Mr and Mrs Sullivan: Standalone Arranged Marriage Romance

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Mr and Mrs Sullivan: Standalone Arranged Marriage Romance Page 6

by Simone Nicholls

  My phone started ringing. I quickly slid the Bluetooth on and connected it with the car. Answering it.

  "Morning Megan." I should have expected her to ring this morning.

  "Heard you had a late night?" She sounded sorry for me.

  "Not a big deal. I'm heading to the shoot now." Honestly, who really needed sleep? Clearly God had decided it was overrated in my life, so he decided to remove it all together.

  "Did you get any sleep?"


  "I don't want to burn you to the ground."

  "I wouldn't let you. Are you coming to the shoot this morning or will I be seeing you tonight?"

  "Tonight. I was just ringing to say sorry about the late night. I didn't know the CEO would talk your ear off."

  "Like I said, not a big deal. I'll see you tonight." I hung up and my music started playing.

  I relaxed hearing it. A few minutes of peace before I let the day take me.

  Why did math have to be so brain numbing? Was it the fact I had had no sleep this week? Or were the numbers really that confusing? Usually, math was my thing. Sure I wasn't as strong in at compared to English, but I still did good.

  Till this afternoon.

  When all the numbers decided to jumble up and give me a headache.

  I put my pen down. Maybe I needed a break. I glanced around the classroom. Everyone was talking, laughing and didn't look anywhere near as stressed as me.

  I reached for my water, and my phone vibrated in my pocket. Why would Megan message me now? She knew I would be in class. Maybe something had changed with the shoot tonight? I pulled my phone out. And saw a number that wasn't stored in my phone.

  Please tell me some random hadn't got hold of my number. Last thing I needed was to have to change it. It was such a hassle. Everyone that did get hold of my number, knew not to share it without my permission.

  I opened the message expecting it to be creepy and perverted. I'd have to arrange a new number.

  Then I read the message.

  It’s Dane. I was going to ask your assistant for your number until I just found it. How’s your day? Will you be home tonight? Are you avoiding me? If you are I understand. R u even staying here?

  Dane. It was Dane. Suddenly, I couldn't think straight and I couldn't blame math for it. Why had I forgotten I had left my number for him?

  He thought I was avoiding him? He didn't think I was staying there. All he would have to do is glance at my room to know I was living there.

  What do I write back? Why the hell was I so nervous over a text message? It was a text message. Snap out of it Emerald.

  First, I saved his number.

  Hey glad you got it. Sorry I didn't give it to you earlier. You don't want to know how my day is. How’s yours? I will be home tonight but it will be late. Guessing I won't see u. I have been staying at your place. Sorry for being a ghost. Definitely not avoiding you.

  I hit send.

  "Hey Emerald, how are you finding the questions?"

  I looked up from my phone and came face to face with another student I’d never met before. Was he even in this class? I frowned. How did he know my name? My phone buzzed in my hand and even though I was dying to check it, I couldn't just ignore him.

  "Sorry, who are you?" I faked a smile. Trying to be charming, yet going to blame my hair colour if he had introduced himself to me and I’d forgotten.

  "Ezra. Sorry I didn't introduce myself." He pulled up the chair next to me. "My friends have been egging me on to ask how you are."

  I looked over his shoulder, seeing a group of students, way too interested in this conversation.

  "Well, the questions are fine. Thanks for asking." Now politely fuck off. I wasn't a toy that you played with or poked to see what a reaction it had. I had a bitch inside me and being tested by other teenagers would bring it out.

  My phone buzzed in my hand again. What was Dane saying? Why wasn't this kid taking the hint?

  "So I heard you're a model?" Ezra kicked back in the chair. Not seeming one bit fazed that I wasn't interested in having a conversation with him.

  "That would be correct." I was itching to check my phone. It was basically burning in my hand right now. "So you can tell your friends that too." Now piss off.

  He grinned. "Kind have seen your work. Surprised you are at school though. Wouldn't someone as successful as you gave up on the high school card? Come on, it's not like you’re going to university."

  "Why because I'm a model and too dumb to make the grades?" My words were sharp and I wasn't leaving room for them to be taken any other way.

  "No. Because you're so rich." He looked at me shocked, like he hadn't meant to be rude to me or imply I was stupid. "I know you’re smart. I'm in most of your classes. Kind have been taking a notice of you."

  Which was worse? Having him think I was stupid because I was a model or having him watching me?

  I just blinked at him. Not giving a response. Suddenly I felt a need to run my hand with my wedding ring on it through my hair, so I did. Take the point boy. I'm taken.

  "So it's true you’re married." He picked up on the ring.

  Well I hadn't flashed it to get more questions. "Yep."

  "Bit young."

  Why was that everyone's first reaction? It’d even been Dane's. Thinking about Dane, what had he messaged me?

  "Young, stupid and in love. What can I say?" I gave him a bitter smile, "I think your friends are missing you."

  "Nah, not one of them are game enough to talk to you. Right now, I'm a hero."

  "Why, because you had a conversation with me?" Were teenagers really that stupid? I knew I didn't think or act like a normal teenager. I was reminded of that daily by strangers. People in the industry. Even my mother.

  "That, and they all want to know." His eyes flashed to my lips. "Do you have a free pass on someone your own age?"

  Suddenly, I was finished with this class. I knew it still had twenty minutes. But I was done.

  I started to gather up my books.

  "Come on, I didn't mean to insult you."

  "Please remove your hand from my books." I leaned in closer to him. "Before I snap your fucking wrist."

  "I didn't know someone like you swore." He stood up, he was taller than me. Looking down at me like a predator would look at prey. "Are you as lippy in the bedroom?"

  I picked up my books and walked around him. Not giving him a response. If I made one wrong move, it would be in a headline. And I would be the villain. It was bad enough I snapped at him. The teacher didn't even look up as I exited.

  I was nearly at my locker when I remembered Dane. I stopped at my locker putting my books in and unlocking my phone.

  Sorry it took me so long to find it. Tell me about your day. I'm about to leave for a conference but I'll wait up for you tonight.

  I didn't want him waiting up for me. God knows what time I'll get to his place tonight.

  Don't wait for me.

  I hit send and pulled out my bag. I had an extra twenty minutes. Maybe I could squeeze in emails. Be actually early for a shoot for the first time this week. My phone buzzed.

  Why? You don’t want to see me? That was the complete opposite.

  No, because I won't be home till the early hours of the morning and you have training to focus on.

  I grabbed my car keys and walked out through the canteen and heading for the car park. I unlocked my phone as soon as it buzzed.

  So I'll see you in the morning then?

  Why did he want to see me?

  Doubtful. I'll be gone before you even wake.

  I unlocked my car, throwing my bag in the backseat. I was watching the message, seeing he was writing back. Didn't he have a conference to get to?

  Are you even sleeping?

  No I wasn't. The truth was I hadn't slept all week. But I wasn't telling anyone that. I was fine. Which was what I was telling everyone. I was fine.

  So it was easy to write back.

  I'm fine. Don't be
late for your conference.

  I started my car up. And was about to put my phone down when his message popped up.

  When will I see you?

  The truth was, I didn't know. I couldn't say bluntly I just didn't have time. He was important and was up the top of my list. But I didn't have time to form a friendship with him and maybe that was best, if we were to keep this professional.

  After all in one day, he’d seen what my life was truly like. Right down to my issues with my brother. Then it didn't help that when I was near him I wanted him to touch me. Why was that? I’d never wanted a man’s attention. Yet, when it came to his, I couldn't get enough.

  Maybe that was the other reason I was making sure I was at his place late and gone before he woke. Because I didn't want to have those feelings. Not the wanting. Not the needing. I never wanted to rely on anyone.

  I locked my phone not replying.

  Distance. It was the best thing when it came to Dane. If I stayed away from him and limited my time with him, I wouldn't be craving the need to have him act like my boyfriend. Caring for me, touching me. I couldn't have that. Wouldn't have that.

  Chapter 7


  Where the hell was she? Did she remember we had this booked today? My lounge was full of extra lighting and all their camera equipment. I was charming the reporter and doing my best to keep her attention on me and not on the fact Emerald was half an hour late.

  But I couldn't keep her from not noticing my wife, who was meant to be in this article and interview with me, was missing.

  The reporter, Anne, from Press Magazine and Press Tonight was going on about the details of her wedding which had also been this month. I kept asking details and pretended like I was interested when really, I was about to call Emerald ask where the hell she was.

  As soon as Emerald got here I had news for her. She wouldn't be bolting off to another shoot. Or doing whatever she has been doing all week. It was Friday and I wanted her home for the night.

  Tomorrow was my first day of the season, and I knew she’d promised to be at the game. It was part of the agreement. I wished she wanted to be there. But I'd settle with having her forced here. As long as she was there.

  Anne had just asked me if Emerald and I had talked about kids, when I heard the front door.


  I heard her heels click up the foyer. Here I was beginning to think I’d made up the fact I had a wife.

  Then she rushed. My eyes flashed to her. God she was even more beautiful than I remembered.

  "Oh my god, I'm so sorry I'm late." Emerald moved gracefully across the room. "I got a flat tire. And I might have talent when it comes to being in front of a camera but I have zero when it comes to anything hands on." Emerald extended a hand. "Sorry for keeping you waiting..."

  "Anne from Press Magazine and Press Tonight." Anne took her hand smiling. "It's fine, Emerald. Your husband and I have been talking and I swear time went nowhere. Didn't even notice you were late."

  I took in the scratches on Emerald's knees and the marks on her dress. She had indeed been changing a tire. I pang entered my chest and I instantly felt like a dick.

  "Why didn't you call me? I would’ve come." I didn't like the idea of her on her knees struggling to change a tire. Not when that's what she had me for.

  "My phone died. I couldn't even call road assistance. Anyway, it doesn’t matter because I changed it." She ran her hands down the sides of her dress, like she was nervous.

  She turned heading for the couch which was set up waiting for us. I reached out for her, putting my hand on her side and pulling her back to me.

  "Don't you have a car charger?" Surely someone who was on their phone as much as her, she would have spare chargers everywhere.

  "Nope." She turned looking up at me. "Maybe I should get one?"

  That confused smile had the tension I’d been feeling all week float away. From wanting to message her, to controlling myself and not messaging her. To the build-up about tomorrow night's game. I kissed the back of her head. "We'll invest in one for you."

  I took her hand and her skin was just as soft as I remembered. I sat down on the couch still holding her hand and was thankful when she didn't sit far from me. Instead she seemed relaxed enough to be sitting against me. I let go of her hand and put my arm around her back, gripping onto her hip. Keeping her in place.

  "So, we will keep this as simple as having a conversation." Anne smiled and the fact we were about to go on television dawned on me. I hated press. Usually because they never had anything nice to say about me.

  I must’ve gone stiff because Emerald picked up on it because her hand ran down my thigh. Like she was trying to calm me down.

  "Dane's not much of a talker. So feel free to pepper me with questions." Emerald said grinning. God did she even realize how incredible she was? Taking the heat off me, I would have to thank her later for doing that.

  "So Emerald, I saw your schedule this week. Talk about crazy!" Anne took the opportunity to question Emerald.

  "Yeah it has been a busy week." Emerald shrugged it off like it was no big deal. Like the fact she hadn't been home all week, wasn't a big deal. I doubted she was sleeping. And considering she was gone before breakfast and wasn't back for tea, I doubted she was eating properly.

  Anne cued for the camera to start filming. My grip on her tightened. Why could I face a stadium of fans and cameras filming my every move but an interview had me terrified?

  "So Emerald, we just heard on the grape vine you have been extended a very exciting offer. From what we are told it will be the highlight of your year and not your wedding." Anne started talking.

  Emerald frowned and when she didn't answer, Anne realised she had to give more information.

  "I'm talking about the offer from Victoria Secret being the face of their new lingerie brand." Anne gave more information.

  How could Emerald forget something like that? I wasn't in the industry but that seemed like a big deal.

  "Oh that." Emerald sighed. "Yeah they have reached out to me but I haven't really given them an answer."

  "But it's going to be a yes right? We heard the money they are offering you is enough to set you up for retirement."

  "Money isn't everything." Emerald shrugged.

  "So we can't confirm you are taking the deal?"

  Emerald laughed and it was sweet and enchanting. "No you can't. Sorry. I haven't really given it much thought. After I realised it sort of conflicts with Dane's and my plans. Right now the focus is on football, not on whether I should do more pictures in my underwear."

  She was turning down advantaging in her career because of me?

  "But isn’t this the golden ticket?" Anne looked at her confused. "I know football is important but so is your career. Surely, you aren't ready to give up on furthering it?"

  "I don't have my heart set on being the face of this new line. As much as I'm flattered to be considered. But this time of year, the focus is football. I'd rather be at Dane's games than a runway."

  "Are you just saying this to run the money up?"

  Emerald laughed. "Nope not at all. In fact, I don't think there is anything that would tempt me this time of year to not focus on Dane. His career is more important than mine."

  "Because you've already made your mark?"

  "No, because modelling to me had always been fun. Never about a career."

  I noticed the way she used the words had been fun. Was she stressed? I didn't know much about her work life. All I knew it was keeping her away from me. As stupid as I was. I didn't even really think about what she was doing. Handling school and work. She was giving it all her time.

  She relaxed into me, as if we were really a couple. And she felt safe with me.

  "So you're willing to put your career on hold, while the season is on?" Anne was trying to work Emerald out. Like she was mystery. I knew every viewer would be thinking, what the hell was I offering her for her to not to follow this clearly hu
ge career opportunity.

  "I wouldn't call it putting it on hold. It's just I'm more picky of what contracts I enter and being realistic. I can't promise someone I'm going to give them full access to me, when I'm still juggling being my final year at school and being a new wife." Emerald turned and smiled up at me. As if saying to everyone I was more important than Victoria’s Secret. "No contract or deal would have my heart pumping nearly as fast as it was when Dane proposed."

  And just like that, she twisted the line of questioning off her career and on to the fake proposal and wedding. Emerald handled all the questions, and all I did was smile and nod at the right moments. Then I gave a brief outline of where the club was at and how we were prepared to take our second year winning the grand final and making a third.

  But I had to give it to my wife. She knew how to handle the press. She knew when to bite and when to hold back. It even seemed like she knew what question was coming next.

  When Anne and her staff had packed up and we had waved them good bye and closed the front door, it hit me that I had Emerald for the night now.

  "I have to change and go." She quickly took off back into the lounge room.

  Why was she leaving? Had her agent not told her, her plans had changed tonight?

  "Where are you going?" I asked her, watching her look in her hand bag.

  "A shoot. Why?" She didn't take her attention off whatever she was searching for in her hand bag.

  "Didn't your agent tell you that was cancelled?"

  "I haven't talked to Megan today. My phone died. Wait a sec," She looked up. "How do you know it's cancelled?"

  "I cancelled it."

  "You did not just say that." Emerald dropped her hand bag on the couch. "You did not get involved in my working life."

  "You need a break. You need a good night’s sleep. Food which isn't junk and Megan agreed."

  "You went behind my back?" Emerald looked at me with deadly calm eyes. Like she was ready to attack me.

  "I need you ready for the game tomorrow." I guess this was my opportunity to remind her of our commitments tomorrow. "Anyway, you’ve been running all week. Megan said they will reschedule the shoot. Said it wasn't a deal breaker. Maybe if you had a charged phone, you would have gotten her call."


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