Fred & Mary

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Fred & Mary Page 9

by Kipjo Ewers

  What came next out of Fred was an inaudible high-pitched scream that caused the finger to coil back.

  The next thing felt was his blindfold pulled up, and his phone shoved in his face. His eyes adjusting to the bright light of the device barely made out what it said.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “What was what?” he quivered.

  “That sound that came out of you? What was that?”

  “What?” he snapped panting,” I …I was nervous, this is a tense situation! You got me all blindfold and …”

  “Calm down,” Another message came over his phone. “Just saying, that type of screaming will have Ms. Santiago at your door with San Diego PD. Relax, it’s just me.”

  “Woman you are acting like this is normal!”

  “Fair enough,” his phone answered back.

  With her head still turned away from him, she placed her free hand on his chest. His heart sped up from the act, but he did not scream or shudder this time.

  “Are we calm?” lit up his phone again.

  He answered with a nod. He pulled down his blindfold, and slowly slid back down onto the bed taking a big inhale of air. Gingerly he released it emitting almost a whistle as his body finally relaxed. The hand still on his chest began to move again slowly caressing his chest. The sensual touch slightly tickled Fred, but he remained calm as the hand moved from his chest to his stomach.

  This touch caused his back to arch, while the blood in his body surged downward again. His toes curled as he felt her leaning in bringing more soft, moist kisses to rain down on his body. In one swift motion, she moved from sitting on the side of the bed to a sixty-nine-position straddling his chest. He became dizzy with pleasure as she leaned forward propping her rear up so that she could move her lips closer to the base of his shaft.

  A worked-up Fred used his hands to feel and run his fingers up her thighs and fondle her rear. What he wanted to do was rip off her G-string, and use his cunnilinguist black belt burying his face in between her legs, licking her until she went into a seizure and sprayed him with orgasm juice.

  Unfortunately, he remembered that even though it might be his Mary on top of him; it wasn’t her body or a real body for that matter. He wasn’t sure if she felt any of what he was doing, but he wanted to be present and participate in their love making. Holding and touching her was the best thing he could come up with.

  As he contemplated what else he could use in his foreplay arsenal, Fred shuddered as he now felt her hand wrapped around his pulsating penis.

  “Okay … here we go,” he gasped.

  His member twitched as her plush glossy lips pecked the top of his mushroom head. His grip became tighter on her rear as she pecked him again, before engulfing his tip into her mouth.

  “Fuck!” he gasped.

  The mere act made him feel painful pleasure all over his body. He was sure he was going to pull a muscle or get a Charlie horse at the rate he was straining himself.

  Everything the doll did up until then felt like Mary. Insanity and his libido had teamed up, stomped the hell out of his reason, tied it up, and left it whimpering in a corner somewhere.

  Having mind blowing ghost doll sex was his only focus. He would deal with the possible repercussions once his endorphins were back to normal in the morning.

  Fred arched his hips upward to aid in the deep throat session about to take place when he felt something so terrifying that it freed what little sense he had left.

  Fred let out a louder almost feminine scream as he shot up to a sitting position which sent her forward taking in his entire penis. He felt her frustration while still blindfolded as she gripped the bed to pull herself off of him to a sitting position on his lap.

  Pulling up his blindfold, he knew what was coming next as she shoved his phone in his face for a second time. She made sure to write it in caps this time.

  “What the fuck Fred?”

  “Oh god, is that slime,” he said with a panicky tone. “Did you just ghost slime me? Is that ecto …?”

  The cause of his panic was the feeling of something warm, wet, and sticky dripping down his penis. He was pretty sure when he purchased the doll; it did not come with a fluid feature.

  She turned around plopping roughly on his lap to face him.

  “You big baby, that was just warm water and lube!” He read. “I took the tongue out and soaked it in the cup on my night stand so it would feel more realistic.”

  “I’m not a baby,” he pouted. “You keep forgetting this is my first time having ghost sex. You can’t expect me to just …”

  She placed two fingers on his lips to stop him before he went into a full rant.

  “Okay, I’m sorry. You’re right,” she answered. “Do you still want to continue?”

  He meekly nodded yes.

  “Okay …now whatever you feel from this point on is just lube… okay?”

  With another nod and a deep breath, he pulled down his blindfold once more lying back down with his hands on her hips.

  Fred gasped again as she grabbed his shaft giving it a couple of strokes to get it from its scared semi-flaccid state to hardened wood again. With her other hand, she guided each of his hands to the bows on her g-string. He didn’t need any further instruction as he slowly tugged them undoing the frilly underwear. Fred began to twitch with anticipation as he gently pulled the thin barrier that separated her from him.

  Fred groaned instinctually gripping the iron headboard with one hand as she slid back and stuck the tip of his head into herself.

  The next thing he felt was her hands grabbing his arms, guiding his hands back to her hips as she leaned forward pressing her forehead against his own while taking her time until he was all the way inside of her. Fred gasped again as his over engorged member turned steel pipe stiff. The mixture of not being intimate for so long, the warm lube, and how virgin tight she felt made him delirious with pleasure. He reminded himself that he had to write a very thorough thank you letter to the Real Doll Company about how well they made their dolls. Feeling her hands gripping his chest, she began to move slowly. She started out with short slow hip popping. She took her time making her up and down motion longer. She’d do it till she got to the head of his shaft, held it for a minute, and then started all over again.

  Fred driven to near lunacy slid his hands up and down her body feeling her up. He started to get into it, as he pulled the top down to her baby doll fondling her breasts. He raised his head forward to suckle on them as she rode him, but stopped as the whiff of synthetic skin mixed with perfume hit his nose. It was a mean wakeup call. Although the body on top of him was moving on its own by some force that claimed to be his deceased wife, it still was not real.

  Not wishing to incur the wrath of a possible poltergeist for losing his erection, Fred popped his hips upwards slowly thrusting into her matching her rhythm. The faster he climaxed he thought to himself, the quicker he could put this whole weird and awkward situation behind him and onto more important things, such as more questions. He gripped her hips tighter while increasing his thrust and speed, feeling himself getting closer to release as he imaged making love to Mary in her old body.

  His body stiffed, not out of euphoria from ejaculating, but out of terror.

  Her body, it locked up before his and was now shaking violently like a leaf. The temperature then dropped from warm summer time air to a slight winter chill. She buckled slowly bringing her body close to his resting her forehead against his chest.

  A faint chilling female moan filled his ears and made warm every cell within his body.

  Fred’s mind and reason went blank as he wrapped his arms around her body and the back of her neck. He pulled her in pressing her body against his as he kissed her deeply. He then rolled her over getting on top and took over.

  As eerie as it was, the moan said it all to him. It was Mary, he was making love to his Mary. The air continued to get colder, as her body quivered with each thrust. Wrapping her legs around
his waist, while grabbing his right pec made him harder as she used her other hand to grip the metal headboard to keep from being banged skull first into it.

  Another faint haunting whisper begging him to stop struck his ear, but the aroused quiver behind it made him arch her back going deeper.

  In a final act of desperation, she pulled his blindfold off, hoping that the realization that he was deep plowing a doll would bring him to his senses.

  The world came to a screeching halt as Fred looked into her face for the first time.

  It was animated, trembling with fear and confusion. She also did not go limp in Fred’s arms as her eyes finally gazed upon him. He lifted her up, sitting cross-legged on their bed with her sitting on top of him as they continued to look at one another. She reached out brushing her shaking hand against the side of his face unable to comprehend what was happening.

  Her visage read that if she had the ability to cry, she would.

  From a sitting position, she moved slowly up and down wishing to finish what they started. As they continued, Fred cried for the both of them to the trembling end.

  His vision became blurry from both tears and loss of breath, as they finally collapsed onto the bed. They weakly pulled close to one another entangling their limbs together as they held each other as if life itself depended on it. For Fred, as his breath continued to become shallow, he welcomed the possible end as he gazed with happy tears into his wife’s eyes while she caressed his cheek.


  The next morning, a groggy Fred awoke to the sharp jabs of the sun beaming through his window, and the alarm to his phone blaring. He groaned and cursed reaching onto his nightstand for it, violently jabbing it with his finger to silence it.

  He tossed it onto the bed preparing to fade back into sleep when his ears picked up the sound of his shower running. Instantly he shot up to a sitting position on his bed remembering what happened, and what he did last night.

  Fred swallowed as his heart quickened. Cautiously he forced himself out of his bed wrapping his nude lower half in his bed sheets. Tip-toeing down the hallway to the bathroom, all the hairs on his body stood on edge as Fred heard and felt movement inside. Holding his breath, he used one finger to push open the door gingerly and peek inside. Her back was turned to him as she used the rag to finish scrubbing her body. Ringing out the excess suds, she stepped underneath the head allowing the falling water to wash the soap away.

  She appeared angelic to him with her long curly wet hair as the morning sun beamed through the bathroom window, right up until she reached in between her legs and pulled out her artificial vagina to properly wash it.

  “Oh, my god,” Fred coiled back.

  He was forced to jump back as the door slammed in his face. He held his chest while trotting back to the bedroom with a semi-mortified expression on his countenance. He turned to his buzzing phone on his nightstand.

  “That’s what you get for being nosy, sit your ass down. I’m almost done and will be out soon. Remember, you can’t look me in the eyes.”

  Fred snarled and snorted followed by a grossed-out shiver as he walked back to the bed plopping down. His attention turned to another message buzzing on his phone.

  “You were doing a whole different type of shivering last night, you freak.”

  Fred furiously picked up his phone to retort, when he heard the bathroom door open, and the sound of wet slippers coming down the hallway. She strolled in with a towel around her body, and one wrapped around her head and hair. She sat down on the bed, using the one on her head to dry out the excess water from her strands.

  “So, you take showers now?” he shrugged.

  “Uh yeah,” his phone lit up. “I’m not going to walk around with both your funk on me and jizz dripping out of my twat …this ain’t one of your hentai movies you perv.”

  “So …uh,” he cleared his throat. “What exactly happened last night?”

  “We had sex,” his phone lit up, “Very, very good sex.”

  “I uh, know that,” he coughed again. “But, you …you came last night …twice. How is that possible? Could you feel my …?”

  She reached over placing a gentle hand on his thigh as his phone pinged again.

  “Yes, my love, your thick, delicious cock was powerful enough to pierce the spiritual plane, and make me cum like I never came before, it was so beautiful, God and angels all wept last night.”

  Fred’s eyes tapered as his nose twitched. He answered her comment with a side-eye.

  “Sarcasm?” he flatly asked.

  “Sarcasm,” blazed on his phone in full caps.

  “So, what did happen?” he shot back throwing up his hands.

  She answered him while continuing to dry off her hair.

  “We touched souls.”

  “Okay,” Fred sat there waiting for a more detail explanation.

  “Soul touching is when two willing souls touch one another,” she began to explain. “The dead can do it, and a dead and a living person can do it. I think two living people can do it, but because the majority of the world does not believe in supernatural stuff, they don’t know how to do it. It’s hard to explain, but I felt you holding me. I felt your warmth, and your emotions, which in turn made me, feel as if I was alive.

  When you’re in that state, everything feels incredibly intense, and with a bit of imagination, I can will myself to feel things like I felt when I had an actual human body, such as an orgasm.”

  “You were able to look me in the eyes.” He remembered.

  “Another perk to soul touching,” she shrugged. “The connection was powerful enough to nullify that problem.”

  “How do you know all of this?” a mystified Fried asked.

  “I learned about soul touching three weeks after my death from a spirit I met named Audrey Parker,” flashed across his screen. “She took me under her wing, and taught me the ropes.”

  “So …have you touched souls with anyone else?” Fred whispered his question.

  She slowly turned to him with her head down unable to look him in the eyes. He could tell by the expression on her face what she thought before she wrote it.

  “Are you asking me if I was intimate with someone over here Fred?”

  “I was just curious,” he muttered.

  “Soul touching is not always about intimacy Fred; sometimes it’s used to share memories to obtain knowledge and abilities. A soul also has to be willing to share with another soul. Sometimes there’s a little tingle while sharing that can’t be helped.”

  “Oh,” he nodded with a disappointed sigh.

  She moved closed grasping his hand.

  “You, however, are the first and only soul I ever slept with while over here.” buzzed across his phone. “Audrey was impressed by your passionate love making.”

  A broad cheesy smile grew on Fred’s face until reason smacked him back to reality realizing what she just said.

  “Did you just say there was another ghost up in here watching us?”

  “Yep, she and a couple of others were here last night.”

  Her answer knocked him for a loop.

  “A couple?” his voice went up several octaves.

  “There’s not very much to do in spirit world Fred,” she shrugged, “besides traveling, watching the living do stupid shit, or catching up on either Walking Dead or Game of Thrones.”

  “Are they still here?” He asked while slowly scanning the room.

  “No, they left after you fell asleep. A doctor, however, warned me, that you need to get checked out before we ever attempt something like that again. Soul touching can be strenuous on a living person, and he didn’t like the wheezing he heard from you near the end.”

  “Well what’s the worst that can happen?” he chuckled. “I drop dead and …”

  A powerful open hand slapped his face almost making his head spin. The blow radiated all the way down his spinal column. He clutched the side of his assaulted cheek with shock and fear plastered all ove
r his face as she stuck a trembling finger in his face. A chill came back into the room as his phone pinged; she picked it up shoving it in his mug so that he could read what she was saying.

  Her writing was in caps.

  “Don’t you ever say that again …ever.”

  Throwing the phone down on the bed, she sprung up storming out of the room.

  He sat there unsure what to do. They had gotten into disagreements before, but she never struck him in anger or visa versa. His heart quickened a bit wondering if he was wrong if his Mary was really in the other room. Before the thought of doing a Google search for an exorcist came into mind his phone buzzed.


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