33rd of Sunani, Summer
17:45 hours, Late Morning
Kedowyth Keep
The Zeppelin crew brought the sleek, solar-powered vessel to a landing in front of Kedowyth Keep. Cam sighed and assumed his public face. He could see out of the windows the entire household turned out to greet him. Cam's entourage: Philodox and her attendant sentinel, Li, Simon, Onyx, Agate and six breeding women followed Cam out and filed behind him in order of precedence to meet Septir Lionel, his three adult offspring, and the small household staff. Cam's three squadrons of twenty-one royal guardsmen ensuring their safety as they disembarked the vessel.
He knew Lionel from court. A crony of Bieto’s he stood waiting. A slim, dapperly dressed man with gold hair and purple eyes. He greeted Cam with all due protocol. “Welcome, Tànaiste. You honor us with your presence.”
“It is our Honor, Septir Lionel, to be hosted in your fair keep. We thank you for your hospitality.” He exchanged the kiss of greeting with Lionel and his offspring. Then Cam watched as Li kissed each of the men and the woman. Li wore a slow acting contact aphrodisiac on xyr lips. A precaution in case xie needed to act against them and relatively harmless if Lionel did indeed prove innocent.
Li stepped back from exchanging the ritual kiss of greeting with a tall, silver-eyed blond who'd been introduced as Septir Lionel’s youngest son, Baladeva.
‘Lionel is incredibly nervous.’ Came Li's sending along their nasc-anam as xie walked back to Cam.
He responded as he nuzzled Li's throat. ‘Which could be because he's never met someone of my standing, much less considered he'd play host to the Tànaiste. Or it could be because he's hiding something he doesn't want me to find.’
Septir Lionel led them into his keep pointing out interesting details of its construction. His manner toward his three children seemed odd to Cam.
‘Is it because Father was so relatively even-handed with all of us kids that the way the Septir is treating his children seems odd to me?’
Xyr imperturbable mental voice responded. ‘Yes, my love, it is. Your father is a rare noble in Erieria. Most noble houses foster competition versus cooperation between their children. My family certainly did, and I've seen nothing to negate that belief.’
Li, in xyr guise as spoiled, vacuous Royal Companion giggled and plastered xyrself closer to Cam's side.
Cam had to restrain the urge to roll his eyes at Li's antics. ‘Giggles?’ He covertly watched the almost rabid way the Septir’s children vied for Lionel’s attention. ‘I've never heard you giggle in my life. Laying it on thick aren't you?’ Cam played to their prearranged role of randy prince and lusty companion and made a show of nibbling at Li's earlobe, letting his hand visibly cup xyr ass. Li's icy thoughts would've cooled off any arousal he felt if his own concern over their situation hadn't already done so.
‘Keep playing along with me beloved.’ Xie nuzzled Cam's throat. ‘The more harmless I appear, the better I can serve you.’
Baladeva watched he and Li with the focus of a natural killer. The man stood much taller and wider than Cam. The only one of the royal party to physically come close to the blond giant’s stature was Simon. Cam would’ve wagered the silver eyed killer would be a couple of inches taller even than Si.
Baladeva’s movements hinted at martial training and his silver eyes held an intense intelligence. His sharp gaze proved him the only one of Lionel’s offspring who focused more on Cam and Li than on gaining their father's attention.
Cam squeezed Li's ass. ‘Watch the blond, love.’
‘I am, my love. I don't recognize him from the shadow guilds files, yet he still sets my instincts screaming. We should ask Philodox to run a search on him when we reach our rooms. He wasn't in the files we pulled before this mission as more than a name. I wish Maël had heard from his spy before we landed. I'm sure the woman would have alluded to a threat like that.’
Lionel drew Cam's attention when he shooed his adult children off like flies with a flap of his hand. Lionel's voice seemed strained. “Tànaiste, if you'll follow me I'll show you to our best guest chambers. If it pleases you, I've planned a small banquet for you and your entourage. I'm afraid that due to the size of Kedowyth your breeding women will need to share a pair of rooms.”
Cam glanced at the six women who followed him, three of whom were now pregnant. He'd not exercised choice in which to bring, only accepted the physicians recommendation as the ones most likely to be fertile during the two ilaweeks he'd be traveling.
Looking back to Lionel, Cam said, “We are sure that will be fine, if needed they can stay on the Zeppelin as well. We do not wish to strain your hospitality.”
“No, no. We’ve prepared rooms for all of your party, Tànaiste. It's your privilege to decide how to settle them.” The Septir and his housekeeper showed them all to an isolated guest wing attached to the main keep. Lionel opened the double doors to the suite at the end of the hall with a flourish. “Tànaiste, the entire wing is yours for the length of your stay. As I assume you'd wish, these are the best guest rooms. My housekeeper and I are, of course, at your disposal.”
A trickle of sweat trailed down from Lionel’s temple, and Cam noted how the Septir’s hands trembled. Cam dismissed the man politely and let his entourage settle in.
After several hours spent at the stultifying formal dinner Cam and Li had attended with Lionel and his offspring, Cam breathed a relieved sigh at being able to close the doors to the guest suite. While they'd been eating, Simon and some of the guards had examined their rooms with a fine toothed comb. Si and another guard stood watch outside the glass double doors leading to the gardens. Li and Cam were inside the chamber when a discreet tap sounded at the doors.
Li cracked the door to look with a blade held discreetly to xyr side. Recognizing Maël's spy xie let the slight young psi-gen into the room. Dressed in Kedowyth servants’ livery the girl came in and bowed to Cam after Li had closed the door.
“Tànaiste. Apologies for my late report, Septir Lionel does not allow servants the use of technology. I haven’t been able to send a report to my Master.”
Cam nodded tersely from where he sat at the edge of the bed. “Understood and forgiven. Report please.”
“Kedowyth is the source of the thralls, Highness. Septir Lionel has extensive labs, both the ones Master Maël told me to look for and more modern ones beneath. He travels from Kedowyth several times a week and his eldest son is in control of moving the live merchandise. He uses covered wagons, and I don't know where they go from here. I can show you the labs as needed, Highness.”
“Well done, Amber. Baladeva?”
“The Septir’s third and youngest child, he trains with either a retired assassin or a wash-out from the shadow guild. The instructor is very vocal about where he learned his skills but I have found no actual proof. Baladeva never says much, but he's dangerous, at least it looks like he would be in the practice ring, I wouldn't want to fight him.”
“Will you be missed?”
“Yes, Highness. I gained the assignment to come see if your party had unfulfilled needs before you retire for the evening. Highness? Lionel is ruthless in protecting his own. I've heard many rumors from the staff that he's disposed of non-loyal employees permanently. I got one of the stable girls drunk one night, she spilled the story of finding the corpses of several lower servants in the woods. I investigated and there are skeletons there. If it's not Lionel, there's still a murderer here, though evidence points more to Lionel in my mind than elsewise.”
“Return to your post, Amber. We will take it from here.” The girl bowed again and left, closing the door behind her quietly.
Cam waited a few moments and then turned to Li. Xie stood with xyr back against the doub
le doors. He looked at xyr and bit his lip for a moment before speaking.
“You're a better choice to send after Lionel. Simon would be too suspicious. I don’t like it, but do you take the commission to capture or kill the Septir? If he must die, scan his mind first please, I want as much information as you can gather.”
Li let xyr real self show on xyr face. Xie nodded and the bloodthirsty smile should've chilled Cam's soul, but he found it comforting. He stood and walked over to xyr. He took xyr face in his hands and kissed xyr, hard. Lifting his head, he met xyr eyes. “Come back to me, love. I need you.”
“Twins willing, I'll always come back to you. I love you.”
Cam kissed xyr again and then stepped away. He watched while xie armed xyrself with discreet weapons likely to pass inspection if xie were frisked. Xie looked nothing like the deadly assassin xie was. As delicate as a collector’s doll in form, Li's steely core had surprised him when they'd first met. Now he counted on it to bring xyr home to him. Cam watched as xie slid several hairpin daggers into xyr elaborate updo and with a last glance at him, left, closing the door quietly behind xyr.
Memoir of Alexander Righ, Ruler of Erieria—Excerpt
Our shadow guild is an unfortunate necessity in our world. But their presence often makes war unnecessary. Unless one is inducted into the guild, one could never know all that goes into it. Li is the equivalent of an undercover agent, as is xyr mentor. In my family, I'm the only one trusted with the identity of the agents in my court, though soon enough I’ll need to share it with Cam. I’m sure Maël suspects the others. Li maintains the fiction of xyr persona while being a fully recognized guild member. I pity anyone xie takes on as a mission. Xie has a high success rate. Only xyr mentor has a higher kill count.
33rd of Sunani, Summer
30:00 Hours, Late Night
Li had studied the layout of the keep back in Yiasa, and it wasn't a challenge to find xyr way to Lionel’s quarters. Xie knocked on the doors and when he answered with a surprised expression xie curtsied low to him.
“Tànaiste Cameron sends me as a gift in thanks for your hospitality. If you wish to accept my service.”
Li watched through lowered lashes as Lionel’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. Xie shifted xyr shoulder to allow xyr robes to gape a bit and what little intelligence Lionel showed disappeared at the flash of breast. He stood back and held the door to his suite wide.
Li strolled into the room, looking around curiously to maintain the fiction of brainlessness. Decorated as an office, xie cased the place. A full glass of amber liquid, a lit desk lamp and a plethora of papers indicated Lionel had been doing paperwork. This far from the city and real paper was more in evidence than technology. Another sign that this holding wasn’t prosperous. Xie'd have to look at that after xie'd finished xyr business. Turning, Li gracefully sank into téigh ar do ghlúine.
“I am at your service, Septir Lionel. How may I please you?”
“In the bedroom, companion. I've never had one of your ilk before. I'm minded to experience all your skills before the night is over.”
“As you wish, Septir.” Rolling facilely up onto xyr toes Li sauntered to the bedroom, casting a flirtatious glance over xyr shoulder. Xie walked across the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. Xie didn't wait long.
Lionel came inside and shut the door as he slid out of his jacket and started unbuttoning his shirt. “I've heard you like it rough, Carnelian. It's part of your mystique, do you?”
“I prefer gentle, my lord. Though I can take quite a bit of pain as part of my training.”
“Pity,” he murmured. He dropped his shirt, exposing a lean, well-muscled torso dusted with golden hair. “I like it rough.”
“I am yours to do with as pleases you, my Lord,” Li murmured, letting xyr bottom lip tremble as xie looked away from him. Playing his game. Drawing him in.
“Are you really?” He said as he lifted xyr chin, eyes on xyr pierced lip. He pushed xyr back on the bed and straddled xyr hips. Bracing a hand on the mattress beside xyr head Lionel leaned into xyr and bit xyr hard on the lower lip. Xie gasped for him and let xyr eyes start with tears.
“That doesn't please you, Carnelian?” He whispered as he watched xyr eyes.
Li let xyr voice tremble as xie answered, “No, my Lord.”
He slid his hand roughly into xyr robes and twisted xyr nipple. Xie gasped and arched xyr back, pressing xyr breast into his palm.
“Not at all?” He whispered as he shifted his weight to lie close to xyr side. He flicked the edges of xyr robes open and slid a slim-fingered hand down over xyr belly. Roughly he buried two fingers deep inside xyr. Li squeaked and played like he'd overcome xyr inhibitions.
“I think you lied to me, Carnelian. I believe you like it a little rough.” His voice husky, he lifted his hand and licked xyr moisture off of his fingers with a pleased shudder. “I'll have you now, simply because I want you now. That’s how it'll be between us. Nod.”
Li feigned a tremble and nodded. He stood, unbuckled his trousers and dropped them to reveal his cock, hard and ready. He’s a good-looking man, Li thought as xie let xyr eyes linger. Such a shame he’s likely a killer and not very intelligent. He didn’t even frisk me.
Xie pretended reluctance so he had to use a bit of strength to spread xyr artfully trembling thighs. Xie fisted xyr hands into the coverlet at xyr hips and bit xyr lip with a show of reluctance, then gasped as he entered xyr roughly.
Xie made a play of wrenching xyr head to the side as if xie didn't care for his actions. Xie knew clients, and xyr dislike was part of xyr appeal for Lionel. Xie let him drag xyr legs wide and relaxed into his thrusts as Xyr mind worked at penetrating his natural shields. Some people were harder to telepathically search than others, and he had strong—if untrained—barriers. Li wanted to get any information xie could to confirm whether xie had to kill him or not.
Xie responded to him regardless of xyr wishes, though xie held xyrself still, continuing xyr charade of reluctance. Xie allowed pleasure to lap at xyr as xyr mind worked to penetrate his. Sobbing a choked sound from xyr throat Li jerked when he pinched xyr nipples hard. Xie manufactured tears and gasped a soft, pleased moan as he quickened his pace.
“You lied to me, Carnelian. You do like it rough.”
He slapped xyr, hard. Xie melted and moaned as he thrust hard into xyr.
Li gasped, not feigning the pleasure that licked at xyr. Xie wrapped xyr legs around his hips as he moved within xyr and caressed that warm, hard chest. Xie worked at his shields and his triumphant smile told xyr xie'd succumbed at just the right time. As if he'd brought xyr pleasure against xyr will. Xie sighed, enjoying the thud of the beating heart xie was about to silence forever.
Lionel bit xyr at the curve of xyr shoulder, breaking skin and drawing blood and at that moment, xie slid deftly behind his shields. Xie used xyr years of experience as a powerful telepath to rifle through his memories.
His eldest son and daughter were complicit but Lionel didn't trust his youngest, and he'd kept Baladeva out of his plots. Interesting, Baladeva was lab-born but he didn't know it. Li feigned an orgasm, gasping and squeezing xyr body around his as xie examined his thoughts and memories. Xie found locations of evidence that he'd hidden, and as xie moved xyr hips in counterpoint to his thrusts xie confirmed him even more guilty than their spy had indicated. It took all xyr acting ability to continue xyr motions when xie uncovered the plot to kill their entire entourage in his mind.
Li had only moments to see his plans for Cam's death and then—like everyone—Lionel’s mind shut down as he came close to orgasm. No matter, xie had enough. Xie'd have killed him for ordering Cam's murder, even if xyr beloved hadn't already authorized it. Lionel had personally given the order to kill xyr beloved. He wasn't allowed to live.
Xie sent a quick thought
to Simon to warn him of the attack and xyr soul froze as xie found his mind barred against xyr. That only happened when he was embattled. Simon fought for his life at that very moment. Xie tried to reach Cam and found his mind also closed to xyr. Dragging xyr attention back to xyr task xie moaned and arched xyr hips up into Lionel.
Lionel thrust hard into xyr body and shouted as he came. Li lifted xyrself up to capture his mouth in xyrs, pretending eagerness at his possession. Xyr hand moved with lethal swiftness to xyr hair and pulled a slim stiletto. Lionel kissed xyr back, eyes closed and body shuddering with pleasure as he stroked a few more times deep inside of xyr. Wanting to savor it but needing to get back to Cam, Li thrust xyr blade into Lionel’s back, between the third and fourth ribs. Xie angled the razor sharp dagger to pierce the pericardium and lower ventricle of his heart, a quick, clean, almost bloodless kill.
Li swallowed his strangled gasp as he spasmed against xyr body in shock. His eyes flew open; his body orgasmed again at the death blow, and Li's eyes were eager as xie watched the light dim in his. Xie held his shocked, horrified gaze as he realized his end. Xyr orgasm overtook xyr hard as the light flickered in his eyes.
Xyr hips bucked as xie cried out, coming around his dying body. As his last breath rattled, he collapsed. Xie groaned with the pleasure of xyr kill and guided him to fall to the side onto the soft mattress. Killing filled xyr with pleasure almost as good as sex, and xie didn't have to feign xyr sigh of pleased lust as his body came to rest.
Li looked almost lovingly at his dead eyes as xie wiped the slight scarlet smears from xyr fingers down along his cheekbone to his mouth. Xie leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to the still lips. Xie loved that technique to kill with, not a lot of blood at all. Xie slid out of bed and quickly wrapped xyr robes around xyrself, moving with alacrity to get back to Cam.
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