Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology

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Eat Your Heart Out: A Romance Charity Anthology Page 60

by Skye MacKinnon

"We're nowhere near Basingstoke, why there?"

  He shrugged. "Honestly, no idea. It was just what sounded good with the rest of the headline."

  She shook her head, trying to hide her bemusement.

  "Geography isn't the only problem with that headline I'm afraid. I'm the size of a standard sunangel hummingbird. Maybe a little bit bigger, I've never actually seen one in the wild." Though it was her hope to, there weren't many flying around the UK.

  "Will you show me?"

  "Maybe one day." She didn't want to admit that the idea of showing him was appealing, though she wasn't about to admit it out loud. Considering she'd only met him yesterday, it was too soon for that kind of intimacy. However much she wanted it.

  Before he could respond, a shadow fell across them both.

  She looked up to find Sharon standing there, a hesitant look on her face.

  "Baxter, have you got a minute?" the other woman asked. "I have a problem with one of the grapevines and Tracey isn't back until next week."

  He nodded. "I'm on it. Sorry, Jenna, I'll catch up with you in a bit?"

  She nodded. "I'll just finish my lunch and then go talk to some of the others," she said, though if she recalled her list, Simon was next and she wasn't particularly looking forward to that.

  He waved goodbye and left with Sharon, going to check on whatever the problem was.

  She watched him go with a sense of loss, which was somewhat ridiculous when they'd spend more time together later.

  Jenna turned back to her salad, picking at the last remaining bits of it. She hoped the picnic wasn't going to be all healthy food later. She didn't think she could stand it.

  Chapter 7


  Baxter spread out the picnic blanket and unloaded all the different tubs and packets he'd bought on it. Normally, he'd have made a lot of it himself, but without any real warning, that hadn't been possible and the deli counter had to do. He hoped she wouldn't mind. This was more about the two of them spending some time together anyway.

  He checked his tomato plant, satisfied that there was at least one tomato ready to be plucked off and eaten. He wanted to share the whole process with her so she could taste it straight off the vine and see why it was better than the ones she'd bought in the supermarket. Not that he thought there was any competition, but she was really the one who had to decide that.

  Boots crunched on the gravel of the path closest to him and he turned to see Jenna walked towards him in a bright red dress that fit so tightly that it left nothing to the imagination. He was going to struggle not to stare at her all evening.

  Then again, he supposed he had more or less asked her on a date, even if they hadn't officially decided to call it that yet. From his limited experience of going on dates with women, he'd say that her dress suggested she thought it was a date, and that was something he could get on board with.

  "You look beautiful," he said once she'd reached him.

  A small smile spread over her lips and she looked away, her dark hair falling over her face in a move that looked as if it came straight out of a movie.

  "Thank you," she responded. "You don't look too bad yourself."

  He was about to wave away the compliment when he realised that he'd made an extra effort in his own appearance too. He'd even scrubbed extra hard under his nails, though he still feared it hadn't been enough to get them properly clean.

  "Why don't we take a seat," he suggested. "I have some cushions too." He grabbed them from the pile of things he'd prepared and handed one to her.

  "They're a great idea. I always feel like picnics are lacking some comforts like these," she said, placing it on the blanket and sitting down to lean against it.

  "Me too."

  "Do you mind if I take my shoes off?" she asked. "There's something about blankets that makes it feel wrong to have them on."

  "Of course, whatever you want to feel comfortable," he assured her.

  She opened her handbag and pulled out a pair of socks before kicking off her shoes and replacing them.

  "Is there a reason you brought socks to a picnic?"

  She shrugged. "I don't know where you stand on feet, and I don't want my feet to get cold. I like to be prepared for everything, if I can be."

  "It's a good quality to have."

  "And sometimes it's frustrating, particularly when it means having to carry around a bag that's heavier than it has to be," she admitted.

  "I can imagine. But if it makes you feel better about it, I prepared for just about all the eventualities I could think of tonight food-wise." He waved his hand over the selection hoping there was something she liked amongst it. To not like any of it, she'd have to be an incredibly fussy eater.

  "Oh, couscous salad, that's my favourite." She reached over and picked up the container.

  "Here." He handed her a fork.

  "Thank you." She took it and began to dig in. "This is good."

  "Even if it's from the deli counter?"

  She chuckled. "It's a well-kept secret that they make delicious food," she pointed out. "Better than I can make in some instances."

  He raised an eyebrow. "You can't cook?" That surprised him, though he wasn't sure why.

  "Oh, I can. Just nothing too fancy. I prefer to keep it simple. Hearty pastas, full English breakfasts, that kind of thing."

  "I could go for all of that," he admitted.

  "That's good, because we probably have plenty of meals like it in the future."

  Her statement hung between them for a moment or two. He supposed he should be more freaked out about it than he was, but if felt right to be talking about a future with her, especially if the feeling inside him was right and she was his mate.

  He cleared his throat to stop himself from making any kind of declaration. He wasn't sure whether or not Jenna was ready for that, and he didn't want to push her further than she was ready for. Going too fast would be a good way to turn her away from him for good.

  "So, how did you get into investigating for the High Council?" he asked instead.

  She smiled, but it didn't quite cover the hint of sadness in her eyes. Maybe she'd wanted him to say something about her comment.

  He saved that thought for later, certain it would come up again.

  "I used to do something similar for a human-run company. When the High Council started taking a proper interest in what was going on with paranormals again, they approached me because of my expertise. One thing led to another, and here I am."

  "Do you like it?" He buttered a piece of baguette while he spoke, though he wasn't really interested in the food. She was easily the most delicious thing on the blanket.

  She nodded. "I like being able to solve problems people think are unsolvable."

  "I can see the appeal in that."

  "Mmm. What about you? Do you enjoy what you do here?"

  "Definitely. I know it's a somewhat predictable career choice for a dryad, but there's nothing as invigorating as spending my entire day surrounded by plants."

  She raised an eyebrow. "I can think of a few things."

  He swallowed hard, trying to ignore the suggestiveness in her tone. Especially as he could easily be reading too much into it. The only thing he seemed to have on his mind was what they could possibly mean to one another.

  "It does give me an excuse to keep an eye on my tether-plant all day. I can't imagine not being able to see it all the time," he admitted. Though now he thought about it, he probably would be able to spend more time away from it after they sealed their mating bond. Lia had said she'd been able to go days at a time without being in the same room as her tree after she'd mated.

  Not that he wanted to do that. He'd stay near his tomato plant unless he had to leave it.

  "Didn't you promise me a taste?" she asked as she played with the fork against her lips. He wasn't sure what made the action so seductive, but it was becoming harder not to reach over and kiss her.

  "I did." He got to his feet and made his way over to
the plant. He picked the tomato he'd selected earlier and held it out to her.

  Her fingers brushed against his as she took it from him and lifted it to her mouth, keeping her eyes on him as she did.

  Baxter had no idea what it was about the way this woman moved that captivated him as much as it did. He didn't think it was just because they were mates. At least, that didn't seem likely.

  Tomato juice dribbled down her chin and she closed her eyes in enjoyment.

  "That's much better than the one I ate earlier," she admitted.

  He held out a napkin and she took it with a grateful smile, dabbing away at the juice until it was gone.

  "I should hope so. I doubt there are any tomatoes in the supermarket that are as looked after as that one." He paused, thinking back over what he'd said. "I'm sorry, that sounded weird."

  "No, it didn't," she said softly. "I might not be a dryad, but I understand. It's about more than just the fruit and what grows. The plant itself is part of you. I wouldn't be able to do this job very well if I didn't at least try and understand where other paranormals are coming from when it comes to the things that make them unique."

  Relief crashed through him at the words.

  "I do have a question though," she said.


  "Are you not vegetarian?" She nodded towards the spread of food.

  "No. Some dryads are by choice, but it's not like we can't eat meat, so most of us do."

  "Ah, that explains it." She held out the rest of the tomato to him.

  He shook his head. "You have it. There are plenty more."

  "Thank you."

  Sharing the fruit of his plant with her was a strangely intimate affair. He'd given people his tomatoes before, but it hadn't felt the same as seeing Jenna with his tomato in her hand.

  He hoped this wouldn't be the last time he got a chance to see her in such a position.

  Chapter 8


  The look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know about the way he was feeling. Baxter could sense the mating bond between them just as well as she could, and he was hungry to act on it.

  Jenna licked her lips, drawing his gaze down.

  He glanced away. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to..."

  "Mean to what?" she asked after he trailed off and wouldn't continue.

  "I'm thinking about you in all kinds of ways that are inappropriate for a woman I just met."

  She chuckled. "If you mean that you're thinking about me in the way a mate should, then I don't think it's inappropriate."

  The word hung between them, full of meaning that was far greater than either of them fully realised. While more people were finding their true mates than ever, they were still lucky to have come across one another. And she wasn't about to waste that opportunity by not jumping in with both feet.

  "I certainly don't have a problem with you thinking about me like that."

  He turned back to her, want and need warring for dominance on his features.

  Feeling brave, she moved onto her knees and grabbed the bottom of her dress, grateful she'd worn something that was easy to remove. Though she'd pretend that wasn't intentional if anyone asked.

  Baxter's hungry expression spurred her on, and she whipped it over her head, leaving her in nothing more than her matching underwear.

  Also picked on purpose.

  She'd known that this was where the picnic might go. She'd heard enough tales of mating to know that they didn't stand a chance once they were alone and in a romantic situation.

  She squirmed slightly, not wanting to admit that she was turned on just at the thought of what was to come. He hadn't even touched her yet.

  Nor did she know how he kissed. But that only seemed to make the desire stronger.

  She crawled across the blanket, her dark hair hanging over her face as she made her way to him.

  "Tell me if you want me to stop," she whispered.

  "I don't." Baxter's voice was hoarse, as if his need for her was stronger than anything he'd experienced before.

  Her nerves weren't as intense as she'd expected them to be as she leaned in.

  Their faces were so close together that she felt his breath fanning against her lips.

  Baxter reached out and cupped her cheek in one hand, moving it so it tangled in her hair. He pulled her to him and let their lips touch for the first time.

  Their kiss was tender at first, exploring the way new lovers did when they were trying to get a feel for one another. It soon deepened, giving way to a desperate need to be closer.

  Baxter trailed a hand around her waist, his touch setting her skin on fire and sending small shivers of pleasure through her at a rate she couldn't quite keep up with.

  He pushed her backwards, not breaking the kiss as they moved until she was lying on the blanket with him between her legs.

  His hardness pushed against her core even through their remaining clothes, leaving no doubt that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  Jenna squirmed against him until he groaned against her mouth.

  "Impatient," he muttered through their kiss.

  She shook her head. "I want you."

  He groaned again, need coming through every movement of him against her.

  She broke their kiss and focused on unbuttoning his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders and throwing it to the side.

  He pulled back and started to unbuckle his belt.

  She bit her bottom lip as she watched him quickly strip away the rest of his clothing. The years of physical work in the greenhouse had toned his body and created what she could only amount to being a statue. He was hard in all the right places. Especially there.

  Realising she was still wearing too much herself, she propped herself up and made quick work of her bra. From her experience with men before, he probably wouldn't have been able to get it off anyway.

  Baxter noticed what she was doing and started to tug at her panties to pull them off. She lifted herself from the blanket in order to help, loving the way his fingers brushed against her skin.

  Considering they were in the middle of a greenhouse and he was staring down at her completely naked body, Jenna didn't feel particularly exposed. Maybe that was just a side effect of being in this situation with the man who was her mate and the person who fit with her best, but she didn't know that for sure without having anything to compare it to.

  And that was something she'd never experience again. This was the last time she would have a first kiss. The last time she'd sleep with someone new. Both of which she welcomed with far more excitement than she'd have thought possible.

  "We can stop, if you want," Baxter said, though the look in his eyes told her that he'd much rather they didn't.

  "No stopping," she whispered, eyeing him up and down. She wasn't convinced she'd be able to. Everything else didn't matter, and in this moment, it was all about him.

  He lowered himself so they were close enough to kiss once more, and leaned in to brush his lips against hers.

  Jenna's eyes fluttered closed as she enjoyed the intimacy of their connection.

  But a kiss wasn't about to satisfy the urge rising inside her. She pushed on his chest, pushing him over so he was the one lying on the blanket. He went willingly even though it broke their kiss.

  She needed to rectify that.

  Jenna swung one of her legs over his so she was straddling him, his hardness pushing against her thigh and only serving to turn her on more. She'd never wanted someone as much as she wanted Baxter. She hadn't thought it was possible to have this much need.

  She kissed him again, but didn't let it go very far. She moved to his neck, nibbling gently against the skin and following it up with soft licks.

  He groaned, seeming to enjoy the attention she was paying him.

  Her lips turned into a small smirk as her plan slotted into motion.

  Slowly, she started to move down his body, looking up and meeting his gaze so he knew what she was about to do.<
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  He looked at her with so much lust in his eyes that she wasn't sure she'd be able to last as long as she needed to without feeling him inside her. But it would be worth it, she was sure of it.

  Not letting her gaze stray from his, she took him in her hand and gave him a few gentle strokes. He struggled to keep his eyes open from the pleasure she was bringing him.

  No matter. She was trying to make him feel as good as she possibly could, and this was only a good size.

  Without another moment of hesitation, she took him in her mouth, sucking on him gently and continuing to move her hand in time.

  The moan he gave off this time was far louder than the previous ones.

  "Jenna..." he murmured.

  His hands found her head, twisting into her hair. He didn't push her head down, which she appreciated, but the feel of him guiding her like this only served to turn her on more. She squirmed with need, rubbing her legs together in an attempt to stop it from overwhelming her.

  She licked at him, enjoying the way his body moved involuntarily along with the sensations she was causing. In that moment, she felt more powerful than she ever had before.

  "Jenna, you have to stop," he whispered through a groan.

  At the word, she pulled back, not wanting to continue with anything he was uncomfortable with.

  "Are you okay?" she asked.

  He nodded lazily. "I don't want to come yet."

  "Oh." Understanding and satisfaction flooded through her at his words. It wasn't that she'd been doing something wrong. Quite the opposite.

  "Will you come here?" he asked.

  She nodded and crawled back up his body, pressing against him.

  He captured her lips with his and turned them over again. His weight on top of her was a delicious sensation that she hadn't anticipated.

  When Baxter broke their kiss, he looked into her eyes and slipped a hand between their bodies. With swift fingers, he parted her legs and found her core. His eyes widened as he touched her, discovering the evidence of just how turned on she was.

  She bit her lip, but didn't look away. There was no need for her to feel embarrassed about it. She wanted him, and had enjoyed giving him pleasure. There was nothing wrong with that at all.


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