Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology Page 22

by Skye MacKinnon

  “I don’t think I can go through that many orgasms,” she mumbled, her voice jumbled from our orange brother in her mouth.

  “Let’s find out.”

  Chapter 5


  With another carrot in my mouth, I watched as Ithaco poured ranch all over my breasts, instantly covering my skin with its smooth coolness.

  “Come on, Danvers,” Ithaco called out, pointing to one of the breasts. “Climb onto the couch and start sucking. The faster we go into rotation, the faster we can get through them all and rescue our brothers. We can get the others to help each other until all thirty-two of us are free.”

  Wordlessly, Danvers, the original brother, came over and stared into my eyes. “Is this okay?”

  I nodded because I was dying to feel them suck my nipples. It’s been a long time, and I loved having them sucked and nibbled.

  Relief flooded his face as he leaned over and attached his smooth lips around my nipples. Ithaco took it as a sign to do the same and sucked the freed nipple, making my body jerk forward. My chest thrust toward the hungry faces as they feasted on my cream-covered breasts.

  All three appeared the same—red hair, bright green eyes, and tanned skin.

  I watched as Rhizo stepped between my legs and placed his cursed carrot brother at my entrance. As soon as it touched my pussy lips, I groaned.

  “Your sweet honey is dripping from your oven,” Rhizo purred, pushing the twisted carrot slowly inside. “I want to see your timer go off as you cover my brother with your glaze and bake him.”

  His eyes locked onto mine as he pushed the thick carrot inside me, stretching me to my fullness in one long, slow movement.

  It was as if he was daring me to resist this weird torture—or perhaps, even beg for more.

  He pulled the thick hardness out, only to thrust it back in.

  Faster and faster, deeper and deeper, Rhizo kept changing the pace, twisting the carrot to make sure the ridges hit all the right places.

  “Take him, bake him, make him yours,” Rhizo chanted gleefully. “Let us bring you to ecstasy all night long.”

  Closing my eyes, I couldn’t take it.

  His dirty words, no matter how crazy they sounded, turned me on. The pair of lips sucking my breasts made me spiral—the rich, creamy taste of the dressing covering the hard carrot in my mouth thrilled me.

  Hooking my legs around someone, I clawed at the two males beside me as I tried to ground myself from free falling.

  My conscience blurred in and out as carrots were replaced, lips reattached, and hands worked my body, smearing ranch all over me.

  All I could do was feel the sensations they were giving me as I freed them from their curse.

  The next time I came to, I opened my eyes to a room filled with similarly appearing, naked males. They were related by the similar features they shared.

  Danvers appeared before me in all his glory with a glass filled with icy water. Offering me the straw, he held the glass for me as I took a sip.

  “How do you feel?”

  Taking another sip, I focused on the icy water as it traveled down my throat, reminding me that I wasn’t dreaming… that this was all real.

  “A little sore, but I think I will manage.”

  “I am glad,” he said softly with a small grin. “We were hoping we weren’t too much.”

  “I’ve never experienced something like that before.”

  “Are you willing to do it again?” Ithaco asked, stepping beside his brother and placing a hand on his shoulder. “There are more that need to be saved.”

  “I thought I rescued you all?” I surveyed the room, confused as I counted about thirty milling about.

  “Yes, you did break the curse for all of us, but there are more.”

  “More?!?” I snapped my head toward both of the brothers. “How?”

  “Our cousins were cursed, too. They are the corn, cucumbers, and eggplants in your garden.”

  About the Author

  Never going to look at carrots and ranch the same way again, huh?

  Jade Waltz lives in Illinois with her husband, two sons, and her three crazy cats. She loves knitting, playing video games, and watching Esports. Jade’s passions include the arts, green tea and mints — all while writing and teaching marching band drill in the fall.

  Jade has always been an avid reader of the fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi genres and wanted to create worlds she always wanted to read.

  She writes character driven romances within detailed universes, where happily-ever-afters happen for those who dare love the abnormal and the unknown. Their love may not be easy—but it is well worth it in the end.

  Find More Works By Jade Waltz At:


  Her Steamy Alphas

  Monsters and Gargoyles

  Lacey Carter Andersen

  Heat level: 4

  Chimaera is technically a monster who can shift into any shape. But why does that have to define her? No one ever asks her about her hobbies, interest, or even dating life. It’s just… oh, you’re a monster? And, they’re gone.

  Not very fair, right?

  But when a spell brings her three sexy men, it doesn’t matter if she’s a monster. All that matters is that they’re steaming hot, and she has needs.

  Yet when she discovers the truth, that the hot men are actually gargoyles, her greatest enemies, will the heat between them be enough to put behind an ancient rivalry?

  Read this short story that takes place in the Monsters and Gargoyles’ world to find out!

  Her Steamy Alphas


  Even monsters get lonely. As I stare out at the never-ending flow of lava that streams past my little cottage, I sip from my mug of coffee and feel that terrible stirring within my belly that says I ache for company. I ache for something to fill the loneliness that’s a forever part of a monster’s life. That’s why I’d finally agreed to my friend’s insane idea. Not because I had just bought my first pair of reading glasses, or that I’d noticed my hips crack when I moved sometimes.

  Monsters don’t have midlife crises. Do we?

  There’s knocking at my door, and I nearly drop my mug. Heart racing, I set down my favorite cup that says “Big Girls Need Love Too” and spin toward my door, winding through my little kitchen to my neat living room with statues of dragons and other “fantasy” creatures decorating the space.

  I know my visitor can logically be only one person. Yeah, I have a few monster friends that visit me up on my quiet volcano top, and every so often a monster hunter, but I’m only expecting one person today. So logic says that’s who it is, even if after years of being hunted by gargoyles the old fear is hard to ignore.

  Heading for the door, I fling it open, ready to shift into a fighting beast if needed. But, of course, it’s only Aura. Her large, dark harpy wings fold behind her back as she grins at me. Aura is technically half-harpy and half-witch. She’s not one of the first Greek monsters, but also not young either by human standards. Still, I was there when she was born, and there nearly every step of her life until she went out on her own. She’d been like a daughter to me, but now we’re more like friends.

  “Chiara! I can’t believe you’re finally going to do it!” Her grin widens, and she holds out something that looks like a package of coffee, but I know better.

  I wave her inside. “Yeah. I never thought I’d be this desperate, but here I am.”

  She laughs and rushes inside. “It’s not desperate! It’s smart!”

  I shake my head, sighing. “Well, since I don’t have eligible bachelors knocking at my door, I guess it’s the only way to meet a guy.”

  Closing the door, I follow her into my kitchen, and she sets the bag down.

  I eye it like a snake ready to strike. “So how does it work?”

  Her dark eyes meet mine, and she lowers her voice as if telling me a great secret. “All you do is put the mixture in as if you’re making a cup of coffee.
You let it run through the machine, then you drink an entire mug full. One mug full.”

  I wait. But she says nothing more. “And then what?”

  “Then,” her face practically glows with excitement, “the spell will do the rest. You’ll find a man to pleasure you. He’ll be someone who needs you as much as you need him. And when you’re done, he’ll go. Easy peasy. Just like you asked for. It isn’t a love spell. Just a lust spell. Well, not even a lust spell. It more brings souls with the same desires together.”

  I sit down at the little coffee table in the kitchen and eye the bag without touching it. For some reason, I feel a little sad.

  “Chiara,” she says my nickname gently and sits down across from me, her voice tender. “You deserve to have something good happen in your life.”

  “Why?” I ask, and meet her gaze.

  She reaches across the table and takes my hands. “There’s no one who suffers more than the female monsters. You and I know that. You were raised alone in a cave. You spent most of your lifetime isolated from everyone and everything. And then you go out in the world only to discover that your ability to shift into any form makes you a monster. It’s terrible.”

  “It’s not just that,” I say, struggling for the right words, a way to explain myself that doesn’t sound like I need a tiny violin for my sad story. “Do you know what it’s like to only have people see me before they suffer great misfortune? It’s a curse. No one has been happy to see me, other than the other monsters, my entire life. What if this man realizes who I am and runs? What if somehow misfortune finds him after we’re together?”

  She squeezes my hand. “Your curse won’t impact this. My magic is bringing the man to you, not your curse.”

  “You’re sure?” I ask, needing to know.

  All the legends about me might say I’m a beast, that I bring unhappiness everywhere I go and that I enjoy it. But while some of that might be true, it’s a lie that I enjoy any of it. I isolate myself here so that no one else will fall prey to my curse. And by using this spell, I’m determined to fill a little bit of the loneliness inside of me, so I can continue to keep people safe, well, from myself.

  “I’m sure,” she tells me, then releases my hand. “You deserve this. Truth me. Drink the brew. Then wait. What’s meant to happen will happen.”

  “Will you stay with me while I take it?”

  She frowns. “I wish I could, but I’m needed elsewhere.”

  I take a deep breath, squaring my shoulders and trying to sound confident. “No worries.”

  She springs back up with a youthful smile, and we hug. Then, she heads for the door. I stand and watch her take off into the sky. Isolating myself was the right thing to do, but sometimes it’s hard. The lava flows past my door, around the little island of my home, because that’s what it’s been enchanted to do. And I try to pretend that doing the right thing is easy.

  Even though I’m tired of pretending.

  Going back inside, I shower and dry my hair. In the mirror, I see a woman who is plain. Dark hair. Dark eyes. A few wrinkles on my forehead. A little bit of a sag at my neck. In human years, would I look forty? Younger? Older? I have no idea. But I hope the man the brew brings will find me attractive.

  In my closet, I select a long black gown. Something that was so far in the back of my closet that I should’ve forgotten it was there, but never have. I put it on, and it hugs my large curves. There are two slits on the sides, and the skirt is see-through. It makes me feel vulnerable. It makes me miss my warm pajamas. But this man is coming for sex, that’s all, so there’s no reason to pretend otherwise.

  Is there?

  No, there isn’t.

  I go back to the coffee maker and pour in the brew. It’s dark brown, just like coffee, and when I turn the machine on, I sit back, watching the machine work its magic. One mug full. That’s what she’d said. And then, I’ll at least feel a little less broken and lonely.


  When the machine is done, I lift the coffee pot and pour the brew into my mug. I’m fully ready for the mixture to taste like hell, but I add a little milk and sugar, then take my first sip.

  Hell, it’s amazing! It tastes like coffee, only better. It steams as I drink it, clouding my vision. One moment I’m sure it tastes like vanilla and hazelnuts, the next it’s like chocolate. I finish the glass too quickly, then pour myself a second glass, and drink that too. When I down the third mug full, I groan and lean back in my chair.

  Suddenly, I remember what she said. One glass. I was only supposed to drink one.

  What will happen now?

  My heart races when I put my mug into the sink, and I begin to pace. But the pacing doesn’t calm me, so I go outside. Looking at the lava flow, I know what to do next. I strip off all my clothes and wade into it. The heat instantly calms me, and the steam rises all around me like a familiar friend. Normally, I just wade around in the lava outside of my home. But the brew has made me antsy, so I start to move up it, toward the top of the mountain.

  I’ve gone further than I ever have before when I feel something strange beneath my toes. Something hard and unfamiliar beneath the river of lava. Taking a deep breath, I dive beneath the surface and wrap my hands around it. A normal woman couldn’t have tugged it to the surface, but I put the strength of a god into my arms and hands and haul it up.

  At the surface, I have to adjust my hold on it to keep it from dropping back down. But when I do, I feel as if I’m hauling a person with me. A person made of stone. As I kick and swim toward the edge of the lava, my feet touch another strange shape. I make a mental note of it, then finish hauling the rock to the shore. I push it out in front of me and freeze.

  It’s a man made of stone.

  I climb out of the water and stare down at a face carved as if by a loving hand. He’s huge, easily two feet larger than my short, round frame. How did it end up here?

  And then I remember the other things I’d felt in the lava.

  Going back, I manage to bring two more stone men to shore. I check the lava carefully but find nothing else. So then, I drag each stone statue back to my house and set them up out front. The whole thing is…strange. Why would an artist leave such sculptures beneath the lava? And what magic had protected them from the heat?

  As I’m pondering what to do next, and if I should hide them before my sexy man arrives, the statues begin to shake and shudder. A gasp slips from my lips, and I step backward.

  Within seconds where there were once three statues, three large men stand. Each is as different from the other as the sun and moon. The first man has wild, dark hair and dark eyes to match. The next has blond hair and eyes as blue as the sky. And the third has black hair and green eyes.

  What is this? Real men from stone?

  And then I think of the spell. I had honestly thought a man might show up at my doorstep. Maybe one who could fly or use magic. I didn’t think the brew would actually create three men from nothing.

  But maybe this is better. Less complicated. I know what I want from them, and they’ve been spelled to want only the same thing from me.

  “Wh-where are we?” the man with dark brown hair asks.

  Oh good, they talk. It would’ve been weird if they didn’t. “I’m Chiara,” I introduce myself with my nickname.

  His gaze roams down my body, and I feel a blush heat my cheeks. At any other time, I’d have been embarrassed to be naked in front of three men. But these men aren’t real. They’re just a spell created for my pleasure. So although my body sags a bit and stretch lines hug my hips, I try to stay still under his scrutinizing gaze.

  “I’m Brenton,” he says, his voice deep and gravely as if with disuse. “These are my brothers, Edan and Kiran.”

  I look at Edan, the tall blond. His baby blue eyes are firmly fixed on my breasts. And then I look at Kiran, who is looking over my shoulder, but keeps glancing back at my body, as if he’s trying really hard not to look. It’s actually kind of cute. And although I know th
ey’re only here to sate the needs of my body, it’s hard to not like them a bit.

  Then again, sexy men aren’t exactly pounding at my door on a regular basis.

  “Well, uh, it’s nice to meet you,” I say, then clear my throat. “So, I was kind of only expecting one of you. I’ve never had three men at once before, but uh, it’s probably my own fault. I did have three steaming cups of the brew instead of one.”

  Edan jerks his gaze from my breasts. “Uh, what?”

  I bet my rambling was too much for three men created from a spell. As nervous as I am to end up with three hunks instead of one, I’m not exactly sad about it either. Although from their reactions, I might have to be the one to take the lead.

  Yeah, I can do that.

  “We can just get right to it then. Come on.”

  I turn and lead them toward the front of my house, glancing back to see they all look confused for a minute before they start to follow me. Leading them into my house and through my living room, I stride into my bedroom and wait for them.

  After a long minute, they enter my room.

  Kiran glances at my bed.

  I feel myself blushing and knock my old teddy bear onto the floor, then follow up by tossing all the pointless throw pillows onto the floor too. Then, kneeling in the middle of the bed, I look at all of them.

  “Does this work?”

  Kiran’s jaw is hanging open, but he quickly shuts it. “Yeah. Yes. I guess.”

  I grin. Okay, I can do this. “So, I’ve had anal before, but like I said, not two guys at once. Or three either. So, who wants what?”

  “What?” Brenton asks, blushing himself.

  “Sorry.” I frown. “Is that not how this works? Should I not ask? Just go for what I want?”

  “Yeah, tell us what you want,” Edan says, his voice a little husky.


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