Wicked Hearts (Poplar Falls Book 3)

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Wicked Hearts (Poplar Falls Book 3) Page 21

by Amber Kelly

  “What did you just say?”

  I turn to see Elle standing in the door of the barn with Emmett and Jefferson on her heels.

  I open my arms and wait. “You heard me, woman.”

  “You love me?” she whispers.

  “I said it, didn’t I?”

  She starts nodding her head as tears fall down her cheeks.

  “And you don’t say things you don’t mean,” she chokes out on a sob.

  “And I don’t say things I don’t mean,” I confirm.

  She takes off running toward me, and I catch her in my arms as she starts raining kisses on my face.

  She pulls back and looks me in the eye. “Say it again,” she insists.

  “I love you, Elowyn Young, and I swear on my granddad’s grave that I haven’t touched another woman since you and I started whatever this is.”

  I look over her shoulder at Braxton. “You found one of Elle’s sweaters in my truck that morning, and when you asked about it, I panicked. So, I told you it was Sherry’s. It was the first name that popped into my head. You accepted the lie so easy that I just let you keep thinking it was the truth.”

  He advances toward us, and I put her down and back her behind me as Sophie bursts into the barn.

  “Braxton, brother, I hate that I didn’t come to you and talk to you man-to-man. I was planning on it.”

  “But I wouldn’t let him,” Elle speaks up and puts herself in front of me.

  His eyes fall to her, and his expression is one of love mixed with pain.

  “I’m sorry, Braxton. I knew you wouldn’t approve, and I wanted time to figure out what this was between us before I gathered the strength to go to battle with you—because I knew it would be a battle.”

  She walks to him. “I love how you love me. I have always felt safe and loved with you as my big brother, but it’s not your job anymore. You kept your promise, and now, you have to let me live my own life and make my own decisions.”

  “I just want you to have the best, Elle. You deserve the best,” he says.

  She smiles. “What could be better than a man you already love and trust as much as you do Walker?”

  He cuts his eyes to me. “You love her?”

  “With everything that I am. And you’re right; I don’t deserve her. But I can promise you that I will work as hard as I can for the rest of my life to deserve her from here on out.”

  Sophie walks up to him and lays her hand on his back. He looks at her, and she smiles at him and nods her head in encouragement.

  He looks back at Elle. “You sure he’s what you want? He’s loud and ornery in the morning. He sucks at poker, and he can’t hold his liquor,” he says.

  “That is a lie. I’m great at poker. I just let you win. And nobody holds their liquor better than me. Except for Dallas,” I yell.

  Elle giggles. “I’m positive. I want him. We can work on the loud and ornery part,” she says as she gives me a pointed look.

  He sighs and looks between the two of us.

  “I think I can live with that.” He takes her hand and pulls her to him.

  “You’re going to have to live with it. You’re off duty, big brother. It is time to let me go. You have your own little one to worry about now,” she says.

  He wraps his hand around her head and pulls her into his neck. “Never going to happen, Elowyn Marie. I’ll never let you go, but I will learn to take a backseat instead of the lead,” he says, giving in.

  He lets her go and walks to me.

  He stands in front of me for a moment and then extends his hand.

  “What are we, grown-ups or some shit?” I ask.

  “Just shake my hand, dumbass, and then grab your shit and get to work. Counting today you have three days to make up.”

  “No way. That was paid vacation.”

  “We don’t get paid vacations,” he points out.

  “We’ll call it workers’ comp then.”

  “Workers’ comp? How do you figure that?”

  “Look at my face, dude. I think I deserved a couple of days at home to recuperate.”

  “Don’t be a baby. I can’t help it that you fight like a girl,” he says as he turns and walks farther into the barn.

  Sophie winks at me as she follows him.

  “What? I don’t fight like a girl. I let you win. I didn’t even swing on you,” I yell after them.

  Elle walks to me. “Hey, we won. Just take it and be happy,” she says.

  “We won? He says I fight like a girl,” I whine.

  “Everyone knows he sucker-punched you, baby,” she consoles.

  “He did.” I look over at Jefferson and Emmett. “He did. I swear.”

  “If you say so.” Emmett shrugs and walks off.

  “He did,” I call after him.

  Jefferson laughs. “I’ll give you two a minute, and then I expect you to be out, doing a perimeter ride, son,” he says before walking out after Emmett.

  I pull her closer to me and kiss her. Relief pouring over me.

  “I’m sorry it took me three days to get my ass over here,” I tell her.

  “I’m sorry, too,” she says. “I should have had more faith in you.”

  “I haven’t given you much reason to, but that’s going to change,“ I promise her.

  It’s a promise I intend to keep for the rest of my life.


  Five Months Later

  Calving season was a bear this year. The new herd produced well and Rustic Peak looks to have triple the stock to take to auction this year. That Sophie sure is a smart cookie. As we finish our day and head to the barn to wash up before supper, I finally get the nerve up to talk to Jefferson. I’ve been trying to find the words all day.

  Braxton is removing his coveralls while Jefferson and Emmett finish brushing down their horses. I walk over to where they stand and clear my throat. All three sets of eyes land on me expectantly.

  “I, uh, wanted to talk to you, Jefferson, to ask you a question,” I start as I wipe my clammy palms on my jeans.

  Emmett gives him a knowing grin as he turns to me. “Alright, son. What can I do for you?”

  “I started construction on a home on my land a couple weeks ago. It’s kind of a crazy project. I’m turning a barn into a cool house. At least, that’s the goal,” I tell him.

  “You need help with that?” Jefferson asks.

  I blow out a long breath as sweat starts to tickle down my brow.

  “Probably. It’ll take forever with just my two hands and I’d like to have it finished by the end of the year when Elle completes school so she’ll have a big-ass closet and bathtub. I only have a small wardrobe in the shack to hold my few belongings and I’ve seen her room, there’s no way all her girlie stuff will fit in there. Even if I pulled all my shit out and stacked it in the trunk at the end of bed,” I start babbling.

  He raises his eyebrows. “You planning on moving our girl in?”

  I look around and catch Braxton’s eyes intent on me.

  “Um, yes, sir, I mean, I want to ask her to be my wife. If that’s okay with you, sir. I know that I’m not exactly what you hoped for her, but I love her, and I want to build her a dream house and fill it with little rugrats. I realize I didn’t exactly have a great example of what a father should be growing up. My dad struggled and I’ve finally made peace with that. I’m an adult, and I’m able to forgive him, and I now see what I perceived as wickedness for the weakness it actually was. I thought that meant I was wicked too, but I’m not, and in God’s great mercy He provided me with other examples of what a good man, husband, and father are when He sent me to your doorstep all those years ago. He was preparing me for what I could be. What I promise you I will be.” I finish my speech and look at my boots as I wait.

  “Son, I’ve always known you were a good man. A rascal who needed to learn how to show up to work on time, but always a good man. I’d be honored to have you join our family but it’s not my blessing you need,” he says.

  I look up and he tilts his head toward Braxton who is still standing silently to our right by the sink. I turn to face him eye-to-eye and wait.

  “Sophie is due in a few months and Dallas is about to pop any minute, so I reckon we better gather the boys and start working double time if you want our help getting my baby sister’s dream home built in time,” he mutters.

  Relief washes over me. Emmett lets out a hoot and he and Jefferson both come forward to shake my hand. Then Braxton approaches and hugs me. “I’m trusting you with the second most precious thing I have, brother. I expect you to protect it with your life,” he chokes out.

  I return his hug and promise him, “With my last breath, brother.”


  “Stop fidgeting,” I say as I try to get Walker’s tie straight.

  “I’m not used to wearing these things,” he gripes.

  “There,” I say as I step back and take him in.

  He looks so very handsome in his jeans and thermals, but damn, the man can wear a suit.

  “Stop looking at me like that, or we aren’t going to make it to the church,” he growls at me.

  I point at him as he starts to advance on me. “No, stop!” I cry.

  He halts just as he reaches me.

  “Do not mess up my makeup or my hair,” I demand.

  He pulls me into him. “I make no promises, woman,” he says against my lips before taking my mouth in an intoxicating kiss.

  “Walker,” I breathe as I break the kiss.

  “You saying my name like that makes me want to peel this sexy-as-hell dress off of you and mess that hair up really bad.”

  “Later,” I promise.

  He groans as I back away to fix my lipstick and put on my earrings.

  My best friend is getting married today. Ricky proposed on Christmas Eve, and Sonia gleefully accepted. I’m still not Ricky’s biggest fan, but I am Sonia’s, so I choose to be happy for my friend, and I pray that Ricky steps up and becomes the husband that she so deserves.

  Bellamy and I are both bridesmaids, and Sonia’s mother made us the most beautiful off-the-shoulder heather-gray gowns.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” I declare. “Let’s go.”

  I walk out of my bedroom and into the living room where Aunt Doreen, Ria, and Madeline as well as Uncle Jefferson, Emmett, Braxton, and Sophie are waiting.

  “You guys are meeting us there, right?” I ask as I grab my clutch and make sure I have bobby pins, nail clippers, lipstick, mints, and anything else Sonia might need at the last minute.

  “Yes, we’ll be right behind you,” Aunt Doreen says with tears in her eyes.

  “Can you bring our gift with you?” I ask Sophie.

  “Sure.” She sniffles.

  Jeez, I didn’t realize Sonia getting married would make them so emotional.

  “Elle, baby, you forgot something,” Walker says as he comes down the hallway.

  I look down and do a quick inventory. Dress. Shoes. Clutch. Necklace. Earrings that Sonia got us as attendant gifts, and I think that’s it.

  “What did I forget?” I say as I touch my earlobes to make sure the earrings are there.

  “Your outfit needs a little something else to complete it,” he says.

  I look down at my gown. It’s simple and elegant. What else could it need?

  When I look back to him in question, he is on his knee in the living room of my family’s home. Surrounded by the people I love.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper.

  “I think my grandmother’s ring will go perfectly with it,” he says as he opens the box in his hand.

  Tucked inside is a simple gold band with an emerald cut diamond.

  “I told you not to ruin my makeup,” I choke out as tears spill from my eyes.

  He gives me a sexy grin. “Not exactly the answer I was looking for, woman.”

  “You haven’t asked me a question yet,” I point out as I start to tremble.

  “Will you, Elowyn Marie Young, agree to be my wife?” he asks with a hitch in his voice.

  “Yes,” I whisper as I nod my head furiously.

  He stands and slides the ring on my finger. “Now, you are ready,” he says before kissing my nose.

  “Oh my goodness,” Aunt Doreen sobs, and she and Aunt Ria both burst into tears.

  Uncle Jefferson and Emmett congratulate Walker, and then Braxton comes and wraps me in his arms.

  “Are you happy, Elowyn Marie?” he asks.

  “So very happy,” I assure him.

  He picks me up off my feet and twirls me before setting me down.

  Then, he walks over to Walker and slaps him on the back. “Welcome to the family, brother.”

  “Yes,” Aunt Doreen says, “officially.”

  We head out to celebrate my girl’s big day while I bask in the joy of what’s to come. As we walk to the truck, I look to the gate of Rustic Peak Ranch—my home—and the wind picks up.

  I was restless, looking for something to stir my soul. I thought it was somewhere out there in the world, somewhere beyond the town limits of Poplar Falls. But it’s not. It’s been here the entire time. Walker Reid is the adventure I have been searching for all along.

  As the breeze envelops me and my gown floats up around me, I look up and say, “I feel you, Momma. Tell Gram I said thank you.”

  The End

  Who says you can’t have the best of both worlds?

  He’s a rule follower.

  I’m a free spirit.

  He has secrets and I plan to find out what they are.

  Fragile Hearts

  Poplar Falls, Book 4

  September 2020

  First, I want to thank every single reader, blogger, and fellow author who took a chance on this series. Each message, text, e-mail, share, giveaway, and review has meant the world to me. Poplar Falls and the people that inhabit it, although fictional, have earned a place in my heart. I believe this book has grown to be my favorite in the series. I wish I could pack a bag and board a plane to Colorado and meet up with the girls for a weekend.

  To my friends and family who not only encouraged me to chase my dream, but also supported me every step of the way—I love you all with my whole heart. Your enthusiasm and excitement with each release brings me so much joy. I love peppering the books with our memories and history. This one is special and dedicated to my wonderful aunts. All of them. Aunt Doreen and Aunt Ria embody you all in one way or another—like a spun you all together to make the two of them.

  To the gracious and amusing members of the Stockman Message Board who patiently answered a million questions about cattle ranching the past few months—I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Seriously, I know enough about branding and calving seasons now to purchase and run my own ranch all because of you guys. You make me laugh and you are just genuinely good humans.

  Amanda White and Gloria Green, as always, thank you for your encouragement and honest feedback. I know you got this one last minute and I thank you for diving right in! You’re both priceless.

  Autumn Gantz, you are an amazing and hard-working publicist, but most of all, you are a fabulous friend. I cannot imagine being on this journey without you. “&” Forever.

  Jovana Shirley, you are invaluable. Thank you for making me look good. If the world saw the hot-mess first draft of these books, they would know how true that statement is. You are an angel, and commas will always be the devil.

  Judy Zweifel, Stacey Blake, Sommer Stein, and Michaela Mangum, thank you for your contributions to this book. You are all incredible at what you do, and I’m truly blessed to have you all be a part of my team.

  Dee Lagasse thank you for helping me tighten up the blurb for this one. I would rather write an entire novel than a blurb. Fact.

  Last but not least, David Miller, you are the unicorn husband. I couldn’t love you more if you a rancher in Colorado.

  Cross My Heart Duet

  Both of Me

  Both of Us

  Poplar Fal

  Rustic Hearts

  Stone Hearts

  Wicked Hearts

  Fragile Hearts

  Amber Kelly is a romance author that calls North Carolina home. She has been a avid reader from a young age and you could always find her with her nose in a book completely enthralled in an adventure. With the support of her husband and family, in 2018, she decided to finally give a voice to the stories in her head and her debut novel, Both of Me was born. You can connect with Amber on Facebook at facebook.com/AuthorAmberKelly, on IG @authoramberkelly, on Twitter @AuthorAmberKel1 or via her website www.authoramberkelly.com




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