. After.”
It will have to be good enough. I stroke my hand down the center of her body. “Top or bottom?”
Meg arches her eyebrows, looking like herself for the first time since I walked into the room and found her on Hercules’s cock. She laughs. “I was under the impression that you intended to punish us for fucking.”
“I considered it.” I spear her with two fingers, enjoying the way her eyes go half-lidded and she immediately lifts her hips to take me deeper. “I’ll tell you a secret, love.”
“What’s that?”
“This pussy is mine.” I give her a few rough strokes to demonstrate. “His cock is mine as well. My cock fucking my pussy is hardly grounds for punishment, don’t you think?”
She licks her lips. “Even with the order involved?”
Now it’s my turn to raise my brows. “Do you want to be punished?”
“No, Sir.” She shakes her head. “I want to top him. Together.”
“Together,” I repeat slowly before nodding. It feels strangely right, though she and I don’t usually top in the same scenes. In fact, I don’t think we’ve ever done it before. Observing the other, yes. Together? No. Never. “By all means.” I slowly withdraw my fingers from her and wipe them off on her mound. “Shall we begin by cleaning you up?”
“Yes,” she breathes.
I scoop her up. I can’t seem to help myself. Even if she’s not playing the part of submissive in this scene, she’s my submissive, and I want this moment of connection to remind us both that as I carry her to the couch and deposit her gently in the same spot I sat earlier to observe them. “Would you like another secret, love?”
“I want all your secrets.”
I don’t know if I’m capable of handing them all over, even to her. I’ve spent the last thirty years hoarding them close. Old dog, new tricks, and all that. I press a quick kiss to her lips. “I enjoy watching him fuck you. He’s so…earnest.”
Her mouth quirks and a thread of amusement lights up her eyes. “Hades, you’re being mean.”
“Am I?”
“Yes.” She pushes a finger against my chest, urging me back a step. “I like it.”
I move back enough to clear the way to her. Once again, Hercules is watching us, though this time I choose not to reprimand him for it. He’s got a strange look on his face, something sweet and almost wistful. I don’t understand it, but tonight isn’t for him. It’s for Meg. I open my mouth, but she beats me to it. “Come here, Hercules. Crawl, please.”
There’s something absolutely decadent about watching that big man crawl. He doesn’t hesitate to obey her, moving on hands and knees until he’s close enough to touch. Meg spreads her thighs. “You heard our Hades. Clean me up.”
Our Hades.
As if they claim me as much as I claim them.
I allow myself to watch Hercules lick her pussy for several moments before I turn away and walk to the toy chest behind my desk. After some consideration, I take out the strap-on and the nipple clamps specifically designed for male anatomy. It’s a good place to start. I walk back just as Meg makes a small sound and comes, grinding herself on Hercules’s face. She’s so beautiful when she’s like this, filled with wild abandon. It doesn’t seem to matter whether she’s top or bottom in the scene; she throws herself into the experience fully.
When it’s clear that Hercules will keep eating her out until they’re both puddles on the floor, I lean down and lace my fingers through his blond hair. “That’s enough.” I give his hair a sharp tug. “Up.”
Meg lifts her arms over her head and conducts a full-body stretch from her pink-painted toes to her fingertips. She smiles at me. “You bring me all the best gifts.”
“I enjoy watching you play, love.”
Her smile dims a tiny bit, but she recovers almost immediately. “Good, because I’m just getting started.” She climbs to her feet and gives another long stretch. I allow myself to drink in the sight of her. She’s lost weight she can’t afford to in recent weeks, another mark in my mishandling of our relationship. Meg’s still beautiful, of course. She’s always beautiful to me.
She takes the strap-on from me and nods at Hercules. “If you would be so kind.”
“You know better.”
She laughs, the sound light and free of whatever plagues her. “I suppose I do. If you would be so cruel and get our Hercules
situated while I get this thing on, I’d appreciate it.”
I step closer and snag the back of her neck. I don’t care that she’s topping in this scene. She steps into me even as I guide her to my chest. I kiss her and never has it been more of a battle between two equals than it is now. She won’t submit. I don’t know how to. I revel in her taste, in her strength, in the promise of things to come. Tonight will serve my purpose no matter how it plays out. I can simply ride the wave of her making. Or I could if I ever discover how to let go and relax into it. I’m no more capable of it than she is in this moment. When I finally lift my head, we’re both breathing hard and her blue eyes have gone a little hazy.
I leave her to manage the strap-on and walk to where Hercules kneels. “Up.”
He doesn’t hesitate to obey, climbing easily to his feet. He’s gloriously erect, every inch of him a perfect specimen of masculine beauty. I lift my hands so he can see the clamps and chain that connect them. “Nipple clamps and a cock ring, little Hercules. Can’t have you coming all over my floor while Meg takes your ass.”
He licks his lips. “Okay.”
I close the distance and give his cock a rough stroke. Desire has been a low simmer in my blood ever since I walked into the office and saw him driving into her. Meg’s kiss and Hercules’s cock in my hand has that simmer boiling off. I hold his gaze as I work the cock ring over him and down to his base.
His sharp inhale catches in my chest. I have to stop, to remind myself that this man isn’t for keeping. He’s a tool that will serve his purpose and be discarded once we’re finished with him. An instrument of vengeance against Zeus while simultaneously acting the part of a bandage for mine and Meg’s relationship. At least until we’re back on solid ground once more.
Knowing that doesn’t stop me from dragging my fingers lightly along his length, from enjoying the way he watches my mouth and licks his lips again. “So eager.”
“Play your games, Hades. Pretend you look down on me.” He leans forward a little, thrusting into my hand. “We both know you’re dying to get inside me.”
It’s the truth.
I force myself to release his cock, and I grab the back of his neck in a punishing grip. I bend him back just a little and lean down to tongue his nipples. First one and then the other and back again. I enjoy the way he shakes in my grasp so I play with him a little longer than strictly necessary. Every response as if he’s being touched for the first time. It’s not the truth. He’s no virgin, which is a strange sort of relief, but he throws himself into every sexual encounter with an enthusiasm that seduces me. He seduces me.
“Boys.” Meg’s amused tone has me lifting my head. She leans against my desk, naked but for the strap-on. I’ve watched her use it before, of course, on both men and women, but something about seeing her with that giant red cock and her wicked smile conveys that tonight is special. It’s set apart from before. A turning point, if you will.
She’s wrong. It can’t change anything. I’ve been set on this path for too long to abandon it now. Hercules serves a purpose now, but I can’t imagine him in a permanent place in our lives. But I allow myself to smile back despite that. Would it truly be so terrible to allow one night to pass without the plotting and furthering of my plan? I suppose not.
She motions at the chains still in my hand. “Would you like me to?”
I almost tell her no. But topping Hercules together feels right in a way I don’t want to deny. “By all means.”
“So polite when you want to be,” she murmurs and crosses to take the clamps from my hand. Meg strokes a finger down Hercules’s chest and makes a faux pained sound. “Poor baby. His cock looks lonely down there, Hades.” Her smile widens in a wicked way that has my chest aching in response. “Give him a little tease?”
I can’t remember the last time I was on my knees, truly on my knees. But for this woman and this man, in this moment? I sink slowly down and take Hercules’s cock into my mouth. They’re merged here as well, her taste and his. I take my time, exploring his length with my mouth as I watch Meg expertly fasten the clamps to his nipples. When he’s bent over, the chain will weigh on both nipples and cock, creating a pleasure-pain crescendo.
Meg gives Hercules a quick kiss and I suck him hard, earning a groan from him. It’s enough for now. I move back to sit on the couch, already knowing where Meg is headed with this. She lifts her head and gives Hercules a surprisingly sweet smile. “I’m going to fuck your ass.”
His breath does that delicious catch again. “Okay.”
“And while I do…” Her smile turned in my direction gains teeth and a little bit of meanness. “You’re going to suck Hades’s cock. When he comes, I stop.” She reaches up and drags her thumb over his bottom lip. “So it’s up to you how long this lasts.”
Evil woman.
I love her.
Chapter 19
I end up kneeling between Hades’s legs as Meg takes up a position behind me. She smooths her hands over my skin as if soothing a startled animal. I could tell her it’s not necessary, but I can’t stop shaking. The clamps on my nipples don’t exactly hurt, but the strange sensation is so acute, it would consume me if I didn’t have a ring clamped around my cock. I realize I’m clutching Hades’s thighs and try to relax my grasp. It doesn’t work.
“We’re going to do this slow.” She squeezes my ass. “Once we’re good, you start sucking Hades off and the clock begins. If you need to stop for any reason, tap out.” She leans over me and smacks the cushion next to Hades, demonstrating. “Do you understand?”
“Yes,” I manage.
This scene feels different than the last one. Markedly different. Hades is still here, still dominating, but having Meg step more fully into that role? It feels like puzzle pieces have clicked together in a way I wasn’t prepared for. It’s right.
She presses an open-mouthed kiss to the back of my neck. “Try to relax.”
Hades’s chuckle makes me look up. He’s got that amused mask on, but it can’t cloak the heat in his dark eyes as he watches us. “He’s too eager to relax, love. Don’t pretend you’re not enjoying it.”
She gives a little laugh of her own, dark and decadent like the best kind of expensive wine. “Guilty.” Then the weight of her is gone from me back. I hear a bottle being uncapped and she spreads lube down my ass crack and gently pushes a finger into me. The sensation makes me inhale sharply. I’ve done ass play before and plenty of it, but this feels different. Everything about this is different.
As Meg fingers my ass, Hades sifts his fingers through my hair. “Relax,” he murmurs. “Let her do the work.” He guides my head to his thigh, letting me rest there. It’s impossible to miss his hard cock pressing against the front of his slacks, but he seems content to ignore it. I close my eyes and focus on breathing as Meg removes her fingers and the cool head of the strap-on cock nudges my entrance. She eases into me a little at a time, one hand constantly stroking my hips, my back, and my ass. Hades continues to sift his fingers through my hair, doing his own kind of soothing. It’s…weirdly nice. In this moment, I feel like I’m the center of their worlds—or at least their formidable attention.
When Meg’s stopped her forward slide, when I’m filled completely, she gives a happy little sigh. “There we go.”
I open my eyes to find Hades watching me with an indulgent expression. “We’ve barely gotten started, little Hercules.”
I know that. Of course I know that. Meg squeezes my hip. “Good?”
It takes me two tries to find my voice. When I speak, I’m hoarse. “I’m good.”
“Remember, tap out if you need to.” She gives me one last squeeze and a snap creeps into her voice. “Now, be a good boy and suck Hades’s cock.”
I lift myself up enough that I have plenty of room to undo his slacks and pull out his cock. It’s the first time I’ve seen him, and, fuck, he’s perfect. My mouth waters at the sight and I lick my lips. Hades has his hand in my hair again, urgi
ng me up a bit so I can take him easily into my mouth. His barely audible exhale as I suck him down makes everything go hot and tight. I try to focus on technique, to… I don’t even know. My intentions last only as long as it takes Meg to withdraw almost fully and then begin to fuck my ass. The growing pressure in my cock and nipples… The penetration filling me an obscene amount… Again and again I take him deep, until some piece of my mind clicks off and I relax fully into everything they’re doing to me.
They break me down to a baser version of myself, someone more animal than human. I suck Hades’s cock with everything I have, giving myself over to the feel of him filling my throat as Meg fills my ass. I could come from this sensation alone, except the cock ring ensures that I won’t be able to. I want this to last forever, to go on into time unknowable, but we are only human and the human body can only contain so much pleasure.
Hades’s hands tighten in my hair and it’s the only warning I get before he’s coming, pumping down my throat in long strokes, the salty taste of him lingering on the back of my tongue. I keep sucking him, not wanting this to end, but he gently pulls me off his cock. “That’s enough, little Hercules.” His voice has gained a ragged edge, and I soak up the change just as much as I soak up the feeling of him smoothing his thumbs along my cheekbones, wiping away the tears I hadn’t realized I shed.
Meg eases out of my ass. I’m vaguely aware of her cleaning us up, but now that they’ve stopped fucking me, all I can think about is my throbbing cock and nipples. I shift and the soft sound of the chain feels unnaturally loud in the room. They guide me to the couch and I realize that the strap-on is gone. Meg shares a look with Hades where he sits next to me, and together they begin removing the clamps and cock ring. Hades undoes the first clamp and the instant relief barely lasts a breath. Pain lances me and I curse as my back bows, my body trying to escape something that there’s no escaping. He soothes the pain with his mouth, but my senses can’t decide if it helps or makes things worse. Before I can figure it out, Hades repeats the process with my other nipple.