Back Off: Reed Security: Book One

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Back Off: Reed Security: Book One Page 17

by Robin Leaf

  “No,” Fionn snaps.

  “Thank you, but no,” I insist politely, shooting a look at my date for the afternoon. “Those things are deliciously potent. I really don’t need to be drunk for the rest of the day, but thank you, Marcus.”

  “I’ll bring your check right out.” He nods, taking the dishes away.

  I grab my water glass and sip slowly from my straw, feeling Fionn’s eyes watch me. When I look at him, I realize he’s not really looking at me, but through me, like he’s listening to something far away.


  He grabs his wallet and throws a wad of twenties on the table, way more than I’m sure our lunch costs.


  I attempt to slide out of the booth, but my skin has adhered to the vinyl. I take a second to unstick my thighs, hoping none of my skin is left behind.

  Fionn grabs my elbow, leading me out of the restaurant quickly. He doesn’t let go of me, pulling me around the corner toward the hotel.

  “Fionn? What’s –”

  “The people at the other table thought they recognized you,” he spits out. “I didn’t want to give them a chance to take your picture.”

  “So? They take my picture.”

  He smirks. “You’re having lunch with a handsome Irishman who is not Ignacio. Can you say media nightmare?”

  I stop, pulling my elbow free from his grip. “Wait, I can’t have lunch with a friend or my bodyguard?”

  Placing his hand at the small of my back, he gives me a gentle push.

  “Please, let’s get you safely to the room before we have this conversation.”

  I decide that the walkway beside the San Antonio Riverwalk is really not the place to throw a bitch fit, so I allow him to lead me up the steps to the street level where we enter side door of the hotel through the bar. The large TVs over the bar flash pictures of Senator Heywood, the same man Noah and I watched at the club. I attempt to stop, trying to read the line under his picture, but Fionn continues on, pulling me along to the elevators.

  The words I can make out?

  Under Investigation.

  Oh my God. He did it.

  I quicken my steps to get to the elevator, unsure why I have this wave of excitement enveloping me. All I know is I can’t stop grinning.

  Fionn either doesn’t notice, or my change in mood is freaking him the hell out.

  We get to the suite, and I run to the television, desperately trying to find the news channel.

  “… accusing the senator of sexual misconduct, including harassment and coercion. These include allegations that he asked for sexual favors for promotions within his financial firm and fired employees who refused. The senator has yet to respond, but our sources tell us that a press conference…”


  This wasn’t Noah…

  In fact, this sounds like… Sam’s story.

  Sam’s former boss is Senator Heywood? What the fuck? I collapse on the couch and run my hand through my hair, inexplicably overwhelmed by guilt.

  “Shit,” is said from behind me. Fionn takes his phone out of his pocket and hits a button, walking into another room and shutting the door.

  I sit there, left alone with my racing thoughts, most of which speed through my mind so quickly, I can’t keep up. I watch the screen absently, as the political analysts debate what they think will happen next in the drama that will inevitably unfold.

  The only clear thought I have is that I am majorly responsible for this.

  I potentially ruined Noah’s investigation, which I suspect had little to do with exposing the senator’s sexual activities.

  And that potentially ruins my chances with him… for good.

  Twenty Two


  “I appreciate the offer, Fionn, but there’s nothing you can do,” I insist, pacing the control room. “My plan is to help Jason control the fallout.”

  “Are you sure? I can come home if you need help with that.”

  “No,” running my hand over my head, I sigh. “I sent you there because Joe reported Ignacio was acting off. You’re where I need you right now.”

  “Is he okay?” Fionn asks sincerely.

  “Other than the fact that this took all of us by surprise and it’s really shitty timing, yes, I think he’ll be fine.” Taking a deep breath, one I need to keep my strength, I ask, “How is she?”

  “Good.” He lowers his voice. “Noah, she isn’t with Ignacio.”

  I feel my heart sputter in my chest at that announcement.


  “I guess their relationship is all publicity for the tour, but from what she reports, they aren’t together. She told me today she’s left alone a lot.”

  “She doesn’t get out?”

  “Joe says the record company instructed him to keep her on ice, but he thinks Ignacio asked them to do it.”


  “I got a weird vibe from Ignacio,” Fionn continues. “He made it sound like he invited me here for her. I think Joe’s right; something’s off with him.”

  “Joe’s instincts are usually pretty solid.” I rub the bridge of my nose, really wishing I could fly there right now. “Does he seem to be using again?”

  “Couldn’t tell ye. I only spent five minutes with the guy this morning.”

  “Does she seem… happy?”

  “Lonely, bored, ready to be home, but I don’t think she’s unhappy. I think she would say something if Ignacio was being an arsehole to her. She did seem a bit rattled by the news on the TV.”

  Of course she would. She knew I was investigating the senator. She probably thinks I’m to blame for this shit storm.

  Taking a deep breath, I release it slowly. “You’re staying with her until the end the tour?”

  “Yeah, the last show is in Houston in a couple of weeks. I will fly back with her on the following Monday. Ignacio is staying with his family for a few days.”

  “Why isn’t she staying with him?”

  “I didn’t ask, but I would imagine it has something to do with their fake relationship and with her wanting to get home.”

  My phone beeps with another call. I pull it away from my ear to see it’s the call I’ve been waiting for all day.

  “Look, Fionn, I need to take this call. Keep me updated.”

  “Will do.”

  Clicking over, I answer with, “What did you find out?”

  The admiral sighs. “Not much other than a former employee, Samuel Winters, has filed a lawsuit against the senator and his firm for sexual harassment and wrongful termination, which sparked others to file separate lawsuits for similar complaints, and there’s talk of the complainants joining forces. The press got ahold of it, which will lead to all the fifteen-minute seekers coming out of the woodwork.”

  “And that means?”

  “Honestly, Noah, my hope is that this might get him out of office, and that was our endgame, wasn’t it?”

  “No, sir. My endgame was taking him down.”

  “But won’t this do nicely? Then our hands are clean. A few anonymous suggestions to audit his accounts ought to do the trick.”

  I hold back my groan. I really wanted him to be brought up on treason charges so he could pay for his crimes.

  “Think of it this way,” he soothes. “With the senator out of the office, we have an infinitely better chance to take down De La Torre.”

  Yeah, there’s that, but I can’t be involved in that plan.

  “So now what, sir?”

  “Now, you live your life. We watch and see what happens. I know you and the son are friends. Take care of things on your end. I’ll call if I need anything.”

  As I end the call, somehow I know… since this investigation is over, the final frayed thread to my military career has snapped.

  And that fucking blows.


  “You look… rough,” Jason says, barely looking up from his screen as I walk into his apartment.

  I’m sure I do.
I’ve barely showered and haven’t shaved or slept more than four hours a night in the past two weeks. I’ve been working myself ragged, taking on more cases and spending extra time in the brand new, state-of-the-art gym in the building I provided for my employees. Anything to keep busy and to unsuccessfully keep my mind off things.

  Plus, I’m not gonna lie; I’ve been avoiding him. The scandal with his father aside, I’m still angry at him for lying to me. And I’m pissed that he hasn’t come clean with Darla.

  “You still haven’t told her,” I growl, “and I warned you what would happen.”

  “Relax,” he breathes. “I have her to myself all weekend, and I plan to tell her… everything.” Smiling, he gets a bit redder in the cheeks. “I want her with me… always.”

  “I can’t relax. I don’t understand how you can.”

  He shuts his laptop and studies me as I pace back and forth in front of him.

  “Why not?”

  God, I really want to tell him everything that’s been eating at me. First, the senator won’t pay for his crimes. Second, the ceasing of this investigation puts the final nail in my military career. Third, I’m still pissed at Jason and not sure how to face him. Fourth, he didn’t get into that Swiss clinic because his damage to his heart isn’t extensive enough, which means we’re back to square one. But before I can think of the fifth reason, I pause to look at him. He seems… at peace. How is that?

  I take a deep breath and drag my hands down my face, trying to keep the anger I feel out of my voice. “You didn’t get into that clinic.”

  He points to his computer. “And that’s why I’m searching for other alternatives. If that clinic exists, there’s bound to be others.”

  For some reason, it upsets me that he’s so calm, especially when I’ve been spending the last two weeks trying not to lose my shit.

  “Well, are you forgetting that I…” I swallow, trying to calm myself. “I had sex with the girl you love?”

  “I didn’t forget,” he says, narrowing his eyes. “It was at my request.”

  This time, I don’t work so hard hide my ire. “Yeah, and how could you ask me to do that without telling me who she was?”

  He shrugs, remaining calm. “Because I was afraid if I told you, you would back out. And honestly, you are the only person on Earth I trust enough to ask, which you know I didn’t do lightly.”

  I blink, trying to let that sink in for a second. “Yeah, if you thought about everything incessantly, you would have wondered about how she would feel?”

  He glares at me, and I know I’ve hit my mark.

  “I saw her, Jase. She loves you. She wanted you, not me. In the moment, she might have been fine with what happened, but now, you need to understand that she may not be.”

  He sighs. “She’s been awesome helping me through the stuff with my father. I’m sure she… once I tell her everything…” He trails off. “Is there a reason why you are trying to –”

  “You know her better than I do,” I interrupt, trying further to hide the real reason for my mood, “but I’ll warn you, women don’t always react the way you think they will. You may have to fight for her.”

  He bites his lips, not sure what to say to that.

  “I need to ask, what would you have done if I’d said no?”

  Shaking his head, he shrugs. “You didn’t. Like I said, there’s no one else I would have trusted. I can think of no one else I would have shared that experience with. You’re more than a friend to me. You’re my only family, Noah.”

  My anger dissipates. Damn him for playing the family card.

  He sees the change in my expression and smirks. “Speaking of that, I’m going to flip the dynamic of our relationship and offer you some advice for a change.” He squints at me, indicating he’s thinks he’s about to cross a line. “The investigation is over, so you should go after Cristiana.”

  And there it is. The fifth, and truly the real reason I’ve been out of it these last two weeks. I want to go claim Cristiana for myself, but I’m afraid I don’t deserve her.

  “Great,” I grunt. “You’re in love, so you think everyone else should be, too.”

  Nodding, he smiles. “Yep.” He opens his computer and turns the screen toward me. “It’s why I bought you a ticket to Houston. The plane leaves in an hour and a half. I rented a car for you once you get there, and I let Fionn know you’re coming.”

  I must look as stunned as I feel.

  He stands and walks past me, grabbing something off his printer before appearing in front of me to place a hand on my shoulder. “Thank you for coming to check on me, bro, but I’m fine. Darla will be here later, and I have an appointment in a few minutes with someone to make a surprise for her.” He shoves the papers in my hand. “You need to get moving.”

  Looking down at the boarding pass he just placed in my hand, I stand there, mouth hanging, not sure what to do. “I can’t –”

  “Yes,” he interrupts, squeezing my shoulder. “You can. Jesus, you really don’t know how to let someone do something nice for you, do you?” He places his hand on my back and pushes me toward the door. “I know you, too, Noah. You really like this girl. More than you probably realize. So… go. Fight for her. Win her over. Stop worrying about your duty to your country, your family, your friends, or your job.” He opens the door and practically shoves me through. “Finally do something for yourself. You deserve a little happiness more than anyone I know.”

  “God, you’re annoying when you’re happy.”

  He chuckles, leaning against the door. “Then either stay here and be annoyed, or go after something you want.”

  I think about Cristiana and feel myself smile. I may not deserve her, but I really want to try.

  “Thanks, man.”

  He returns my smile and shuts his door.

  I have a plane to catch.

  The drive to the airport is easier than normal, almost like something is helping the process along. I get lucky going through security, since the TSA agent skips me and chooses the guy behind me for a random search.

  My phone rings as my flight is called.

  “Hey, Fionn, I’m boarding the plane now.”

  “Okay, good, I caught you then. Joe and I just walked the stadium. You will need to park in the team lot and come in through the underground entrance. If I’m not there, ask for Lance; he knows to expect you.”

  I swallow and slow my steps. “She doesn’t know I’m coming, right?”

  He chuckles. “No, man. I knew you’d want to surprise the girl.”

  “Thanks, Fionn. Be there soon.”

  I snap my phone closed and turn it off, knowing I’ll be instructed to do so on the plane, and smile to myself. Jason is right. I haven’t done something just for me in a long time.

  Of course, this’ll benefit her, too.

  Multiple times.

  But that’ll come later, pun intended. I’m not flying almost seventeen hundred miles just to fuck her. Nope. I’m going to ask her for a date.

  I want to prove I’m in this for the long haul.

  And if I play my cards right, these benefits will last a lifetime.

  Twenty Three


  I slip my robe over my skin-colored body suit so I don’t spill makeup on it like I’ve done in the past. Ignacio offered to hire me someone to do my makeup and hair, but it just seems like such a waste of money when I can do just as good a job as anyone.

  The knock that I’ve come to expect makes me smile.

  “Come in,” I call, knowing it’s Fionn.

  Hearing him open the door, I don’t look up, unable to stop the critical final stage of mascara application.

  “I gotta say, Fionn, I really love your habit of checking on me before each show.”

  I replace the applicator and tighten the tube before placing it back in my case and look in the mirror, only to see blue eyes looking back at me. My head whips his direction, just to make sure his presence isn’t wishful thinking, an
d I stand to face him.

  Why is he here? It must be to oversee the final show… to make sure his team is doing their jobs well. It can’t be for me… can it?

  I’d say no, but the way he looks at me, like I’m something to behold, is hypnotic. I notice behind his expression is a tired man. Bags collect under his eyes, and his unshaven face has at least a week’s worth of neglect. He is still so devastatingly handsome, my knees threaten to go weak. I have an overwhelming need to wrap my arms around him, pull him to my bosom, and take care of him.

  His face morphs from adoring to hungry in a second. Stalking toward me, he looks almost predatory as he backs me onto the table behind me.

  “Remember the last time I had you in front of a lighted dressing room mirror, cariño?”

  Yeah, I remember, güero.

  I shiver at the year-old memory and stare unblinking, unsure what to do. Wait… why is he bringing it up? Oh, I get it. He’s just caught up in the moment. I can’t let myself hope he actually came here for me. It’s stupid wishful thinking.

  “Last time, though, you weren’t wearing this.” He fingers the sleeve of my short robe. “But you did lie and swear you didn’t want me.” He steps closer, gently nudging my knees open with his thighs so he can move between them. His fingertips skim up the outsides of my thighs, and my breath catches. “Bet you can’t say that now.”

  When his hands get to my ass, he pulls me to him firmly.

  “Fuck,” he says under his breath, running his fingers down my hips. “Please tell me you are not naked under this thing right now.”

  I shake my head, unable to find my voice.

  He smiles. “Good, because I wouldn’t keep my promise this time if you were.” Leaning in, he whispers, “And you’d miss your last show.”

  Pinche bodysuit.

  When he chuckles, I realize I said that out loud.

  “My investigation is over,” he murmurs, running his nose along my jaw.

  I nod and clear my throat. “I heard.”

  I feel him smile, and he pulls back, fixing his eyes on my mouth.

  “Yes, well, a little Fionny told me that you’re not with Ignacio.”


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