Mr and Mrs Sullivan: Standalone Arranged Marriage Romance

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Mr and Mrs Sullivan: Standalone Arranged Marriage Romance Page 10

by Simone Nicholls

  This was Emerald wrapping things up? "She looks like she’s ready to keep going for hours."

  "Nope she's wrapping it up." Megan smiled. "You should come to her shoots more often."

  "Is she booked next week?" Now we were dating I wanted to take her on actual first date. I wanted all her firsts. If she was telling the truth about not dating men, then that meant she’d never gotten a proper first date.

  Megan sighed. "Don't start me on next week. I've actually dropped clients so I can focus on Emerald and her crazy schedule. She’s getting more and more requests. I can't possibly fit them all in. But Victoria’s Secret are the ones that won't leave us alone."

  "So she hasn't given them an answer?"

  "Nope. She's putting it off. But I think she will have an answer tomorrow."

  "Why tomorrow?"

  "Let's just say, when her father books an appointment to talk with her, it’s usually about her career or money.”

  "Wait. . . her dad actually makes an appointment to talk to her?" My parents just called me whenever they felt like it. I always dropped what I was doing to talk to them.

  "Her Dad is a busy man."

  Too busy for his own daughter? "I should have spoken to him at the wedding." I should have made more of an effort with her family. She had made an effort with mine.

  "Just be thankful you didn't. He only loves two things in this world. That's his oil and Emerald." Megan looked around us. When she realised, no one was listening to us, she added. "He wasn't happy about the whole marriage thing."

  "Yeah. Emerald said they didn't approve of marriage."

  Megan scoffed. "That's an understatement."

  I watched Emerald get up out of the chair.

  "Looks like we’re finished." Megan picked up a stack of pictures off the table.

  Emerald was walking towards us speaking with Jordan.

  "Hey Em, I need you to sign these." Megan handed her a stack of pictures. "It's just for this weekend even though I know you aren't making an appearance."

  "You still sure I won’t be needed this weekend?” Emerald started signing.

  "Yeah have the weekend off. You do remember those assignments you need to do for school right? And that university essay?"

  "Yeah, I've got it scheduled." Emerald finished signing and handed them back to Megan. "Okay Dane, I'll just get dressed and we can go." She shot me a smile. "Oh and Megan when will my car be ready to be picked up?"

  "Monday. I knew you changing that tire was a bad idea."

  "How I was supposed to know the nuts were important?"

  "Because they hold the tire on."

  Emerald pursed her lips. Jordan was about to make a move on her and I could see it happening. So I quickly stood behind her and pulled her to my chest, wrapping my arms around her.

  "You haven’t had a car all week?" I asked her.

  "Nope. Been getting lifts with Megan and Jordan."

  Well that won't be happening anymore. "Why didn't you tell me? You could have taken one of mine."

  She twisted to look up at me. "I didn't want to put you out."

  "You're my wife. You own them too." I kissed the top of her head.

  "You're sweet, but I was just going to get my bike out of storage. Actually, Megan can you organise that. I wouldn't mind to go for a ride this weekend."

  "You own a motorbike." I turned her in my arms. Not believing her.

  "Yep." She smiled.

  "Didn't you know that Dane? I swear all Emerald rode was her bike last year. Till she ran out of points." Jordan laughed. Knowing again something I didn't. "How many points do you have left Em?"

  "I got five back." Emerald said proudly. "And I haven't been speeding in my car."

  "But as soon as you’re back on your bike you will be." Megan rolled her eyes. "I'll get it delivered to Dane's. Anything else you want?"

  Emerald got out of my arms. "Nope. Just want to get dressed."

  "I'll run over next week with you while you get dressed." Megan followed her to the changing rooms. Megan was rattling things off from her phone to Emerald when the disappeared.

  How did Emerald do it? Keeping everything going and spreading herself thin across multiple things. She took everything seriously, her work and studies. She didn't half ass things. She was passionate and I couldn't believe she was my wife.

  I was still thinking how amazing she was, when I caught a glimpse of her walking towards me.

  Oh. My. God.

  "Please don't tell me you wear that to school?" I stuttered out. Seeing her in a tight school dress, which spilt perfectly at her cleavage. Every man's wet dream. Especially, mine.

  "Well, it is a school dress Dane. So yeah. I wear it to school." She picked up her duffle bag. "Ok I'm good to go."

  Emerald was heading for me and I was about to take her hand when Jordan stepped in my way.

  "So Em, you got plans this weekend?" He asked her. Blocking her from my view.

  If I realised how attractive and sexy, she looked in that school dress. I knew he would be thinking the same. It pissed me off more knowing he had seen her in it before me. If he had been driving her around.

  "Just spending the weekend with my husband." Emerald answered.

  My husband. I liked that. No I loved hearing that.

  "Well, if you decide you want a break. Just give me a call. I'm in town till Tuesday." Jordan leaned and kissed her on the cheek, then whispered something in her ear.

  "Thanks Jordan. But like I said earlier, It isn't happening." Emerald stepped around him and I was quick to take her hand as soon as she was near enough.

  "You got everything?" I asked taking the bag off her shoulder.

  "I can carry a bag."

  "Not if you don't have to." I realised how heavy her bag was. "What the hell do you have in here?"

  "Two weeks’ worth of work to do and every textbook I own." She smiled. "You're wishing you didn't take it now, aren't you?"

  "More like wishing you hadn't been carting this thing around all week." I squeezed her hand. "Let's go home."

  "So I'm guessing you haven't eaten?" I asked her when she walked into the lounge, in shorts and a tank top.

  "No I haven't. Have you seen my phone? I need to remind myself to buy pjs." She started searching through her hand bag.

  "Yeah it's here. It's been ringing." I picked it up from the kitchen island and handed it to her. "Don't you have a rule or something stopping people from contacting you at night? You can't always be glued to your phone." She needed a break from it. Always being in demand. It wasn't healthy.

  "Only one person calls me after ten." She took the phone from me. "I knew he was calling. I shouldn't have forgotten."

  I was guessing she was talking about her Dad.

  "So dinner what do you want?" I walked back into the kitchen.

  "Well, what are you having?"

  I looked at my meal planner. All year around the club there had been someone working on what I can and can't eat. I even had a chef make them. All I had to do was pull them out and cook them.

  "Trust me, you don't want to eat what I'm eating." I opened the fridge.

  "You would have a strict eating plan yeah?"

  I glanced at her but she was on her phone, typing.

  "Yeah I do."

  "Well I'll eat whatever you are eating." She looked up from her phone. "Sorry, I don't mean to be living on my phone. I was just leaving myself a note to buy pjs."

  "Surely, you would’ve been given some by now?" She would have modelled pyjamas before.

  "The pyjamas I have modelled aren't exactly what I can wear around the house."

  "Sounds like I'd like these pyjamas."

  She walked into the kitchen. "It's one thing to model them for strangers. It's another to wear them, in front of someone you like." She took the steak from my hand. "I'll cook this."

  Someone she liked.

  "You've worked all day." I went to take it back off her but she just put it out of arms reach.
r />   "I'm not letting you cook for me all the time." She put a pan on the stove and sprayed oil on it. "And believe it or not, I can cook a steak."

  "Fine, but I'm doing the veggies."

  "Whatever you say, husband." Her phone starting ringing on the kitchen island. "Can you answer that and put it on loud speaker?" She asked as she put the meat in the pan.

  I answered her phone and put it on loud speaker for her. Putting it next to the heat plates. As soon as I put it down, I needed to touch her, so I ran my hands down her perfect side.

  "Hey Dad sorry I didn't answer earlier." Emerald said, taking in a sharp breath as I greedily touched her body.

  "We had an appointment Emerald." Her Dad's voice was firm and controlling. Like he really expected her to answer the second he rang. "Enough time wasted now. I need to talk to you."

  "Shoot." Emerald turned in my arms, while she may have implying her attention was on the conversation. Her real attention was on me. And I loved it. Her eyes lit up. "Wait, before you give me a lecture I wanted you to know I saw Mr. Wong. He owns a restaurant here. His food is still amazing."

  "Let me guess you've been living on dim sums."

  "No." Emerald pursed her lips and scrunched her face up.

  "Have you had them for breakfast?" Sounds like her Dad knew her too well.

  "Maybe." Emerald said stubbornly.

  Her Dad grunted.

  "What did you want to talk to me about?" Emerald said and let out a little squeal of surprise when I gripped her by the ass and lifted her on to the kitchen bench.

  She shook her head at me with a smile on her face. She was my girlfriend now. I could touch her as much as I wanted and needed to. So, I didn't feel any guilt as my hand slid up under her top.

  "Two things. First, what is this I hear about you not taking the contract with Victoria’s Secret?"

  "I don't think I can manage school, my already committed modelling gigs and give them full access." Emerald's breathing was coming out staggered. Good.

  I kissed along her collarbone.

  "Asher's do not turn down work."

  "I know Dad."

  "If you want my advice, I'd give up school and focus on your career."

  Emerald pulled away from me. "I told you modelling isn't my career."

  "Emerald, be realistic. You are making what someone works a whole year for in a few days. You will never have to take a nine-to-five job. And if you take this Victoria’s Secret deal, you would be sealing your fate as a model."

  "I haven't studied by correspondence all these years, to give up in the final year! You know me, I'm not a quitter!"

  "You also have a trait that usually doesn't let opportunities pass. Are you not taking this deal because of that man you married?" He didn't hide his anger as he spoke to Emerald. "I can have you out of this marriage by Monday if that's the case."

  Emerald looked at me, her eyes softening. She ran a hand down my jaw. "No, Dane is really supportive. I think he is thinking along the lines as you. That I should take it."

  "Because he wants the money."

  Emerald rolled her eyes. And mouthed a sorry at me. "No Dad. Believe it or not Dane isn't after my money. Anyway, I'm sure he has as much as me."

  "That brings me to the second reason I wanted to talk to you."

  Emerald locked her legs around my back and pulled herself into me. I knew what she wanted but as soon as my lips hit hers, I'd be making sure to have all of her attention. So I kissed her neck instead.

  "I hit oil again."

  "Mm?" Emerald had her eyes shut and was enjoying me kissing her. Good. I kissed along her jaw line.

  "I need to transfer you some money."

  Her eyes lit up and she pushed me back. "Nope. Not happening." All of her attention was now on the phone and her Dad.


  "Give it to Mum."

  "Already have."

  "Bet you she was as pleased as me." Emerald muttered.

  "Yes, her reaction was that same as yours."

  "Well give it to a charity. I'm not a charity. So I don't need your money." Emeralds hands ran over my shoulders. "Maybe give it to the RSPCA?"

  "Have you spoken to that investor I put you on to?"

  "I don't need to make more money off the money I have." Emerald sighed. I had a feeling money was something Emerald had a lot of.

  "Well, you’ll have to give Andrew a call once the money clears in the bank. You can't have your bank account full. Maybe you could buy that house on the coast of Thailand you liked so much. You did stay there an extra week because you liked the view."

  "I doubt it's for sale. How much money are you sending me?"

  "Twenty-four million."

  "No way am I taking that amount of cash!" Emerald picked up her phone. "I mean it Dad. Do not send it to me."

  "Emerald, you are my daughter. You know I need to rely on you. You’re my only child and I want you set up."

  "Dad if I take that money it will make me a billionaire. Why don't you give it to Jeremy?"

  "Don't mention his name to me!"

  "Have you attempted to talk to him?"

  "No, have you?"

  "He won't see me. Just wanted money for rehab."

  "You didn't give it to him did you? Make him struggle through the public system for once."

  "Of course, I gave it to him. Like I said I have too much money."

  "Well you are about to have more of it tomorrow. Now are you taking this Victoria’s Secret deal or not?"

  "I'm thinking about it." Emerald narrowed her eyes. "Not even you can back me into this deal."

  "Well, I'll be expecting to see a press release with the details about it soon. Talking about press, I saw your husband with that other woman."

  "What has you reading the gossip pages?" Emerald's words were sharp.

  "Since you became the headlines of them. I don't care how rich or how famous he is. He’s making you look desperate putting up with him cheating."

  "Well, he isn't cheating on me because we aren't really together are we?" She was speaking to her dad but she was looking me dead in the eye. "Anyway, Megan is handling it. Dane has many female admirers so I'm guessing this won't be the last time he makes headlines."

  "Well, are you at least still seeing Jordan? You need a man you can count on."

  "Just because you approved of Jordan doesn't mean he is a man I can count on. I don't need a man, when I have you."

  "I won't be around forever. I need you settled down with a man I trust before I die."

  Emerald frowned. "Since when are you dying? Are you sick or something? Because I can come take over and give you a break."

  "I'm fine Emerald. I'll be on my death bed before I pull you from your life to take over my work. Now I have to go."

  "Can I give that money to charity?" Emerald quickly asked.

  "No, I expect you to have a meeting with Andrew and discuss how you are investing it."

  Emerald groaned. "I hate any meetings with anyone when it’s regarding money."

  "Expect more of them when you become a billionaire. Bye Emerald."

  "Bye Dad."

  She reached for the phone hanging up. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed again.

  "Sorry you had to hear that." She looked at me. "All Dad talks about is money."

  "By the sounds of it, he has a lot of it." He must really love Emerald. Which meant he must really hate me about now.

  "You would think he'd keep it to himself. But whenever he has a good year. Money comes my way." Emerald frowned. "Sometimes, I think he doesn't think I am capable of making it on my own."

  "He loves you." I linked our hands together. "Just doesn't want to see you going without."

  "Yeah well, the things I want money can't buy." She smiled dimly. And then her eyes went wide and she pushed me back and jumped off the counter. "I forgot about the meat! Why didn't you say something?"

  I was so focused on her, I had forgotten that she was even cooking. I watche
d her flip the meat and by the looks of it she’d gotten to it just in time.

  But I was more interested in what she’d said. "What do you want that money can't buy?"

  She looked over her shoulder. "Unconditional love." She then looked back at the meat. "Are you going to start the veggies?"

  "You have unconditional love."

  "No. No I don't. My fans love me because of my work. If I stopped that. They would disappear. Megan loves me because I pay her bills. If I stopped modelling, she wouldn't love me. Mum loves me because of what I do. And Dad. Well Dad only loves me when I succeeding. If I was having a hard time, he would wash his hands of me. Just like he did Jeremy. Now start the veggies!"

  "So this unconditional love thing, it's your kryptonite."

  "What can I say? I spend too much time reading romance novels." She turned around, "Stop looking at me like that."

  "Like what?"

  "Like I'm something special and amazing." She pointed the tongs at me. "You need to stop looking at me like that."

  "Maybe you are something special," I grabbed her, pulling her into me, "and amazing." I blew against her ear.

  She leaned back looking me in the eye. "Dane Sullivan, you really know how to charm a female."

  "I'm only interested in charming one woman." I kissed her, just under her ear.

  "Really? Do I know her?"

  "Yeah, you might. She's a workaholic. Insanely beautiful. And has no idea how crazy she makes me feel." I kissed down her neck. "She has a habit of keeping people away from her too. She's too independent. Doesn't need me, but I still can't let her go."

  Emerald cupped my face and looked me in the eyes. God those eyes of hers. Killer. "I think she needs you just as much." She planted a small kiss on my lips and before I could deepen it she was gone. "Now start the veggies Dane. Otherwise we will just have meat."

  I groaned. "Fine." So I started pulling the vegetables out of the fridge. "I hope you eat every single one of these veggies because I can think of something else I'd rather be doing than cutting up vegetables."

  She laughed. "You're acting like you only have me for the night."

  "Yeah, well I do. Till you change your mind. You said yourself. You don't date. So come tomorrow morning when you come to grips with what you are doing, you’ll back out."


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