Heavens Aground (Treble and the Lost Boys Book 2)

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Heavens Aground (Treble and the Lost Boys Book 2) Page 32

by G. R. Lyons

  “Alright?” Asher asked, eyeing him skeptically.

  “I'll get trained. I'll get it under control.” He paused, his smile growing as he added, “I'll let myself be me.”

  Asher studied his eyes for a moment, then grinned as he sighed with relief.

  “You know that's gonna mean leaving again,” Ryley pointed out.

  Asher nodded. “I don't care.”

  “And I don't know how long it will take.”

  “I don't care,” Asher repeated. “We'll make it work.”

  Ryley looked at his man, this man who loved him and accepted him for who he was, and felt himself grinning back. “Yeah. We will.”

  * * *

  RYLEY WENT down to Sturmwyn Insurance the next morning after Asher left to run some errands. He darted past Sheila, giving her a wave, then headed straight for Vic's desk and threw himself into a chair.

  “Good morning to you, too,” Vic said, chuckling, as he looked up from his work.

  “Hey,” Ryley said. “Any chance I could pay you to write me up a quick P.O.A.?”

  Vic raised his eyebrows. “Everything alright?”

  “Yeah. It's just I'm going back to Jadu'n today and I want to make sure Asher's protected while I'm gone. You know, on the off-chance anything happens to me, I want him to have control of the house and everything.”

  Vic snorted a laugh. “I'm guessing you don't have a Will?”

  Ryley grimaced. “I sorta wrote one up when I first started working here, but I haven't updated it in ages.”

  “Why am I not surprised,” Vic teased him, turning toward his computer. “Will first,” he insisted. “Then I'll write you a power of attorney for Asher.”

  Ryley rolled his eyes, but Vic had a point. “Alright. Thanks, Vic.”

  “No problem,” he said, searching for something on his computer. “Ah, here it is.” He paused and shot Ryley a look. “Yeah, a bit outdated. The house isn't even on here.”

  Ryley spent the next half hour answering questions and helping Vic list all of his assets. Once that was done, Vic wrote up a power of attorney for him, naming Asher as having full control of Ryley's assets in his absence. Vic got everything printed out and signed, and handed Ryley a copy as he got up to leave.

  “Ry?” Vic asked, stopping him.


  “Take care of yourself, alright? And come home soon.”

  Ryley gave him a nod. “I'm gonna try–”

  “Skye,” Parker's voice cut in.

  Ryley and Vic both turned to face the man, who gave Vic a quick nod before looking at Ryley. “Glad I caught you,” he said. “I was thinking about our conversation yesterday. You said you're training on Jadu'n?”

  Ryley nodded. “Headed back there now, actually.”

  “Hmmm. Tell you what.” Parker glanced at Ryley's old desk, its current occupant not present, either out on a case or a break. “When you get back, come talk to me about a job.”

  Ryley's eyes went wide. “Gods. Sir, I–”

  “This new guy is squeamish about bodies,” the boss went on.

  Vic snorted a laugh. “Contaminated a scene last week when he lost his lunch around a week-old corpse.”

  “Oh shit,” Ryley said, chuckling. Amateur.

  Parker nodded. “And I can't seem to get any of these other knuckleheads to handle the job, either. You were a valuable asset here, and I could really use you back at that desk.” He paused, then added, “If you happen to pick up any…skills or spells or whatever you call them.” He waved a hand vaguely. “Anything that might come in handy here, and if we happen to have an opening, I'd consider rehiring you.”

  Ryley blinked again. “Wow. Sir, I– Thank you. I'd really appreciate it.” Having a possible job when he got back? Yes, please.

  “You'll be on probation, mind you,” the boss added, pointing at him.

  “Yes, sir,” Ryley agreed.

  “Very well.” He shook Ryley's hand. “Go on with you.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”

  Parker gave him a nod and walked off.

  Ryley watched him go, then turned to Vic. They stood there for a moment, then moved toward one another at the same time and shared a quick hug before stepping back again.

  “Take care,” Vic said.

  “You, too, babe.”

  Vic snorted a laugh and went back to his seat, shaking his head. Ryley flashed him a smile and walked out, papers in hand, checking his watch as he went. He'd be just in time to meet Asher at the Gate if he hurried.

  Ryley jogged down the street and hailed a cab. He wasn't terribly far from the Gates, but he wanted every second with Asher he could possibly get.

  He wasn't going to just leave again without saying goodbye.

  Ryley threw some money at the driver and bolted from the cab as soon as it came to a stop. Asher was there, pacing in front of the Gates. He spotted Ryley and came to a stop, a brilliant smile on his face.

  Ryley felt something ease inside his chest. He could do this. Yes, he was walking away from his life again, but if he had this man to come home to when all was said and done, it would be totally worth it.

  “Damn.” Ryley glanced around furtively, then leaned close to Asher. “I hope my boyfriend isn't nearby, because I'm totally tempted to kiss you.”

  Asher chuckled under his breath. “Your boyfriend's the jealous type, is he?”

  “Eh, not really,” Ryley said, pressing up against Asher and resting a hand on his chest. “But he's a big guy, and he's really strong.”

  “Hmmm, well,” Asher murmured, resting his hands on Ryley's hips, “rumor has it that you've got some sort of magical powers, so I'm sure you could hold your own.”

  Ryley chuckled at the sight of Asher's smirk. “Yeah, maybe someday.”

  Asher's smirk softened into a hint of a smile. “You've got this.”

  “I know.” Ryley took a deep breath and sighed. “I'm just gonna miss you.”

  “I'm gonna miss you, too. But we'll make it work.”

  Ryley nodded. “Every week. One day, just for us.”

  “No work, no classes, no lessons,” Asher said, nodding agreement. “No worries.”

  “Yeah.” Ryley smiled. “That sounds great.”

  Asher grinned, then bent to kiss him. Ryley moaned into the kiss, then had to force himself back before he did something stupid like beg Asher to take him right there where everyone could see.

  Ryley cleared his throat. “Um, here.” He handed Asher the papers. “For you.”

  “What's this?”

  “My Will, and a power of attorney for you.” He held up a hand. “Just in case anything happens. I wanted to make sure you were covered.”

  Asher nodded. “But I won't need them, because you'll be back.”

  “Yeah, I'll be back,” Ryley agreed, determined to make it so.

  Asher pulled him into another kiss, then pushed him away. “Go on. Before I drag you home and lock you in the bedroom forever.”

  Ryley gave a put-upon sigh. “Promises, promises.”

  Asher took a few steps backwards, his eyes fixed on Ryley's face. “This weekend,” he said, giving Ryley a crooked smile.

  “I'll hold you to that!” Ryley called, inching toward the Gate.

  Asher stopped, smiled, and raised his hand to say goodbye. Ryley returned the gesture, then took a deep breath, turned away, and walked through the Gate.

  He found Master Ross on the other side, waiting. “Ah, there you are, dear boy.” The mage paused, looking Ryley over. “Are you ready?”

  Ryley glanced back at the Gate, then gave Master Ross a firm nod. “Let's do this.”

  Master Ross stepped aside and held out a hand, then headed down the path.

  Ryley took a deep breath and followed.

  Chapter 31

  RYLEY PACKED his things and stepped out of his cottage, waving the door shut behind him. He glanced around at the garden as he took a deep breath and let it out on a sigh, a big smile on his face.

  Almost ten months straight he'd been there—just over a year, ever since learning about the source of his nightmares—working every day, and now he was finally going home. With the truth of his past no longer a mystery, his focus had become razor sharp, his skills growing by leaps and bounds, so much so that even Master Ross had been continually shocked with his progress. Ryley had picked up a number of useful spells, but in the end, he accomplished what he'd set out to do: He'd learned to control his power.

  And he no longer had any desire to have it ripped from his body.

  Ryley strolled along through the gardens toward the Gate that would take him home, smiling all the way. The core of his power was a constant presence there inside his core, a swirling fire that was fully contained, only to be unleashed at his command. No longer would it recklessly burst from him. He'd made sure of that.

  At Ryley's insistence, Master Ross had tested his control in every way they could dream up. Ryley had, in turns, been starved, sleep-deprived, yelled at until he was infuriated, beaten, startled, chastised until he cried, and made to recall the horror of watching his parents' murder, over and over, until he finally managed to endure any emotion-inducing event without the power escaping his grasp. It had taken endless hours of practice to get there, but he'd done it. Now his magic nestled there inside him, asleep but ever-present.

  Ryley reached the Gate, paused to look back over his shoulder, then smiled and stepped through, taking a deep breath and letting it out on a sigh as he absorbed the sights and sounds of Morbran City once again. He'd probably go back to Jadu'n from time to time in the future, but this was his home.

  He couldn't wait to surprise Asher. He'd given the man no hint that he was coming back that day. Ryley grinned and strode forward, looking for a cab, then paused and shook his head, laughing at himself.

  Ryley cast a transportation spell instead, and a moment later, he appeared just outside his house.

  Grinning, he let himself in, dropped his bag on the floor in the entryway, and headed straight for the washroom. After spending the past ten months having to heat up water for tub baths, a hot shower sounded like the most glorious thing in the world. Ryley lingered under the water, getting himself thoroughly clean and prepared.

  Feeling refreshed, he got out, dried off, and stretched out on the bed. Asher should be getting home from work at any moment, and Ryley was going to be ready. Grinning to himself, he reached for his cock and began to idly stroke it, bringing it to life while imagining all the things he wanted Asher to do to his body.

  He heard the front door open and shut, followed by a long moment of unnatural silence.

  “Ryley?” Asher called.

  “Bedroom!” Ryley called back.

  Asher's footsteps hurried down the hallway, and Ryley grinned when he saw the man come into view, Asher's eyes wide at the sight of Ryley on the bed.

  “You're home!”

  Ryley nodded. “For good.”

  Asher's eyes flashed. “Yeah?”

  Ryley smirked. “Yeah.” He gave Asher a thorough once-over, then flicked his hand, laughing when Asher's belt unclasped and pulled free of the loops, sailing across the room and hitting the carpet with a dull thud.

  Asher stared at the belt, then down at his pants before looking up at Ryley with dark eyes. “Fuck.” He shuddered. “That was hot.”


  Asher swallowed hard. “Yeah.”

  Ryley looked down, seeing Asher's hard cock pushing out against his zipper. “Ash,” he whimpered. “Fuck.”

  Asher flew into motion, kicking off his shoes and ripping off his clothes before diving on top of Ryley and kissing him furiously.

  “Gods, I missed you,” Asher breathed.

  “Missed you, too,” Ryley panted. He spread his legs, allowing Asher to settle between them. “Fuck, baby, please…”

  “Let me just–” Asher said, snaking a hand down between them.

  “No,” Ryley insisted, batting his hand away. “I'm ready. Just do it.”

  Asher stared at him for a moment, then shuddered and reached for his cock instead, lining it up with Ryley's hole and steadily pushing inside.

  “Fuck.” Ryley threw his head back, already seeing stars even though they'd only just gotten started. “Yes. More…”

  Asher fucked him hard and fast, both of them grunting and crying out at every little sensation. Ryley felt the core of his power pulsating inside him, somehow adding to the experience without distracting him from the pleasure. It took so little effort to keep the magic restrained that he almost didn't notice it, other than a passing observation that the lights weren't showing a hint of a flicker, even when he came.

  They collapsed together in a sweaty mess, and Ryley couldn't stop smiling.

  “Holy shit,” Ryley breathed, rolling his head to the side so he could see Asher's face as the man lay beside him, catching his breath. “Missed me that much, huh?”

  Asher chuckled. “And then some.” He gulped in air, and asked, “Are you really home for good?”

  Ryley nodded.

  “Thank gods,” Asher breathed, rolling toward him and pulling him into a kiss.

  They kissed for a long while, then lay quietly together for a few minutes before they got up to shower. They had dinner together, and even though Ryley was still operating on Jaduan time, he went to bed when Asher did, knowing he'd probably get no more than a nap at that hour before he was up again. With any luck, in a few days, he'd get readjusted to local time, and they'd get back to a regular schedule.

  Ryley watched Asher fall asleep, then slipped into a doze himself. Sure enough, he woke a couple hours later, wide awake despite the midnight hour.

  Ryley looked around in the dark and smiled, letting out a soft chuckle.

  Asher groaned and rolled toward him. “You alright?” he mumbled.

  “Yeah,” Ryley whispered. “I'm great.”

  Asher cracked one eye open to peek at him. “No nightmares?”

  “No.” Ryley shook his head. “No, actually, I haven't had one in months. Not since I realized it was a memory.”

  Asher opened the other eye, looking at Ryley with a soft smile on his face. He stretched forward and gave Ryley a kiss, then settled back down on the pillows, pulling Ryley into his arms.

  Ryley snuggled in with a smile.

  No more blood. No more nightmares. Now thoroughly grounded, Ryley Skye had a life full of love and possibilities to enjoy.

  Thank you for reading!

  If you enjoyed Heavens Aground, reviews on sites such as Amazon.com and Goodreads.com are always welcome!

  And if you want more from the world in which the Treble and the Lost Boys trilogy is set, be sure to check out the Shifting Isles series!

  The Prisoner (Shifting Isles, Book 1)

  (Released 30 March 2015)

  What if one simple choice could change everything?

  Officer Benash dutifully follows orders, even down to the route he walks to the prison each day, striving to earn the promotion that would grant him escape from that crumbling, underground facility.

  Yet, as he passes a fork in the road, the desire for even one simple choice tempts him. When he finally succumbs, he crosses paths with Vorena, a woman who forces him to question everything he has ever known.

  Vorena's ideas are nothing short of treasonous, and accepting them would spell Benash's death. With time running out, Benash must now choose: cling to the security of obedience and routine, or risk his life for a kind of freedom he never thought possible.

  And see below for more on the

  Treble and the Lost Boys trilogy!

  Coming in December 2018!

  Illumined Shadows

  (Treble and the Lost Boys, Book 3)

  When Victor Lucius was sixteen years old, a few cruel words out of his mouth led to a brutal tragedy, one that Vic has been trying to make up for ever since. Now, working as a missing persons expert, Vic tracks down and rescues people from abandonment or abuse, trying to
alleviate the guilt constantly weighing him down.

  His latest case—a boy who was kidnapped at the age of two and then held captive for nineteen years—is by far the darkest of his career. If there's any chance of Vic finally redeeming himself, helping this boy might be it.

  But rescuing Colby from his basement prison is only the beginning, and brings a whole new struggle to Vic's life:



  Agoran – an Isle, originally the southwestern region of the land before the Breaking of the World; an anarchist society (no government, free market, property rights, etc.)

  Agorani – of or pertaining to Agoran

  Agori – a person who lives on or originates from Agoran

  Andria – an Isle, originally to the east of the land before the Breaking of the World, when it was under Ceynesian rule; Andria is now its own monarchy with a parliamentary House of Lords

  Andrian – a person who lives on or originates from Andria

  beykana – a white, winged horse, bred exclusively on Falsin, and sold to Jadu'n for the use of the magi

  blues – fiat currency on the Isle of Erostil

  Breaking of the World – an event that took place on the 5th of Sulinel in the year 2952; Father Zhagos struck the land three times with his mighty hammer and broke it into separate Isles, thus beginning the shift cycle

  Ceynes – an Isle, the largest, originally the central region of the land before the Breaking of the World; under imperial rule

  Ceynesian – a person who lives on or originates from Ceynes; of or pertaining to the Isle of Ceynes

  Children of Kalos – another name for the magi


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