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Dungeon Bound

Page 12

by Bastian Knight

  “Here, put this on and cover yourself, you furry harlot,” Sthuza said, thrusting a simple brown robe at the much larger woman.

  Cindra glanced over to Gabriel and flashed pitiful eyes at him. “Does Cindra have to? I don’t like clothes,”

  Wow, never seen anyone pull off puppy dog eyes that well.

  “Yes! You must wear clothes if you are going to be in that form,” Sthuza said.

  With visible reluctance, Cindra accepted the robe, reached up over her head, and slipped it on.

  While they were both distracted, he took a moment to watch in awe as the tall, gray-skinned beauty stretched her arms up and revealed every inch of her sleek, toned body.

  She has an eight pack. I didn’t even notice before. No doubt because of those tremendous tits.

  When Cindra finished pulling on the plain robe, Sthuza glared at him again, and he realized her head-snakes must have spotted him staring.

  He blushed, meeting her gaze, and shrugged.

  Can’t blame a guy for looking, hopefully.

  Cindra looked between the two of them, then lunged at Gabriel again, wrapping her furry arms around him, her massive breasts squashed against his chest.

  Her fur is softer than silk.

  Sthuza spent the next several minutes valiantly attempting to remove her but gave up in a huff when Cindra stymied the gorgon’s every attempt without even acknowledging her efforts.

  “Fine, I suppose it is inevitable at first. Please try not to hurt our master while I prepare food,” she said before heading into the kitchen. She leaned in close to him for a second and whispered a warning not to comment on Cindra’s height.

  That’s an odd thing to say.

  Left alone with the affectionate monster girl, Gabriel staggered over to the cushion he’d sat on last night and dropped down, dragging Cindra along with him.

  She continued to nuzzle him, climbing halfway into his lap. “Thank you for taking me in, Packmaster.”

  “No problem, besides you saved me first, right?”

  She didn’t respond, instead pressing her huge, firm breasts against his chest, and he bit his lip to distract from his growing arousal. They sat in comfortable silence, save for the occasional sound of the gorgon busy cooking in the other room.

  Something wet tickled his ear, causing Gabriel to jerk against the furry woman painted to his side. When it traced back along the edge of his ear, and then sharp teeth nibbled the sensitive flesh there, he shivered at her teasing.

  Still unsure how to respond to the hellhound’s attention, he tried to shift her subtly to the side and away from his rock-hard member.

  He failed.

  Neither offended nor surprised, Cindra growled low in her throat and ground against him harder, squishing her breasts between them. Her warm hand grasped his pants-covered erection, squeezing and sending another pleasurable shiver coursing through his body.

  Sthuza walked in, carrying a large silver tray. “Gah! Stop pawing him like a bitch in heat.”

  Cindra whined in response but didn’t loosen her grip as Gabriel stared at the angry gorgon.

  “What? Ssshe isss.”

  Before he could respond, Cindra released him and bounded over to help her set down the overloaded serving platters.

  “This all smells so good!”

  That soothed the gorgon’s anger, and she flashed a small smile at the muscular hellhound. The three of them settled down around the food, and he marveled at the vast piles of roasted meats, loaves of fresh-baked bread, and crisp green vegetables.

  There’s no way she was in there long enough to cook all of this. And how are we supposed to eat this much food? The two of us ate a lot yesterday, but there must be ten pounds of meat alone.

  Seeing Sthuza looking his way, he raised an eyebrow, and she flashed another, happier smile at him.

  “I have more than a few convenient magical items, Master,” she said cryptically. “They are now yours, of course.”

  “I’d love to see how you prepared all of this so fast. But for now, I’m almost as hungry as she is,” Gabriel replied, pointing at the now drooling hellhound staring wide-eyed at the assorted food.

  “Help yourself,” he said, drawing Cindra’s attention. She simply stared at him.

  Sthuza leaned over to whisper in his ear, her breath sending a shiver down his spine. “As her Packmaster, she is waiting for you to eat first.”

  He nodded.

  Definitely need to get some explanations about the whole ‘Packmaster’ thing.

  Shrugging his concerns aside for the moment, he pulled what looked like a turkey leg off a plate and started in on it.

  Damn, this meat is delicious. Though I don’t think it’s poultry. Tastes like… beef? Try not to think about it.

  A glance at the others revealed Sthuza preparing a plate of food for herself. Cindra was still staring at him longingly, viscous drool trailing down nearly to the floor.

  Mouth full of food, he caught her gaze and nodded at the feast. Apparently, that was enough, and she dug into the pile of meat.

  The sheer ferocity Cindra demonstrated in devouring everything within reach left him stupefied, mouth frozen in mid-chew as he watched her inhale pounds of meat. Much of it still steaming hot.

  Well, I guess a little heat wouldn’t bother her if she can breathe fire.

  “Cindra, put that down. You must leave enough for Master,” Sthuza declared a few minutes later, drawing his attention away from the furry food annihilator.

  He looked between the two of them and realized that almost all the meat had vanished.

  She even devoured most of the bread!

  Glancing over to the hellhound, he saw her reluctantly holding out the last thick-cut steak speared on a sharp claw.

  “Sorry for trying to take your steak, Packmaster,” she whined.

  Chuckling at her sincerity, he smiled and held his plate out to accept her offering. “Thank you, Cindra.”

  She flashed him a brilliant smile, showcasing elongated canines, her thick tail slapping the ground behind her.

  He resumed eating, finishing after Sthuza, and let out a satisfied groan as he set his plate back on the large tray.

  “That was easily the best meal I’ve ever had,” he said, smiling over at Sthuza.

  She nodded demurely, then moved to take the tray back into the kitchen. “I am glad you enjoyed, Master.”

  Cindra burped loudly, rubbing her swollen belly. “Cindra enjoyed Lady Snakes’ food too.”

  I’ve never seen anyone eat even half as much food as she did.

  “How can she hold that much?” he asked, still staring at the statuesque hellhound.

  Sthuza shot him a wry smile, then glanced back to Cindra. “You were starving, were you not?”

  Cindra nodded, her tall ears flopping with the movement as her bright eyes took on a glazed look, her mind recalling the past. “Yep, it’s been a long time since I ate anything bigger than a rat.”

  “Wait, she’s that massive and powerful while starving to death?”

  The gorgon smirked. “Yes, Master. Which is why I said she would be useful, even if she has the brains of a small furry pet.”

  “Oh! Will there be petting? Cindra wants pets!” she cried out, leaping to her feet, despite her bulging stomach and dashed to Gabriel’s side. Rubbing up against him, she flashed a wide smile and nuzzled into his neck.

  “Wait, Cindra, hold on!” he cried in shock as the much larger female manhandled him.

  “You need to pet Cindra, Packmaster! Snakey said there’d be pets,” she growled, her booming voice rumbling his chest.

  A glance to his Prime-bonded revealed a mix of emotions on the green-skinned woman’s face. He wasn’t sure how, but she looked both jealous and smug as the unstoppable hellhound aggressively pawed him.

  With a deep sigh, he relented and started rubbing Cindra’s head, ruffling her thick gray hair. Instantly content, she let out a long, pleased whine and settled against him calmer than he’d
believed her capable of.

  “Scratch behind the ears, Packmaster,” she whimpered, face pressed into the crook of his neck.

  Gabriel nodded helplessly and complied, causing her to shiver with pleasure and start grinding against him, her tail thumping against the cold stone. Finally, accepting that he wouldn’t be getting up until she was satisfied, he settled in. He gave her a thorough rubbing, trying not to focus on her very sensual grinding.

  Or think about how stunning she’d looked earlier, completely nude.

  Her body is way hotter than a human, or a gorgon, but not as uncomfortable as I’d expected. Guess it’s not a surprise given she’s a fire monster.

  After several minutes of continued petting and ear rubs, Cindra escalated her grinding movements. She climbed fully onto Gabriel’s lap and started rubbing her crotch against his erection, causing them both to gasp.

  “Cccindra, ssstop that at onccce!” Sthuza hissed. Just returned from the kitchen, she froze for a second after spotting the other woman dry-humping him. Then Sthuza darted over and tugged at the much larger monster girl, attempting to dislodge the horny beast.

  The hellhound bolted upright as though she’d come to a sudden epiphany. “Oh, right, Cindra is wearing clothes. Boo!”

  “Much better…” Sthuza said, trailing off into an incoherent sputter as the muscular beauty stood up straight and pulled the thin robe over her head.

  Gabriel gulped as the hellhound put her every feminine feature and toned muscle on display right in his face.

  Surprisingly little hair down there.

  Raising his gaze, trying to see Cindra’s face, he found his vision blocked by her massive chest. The perfect globes of dark-gray flesh bounced proudly as they escaped her pitiful robe.

  “Stop this at once, you overgrown, fat-chested fur-brain!” Sthuza screeched as she continued struggling with the far stronger monster.

  When Cindra stopped resisting, the gorgon pulled too hard, and they went down in a tumble. The struggling pair landed awkwardly, with Cindra’s legs spread wide as she lay bent over the other. Her position gave Gabriel another eyeful of the exposed, toned flesh of the very nude hellhound.

  She’s blue inside too?

  “Sorry, Snakey, I forgot. Did you want to go first?” Cindra asked with a hint of guilt.

  “Go first?” he gasped out as she stood up. Her toned legs flexed before she bent over and pulled Sthuza to her feet.

  “She wants to mate, Master,” Sthuza huffed, pulling away from the other woman and straightening her dress.



  “She wants to mate?” Gabriel asked slowly, not sure what to think of that statement.

  “Yes.” Sthuza sighed. “Did you truly not notice how eager she has been?”

  “Yeah, I noticed but wasn’t sure what she meant by it. Neither one of you is human, after all.”

  “Cindra is ready for Packmaster to mount, but Snakey has to go first,” the hellhound said, drawing another sigh from Sthuza, and causing him to gape at Cindra.

  “Mount you?” he asked, staring at her combination of dark skin and light-gray fur.

  She nodded vigorously and rushed over to stand in front of him.

  “Yes, Packmaster. Mount me!” With that, she turned around and bent over, fully exposing herself to him and blasting the air from his lungs.

  Definitely blue inside!

  “I told you to stop, you flea-bitten mongrel.” Sthuza shook her head and tossed the discarded robe over the nude girl, providing minimal coverage.

  Cindra turned to her and smiled, robe now held in one hand. “I’m fine with waiting until he finishes with you.”

  “Put that back on, and then go to sleep, we will discuss this matter further at a later date,” Sthuza said, glaring at Cindra.

  She sulked at the intense command but obeyed meekly. Gabriel couldn’t resist watching as the well-proportioned woman stretched her arms over her head and pulled the robe back on. His eyes traced the contours of her toned flesh, and he marveled at the effortless athleticism she displayed.

  I never knew putting on an ugly robe could be that arousing.

  “Thank you,” Sthuza said. “Now please go lie down and do not even think of climbing onto my cushions.”

  The chastened hellhound nodded sullenly, her large ears flopping. She dragged her feet on the slow walk back to the thick wool rug, circling it twice before settling down and curling up around herself.

  Between those expressive ears and that tail, it’s too easy to read her emotions.

  “Now that Cindra has gone to sleep, perhaps we can have a private chat, Master,” Sthuza said in a husky whisper, stepping in close and brushing a hand along his shoulder.

  “She can’t be asleep yet.”

  Sthuza smirked at that. “You have much to learn regarding monsters. For a pack creature like her, being on her own had to be exhausting. Without their protection and companionship, Cindra would have been under constant stress. Now that you have accepted her, I am sure that it has caught up to her. Not to mention the strain caused by the intensive healing you provided earlier.”

  Struggling to believe her, Gabriel studied the prone hellhound, shocked to find Sthuza had been correct. Cindra’s face looked relaxed, her breathing deep and slow. Combined with the drool starting to pool beneath her chin, it was obvious that she was well asleep.


  “Yes. So as I was saying, perhaps we should move somewhere more comfortable and spend some time getting better acquainted with each other,” Sthuza purred.

  Surprised, but grateful for his drastic improvement in luck, he wasn’t about to refuse the alluring woman. He readily followed her over to the pile of cushions and silk sheets.

  Smiling up at him after settling onto the bedding, she beckoned him to join her.

  Gabriel obliged her. When slender arms reached out to embrace him, he pulled Sthuza close and leaned in to press a soft kiss to her dark-green lips. Those lips were cooler than any human woman he’d kissed, and he deepened the kiss when she opened her mouth.

  He explored her welcoming mouth slowly, teasing his tongue passed pronounced canines, enjoying her minty taste. Only to find himself overwhelmed as Sthuza slipped her own, much longer tongue into play, dueling with his.

  Gabriel traced one hand down her slender, toned back as the other glided up her neck to cradle her head as they continued to kiss.

  Several head-snakes teased and caressed his hand, while others began hissing faintly and brushing against his face with strange, tickling kisses. Sthuza moaned into his mouth, and his arousal grew as soft hands began tugging at him forcefully, trying to pull him tighter against her.

  They broke apart minutes later, both gulping down air and smiling with flushed faces. Still nestled close, Gabriel drank in her stunning, aroused beauty and couldn’t help grinning like an idiot.

  She smirked. “Enjoying yourself?”

  He nodded. “Yes, but at the moment, I’m enjoying you far more.”

  Sthuza snickered, but her blush deepened, and she pulled him close again, leaning back onto the cushions and pulling him on top of her as they resumed kissing. With most of his weight resting on one arm, he used the other to continue caressing her slim, sensual body.

  Her tongue slipping into his mouth surprised him. But he accepted her dexterous appendage, sucking on it. That drew another round of lusty moans from the exquisite gorgon lying beneath him.

  When Sthuza wrapped one long leg around him, pressing his rock-hard member against her sex, Gabriel gulped, instinctively grinding it against her.

  Suddenly, the hissing of her snakes changed, and he blinked his eyes open at their vastly different tone. She had her angular eyes screwed shut, and what had appeared to be arousal darkening her flesh now looked more like embarrassment.

  He pulled back a few more inches and studied her head-snakes. Many of them watched him fearfully, while several others seemed to be cowering. The moment he
focused on Sthuza, his mind brushed against the bond between them. Overwhelming fear blended with jealousy and a deep ache, causing him to pull back farther.

  Emerald eyes flashed open, and he saw a hint of fear in them before they flooded with worry and concern. “Isss sssomething wrong, Massster?” she hissed quietly, fear of rejection rapidly dominating her slender face and their bond.

  Gabriel shook his head and smiled down at her, his free hand cupping her cheek. “No beautiful, nothing is wrong, but we should stop for the night and get some rest ourselves.”

  “Is it because I am a gorgon?” she whispered, barely audible over the hissing of snakes.

  Another shake of his head and he leaned in close to place a light kiss on her forehead. “I promise it’s not for lack of attraction. You’re amazing, and I’m seriously questioning how I got so lucky to have you with me.”

  “Then why are you stopping? Do human males not desire sex?” Sthuza asked, tilting her head to one side as more snakes stared at him.

  That made him chuckle. “No, we like sex, but this might be a little fast,” he replied.

  “It is fine if we move fast, Master,” she mumbled, sounding more like she was trying to convince herself.

  He leaned back farther and pulled her up to sitting, then drew her tight against him and held her face in both his hands. “Sthuza, I am incredibly grateful that you bonded with me. But I can tell that you’re afraid right now, so we’re going to stop.”

  She froze up, her eyes widening, but he placed a finger on her lips to block her reply.

  “It’s fine, my Prime, my gorgeous gorgon. You don’t need to force yourself. I’m flattered by the attention, and it felt like you were enjoying it before we started moving further. But I don’t want to pressure you into anything you don’t want to.”

  Tears started to flow from those striking eyes, and Gabriel kicked himself mentally for somehow making her cry. “It’s okay, Sthuza, I promise.”

  This only drove her to full-on bawling, and he pulled the sobbing gorgon tight against his chest, holding her as tears soaked his shirt. Sthuza wrapped her arms around him. She continued to cry for several minutes before her breathing calmed, and her snakes began caressing his neck.


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