Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology Page 25

by Skye MacKinnon

He must have done that while I was busy giving blow jobs. I rub my cheeks again. "I think we'll stick to the downstairs department now, or I won't be able to eat my banana later." I check the blackboard. "How are we going to do the transformation challenge?"

  Húnn chuckles. "You'll see. I've gathered some supplies."

  "I'm looking forward to it. Finn, please tell me you thought of a blanket?"

  He grins. "Even better. I got us a spare mattress. You'll be comfy while we fuck you, don't worry."

  His words make little lightning bolts erupt within my core. I'm hornier than I've been in a long time. I'm so dripping that we won't need any foreplay. Just stuff me with cocks and I'll be a happy girl.

  We head outside to where Finn placed the mattress behind the house. The afternoon sun warms my bare skin and I close my eyes for a moment, breathing in the fresh air and simply enjoying the moment.

  Finn points at a rope he's stretched out on the ground. "This is our start line. Don't cross it. Toes can touch the rope but can't be on it. I've got a tape measure here that Isla can use as our neutral judge. The furthest drop wins."

  I cringe a little at the thought of what we're about to do. It's so naughty. I love it.

  I wriggle out of my trousers after realising I'm the only one still wearing clothes. The guys didn't just take off their jeans before coming for their blowjob, but also discarded their shirts. I'm loving the view. The guys are lucky in that their bodies always look like they visit the gym several times a day. It's a shifter perk. Those abs shouldn't be allowed in guys who eat as much as my bears.

  Torben opens his arms wide. "Come here, honey."

  I smile and step into his embrace. His lips find mine while his hands cup my arse, pressing me against his erection. I can't believe how hard he is again. I don't know if that's a bear thing or if all men can have sex as often. It's not like I ever slept with anyone before I met my guys. I was such a cute, innocent virgin, and look at me now.

  Ràn joins us, sandwiching me between the two men. His cock rubs against my back and I quiver with need.

  "Fuck me," I whisper, breaking the kiss for just long enough to say that. "Now."

  Ràn chuckles, then his hands are on my pussy and I forget about everything. He spreads my outer lips and rubs my clit with one finger. Fuck, that feels good. Torben resumes his kiss, ravishing my mouth. I'm very aware of their cocks against my skin. They shouldn't be on the outside. They should be inside me.

  Ràn gives my clit one last flick, then he pushes Torben's hands away from my arse. "Mine," he growls and spreads open my cheeks. His hard cock presses against my entrance. I relax as much as I can to make it easier for him. Most of the time, he shows restraint, but not today. He doesn't wait, just slams in balls deep. I gasp and cling to Torben.

  "So tight," Ràn mutters. "All mine."

  He gives me a moment to adjust, then starts fucking me the way I crave.

  Torben wraps his hands around my thighs and suddenly I'm in the air, Ràn still embedded deep inside my arse. I wrap my legs around Torben’s hips, opening myself for him. His cock slides into my pussy with barely any resistance. Birthing two babies does that to a vagina. But with Ràn fucking me from behind, I'm filled all the way, feeling tight like a virgin. They sync their pace, driving into me so deeply that I gasp at every stroke. With the way I'm squeezed between them, they are able to push deeper than they usually would. This feels amazing.

  I close my eyes and bend my head back, moaning loudly. It doesn't matter that we're outside; nobody is going to hear us. And I like showing them the effect they have on me. If my wetness didn't convey that message, my moans will.

  I feel so connected with them. Their cocks deep inside me, rubbing against my inner walls. It's heaven.

  "I'm going to come," I shout breathlessly and already the orgasm overcomes me, turning me into a screaming, quivering mess. The guys don't stop, if anything they fuck me even harder. I can't think, can't move, I'm floating on this wave of bliss and I never want to come back to reality. I dimly feel Ràn pulling out, but he's immediately replaced by Húnn who plummets into my depths without hesitation.

  "Hold her," Torben groans. "I can't... have to..."

  Húnn's strong arms wrap around me and hold me in place as Torben steps back, taking his glorious cock with him. I'm still on some other plane of existence, letting them do their thing as long as it means I'll have another dick in my pussy soon. Finn takes Torben's place. He gives my clit a flick before entering me.

  "Do that again," I whisper, barely finding my voice.

  Finn complies, rubbing my clit while keeping his dick inside me without moving. Húnn continues to fuck my arse at a relentless pace. Now I've wrapped my legs around Finn again, he moves his hands to my breasts, cupping them reverently. I want him to squeeze them, stretch my nipples, but he's being all soft and loving, gently massaging them.

  "Yes!" Torben shouts from behind us. He must have won against Ràn. That doesn't make him the winner yet, though. Finn and Húnn still need to get to that point, but I don't think it will be much longer for Húnn . He grunts as he battles to keep the pace. My arse feels full and a little sore, but I don't care because this is amazing. Finn starts fucking me in earnest, no longer just standing me enjoying the view. Before either of them is ready, I come again, milking their bananas. A banana shake. I laugh as I come, earning myself some confused looks.


  Finn has pinched my clit, resulting in a third orgasm racking through me. Or was that part of the second? I'm losing count. My body is on fire, overflowing with sensations.

  "I need to stop," Finn breathes before kissing me hard and fast.

  "Me too." Húnn holds me until Finn has backed away, then slides out of me as well, leaving me very empty. Yet I'm more than satisfied. I lie on the mattress, which we totally ignored until now, and simply enjoy this feeling of being sated, happy and at peace with the world. Torben and Ràn join me on either side and I cuddle against them. They run their hands over my body, caressing me, showing me exactly how much I mean to them. It's a kind of worship, almost.

  I love them so much I don't have words to describe it. They're mine, I'm theirs, and-

  "I won!" Húnn calls out. "I cummed the best."

  "Is that even a word?" Torben mutters, clearly annoyed at losing his place at the top of the ranking. Now him, Finn and Húnn all have one point, while poor Ràn has none at all.

  "Let's change the rules," I decide without getting up. I'm too exhausted to move. "The winner of the transformation challenge gets two points. That way we'll have a clear winner, no matter who of you is the best."

  None of them protests, so I do the shooing noise I usually reserve for the cubs. "Off you go, you have half an hour. But don't hurt yourselves. No allergic reactions. I need those dicks unharmed."

  With a yawn, Torben gets up and returns inside along with Húnn and Finn. Ràn, however, stays on the mattress with me.

  "Aren't you going to join them?" I ask.

  "I don't see the point. I'm crap at art and I definitely won't win this round. Bananas are overrated anyway. I know something much more delicious."

  And he shows me exactly what he means by that, kneeling between my legs, eating me out like I'm the yummiest dessert on the planet.

  I stop in shock when I enter the living room. I expected the guys to stand there with their bananas at the ready, but they're on the floor with a massive white sheet over them. They've cut holes in it so that only their dicks poke out. Seriously? They're taking this whole thing a little far.

  "You do know that I can tell you apart by size?" I laugh, leaving it open to what size I mean.

  "Let them have their fun." Ràn joins me, just as amused as I am. "I can't believe they actually did that. I'm glad I didn't take part."

  "Hurry up, my banana is getting soft," Finn huffs from under the sheet.

  "It's supposed to be curved and soft," I deadpan. "That should give you some bonus points."

t think of Isla's boobs, don't think of Isla's boobs," Húnn whispers. "I need to stop being hard for you."

  Tears spring to my eyes from all the laughing. Maybe I should add a special award for comedy to our Olympics.

  I wipe away the tears and try and focus on their bananas. All of them have used the same yellow and black paint to decorate their dicks, but they've all used different techniques. One has continued the painting over the V of his belly, making it look as if the banana has been peeled, with the dick itself all in pale yellow. The one to his left is dark yellow with some simple black stripes and a black tip. Recognisable as a banana, but not quite as creative as the one with the peel. The third cock looks like an overripe banana with more black than yellow. The painting is the most accurate here, with the black spots clearly defined, but I know which one I'll choose as the winner.

  "Is the paint edible?" I ask innocently, staring at their dicks with water collecting in my mouth.

  Ràn puts a hand on my shoulder to prevent me from putting my plan into action. "No. It's not. Don't poison yourself with those disgusting bananas."

  "My banana isn't disgusting!" Húnn shouts from beneath the sheet. "It's beautiful, healthy and very virile."

  I can't help it; I start laughing again.

  "Yes, your banana is beautiful. But you're not the winner. Ràn, some drum rolls, please."

  He snorts in amusement, then obediently slaps his thighs to add some drama.

  I take a deep breath. "And the winner is... the banana with the peel. Finn, if I'm not mistaken?"

  The bear in question throws off the sheet and grins at me. "I knew you'd choose me."

  "It was the most realistic. Well done, you've won the first-ever Banana Olympics." While he starts moving around the living room in some kind of tribal war dance, the others look grumpy. I sigh. "I'll share my banana with you guys. That way, we get one half each."

  I find myself in Torben's arms before I can blink. "And that's why you're my favourite, Isla," he whispers, then claims my still swollen lips in a kiss. When we break apart, Húnn points at my belly.

  "Look, you have banana on you."

  Yellow and black paint is smeared all over my skin. Thanks, Torben.

  "Guess I'm going to have a shower. Who's going to join me?"

  Four hands shoot up. I guess I'm going to taste their bananas all over again.

  Bertie looks at me with such gratitude that I can't help but blush. His eyes are filled with tears as he stares at the banana I just handed him.

  "I never thought I'd ever get to see one, let alone eat it," he mutters, his voice heavy with emotion. "You don't know what this means to me. If only Arnold was here..."

  "Mummy, why is Uncle Bertie crying?" Ruby looks at me with a frown, as if it's my fault Bertie got all teary.

  "He loves bananas very much. They used to be something you could buy in every supermarket before the Drowning, but..." I stop, realising that the cubs have no idea what a supermarket even is. We live off the land and the goods we barter from one of the large trading ships that pass by the island every few months. The children don't know what the world was like before everything changed. Maybe it's better that way. They can't miss what they never had.

  Ruby licks her lips when I peel the banana for her and her little brother. "It smells good."

  "It tastes even better," Torben confirms, already chewing his first bite. "Gods, I missed this. So sweet, so soft."

  Entirely unlike the bananas I had earlier. I watch the children try their first slice, grinning at their overjoyed faces, before biting into mine. Yes, not something I would have done with the other bananas. I snort-laugh, earning me a confused look from both the cubs and Bertie.

  "Just... thinking of a banana joke. Why are bananas never lonely?"

  "Why?" Ruby asks with enthusiasm. She loves these sorts of jokes, even though she only understands half of them.

  "Because they hang around in bunches."

  Yup, not one she gets. She doesn't know how bananas grow. The ones in the container were separated, lonely. How sad.

  My guys, though, totally get the joke. I'm being hugged from all sides, as if they suddenly decided it's group hug time. I lean into their warmth, enjoying how we fit together perfectly. Our souls match, just like our bodies.

  "You're my bunch," I whisper. "My bananas."


  I hope you enjoyed this fruity read.

  If you liked Isla and her bears, you can read an entire trilogy about how they met and the adventures they had before achieving their happily ever after.

  Or get the whole trilogy plus a bonus story in a box set:

  The series is also available as audiobooks, if you prefer to hear the bears’ growls.

  About the Author

  Skye MacKinnon is a USA Today & International Bestselling Author whose books are filled with strong heroines who don't have to choose.

  She embraces her Scottishness with fantastical Scottish settings and a dash of mythology, no matter if she's writing about Celtic gods, cat shifters, or the streets of Edinburgh.

  When she's not typing away at her favourite cafe, Skye loves dried mango, as much exotic tea as she can squeeze into her cupboards, and being covered in pet hair by her needy cat Sootie.

  Subscribe to her newsletter:

  Find all of Skye’s books on her website,, where you can also order signed paperbacks. Many of her books are also available as audiobooks.

  Her Sugar Cyborg

  Kate Rudolph

  Heat level: 1

  The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. But what if that man is a cyborg?

  I've been crushing on cyborg Will for ages, but he doesn't seem interested in my… sweets.

  I'm not ready to give up just yet.

  Armed with instructions on how to dazzle the most steely machine and a recipe sure to fry his circuits I'm going to give this my best shot.

  Can he really say no to dessert straight from the heart?

  Her Sugar Cyborg

  "Best sweets on Beta Station guaranteed!" I smiled widely as I got close to Will, the security cyborg who patrolled my sector every day. "Free cupcake?" He was tall and muscular, just like every cyborg, but there was more to him and I'd been fascinated for months. He kept his hair covered by his helmet so I wasn't sure if he was dark haired or not, but I was willing to guess he was, based on eyebrows alone.

  And his eyes. Goodness. They made me want to write poetry about how blue they were. But I was a baker and wasn't going to torture anyone with verse.

  "Erin, right?" Will asked, smiling politely and ignoring the plate of cookies I was holding.

  I wiggled it, trying to tempt him. "Ariel," I corrected. He was kind of close. That had to mean something, right? "Want a cookie?"

  "No." He said something into his communicator and gave me a nod. "I need to go. Have a nice day." And he walked off like I didn't exist.


  "No luck?" my co-worker, Dottie, asked. She was a human, like me, but she was from Earth, whereas I'd been born on Beta Station.

  I set the plate of cookies down on our free sample platter and slumped against the counter. "I think I need to give up. Will has no idea I exist."

  "It looked like he smiled at you," she said, trying to cheer me up.

  "He thought my name was Erin." I'd been watching him every day for months, ever since he was assigned to our sector. Not in a creepy stalker way. Just… interested. We had plenty of candy in the bakery, but not much eye candy. What girl didn't fantasize about making a powerful cyborg her man? "And he completely ignored the cookies."

  "Well, duh."


  "Cyborgs can't handle gluten. I thought you just took those out there to offer samples to other people. Didn't you know that?" She was looking at me like I was stupid.

  "How do you know that?" I d
idn't know much about cyborgs—I'd never had a reason to learn—and I'd certainly never heard anything about cybernetic gluten intolerance.

  "It was in Fancy Bots last month, there was a whole article." She opened a drawer as if the magazine would magically appear.

  "Like I would read that rag." Fancy Bots was not the kind of magazine a good girl would read in public… or admit to reading in private. But maybe I'd need to look up a recent edition.

  "Prude," Dottie teased.

  "I could say a mean word but I won't because I'm a lady." A timer buzzed and I had to run back to the kitchen to get a batch of cupcakes out of the oven before they burned. When I came back, Dottie was rearranging one of the displays.

  Good girls didn't read Fancy Bots. But maybe they could ask for info from not-so-good good friends.

  "What else did Fancy Bots say about cyborgs? You know, for research." I blushed as I asked.

  Dottie's grin took up her whole face. "Take a seat, let me educate."

  Dottie had a lot to say about what cyborgs wanted, and I was still a bit dubious. I mean, really? She said a lot about oil changes and it really sounded like something out of a pornographic fantasy.

  I wasn’t opposed to a pornographic fantasy, but I wanted to have an actual conversation with Will first! And my opportunity came sooner than I expected. Will didn't normally do his rounds until the afternoon, but for once, he was early.

  So early, in fact, that I wasn't ready.

  I looked at the candies I was making and then back out the door. If I walked away for a few minutes they were sure to burn, and I might accidentally call the fire prevention crew down. And while there were a few smokin' hot fire fighters on the station, I had my eyes on Will.

  But I couldn't walk away from the stove.

  Well. Desperate times.


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