Sugar and Spice (The Boyfriend Diaries #9)

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Sugar and Spice (The Boyfriend Diaries #9) Page 3

by S. E. Law

  Mattie comes striding up with a steaming cup of coffee in hand. I try not to make eye contact with her when she comes to an abrupt stop, seeing Kade’s hand on my waist.

  “I see you’ve reached an agreement,” she giggles. “Oh good. This will be fun.”

  Shit. It’s going to be a long day.

  But having Kade at the convention was the right move. He’s absolutely gorgeous, and it attracts all the right attention. The day is packed with squealing voices and wide eyes, and he plays the part of boyfriend perfectly. He strokes my hand at different intervals, and shoots steamy looks at me whenever readers are observing us.

  Plus, when I get up to go on stage, I’m confident. I greet the audience with a wide smile, and when the inevitable question comes, I don’t hesitate.

  “Inspiration comes easy when you have a boyfriend that looks like mine. But it’s more than that. The fact that Kade’s always willing to help me work out a scene just adds to it,” I explain with a seductive air to my voice. The crowd giggles, titillated, and I end the answer with a wink to Kade, who puts on a crooked smile in return. Then, the audience members go crazy.

  When the panel is done and things are wrapping up for the day, Kade steps closer to me with a hungry look on his face. I gulp and it’s audible as my eyes go wide. His voice is low and he leans close to brush his lips against my ear. The big hands wrapped around my hips are nearly burning.

  “Nine o’clock tonight. Don’t be late, sweetheart.”

  I can do nothing but nod and watch him as he walks away.

  My best friend rushes up.

  “Ready? We’ve got dinner plans with some people I want you to meet,” Mattie interrupts. “Oh wait, are you okay, Jane?”

  I turn to her, my cheeks flushed and eyes wide.

  “Yeah,” I croak. Clearing my throat, I try again, “Yes.” Mattie grins at me knowingly. I’m so unbelievably fucked.

  Dinner is a relatively boring affair knowing what’s waiting for me tonight. I usually love these dinners and the sumptuous food, but tonight? Not so much. I want to go shower and find something Kade will think is sexy to wear. I want to lose myself in dreams of him, and then throw my curvy form into his arms for a second round. When the dinner finally ends and I’m alone in my hotel bathroom, I’m equally flustered and excited. Kade’s waiting for me, and the night just got a lot better.



  Knocking on Kade’s door has my heart pounding in my chest. I try to keep my hands from shaking as I wait the few seconds for him to open up. When he does, I blow a breath out from my lips. A royal blue button down is stretched across his broad form, bringing out the blue of his eyes. It’s unbuttoned at the collar and shows off a jutting Adam’s apple. I’m already imagining running my tongue across that particular feature, and many others to be honest because this man is perfection on legs.

  Kade gently grasps my trembling hand and pulls me into the room slowly. His voice is husky and confident when he speaks.

  “You’re right on time.”

  “Yeah,” is all I can get out. I think my nerves are pretty obvious.

  “You don’t need to be nervous,” he says gently. “I’ll take care of you.” He says this in a deep voice, and his tone reassures me.

  “Okay,” I nod. He steps into me, his chest grazing mine. I catch his eyes wandering down to my cleavage and it gives me just a bit of confidence. “How are you going to take care of me?” My voice is more mellifluous than I’ve ever heard it – it makes Kade’s eyes flash as they lift from my chest to my eyes.

  “I’ll be gentle at first,” he states, licking his lips. “But by the time the night is over you’ll be feeling so much pleasure it will hurt.”

  I gulp. A single, thick finger runs across my shoulder, leaving the safety of my dress’s material and reaching skin. The touch he leaves on my collar bone has me holding my breath. Slowly, torturously, his finger traces a downward path as it barely touches a breast. It goes back over the fabric of the dress to circle a nipple, now straining against the material. The sensation shoots a jolt between my thighs as I inhale sharply. I can’t remember a time I’ve ever been this turned on.

  Kade’s face is now inches from mine, his eyes taking in my every reaction and tell. When his lips touch mine for the first time, I can’t help but to let out a moan. The noise makes me feel like the amateur that I am, but I don’t care about anything at the moment except the places where Kade’s body touch mine. I wrap my hands around his solid upper arms, trying to gain some traction – I feel like I’m falling. The single finger on my breast becomes an entire hand and he gives it a squeeze, causing a gasp to fall from my lips.

  He uses the opportunity to sneak a tongue between my lips and slide it against my own. As our lips continue to meet and our heads shift to take a breath, Kade’s other hand comes to my other breast. He pushes against them as though he were testing the weight of them and groans into my mouth.

  “These are fucking perfect,” he growls. I can’t believe how turned on I am to hear these words. His lips trail from my mouth to jaw to neck, nipping at the sensitive skin as he goes. When he reaches the place where my neck meets my shoulder, he sucks hard and I know he is marking me. It sets me on fire.

  His hands venture to my sides and down to my hips, where he pulls me tighter against him. I can feel his growing length straining against his pants and I gush arousal into my panties. They’re soaked by the time his large hands round my hips to my ass, squeezing and pulling me against him over and over in a gentle thrusting motion. Kade walks us further into the room towards the bed, unzipping my dress as we go. It pools around my ankles as the back of my knees hit the bed.

  “Sit,” he commands. I just barely silence a whimper as I follow his instruction. He kneels in front of me and slips my shoes from my feet before smoothing hands over freshly shaved legs. I’m trying to control my breathing so that I don’t make a complete fool of myself, but when he dusts over my clothed center I can’t help but to pant. I know the wet spot on my panties is only growing, the previous white now almost see-through. Swift hands reach around to unhook and discard my bra before I watch, jaw unhinged, as he takes a stiffened nipple into his hot mouth.

  I’m guided to lay back, legs thrown over the edge of the mattress as he palms one breast and continues to suckle on another. I’m throbbing beneath my panties and am unable to refrain from squirming, looking for just a bit of friction. My fingers thread through his thick hair, unsure if I want to pull him closer or push him down. I’m so out of my element, but I have never felt more alive.

  Kade releases my nipple with a pop and returns to my mouth, quickly easing his tongue past my panting lips and trailing a hand down to my last remaining garment. He slips two fingers in the waistband at my hips and tugs up hard, forcing a keening wail from my lungs.

  “You’re going to like this,” he nearly whispers. My breath hitches because I know he’s speaking the truth.

  “I already do,” is my gasp. He smirks at me as he begins his descent while placing kisses along the tops of my Double Ds, sucking at the opposite nipple for a moment, and biting into the soft flesh above my belly button. When he trails a tongue from belly button to my panty line, I’m a moaning mess. He licks a stripe over the drenched fabric and groans himself, before peeling the panties down my thick, trembling thighs.

  I watch as he places a kiss on the inside of an ankle and trails more toward my sopping heat. When the tip of his nose makes contact with my engorged clit, I moan louder than ever before. He noses around it in a wide circle, causing me to fist my hands in the bed’s comforter and squeeze my eyes shut tight. I hear him inhale over my audible breathing, moaning himself once more.

  “You smell delicious. Do you taste just as good?” With that, he licks through me, from my dripping hole to the hood of my clit, with a broad tongue. I widen my legs as I whine, the feeling unlike anything I’ve felt before. This is so much better than my hand.

  “You taste amazi
ng,” he groans, pushing my thighs farther apart with strong hands. “Sweeter than candy.”

  Kade’s tongue travels back down, dipping into my entrance before circling it. My head drops back and my eyes close as I float in a warm sea of splendor. I feel warm fingers drawing their own circles around my reddened clit and I can’t help but to buck my hips. Then, my eyes open languorously, only to see another man in the room. What the hell?

  “AAAAAAH!!!!!” My scream echoes in the room. But the strange man isn’t just standing there. In fact, the fingers that have stilled on my center are not Kade’s at all. It’s this strange man touching me, even as Kade looks up at me through my spread thighs, breathing deeply into my heat. What the hell is going on?

  Both men merely smile. The stranger stands directly behind Kade, wearing nothing but tight, black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. He is just as ripped as Kade and equally attractive overall. My eyes widen as my mouth hangs open, unsure of exactly what is going on. My breasts heave and fall, and I’m immobile with shock.

  “Jane,” Kade breaks the silence. “This is Brandon. My best friend and business partner.”

  I raise an eyebrow in disbelief.

  “What the fuck?”

  Kade continues like I haven’t just emitted a shrill shriek of horror.

  “Brandon’s also my lover,” he explains smoothly. “We’re bisexual in case you’re wondering,” he confesses. I still haven’t been able to move. I lie there, panting, my eyes wide while staring at the two alpha males.

  “What the fuck?!?!?” is all that comes out again.

  Kade continues, his blue eyes glinting even as Brandon strokes my nub again, making me moan.

  “Brandon and I want to make you feel good. And you can make us feel good, too.” With this, Kade plunges a firm tongue into me – once, twice, three times – never once losing eye contact. I watch as Brandon caresses the back of Kade’s head as he moves and uses his other hand to continue drawing on my clit.

  “We want to explore this with you. Let us, sweetheart,” Kade states, mouth still hovering. “I think you’ll like it.”

  Absolutely not. I didn’t come to this hotel room to be ravished by two men, no matter how hot they are. But then my taut reply is broken up by a long groan, as pleasure races through me.

  “Mmmm,” I moan as Kade drags his tongue through my depths again. Brandon grins and niggles me a bit before teasing my moist petals.

  “She likes it,” he remarks in a low voice.

  I am struggling to keep my eyes open but watch as Brandon removes his hand from Kade’s locks and tugs his shaft free from its confines. The bulbous, red head is wet already and he rubs a palm over it before gripping his rod for a few pumps. His fingers never still on my clit and I’m struggling to function.

  “Tell us you want it,” Brandon commands, looking me directly in the eye. “This is what you crave, isn’t it, sweetheart?”

  Kade laughs into my folds, and then does something that absolutely shocks me. He removes his mouth from between my legs and turns his upper body to take Brandon’s length into the heat of his mouth. Holy shit, this is so dirty. I watch, mesmerized, as one man sucks the other, taking that huge length deep in his throat. My sweetness tingles, and my knees begin to raise of their own, baring my sweet hole.

  “I want it,” I murmur, surprising myself as I get hot watching Kade with Brandon’s shaft in his mouth. Kade releases it from his lips before turning to me with a predatory grin.

  “Good girl,” he praises. I swallow a nervous lump in my throat as he stands and slowly begins unbuttoning his shirt. Brandon takes over in Kade’s absence, a new tongue now replacing the first. The sensation between my legs has me shaking, nearing orgasm. When Kade has finally removed every piece of his clothing, I watch him climb up the bed to sit back on his heels next to me.

  Kade grabs one of my fisted hands from the blanket and licks it, his tongue providing the necessary moisture for when it glides over his shaft. He places my hand on his rod, gently closing his fist around mine. I allow him to guide my hand over the tip and back down to the base several times before he releases my fingers. I continue the motion on my own, Brandon’s gentle tongue thrusting into my core all the while.

  It isn’t but a few pumps before Kade is swinging a leg over my torso, his ass in Brandon’s face. He rests on his knees so I can see as Brandon removes wet fingers from my center and rubs my arousal on Kade’s tight opening. With a long middle finger, he gathers more from my hole before easing a fingertip into Kade’s most intimate place. Holy shit, is this really happening? Am I really watching one handsome alpha male finger another?

  Sure enough, this is real life. I watch breathlessly as Brandon’s finger disappears further and further into the depths of Kade’s ass. Kade moans, his eyes dropping closed, with pleasure written all over his face. But then his eyes flutter open once more.

  “Ready?” he rasps, looking at me. I have no idea what I’m supposed to be ready for, so my response doesn’t come quickly.

  “I’ve never done this before,” I say.

  “A threesome?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I admit. Kade grins wide, blue eyes shining.

  “I like that,” he says. “Start slow, Brandon,” he says.

  Brandon’s face leaves my lower lips and I feel his purple helmet run through my folds. He presses it against my clit and I feel the sensation throughout my legs. I watch between Kade’s spread thighs as the head presses at my entrance and inches in slowly. When Brandon is bottomed out, my head is thrown back in a moan.

  There’s a pinch of pain, but it only lasts for a second. Brandon pulls out slowly before gently pushing back in. He grips under my thighs and lifts my ass to rest more on his knees before retreating and driving back in, just a bit harder. I groan loudly, briefly wondering what the neighboring room is hearing. When he thrusts even harder and I moan even louder, I decide I don’t care.

  Kade walks on his knees closer to my face, my hand still pumping him in a broken rhythm. His hand closes over mine again as he taps the tip to my lips.

  “Open up,” he demands. God, it’s hot. I do as he says and prepare to take him into my salivating mouth.

  He works his length into my gaping throat and I feel the head hit the back of my palate. I focus on not gagging, but when I do he doesn’t flinch. I swallow around him and feel my throat adjusting. Kade draws back, then works slowly back in. When I have gotten used to the feeling, he begins fucking my mouth as Brandon slides in and out of my hole.

  My hands go around firm hips to grip at Kade’s toned backside, pulling his cheeks apart on every down thrust. I feel one of Brandon’s hands come to cover mine before I feel a chiseled jaw against the tips of my fingers. Brandon spits, and though I cannot see it, I can hear as he lubricates Kade’s asshole. His face is then pressed more firmly against my fingers and Kade’s cheek as I imagine him opening the hole with a prodding tongue. I moan at the imagery as Kade groans at the sensation.

  I feel the walls of my core begin to tremble and a tightness sitting behind my hips like a rubber band pulled taut. Brandon continues a steady thrusting motion into my center and seems to notice I’m close, as he brings a hand back to my clit. With the palm of his hand he rubs hard. With three swipes I’m screaming, the rubber band broken and my walls pulsing around his thickness.

  Oh god it feels so good, and I dissolve into waves of pleasure, moaning with ecstasy. Kade continues to pound into my mouth and the noise coming from my throat becomes warbled. I’m still coming – longer than I ever have on my own – and I feel the extra lubrication with every movement of Brandon’s hips. Both Brandon and Kade seem to sense when I’m getting sensitive, so they pull off. I’m left panting yet sated, my entire curvy form trembling with satisfaction.

  Kade climbs off of me and the bed, moving to stand next to Brandon.

  “Watch,” he says. I nod, anticipating about what is to come.

  Brandon kisses Kade heatedly before spinning him around, Kade’s b
ack to Brandon’s front. A hand reaches around as Brandon strokes the other man.

  “You’re so hard,” Brandon breathes into Kade’s ear. “You’re so hot.” I’m not even a participant in this and I can feel myself getting aroused all over again.

  Kade climbs back on the bed and Brandon follows, never losing his grip on the length in his hand. They perch on their knees, stroking and touching, before Brandon pushes lightly at Kade’s shoulder and he moves to all fours.

  I watch as Brandon places sloppy kisses down Kade’s spine and licks down the crack of his ass. I’m fascinated – plus I don’t want to miss anything – so I sit up and move for a better view. I watch as Brandon plunges his tongue into Kade over and over again, both moaning and feeling the pleasure.

  Brandon straightens up and aligns his shaft with Kade’s ass. He beckons me closer with one hand as he focuses on stretching Kade open.

  “Touch him,” Brandon tells me.

  Sitting, I move one leg beneath Kade’s hovering torso and sneak a hand to his leaking shaft. I watch as Brandon buries himself inch by inch into Kade and can’t help but to release a groan of my own. Kade turns his face to me and smiles as Brandon begins thrusting and I keep pumping.

  “Get under me,” Kade says with that same authority that makes me drip.

  I maneuver on my back to lay beneath him, my legs on the outside of his thighs. With a skill I should have known he would possess, Kade lines up his dripping head with my entrance. With eyes locked, he slides into me with no resistance.

  I’m still soaked from my previous climax and the wet noise echoes around the room along with the slapping noise of Brandon’s thighs on Kade’s ass. Kade drops his head and reaches my lips for a dirty kiss.

  “I want you to come again,” he tells me. With Brandon slamming into Kade from behind, and Kade’s prick in me, the feeling is different from before. They work together with practiced ease to make it pleasurable. The look of unbridled ecstasy on Kade’s face is something that I could watch forever. I see a similar look on Brandon’s face over Kade’s shoulder and although I don’t know him, I find myself enjoying his enjoyment, too.


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