Billionaire's Killer

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Billionaire's Killer Page 8

by Brooke Shelby

  “We’ll be safe in here,” Delilah promised the people as they all looked to her and Mac as if they were their heroes.

  Delilah turned away from them and wondered where Carson was. Was his disguise working, or had he been caught? Fear clutched at her heart, taking her breath away. So much had changed during the course of an evening. The man she’d hated her entire life was now the man she wished to protect. The man she wanted to cook for.

  A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. Despite the situation she was in, she couldn’t believe the strong connection she had with Carson. There was something about him that called to her. Something that made her think that even though she had chosen the life of a killer, she could change. She could put that life behind her and start looking ahead.

  Finally, after years of avenging her sister’s death, she could start looking forward to her own life.

  But first she had one more person to kill after tonight.

  Jeanine Gibson. The words tasted bitter on her tongue. Before it could all be over, she needed to make sure Jeanine Gibson paid for Molly’s life.


  Carson had blended in long enough, he thought as he stood by the entrance to the ballroom. The rest of the Rabble had all gone inside to help calm down the chaos Carson’s radio interception had caused. With his bulletproof vest hidden beneath the costume he had taken from the man with the skull mask, he blended in perfectly. He picked up a gun that lay beside one of the Rabble had been shot and proceeded into the ballroom.

  This time he wasn’t Carson Royal, wealthiest man in the room, host to the biggest ball New Orleans had ever seen. This time he was a vigilante seeking justice for the hostages being held by Razorback and his gang of grunts.

  He walked in, keeping his shoulders hunched as he held the gun. He approached a few people sitting in the corner that immediately retreated, pulling their legs against their chest and bowing their heads in fear. “Shhh, I’m not one of them,” Carson whispered quickly.

  He noticed their eyes widen as they took in the costume. “Follow me, I’ll get you out.”

  A few curious glances were shared before they nodded imperceptibly to anyone who wasn’t watching. Carson had the gun aimed at them for good measure while he waited for the moment to lead them out of the ballroom. The one woman he vaguely recognized was sitting to one side. He indicated the others should just wait a minute as he approached her.

  Carson frowned beneath his mask as recognition dawned on him. “Jeanine?”


  Carson hadn’t seen Jeanine Gibson since he had fired her fifteen years ago for being too hasty on the self-driving car project. He knew she wasn’t on the guest list and had no idea why she was in the ballroom.

  For a moment, he considered leaving her to Razorback’s wrath, but decided against it. He wanted to know why she was here. Jeanine was a clever woman, one that always had a plan. If she was here, there was a reason for it, and he couldn’t exactly ask her now. Carson made a split-second decision. “Follow us when we start moving.”

  He moved back towards the group of people in the corner, on the other side of the ballroom Razorback was terrorizing his men, who terrorized the hostages in turn. They were all focused on what Razorback was doing, so no one noticed when Carson gestured for the group of people to follow him.

  Carson held his breath as he started towards the door of the ballroom. If they were spotted now, he would be the cause for their deaths. He stepped out of the ballroom, waiting for shots to be fired, but nothing happened. He led them into the secret passage that Mac had told him about and waited until all sixteen of his charges were safely inside before closing the door. He released the breath he had been holding and took off the mask. “I’m Carson Royal.”

  Gasps and shocked expressions surrounded him as everyone was stunned that the billionaire had rescued them. “I’m putting this back on now, for if we’re found, but follow me. I’m taking you somewhere safe.”

  As one, they all nodded, even Jeanine, who Carson wanted a private word with as soon as there was time. He followed the map he had drawn on the palm of his hand with Mac’s directions towards the kitchen. After going down the flight of stairs Mac had reasoned would be abandoned, Carson led them into the kitchen. He knocked twice, once, twice, and three times before he heard the door unlock from the inside.

  “You made it,” Delilah said with a relieved smile as she opened the door.

  Carson couldn’t stop the smile, or the brief tug at his heart for knowing she was safe as well. “Did you doubt me?” He stepped forward and, without a moment’s hesitation, pulled Delilah into his embrace. Her scent reminded him of how he had explored her body only hours ago. He couldn’t wait for the moment they could explore each other again.

  Even with the threat of danger, even with the guests and Mac watching their exchange curiously, Carson didn’t give a damn. Delilah was the first woman he wanted for more than just a night.

  He barely knew her, didn’t know anything about her all, and yet it felt like he had been waiting for her his whole life.

  Delilah laughed. “Not for a moment.”

  Carson lifted the mask just enough to reveal his mouth and captured her mouth with the same passion as he had earlier. Delilah smiled against his mouth. “We’ve got an audience.”

  Carson pulled away with a smile of his own. “I don’t give a damn.”

  “Are you going to let those folks in or keep the door open for the wolves to find us?” Mac grunted behind Delilah.

  “Sure,” Carson said, giving Delilah a final brisk kiss before moving away.

  They stood aside and waited until everyone was safely inside before closing the door again. The small room was crowded with more than forty people standing inside. The scent of fear, sweat, and expensive perfume filled the space as everyone glanced around nervously.

  “It’s okay, he’s one of us.” Delilah assured everyone she and Mac had saved who was looking at Carson with fear shining in their eyes.

  There was a tense moment of silence inside the pantry as Carson drew off his mask, and relieved sighs when they realized he wasn’t one of the men that had been holding them hostage.

  “Do you have a plan beyond keeping us locked up in this steel pantry, Carson?” one of the men Delilah and Mac had rescued asked.

  Carson nodded. “We’re working on one. For now, you’re safe. The pantry is steel, and they won’t be able to reach us inside.”

  “Thank God.” Jeanine breathed a sigh of relief beside him.

  “What? Why the hell did you bring her in here?” one woman demanded with a shocked expression.

  “She’s one of them,” another man added.

  Carson glanced from Jeanine to the guests. “What do you mean?” He had wanted to save Jeanine to find out why she was at the ball, but an accomplice?

  “She was on her phone constantly without any of them trying to stop her. She wasn’t even afraid when they came in.”

  “That’s true,” another woman added, nodding as she spoke. “I was standing right beside her when it happened. That’s why I ran to the other side of the room,” the woman quickly explained.

  “I saw her talking to that guy … Razorback, a few times. She didn’t have to call someone for the ransom.”

  “She’s one of them!” A man in the corner, who hadn’t said a word since Carson arrived, stepped forward, pointing a finger directly at Jeanine.

  The last thing Carson wanted to do was bring the threat from the ballroom into their sanctuary. He slowly turned towards Jeanine. Carson felt the temper he always carefully controlled rush to the surface. His mind was running at a mile a minute as he looked at Jeanine with a narrowed gaze. “Is this true?”

  “Carson, please.”

  “Jeanine, tell me the truth now!” Carson demanded. A few women jumped at the harsh tone of his voice.

  “Carson?” Delilah asked beside him in a voice that could melt diamonds. Carson closed his eyes as he realized he had just s
aid her name.

  “I can explain …” Jeanine started, completely unaware of who Delilah was, but before she could finish, Delilah had stepped in front of Carson and shoved Jeanine into the steel door.

  “Oh shit,” Carson said, shaking his head, knowing all hell was about to break loose inside the confines of the pantry. He didn’t know Delilah well, but judging by what he had seen tonight, he knew Jeanine didn’t stand a chance against the brunette beauty, even if she wore a red wig.


  “Carson, who the fuck is this bitch?” Jeanine asked, pegged against the steel door.

  Delilah turned towards Carson with a questioning look. “Yes, Carson, who the fuck is this bitch?”

  Carson contemplated lying for a moment before deciding against it. He couldn’t lie to Delilah, not after what they’d shared, and especially not to protect Jeanine.

  “Jeanine Gibson, meet Delilah Blake,” Carson said tersely.

  “I thought it was Avery Lake?” Mac asked, confused, although no one paid him any attention.

  “Delilah is the sister of Molly Blake. You remember her, Jeanine?” Carson asked.

  Delilah’s need for revenge resurfaced fiercer than ever before. “This is the fucking bitch that killed my sister?”

  “I didn’t kill her; Carson’s car killed her,” Jeanine quickly defended herself. Delilah could see the fear in the woman’s eyes and ignored it. This was the woman that had stolen Molly’s life before she had a chance to live it. This was the person that needed to pay for destroying her family. This was the woman she wanted to destroy in turn.

  “Carson never signed off on the test drive. Pity for you, I already know that,” Delilah said, positioning her gun just below Jeanine’s chin.

  “What the hell is going on?” someone called from the back of the pantry.

  “It was his car; he’s responsible,” Jeanine said desperately.

  “You killed her sister, and you helped those suckers in the ballroom; you’re responsible,” another person called out.

  Fueled by the encouragement of everyone inside the pantry, Delilah’s finger had never been more eager to pull the trigger. She pressed the gun a little firmer against Jeanine’s chin.

  “Delilah, think about this,” Carson said quietly behind her. “You can kill her now, but what justice would that bring? If we hand her over to the cops, I’ll make sure they press charges. She won’t ever have her freedom again. She’ll suffer; she’ll be the victim of the scum that will be with her in jail. She’s weak, Delilah, let her suffer; don’t give her the mercy of making it quick.”

  Delilah listened to Carson as she looked into Jeanine’s dull lifeless eyes. Her features were sharp, her hair a dull gray like her eyes. Delilah wanted her to pay for ruining Molly’s life, but Carson had a point. She didn’t retract the gun; she held it in place as she spoke. “My sister had her whole life ahead of her. She had her future ahead of her, and you took that from her. My parents both became alcoholics because of you. My brother and I were left to take care of ourselves, all because of you. You ruined five lives that day, and you haven’t paid for a single one.”

  “Your sister wasn’t looking where she was going.” Jeanine tried desperately to protect herself.

  “Bullshit! How the hell was she supposed to see a driver-less car speeding towards her at a hundred miles an hour? It would have hit her before she even realized what was happening, you heartless bitch.”

  “Carson, please,” Jeanine pleaded, looking over Delilah’s shoulder towards Carson.

  “You’re on your own, Jeanine. I told you not to test it. I told you to test it on a test track first. You made a decision that day that I’m done paying for. Delilah, do what you must, but remember, she’ll die in prison. She’s old and weak; it will be the ultimate justice.”

  Delilah ordered her finger to pull the trigger, but she couldn’t. Not because she was weak or afraid, but because she agreed with Carson. She wanted Jeanine to pay for what she had done to her sister. She wanted Jeanine to suffer.

  She dropped the gun and shook her head. “You’re damn lucky I’d like to see you in jail rather than dead.”

  Jeanine nodded quickly, knowing she was only safe as long as Delilah decided to keep her gun holstered. “I’m sorry about your sister.”

  “Fuck you. You didn’t even have the fucking decency to step up and admit it was your fault,” Delilah shot back, tears burning behind her eyes, but she refused to let Jeanine see them. “Mac, tie her hands behind her back.”

  Mac nodded and quickly grabbed a piece of cooking string from one of the shelves. Delilah watched as Mac secured her hands behind her back.

  “We need weapons,” Carson said as soon as Jeanine was secured. “We need to be prepared if they find us.” He opened the door and returned a few seconds later with a variety of knives. After making sure every guest had a knife, Carson turned to Delilah and Mac.

  “What do we do now?” Mac asked.

  “Let’s find out what’s going on upstairs first,” Carson said, pulling out the radio. They switched it on and silence fell on the pantry as they listened. Somehow, they had realized more of the hostages were gone. Delilah glanced around the pantry and realized, without intending to, they had saved some of the wealthiest guests.

  They heard Razorback talking to someone on the radio, explaining that their most valuable hostages had escaped, including Jeanine. It was clear by the communication on the radio that Jeanine had helped them to plan what had gone down tonight.

  Delilah was even angrier at the woman for it. Deep down, she knew she had to be slightly grateful because if the heist hadn’t happened, she would have killed Carson by now. She decided to ignore that and continued to listen. The police came onto the radio, demanding that Razorback start to release hostages, which he refused.

  He made more demands than before, demanding safe passage and to only leave one of the ransoms that had been paid.

  Delilah shook her head, wondering how much longer this night was going to last. She was running on adrenaline and anger. “Are we going back?” Delilah asked Carson, eager to get away from the woman who had caused her sister’s death.

  “What? No! Are you crazy?” Mac asked, looking flustered. “I’m not going back again.”

  Delilah frowned, wondering where Mac’s bravery had disappeared to. “Carson?”

  Carson shook his head. “They know someone’s saving the hostages, Delilah. This time they’ll be waiting for us and instead of saving hostages, we could be the reason they get killed. Let’s sit tight for a short while longer and see what transpires.”

  Delilah sighed, glancing around the pantry. It was after midnight and no one had had supper. “Mac, is there anything in here they can eat?”

  Mac started combing through the shelves and found a few bags of crisps, biscuits, chocolate, and some fruit. Ravenous, the hostages were grateful for the distribution of food.

  They slid onto the cold tiled floor and ate while Delilah decided what to do next.

  The police should have done something by now, Delilah thought with a sigh.

  “We’ll get through this.” Carson said, taking her hand.

  Delilah glanced at him and hoped he was right. She couldn’t stand the thought of more people getting hurt. So many had already been killed, injured, or worse; this night needed to be over soon.

  “I know, I just wish it was over,” she confided quietly as she squeezed his hand. “For all this to be over.” Delilah didn’t say the words, but suddenly, after tonight, for the first time in her life, she wanted to move on. She wanted to cherish Molly’s memory and start living again instead of killing.

  Was that too much to ask?


  “This isn’t what we discussed, man. Things are going south at full speed,” Clown said through clenched teeth.

  Razorback glared at him. Clown had always been a stupid fuck; he’d just never realized the sociopath could be afraid as well. “You shut the fuck up.”

bsp; “No, I’m done shutting up. We’ve lost Carson, and that fucking bitch that helped us plan this whole thing has gone AWOL. If the cops get to her before we do, she’ll out us.”

  “Out who? She doesn’t have our fucking names, you idiot,” Razorback snapped. He was getting tired of this. He was trying his best to remain calm and enjoy the power of the situation, but he didn’t need his fucking second-in-command doubting him in front of their hostages.

  “She can describe us you, stupid fuck. Who knows what else she has on us?” Clown turned around and a man cringed back into a corner, afraid of the gun Clown was now swinging around violently. “I say we kill the fucking lot of them.”

  “Then we’ll get nothing.” Razorback narrowed his eyes, making it clear he was getting to the end of his patience with Clown’s disrespect.

  Clown laughed a menacing sound from a menacing man. This was why Razorback had recruited him in the first place. The Clown had a reputation for being brutal, for taking shit from no one, and for making things happen on his own terms; he didn’t respect anyone but his own agenda. Since they had started working together, he actually respected Razorback’s agenda as well.

  But something in the Clown’s eyes changed as he laughed. Beneath the vile makeup, his eyes turned dark and the laughter turned shrill. Razorback ignored the shiver it sent up his spine.

  “You’re right, let’s give them some motivation,” Clown said with a broad smile, spinning around with his gun aimed at the hostages.

  The sound of pleas, promises, and desperate begging filled the air as Clown started firing. He hit a man that tried to run first. “You see that, fuckers? Either your families start paying, or I start thinning out the masses.”

  Razorback stepped forward to stop Clown, but he was too late. Another woman, a hotel employee, was shot point-blank. A few cries sounded in the air as Clown swung around to the other employees who had been hoarded to the ballroom from the foyer.


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