His Surprise Baby: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance Collection (His Secret Baby Romance Collection Book 4)

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His Surprise Baby: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance Collection (His Secret Baby Romance Collection Book 4) Page 25

by Jamie Knight

  I hadn’t realized Scarlett felt so strongly about it. I thought if she left, it would give her a chance to forget about whatever may have been growing between us.

  “Scarlett, I —”

  She put a hand to her forehead and sighed. “Look, I’m kind of tired. It was a long drive to get here, and maybe we should talk another time.” She turned, heading for the door. “I just want you to know that this time, I’m not going anywhere.”

  I was left alone in the kitchen with my thoughts. I wanted to be one hundred percent upset with Scarlett, but there was something about her feisty behavior that turned me on.

  This wasn’t going to end well if my sister-in-law didn’t leave. I could give her a little time to spend with Olivia and figure herself out, but it couldn’t be for too long. I didn’t have it in me to resist her forever.

  Thankfully, Scarlett was still asleep when Olivia and I woke up. There were a few things I wanted to get done before talking to her again.

  “Where’s Auntie Scarlett?” Olivia mumbled. She had her head resting in the crook of my neck. She was still a little sleepy, having just woken up, and I was taking her downstairs to get some breakfast.

  “She’s asleep, sweetie. You can see her later. I was thinking after you have your breakfast, I could drop you off to play with Bryant. I know you were sad when they had to leave early yesterday.”

  That perked her right up. She nodded with more than enough enthusiasm to let me know it would be the perfect way to get her out of the house so I could talk to Scarlett alone.

  I made Olivia a quick breakfast of cereal — Lucky Charms, her favorite. I wanted to make up for sending Bryant home early yesterday, and I knew she’d be upset that Scarlett was going to have to leave, so this would be something nice — even if it was a little selfishly motivated.

  “I’m all done, Daddy!”

  I looked over at Olivia. She had a big smile topped with a milk mustache. I cracked a smile myself looking at how gleeful she was. One thing my daughter could always do was make me feel better.

  “Let me see the bowl.” I picked up my head as Olivia slightly titled the bowl, showing that it was empty. “Good job. Put the toys you want to bring in your backpack. No more than five.”

  She nodded, getting down from her chair and rushing to her playroom. I packed a few other things for her, stuff a six-year-old wouldn’t consider when going to play with their friend. Once I felt comfortable my daughter would have whatever she needed, I went to go and see how she was getting along in her playroom.

  “Got everything you need?”

  She was sat in the middle of the room, toys surrounding. Her little mind was at work, trying to pick just the right ones.

  “I don’t know to bring the Play-Doh or to bring my teacups.” She looked so deep in thought as if this was the most significant decision she ever had to make.

  I walked over and acted like it was indeed the most severe thing ever. “Well, doesn’t Bryant have all the Play-Doh colors?”

  “No. There’s no pink.”

  “Hmm. That is a good point.” I took a nice pause. “I’ll let you bring your pink Play-Doh and the teacups because it is important to have pink, but don’t forget any of your toys when I come to get you later.”

  Olivia agreed, stuffing both toys into her pack before zipping it up. “I won’t, Daddy.” She stood up, throwing her backpack over her shoulders.

  “Are you ready to go?”


  I picked her up and helped her get her shoes on before we left for Bryant’s house. As I drove us, I could see Olivia starring out the window with quite a lot of intensity for a child. She always did this when we went for drives. I made a note to start asking her about what she saw because it had to be somehow different from the everyday trees that my over thirty eyes saw.

  We made it to Bryant’s house, and Hope, Darren’s wife, was there to greet us.

  “Noah! What a pleasant surprise! And Olivia, look at you!”

  Olivia gave a shy wave then played with the skirt of her dress.

  “Hey, Hope. I hope this isn’t too much of an inconvenience.”

  The woman smiled. “Never. Olivia is always welcome to come over and play. Bryant is in his room if you want to go join him.”

  My daughter showed me that it was exactly what she wanted, so I put her down, and she ran into the house.

  “Here’s some stuff she might need,” I told hope as I handed the backpack over. “I don’t know how long I’ll need to keep her here, but I can make sure to come back tonight.”

  “No, don’t worry about it,” Hope waved off my worries while taking the bag. “She can stay overnight if that’s what you need. As long as you don’t mind. I’m just surprised you’re not having Scarlett watch her. Darren told me she came back yesterday, and I know how the two of them get on.”

  “That might be the issue.”

  “Now, what does that mean?” Hope gave me a level look.

  I hadn’t meant to say that part out loud, but my mind had been racing, and it slipped out.

  “Oh, it’s just that I’m worried about Olivia getting too close to her aunt because of what could happen.”

  “And what could happen?”

  “You know.”

  Hope sighed, giving me a look. A look I knew all too well. “You can’t protect Olivia from everything. You have to know that. She’ll meet and lose people all throughout her life, and that’s life. Maybe it’s time to test the waters a little bit. Let Scarlett watch Olivia while you get back to work.”

  That’s the same idea Scarlett had.

  I scratched at the back of my head. “I was going to talk to Scarlett about her plans, I could bring that up, I guess…”

  She put a hand on my shoulder. “Think about it. You do deserve happiness, Noah. I hope you don’t forget that.”

  “I’m sure you’ll keep reminding me.” I gave her a smile.

  “Of course, I will. Now come here.”

  Hope opened up her arms and brought me into a hug. She always had good points and wasn’t afraid to say anything to my face. Sometimes, it took me a little bit of time to internalize the things she had to say, and we didn’t always see eye to eye, but her advice was welcome.

  “I’ve got to get going, but I’ll call. And if you need anything or something happens.”

  Gently, she pushed me towards my car. “I know, I know. How many times has Olivia spent the night here?”

  “You’re right. I’ll see you later.”

  I waved goodbye to Hope and got back into my car. It was still pretty early, and I didn’t feel quite ready to confront Scarlett. There was a lot of stuff I needed to work through in my head. There was plenty of time since Olivia would be with Hope and Darren tonight, so I thought a quick trip into town could do me some good. I was also thinking of going to the lake and letting that fresh breeze help clear my head.

  But I wasn’t going to back out of speaking to Scarlett. It was something that most definitely needed to happen.

  Chapter Four - Scarlett

  My old room was just as I left it. The night before, I dropped my bag in the corner and fell onto my old bed. In the morning, I woke up with a massive smile on my face. Noah said a lot of things, but the one I was focused on was him admitting his feelings. I didn’t need an ‘I love you,’ though that would make my heart literally explode. The mere fact that this whole affair wasn’t in my head, and that he actually missed me was enough for now.

  He was still in deep denial, and I could understand. The way we lost Kylie… She was such a good climber, so a simple route was nothing for her, but that’s the nature of accidents. Sometimes, they just didn’t make any sense.

  I didn’t want to act like Noah couldn’t have his own grieving process. I went through a lot mourning my sister, but he had completely closed himself off from the world. It was concerning, and it looked like Olivia was missing out, too.

is time, I wasn’t going to let Noah push me away. I was going to fight for my place in their lives.

  I was shocked when he kissed me. I felt it all the way down to my toes. Obviously, I wanted it to go further. I wanted Noah to rip off my clothes and fuck me every which way. I had felt his dick pressed into my body. I knew it was… sizable. To have him inside me would be pure bliss. Just the thought sent shivers up and down my spine.

  I always wondered if Noah would gentle or rough. How he would take me if he let himself go. I slid my fingers into my panties, thinking about Noah’s fingers doing the same. He’d probably tease me. He tried to hide it, but he could be playful.

  I played with my clit as I thought about Noah plunging into me — his long, hard cock entirely inside my body. I’d been touching myself to thoughts of him taking my virginity for the past year, his sweaty body sliding all over mine, his teeth biting my nipples. I moved my pointer finger faster and faster, thinking about the frenzied pace of our potential lovemaking—his seed running down my leg as he exploded inside of me.

  “Jesus fucking Christ!”

  I bit down on the pillow to keep from screaming and waking up everyone. My muscles relaxed, and I snuggled into the covers. I really was still sleepy. Yesterday had been a really long day.

  I had plans to talk to Noah more about letting me stay. I made sure to think of all my talking points on the drive over. My former brother-in-law liked logic. He wasn’t always like that, but it was how things were now. If I could get him to keep me around because logic dictated it, then the next step would be getting Noah to open up. I knew it would be a lot of work, but he was worth it. Being able to spend the rest of my life with him and Olivia was worth the uphill battle.

  When I finally got up, Olivia and Noah were gone. I went to the kitchen and found a note saying they were out for the day. It felt like he was ignoring me. Noah did like to ignore a problem. He used to attack everything head-on, but now, he was just different. I liked the new Noah, for the most part, but one thing I needed to change was how he wanted to sweep everything under the rug.

  While I was eating some yogurt for breakfast, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Noah.

  Dropped Livvy to play with Bryant. She’s spending the night. I won’t be back until later. Thought you’d like to know.

  So, that was where they went. It didn’t surprise me that Noah left before I even woke up. He’s probably avoiding me with every inch of his being. Was the coming home late meant to dissuade me from trying to talk to him? Or maybe he just wanted to spend the least amount of time with me possible, swooping in right before bed.

  Well, he was in for one hell of a surprise.


  Noah wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to be home late. It was past ten, and I had been waiting for him for almost two hours at that point. I had gotten myself all gussied up. I bought a few lingerie sets with the hopes of enticing him. Maybe it was playing dirty, but I just wanted him to let go of his restraints and give in to the desire. If I had to push him a little in the right direction, I didn’t mind.

  It was the waiting that was getting to me. I had committed myself to staying up, but I didn’t know Noah was really taking his sweet old time getting back home. It would suck if he found me all sexy but asleep.

  I was a few seconds away from placing a call when I heard the door open.

  “Finally.” I fixed my hair, making it all messy in that sexy way before getting into an alluring pose. I had practiced which one would be best, and I went for a lounging one that showed off my breasts. “Noah, is that you?” I called out.

  I could hear him moving around the front of the house, dropping whatever bags he had. His footsteps got closer and closer, my heart beating faster with every step. This was the boldest move I had ever made, and the pressure was mounting. It was exactly what I wanted to do, but that didn’t get rid of the nerves I was feeling.

  “Look, Scarlett, I think we need to—”

  At that moment, Noah rounded the corner, and when his eyes fell on my body laid out, he stopped short. He stood by the living room entrance, staring at me, not making any moves. I was starting to get antsy.

  “We need to what?”

  Noah took a step forward, and I lifted slightly. I felt like at that moment, he was throwing a challenge my way. Testing the waters to see if was committed to this.

  One long pause later, and Noah came over to me on the couch. He picked me up, surprising the hell out of me, I almost fell out of his arms, but he had a good grip on me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting to feel even more secure.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Upstairs,” he grumbled.

  That was obvious from the steps we were going up. Noah didn’t seem to be in the talking mood anymore.

  Chapter Five - Scarlett

  We got to his bedroom, and once we were inside, Noah dropped me onto the mattress. I sat up, pushing myself further onto the bed. I looked up at him, his dark eyes boring holes into my soul. It seemed as if he was waiting for me to make some kind of move, so I got up onto my knees and rested my hands on his shoulders.

  “Is it okay if I take off your shirt?”

  Noah nodded, so I drew my hands down his body until I got down to the hem of his tee. Sliding my fingers under the fabric, I could feel the bumps of Noah’s defined abs. I let out a shaky breath thinking about this hulk of a man on top of me between my thighs. My pussy quivered with anticipation.

  I kept pushing Noah’s t-shirt up until he had to lift his arms, and I could take it off him. I threw it onto the ground, and he grabbed either side of my face to bring me into a kiss. It surprised me because it was softer than I expected. His tenderness melted my heart, and then he pushed me down, bringing his body on top of mine.

  “Why, Scarlett? Why?”

  It was a vague question, but I knew Noah’s exact meaning. He asked me something similar before he asked me to leave last time. I scrambled for an answer then because my feelings felt so confusing. It felt wrong to love him because of Kylie, but over the past year, I realized that we hadn’t done anything wrong. We grew closer because that was what happened. And Noah was so different from the man he was before. It was impossible for me to know if this was a part of him that he just never brought out in public or if Kylie’s death completely changed the person who he was. Either way, we were drawn to one another.

  And that was the answer.

  “Because I want you,” I answered truthfully, caressing his cheek.

  His eyelids fluttered shut as I ran my finger along his skin. Noah turned his head to kiss my palm before looking down at my lingerie-clad body.

  “When did you buy this?”

  “A week ago.”

  “Why did you buy it?”

  “I was hoping you’d like it,” I whispered, my shoulders coming up. The way Noah talked to me — it did something to my body. I bit my bottom lip and raised my leg, rubbing it along his side. “Do you like it?”

  Instead of answering, Noah ran his finger down the line of my breast until he got to the fabric of my lingerie. I had on a negligee over a matching bra and pantie set. Noah pulled the tie holding my robe together, the wispy fabric falling to the sides of my body.

  I watched as he slipped his hand inside, running it over my stomach. He scooched down until his face was right by my underwear. Kissing the exposed skin on my lower belly, Noah slowly peeled my panties off my body. Once he got them off me completely, he dropped them on the ground before returning to the spot between my thighs. I could feel his breath along the inside of my legs before he placed soft kisses on my skin.

  As he got closer and closer to my center, I shut my eyes tight. Excitement was mixing with arousal. After two years of unrealized desire, Noah was about to fuck me.

  His tongue ran up my pussy, the tip sliding along my folds. I dug my fingernails into the covers, my body instantly tensing up. Noah had barely touched me, and my body was on
fire, the flames were traveling up my spine. Continuing to taste me, he pushed his tongue into my pussy.

  When his lips wrapped around my clit, I cried out, “Noah!”

  He was driving me crazy. I could barely think straight with every sensation running through me. My muscles tensed up, wanting to get a release. My thighs tried to snap shut. The throb pulsing in my center was overwhelming.

  “Noah, please,” I begged.

  I wanted to come. I needed to. He licked faster and faster, pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

  “Fuck!” I screamed, my body rising off the bed as it quivered with the most explosive orgasm I’d ever had. I let myself feel every second of the bliss before falling back onto the bed, trying to catch my breath. While I took in air, Noah came back up my body, holding his face just above mine.

  It seemed like he wanted to say something to me, but he didn’t. Instead, he removed my negligee, helping me hold myself up as he carefully slipped it off of my body. Next was my bra. Soon, I was completely naked, and Noah was partway dressed. I looked up at him, wanting to see all of his body.

  “Are you going to take everything off?” I asked.

  “Is that what you want?”

  I nodded. Noah quickly sat up, revealing his sculpted body to me. It’s absolutely perfect. I got up on my knees and reached out, letting my fingers trace his abs.

  “You’re in good shape.”

  “I exercise.” He unbuttoned his pants.

  “Yeah, that makes sense,” I mumbled. That got me a whisper of a smile.

  “Lie down.”

  I did as he requested, resting my head on the pillow and my back on the covers. I watched as Noah unzipped his pants, pulling them down. His hard dick popped out, and my pussy clenched at seeing the sheer size of him. My eyes ran over the veins that lined his cock, the mushroom-shaped head leaking precum.

  Noah brought his body back over mine, keeping his weight off of me.


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