Warrior's Claim

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Warrior's Claim Page 3

by Tehya Titan

  “More,” she demanded, barely recognizing the harsh growl as her own voice. “I need more.”

  “You need me.” His snarl stoked the fire inside her, making her nearly combustible. “You are mine, Roxanne Mahar. Mine! My mate. Say it!”

  Fuck, she’d agree to just about anything at that point if it got her what she wanted, but this request didn’t even require thought. Of course, she was his. It didn’t make any sense. Maybe she’d think about it more when she wasn’t burning alive, but from the moment he’d bitten her, she’d just known.

  “I’m yours. Your mate.” Breath hissed through her teeth when his erection pressed heavily against her opening. “Good?” She nodded without waiting for an answer. “Good. Now, shut up and fuck me.”

  His chuckle ended in a sensual purr as he bent forward to claim her mouth. A moment of hesitation, a heartbeat of pause, then he thrust forward, filling her clenching depths in one, hard plunge.

  Holy fuck, he was huge. Although she was primed for him, she wasn’t prepared for the sudden invasion. It didn’t hurt exactly, but she could definitely feel her pussy stretching, straining to accept his girth.

  He gave her no time to adjust before pulling his hips back and shoving forward again. Rox cried out, glorying in his wildness, spurred on by his loss of control. There was no love in the way their bodies moved together, just pure, animalistic instinct. It was hard and primal, unlike anything she’d ever experienced, yet beautiful in its ferocity.

  Over and over, Soujin snapped his hips, driving into her like a battering ram. The heat swelled, the pressure built, and when he lifted her higher, changing the angle, her need rose to a crescendo that stole her breath.

  Her orgasm sent her into a tailspin of sensation and emotion, and she babbled nonsensical words as tears of frustration streamed down her cheeks. Before she’d even come down from the intense high, she wanted another. Then another.

  “Please!” She clutched his broad shoulders, pulling on him, trying to drag him even closer. “Please, Soujin.”

  “Okay, mate,” he panted, his breath fanning over her lips as he pressed his forehead against hers. “One more time. Can you come for me one more time?”

  When she nodded weakly, he slipped one hand between their sweat-slicked bodies, parting the top of her cleft with his thumb. Between the hard pressure he applied to her clit, and the forceful, bone-jarring thrusts, she reached the pinnacle again in seconds. She clawed at him, scoring his back with her fingernails, and growled as she hovered in limbo, aching to fall over the edge once more.

  “I can’t. Close. Just a little…fuck!”

  “Come for me,” he demanded. “Do it now.”

  Then, he dipped his head to lave his tongue over the mark he’d left on her neck, and Rox shattered into a million, sparkling pieces. The release robbed her of breath, the lack of oxygen making her head spin as her pussy clamped around his length like a vise.

  She floated somewhere outside of her body, vaguely aware that the raging firestorm inside her had subsided to a more manageable level. At least, for the time being. She heard Soujin roar, but it sounded distant, muffled. He jerked hard, grinding his pelvis against hers, and she sighed contentedly as his own release filled her depths.

  Awareness returned slowly, bits and pieces of reality coming back to her one at a time. She was tired, so tired. The kind of tired like when she’d been recovering from the flu and had slept for a solid sixteen hours straight.

  “Don’t move, setsa,” Soujin warned when she began to squirm.

  The reason became immediately obvious when she felt the swelled head of his erection pressed firmly against her cervix. “What the…?”

  “It’s just a mating knot to ensure the best chance of conception.” He stroked her damp hair back from her face and nuzzled against her cheek. “It will subside soon, my mate.”

  Logically, she knew that conception was the primary purpose of the heat, but Rox still didn’t know how she felt about being a mother. It wasn’t like she’d had the most shining example growing up, but then again, she’d been painted the perfect picture of what not to do as a parent.

  “What is this?” Soujin skimmed two fingers over her creased brow in a light caress. “What’s wrong? Are you hurting again?”

  She saw no reason to lie. If he was stuck with her for the rest of forever, he had the right to know what he was getting himself into—a whole airport of baggage included.

  “I didn’t have a great childhood.” It should have seemed strange having the conversation while he was still buried inside her, but it didn’t. Whether because of the mating bond or something else, she felt completely at ease with him. “My dad left when I was three, and my mom drank herself stupid all the time. I don’t know much about babies, and I guess I’m just worried that I won’t be a good mother.”

  “Oh, setsa.” His smile lit up his entire face, and he dropped his head to claim her mouth in a sweet, gentle kiss. “The fact that you care enough to worry about it just proves that you will be a wonderful mother to our child.”

  The knot in her chest loosened a little, and she returned his smile tentatively. “You think so?”

  “I do. I would never lie to you.” They both gasped when the knot finally receded, and he slid free. “Come. We need to return to my village before the heat rises again.”

  Rox stared down at the shredded remains of her pants and frowned. “How do you suppose we do that? I have to say, I’m not a big fan of walking through your village looking like this.”

  The words were barely past her lips before Soujin transformed back into his demon form and unfurled his powerful wings. “Do not fret, mate. I would never let anyone see what belongs to me.”

  She didn’t roll her eyes, but it was a near thing. Besides, his possessiveness was kind of hot, and she really had no desire to flash her naked ass to his entire clan. So, when he lifted her into his arms and cradled her to his chest, she went easily, snuggling down into his embrace with a yawn.

  His leathery wings folded around her, concealing her from curious onlookers and cocooning her in warmth. They were much softer than she’d expected, and she hummed as she stroked her fingers over the inky skin. She smiled when her mate purred. Clearly, he liked that. She’d have to remember.

  “Wait.” Her head snapped up to meet Soujin’s crimson gaze. “Daj. I need to tell him where I am. He’ll be worried.”

  The vicious snarl that vibrated the male’s chest wasn’t exactly unexpected. If she’d learned anything during her time on Vor, it was that mated males were irrationally territorial. Still, she wasn’t backing down on this.

  “It’s not like that. Daj is my guard. King Krell sent him with me.”

  The tension in Soujin’s muscles didn’t ease in the slightest. “You are no longer his responsibility.”

  That time, she did roll her eyes. “I’m going to let that slide because I’m sure you didn’t mean it the way it came out, like I’m some kind of object.”

  “I never said that.”

  “Exactly.” The gentle rocking of his footsteps across the forest floor was making her sleepy, but she refused to let her eyes drift closed. “Look, I get it.” She stopped, frowned. “Okay, I don’t really understand this whole territorial thing, but I’m trying. Can you at least let my crewmates know that I’m okay?”

  The silence stretched on for so long, she didn’t think he was going to answer.

  “This will make you happy?”

  Rox nodded. “Yes. I just don’t want them to worry about me.”

  After another brief pause, Soujin dipped his head once. “I will send word.” Lifting her higher, he rubbed his cheek over the top of her head and sighed. “Sleep now. You will need your strength for the coming days.”

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Exactly how bad is this going to get?”

  In answer, her mate kissed her with a quiet sigh. “Sleep.”

  It wasn’t really an answer, but it told her everything she nee
ded to know. The next few days were either going to be the best of her life…or they were going to be a living hell.

  Given what the first round had been like, she couldn’t shake the feeling that they might be a little of both.


  Unlike Vor females whose heat usually lasted only three days, humans didn’t have the same reaction to the mating bite. For them, the fever could last up to five or six days with no reprieve until it finally just disappeared.

  While Soujin had heard these warnings from Kings Castle—and he felt prepared to care for his mate in her time of need—that didn’t stop him from worrying about Rox. She was so small compared to the Vor, and she didn’t heal like they did. More than once, she had complained about the soreness, and with each passing day, her strength diminished until she could barely stand.

  He’d done as she’d asked and sent word to the visiting clansman that she was alive and in no danger. After that, he hadn’t thought much of the males again until the end of the fifth day. When his mate’s cravings were still intense and unpredictable with no end in sight, he’d reluctantly swallowed his pride and summoned the one she’d called Daj.

  Honestly, it had surprised him that the warrior was even still on the island. Normally, the tradesmen made their exchanges and left. The only reason for them to have stayed this time was because of Rox, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about another male worrying for his mate.

  On one hand, the thought of a warrior harboring feelings for her, even friendly feelings, made him see red. On the other hand…just no. Any way he looked at it, the idea of her befriending another male just pissed him right the fuck off.

  Still, Daj of the Krell Warriors was the only one who could give him the answers he sought.

  Meeting the male outside of his hut while Rox slept, he kept his arms held loosely at his sides in a subtle display of truce.

  The warrior bowed his head. “You requested to speak with me?”

  “Why are you still here?”

  If Daj was offended, he didn’t show it. “I understand that the female is your mate, Chieftain, and I mean no disrespect.” He bowed his head again. “Rox was left in my charge by the king himself. I cannot leave until I know she is well.”

  His blatant display of deference went a long way in soothing some of Soujin’s distrust. Fuck, he didn’t want to do this. He didn’t want to ask for help, but this wasn’t about him. Swallowing past the tightness in his throat, he took a deep breath and met the male’s gaze.

  “I’m not sure that she is well. It has been five days since I claimed her, and she is still in the throes of the heat.”

  “That is not so unusual for humans.”

  “I’m aware. The persistence of the heat is not what concerns me.” He hated appearing weak or uninformed in front of anyone, but especially an outsider. With his mate’s well-being his primary concern, a little bruising to his ego was of little consequence. “She barely eats, and she’s lost weight since she’s been here. Not an alarming amount, but enough to be noticeable.”

  Daj nodded as he spoke, soaking in every word, his brow furrowed in concentration. “I have no experience myself, but from what I understand, this is customary with humans. Their bodies, while compatible with ours, are not as strong. I don’t think it’s anything to feel anxious about, Chieftain.”

  “She can barely stand without assistance.”

  “I understand your worry, but it is only the mating heat taxing her small body.” Daj met his gaze unflinchingly, but there was a kindness in his eyes now that hadn’t been there before. “Warriors have been assured that human mates will recover fully once their time of needing passes.”

  If asked, he’d never admit it, but hearing the words from someone who had seen mated humans with his own eyes did ease some of Soujin’s fears. “She considers you a friend.”

  “I consider her a friend as well, but I would not dishonor your bond by seeking her company outside of your presence.”

  Soujin offered his first smile since the meeting began, the warrior’s pledge placating the possessive part of him. “I wish her to be happy here.”

  “I should warn you that humans are not used to asking permission before speaking their mind, no matter if that is to another male or not.” He chuckled quietly as he shook his head. “Our new queen caused quite the commotion when she first arrived.”

  Soujin had no doubt that his female would cause all manner of chaos once she was feeling better. There was a stubbornness in her personality that practically ensured it, a fierceness he had no desire to tame. At the same time, if she was to be happy on the island, changes would have to be made. While it wasn’t really in his nature to compromise, for her, he’d try.

  For her, he’d learn to bend.

  “Thank you for meeting with me.” He offered the warrior a short nod. “You’ve been surprisingly helpful.”

  “All will be well soon.” With another bow of his head, he took a measured step back. “Blessings to your mating, Chieftain Mahar.”

  With that, he turned and strode away along the path that led toward the village center, two Forhvar warriors flanking him on either side. Soujin remained on his front stoop, watching them go while he digested the things he’d learned. If the male was to be believed, he needed only to see Rox through her heat, then she’d regain her strength, and all would be well.

  Repeating those words of comfort to himself, he slipped back into his hut and bolted the door behind him.

  Like all of the living quarters on the island, his home was small, consisting of just a combined living and kitchen area, one bedroom, and a small bathroom. It protected him from the elements, provided a warm place to sleep, and offered solitude when he craved it. As chieftain of his clan, he could have built a larger home. No one would have faulted him for it. Indeed, some of his warriors had even been so bold as to inquire why he hadn’t.

  The answer was simple. He didn’t need it. Since he preferred to be outdoors anyway, his hut was more than enough for him.

  He couldn’t help but wonder what Rox thought of his modest home. Her first several weeks on the planet had been spent in luxury, inside a literal castle. She’d probably worn the finest garments and eaten the freshest of delicacies. In Forhvar, they ate what they could grow or kill. In fact, the kuka bird he’d rescued her from would feed his clan for the next week. It was good meat, but it was far from the fancy meals they served in Kings Castle.

  “Uh oh,” Rox murmured, eyeing him sleepily from the center of his bed. “What’s got your tail in a knot?”

  Soujin actually glanced behind him as if he’d suddenly grown a tail to match his wings. At this point, he doubted anything would surprise him.

  His mate laughed. “It’s just an expression.” She pushed herself upright with what appeared to be an enormous amount of effort and held her hand out to him. “What’s wrong? You look upset.”

  He frowned when she continued moving, pushing herself closer to the edge of the feather mattress. “What are you doing?”

  “Going to shower. I feel gross.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stared up at him with a sweet smile. “You didn’t answer me, though. What’s wrong?”

  “Stop that.” Her stubbornness would be the death of him. “Let me help you.” Hurrying to her side, he scooped her gently into his arms and carried her into the bathroom. “Nothing’s wrong. I was just thinking.”

  “About something unpleasant,” she pushed. Reaching up, she smoothed three fingers across his brow. “Tell me?”

  “Maybe later.”

  He kissed her to silence her questions, then eased her down on the smooth stones that surrounded the pool of green water in the center of the room. She sighed contently as she pivoted on the warm stones, moving around until she could drop her feet into the water.

  “I love this.”

  Amethyst light from the twin moons spilled in from the skylight in the ceiling, the pale rays glinting off her fair skin. A two-sided firepl
ace separated his bedroom from the bathroom, the dancing flames further illuminating the small space. Soujin could count on one hand the number of times he’d used the pool, usually opting for the open shower on the far wall instead. Rox couldn’t seem to get enough of the heated water, though, and if it made her smile, he’d bathe with her in it every night.

  Removing the lid from a large, glass jar on a nearby shelf, he pulled out a handful of glittering, black sand and tossed it haphazardly into the water. The surface churned for a heartbeat as the algae from the sand cleansed and purified the water, then it settled once more, becoming as still and smooth as glass.

  “That is so cool.” Rox beamed up at him as he crouched on the stones to help her into the basin. “And it’s so warm.”

  The waters came from a natural hot spring on the island, so the temperature was always steady and comfortable, no matter the season. It had been like that for as long as he could remember, so it wasn’t something he thought about or found impressive. Seeing his world through Rox’s eyes, however, showed him just how much he took for granted.

  “I’m glad that it pleases you, setsa.” He dropped a chaste kiss to the top of her head. “Rest. I’ll be right back.”

  He hated to leave her, even for a moment, but he also couldn’t let the opportunity pass without trying to persuade her to eat something. After stripping out of his leathers, he made his way to the kitchen and quickly prepared a plate of cold meat, cheeses, and fruit. He took special care in choosing the ripest berries and the best cuts of meat, then he finished off the tray with two goblets of sweet wine.

  Back in the bathroom, he settled the tray down on the stones and lowered himself onto the bench carved into the basin of the pool. “Come, my mate.” Gathering her into his arms, he positioned her across his lap, holding her securely with one hand while he reached for the tray with the other. “You must eat something.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  It was a familiar argument, and one she wouldn’t win. “Your heat has not passed. You have to eat something to keep up your strength.”


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