Jayden's Cybermountain

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Jayden's Cybermountain Page 1

by Katrina Cope



  Title Page


  Free Book

  Chapter 1 ~ The Stranger of Hope

  Chapter 2 ~ Don’t Judge Books by Their Covers

  Chapter 3 ~ The Sanctum

  Chapter 4 ~ Pain Of The Good Samaritan

  Chapter 5 ~ Kensington Youth Festival

  Chapter 6 ~ The Letter

  Chapter 7 ~The Lessons Begin

  Chapter 8 ~ The Task Ahead

  Chapter 9 ~ The Other Occupants

  Chapter 10 ~ The Surrogates

  Chapter 11 ~ Eva’s Shifty Subversion

  Chapter 12 ~ The Invisible Sniper

  Chapter 13 ~ Tragedy Strikes

  Chapter 14 ~ Message Of Difference

  Chapter 15 ~ David’s Mortification

  Chapter 16 ~ Getting What They Deserve

  Chapter 17 ~ Damage Control


  Newsletter & Updates

  Your Thoughts

  About the Author


  Jayden & the Mysterious Mountain

  Ebook first published in USA in September 2013 by Katrina Cope

  Ebook first published in Great Britain in September 2013 by Katrina Cope

  Jayden’s Cybermountain

  Ebook first published in USA in January 2019 by Cosy Burrow Books

  Ebook first published in Great Britain in January 2019 by Cosy Burrow Books


  Text Copyright © 2013 by Katrina Cope

  Cover Design Copyright © DamonZa.com

  The moral right of Katrina Cope to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references or suggestions herein to actual historical events, real people or actual locations are fictitious. All names, characterisations, locations, incidents, and fabrications are solely the product of the author’s imagination, and any, and all, resemblance to actual persons alive or dead or locations or events is entirely coincidental.

  Published by Katrina Cope

  All rights reserved


  ASIN: 1492975273


  Book One




  To Nanna, for her continued love and guidance

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  - Chapter One -

  The Stranger of Hope

  Jayden ruffled the newspaper he had gathered around him in an attempt to get warm. The night air was cold and pierced through his worn clothes. A cool dampness seeped through the hole in his raggedy shoe. Trying not to disturb his carefully placed newspapers, he tried to block the hole with his other foot. His reward was a momentary relief from the discomfort. Convinced this was the most warmth he could achieve, he put his hands on the chilly concrete to use them as a pillow.

  From a slight slit through the newspaper, he peered down the street that was his home. White fog floated through the air and was illuminated by the streetlights and the lights shining from windows of the buildings. It was a peaceful street for the city of Bowdon, in the country of Alaminia, and the quiet was the reason Jayden chose it as his home.

  Through the stillness came the sound of a rusty cough. Jayden’s eyes squinted as he tried to see through the fog for the source of the noise. He looked between the harsh, straight lines of the gray buildings, and between the large and small staircases that coarsely jutted out from the apartment doors down to the road. Heavy drops from the mist dripped from the railings of the stairs. He couldn’t find the source of the cough.

  As he continued his search, another cough sounded through the night air. This time, he noticed a large pile of newspapers between the rubbish bins on the footpath. The paper came to life as whatever lay beneath it attempted to find a more comfortable position.

  Nights like this had become familiar to Jayden. It seemed like forever since he’d slept in a warm bed under a permanent roof, yet in reality it had been only six months.

  He caught the flicker of a strong light out of the corner of his eye. Curious, he lifted his head above the newspaper to have a better look. He spotted a tall, sandy-haired man step out onto the street from his apartment. A blonde, pleasant-looking woman accompanied him. She gave a soft laugh as though she’d found something amusing in what he said. She was hand in hand with a small boy. Jayden guessed he was about nine years old. The boy was dressed in warm clothing and looked happy to be with them.

  Watching the young family leaving their home reminded Jayden of when his own family had been together. There were times Jayden recalled being happy, like this young boy, although he also had other memories that were more like nightmares. He remembered how his dad, after having too many drinks, would often become enraged over the most trivial things. He would end up being verbally abusive, and often became violent as well.

  Jayden shivered. It was his mother who had received most of the abuse. But if he happened to be in the wrong place at those times, or if he tried to protect her, his dad would turn on him, too. He didn’t miss having to invent stories as to why his bones were broken while being admitted to the hospital.

  His dad wasn’t always like this. There was a time when he was very loving, went to work in the mornings, like most other dads, and then came home to spend time with his family. All this changed when he lost his job.

  Initially, they just had to be careful how much the family spent, but then there still wasn’t enough money to pay the mortgage. The bank took the house. It broke his dad’s heart, so he started drinking, and that was when everything changed.

  Jayden wondered where his parents were now, but because of these memories, he didn’t really want to find out. He didn’t know where they were because one night when it all became too much, Jayden ran away. With nowhere to go, he began to live on the streets. Even though this was a very hard life and not at all safe, he didn’t want to return to the horrors of the past.

  He looked back across the street to the young family and longed for an easier life. As they drove away in their sedan, he wondered where they were going—perhaps to the movies, where they would be warm, or to a restaurant, where they would get hot food.

  There was another cough from the pile of newspapers down the road. He watched the person underneath trying to pull the newspapers together in an effort to trap some warm air. Goose bumps rose on his body. He felt the air getting colder as the night set in, so he, too, started to adjust the papers around him for extra warmth. When he was satisfied that he’d achieved the best possible arrangement, he settled down in the hope that sleep would soon come.

  He watched the lights in the apartments flicker on and off in the different rooms. Trying to ignore his harsh surroundings, he let his mind wander toward more pleasant thoughts. He imagined the nice circumstances the people would be experiencing in those cozy apartments. Finally, after what must’ve been at least an hour, he felt sleep taking hold.

  Click. Scrape. Click. Scrape. Click. Scrape. Slowly, Jayden’s mind started to register that there was movement nearby. He was half-asleep, and his eyes didn’t want to open. Click. Scrape. Click. Scrape. The sound stopped. After a short pause, he heard a loud “Argh!” followed by the rustling of newspapers.
r />   Something had disturbed the man down the road. That yell did it—Jayden’s eyes flew open, and he looked down the street, curious to see what was happening. He noticed a man standing over the homeless man, holding a cane that he was using to jab him in the ribs. The man from underneath the papers had let out a loud curse after his rude awakening.

  Jayden was surprised to hear the man with the cane say, “Oh, sorry. I was looking for someone in particular and I couldn’t see your face.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out something. “Here is some money for your trouble. My apologies.” After he handed the homeless man the money, he walked away.

  Jayden was shocked. He hadn’t seen anyone treat the homeless with respect before. He studied the man apprehensively as he continued through the street.

  Click. Scrape. Click. Scrape. The man searched every dark spot. He had a slight limp, yet he moved quite well. His presence on the street puzzled Jayden. It was unusual for someone to come out on the streets searching in every dark corner, especially searching for a person. Plus, the man was alone. Jayden didn’t know whether he should hide or stay where he was, but the chance that the man might possibly give him money for food enticed him to stay.

  His stomach rumbled. It had been a long time since he’d eaten a proper meal. The stranger must’ve heard the rumbling because he immediately looked across at him and changed direction.

  Click. Scrape. Jayden waited patiently as the stranger approached. He pretended to be asleep, in the hope that the stranger might think he’d been troubled as well and hopefully give him money. After a good thirty seconds, the man was finally at Jayden’s side.

  The cane stroked across his newspapers and the light from the streets hit the outside of Jayden’s eyelids as the papers fell away.

  “Son. Son.”

  Jayden opened his eyes and looked at the man. He looked old enough to be his grandfather and was wearing a business suit. His hair hung slightly past the tops of his ears and was dark brown, with flecks of gray. “How old are you?”

  Well, that wasn’t a question he was expecting—that was for sure. Thinking again about money for food, Jayden answered, “Thirteen.”

  He watched as the man’s face clouded with concern and he let out a low whistle. “You’re too young to be out here all alone. Where are your parents?”

  Jayden shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I’m not really worried. My life here is much safer than with my family.”

  “Are you sure it was that bad?” the man asked.

  Without any hesitation, Jayden answered, “I’m very sure. I had at least ten trips to the hospital with serious injuries in two months and my stories weren’t good enough to explain how I got hurt.” His brow creased, and he nodded. “I’m definitely sure.” He sat up, unsure what the man’s intentions could be.

  The man sat on the staircase nearby and rested his cane against his leg. “That sounds dreadful. What is your name?” His voice sounded sincere.

  “Jayden,” he said. There was apprehension in his voice.

  “My name is Avando.” He smiled, and his smile looked genuine. “I’m out here tonight because I’m looking for some young people, just like you, in the hope that I can make a difference in their lives.”

  Jayden’s eyes opened wide, and his voice raised an octave. “Really?” His eyes squinted. “Why?”

  Avando saw his suspicion, and a look of understanding crossed his face. “Well, you see, I’ve done very well in business over the years and I have no one to share in my good fortune. So, I’m looking for young people, like you, who I can hopefully provide with all the necessities of life—such as food, clothing, and shelter.”

  “There must be a catch,” Jayden said warily. The roughness of his life had taught him that nothing good came without a catch.

  Avando laughed heartily while peering at him over his nose. “I can see you’re a clever boy, and that’s good.” He held up a finger, “There’s one catch.”

  “I knew it.” Jayden rolled his eyes.

  “No, young man. It isn’t what you might think,” he said, shaking his head while grasping his cane. “The only catch I have is that you study at the school I’ve set up for unfortunate children. In this school, I provide the top teachers in the country to educate people just like yourself—if you decide to come.”

  Jayden frowned and didn’t say anything.

  Seeing Jayden’s apprehension, Avando continued, “But I do expect good grades—with a minimum of ninety percent success rate.”

  “Are you serious? How’s a homeless kid who hasn’t studied for ages going to be able to achieve that?”

  Avando smiled. “Yes, there will be a large amount of studying to do, but it’ll be worth it. Not only do I offer an excellent education, but I will also provide everything you need such as food, clothing and shelter. I don’t see what you have to lose. Do you?”

  Jayden wrapped his arms around his knees that were tucked up to his chest as he considered this. It did sound like a good opportunity—especially when his stomach growled again, reminding him of the offer of food. “What happens if I don’t get ninety percent?”

  “There will be tutors available to help you achieve this, so all it’d take from you is a sincere effort.”

  “But what if I don’t get ninety percent?” he asked again.

  “Then we’d have to look for other accommodation for you. The choice is yours. I’m merely offering a better alternative than your current living conditions.”

  Jayden’s stomach growled again. “I’ll give it a shot.”

  “Great! Then come with me,” Avando said, standing and reaching out a hand to help Jayden up off the concrete.

  Avando pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it to his ear. “Hello. Yes, Charlie. We have a new member. Can you please come and get us? We’re three blocks east. Thank you.” He ended the call, returning the phone to his pocket as they waited under the streetlight.

  After a couple of minutes, headlights shone down the street, moving toward them. When the car stopped in front of them, Jayden’s mouth dropped open. It was a black limousine.

  “Wow. I’ve never been in one of these before. I thought I’d never even touch one—let alone get a ride in one.”

  Avando lightly placed a hand on Jayden’s back. “Well, my son. You’re about to have one of your disbeliefs turn into reality. Hopefully, it’ll be the first of many.”

  Jayden thought it was strange that Avando called him his son, but life had been tough lately, and it was nice to have someone show him that they cared and considered him family.

  The driver jumped out and walked hastily over to their side of the car. He was an elderly man who, Jayden guessed, was about sixty years old, with short, gray hair and blue eyes. The man was of medium build and had a small potbelly hanging over the top of his pants. He was wearing blue jeans and a black cardigan, with sneakers on his feet. The getup wasn’t what Jayden expected a chauffeur to wear.

  The driver looked at Jayden. On his weathered face, there were many deep wrinkles that revealed a life that hadn’t been easy. When he smiled, however, his face showed that there had been many happier times as well.

  “Hello. Whom do we have here?” the man asked him.


  “It’s good to have you join us, Jayden,” he said, smiling, and Jayden warmed to him. “I’m Charlie. You’ll see a fair amount of me in the future. I’m pretty much the general handyman—I do a bit of everything.” He opened the passenger door to the back of the limousine.

  Once the door was open, Avando gestured toward the vehicle. “You first.”

  Jayden stuck his head inside and saw the polished, tan leather seats that glimmered under the internal light. It was all like an unbelievable dream. He climbed in and made his way to the rear of the car. Steadily, Avando followed and sat on the opposite side to Jayden.

  Charlie closed their door and climbed back into the driver’s seat.

  As the car pulled into the street, Avando
asked, “Are you thirsty, Jayden?”

  “Yeah, I am. But I’m more hungry than anything.”

  “I don’t have any food in here, although I will get you some soon. But for now, I can offer you a drink. What would you like?”

  Avando pressed a button and from the side of the limousine appeared a little fridge that was stocked with all kinds of soft drinks, juice, and chocolate milk.

  Avando glanced over the selection and pursed his lips. “Hmmm. It’s a little cold out there. Perhaps you’d prefer something warm to drink.”

  Jayden stared at the selection, amazed at the tiny, hidden fridge. He realized that his feet were still cold, so he nodded.

  “Just press that little button in front of you.”

  Jayden pressed it, and a door slid aside, revealing a hidden compartment. Inside was a vending machine that offered hot chocolate, tea, coffee, and warm milk. He was amazed at the treats that were readily available.

  “Could I please have some hot chocolate?”

  “Yes certainly,” Avando said, laughing at Jayden’s astonishment. “Just open that other little compartment beside you and in there you should find a large mug.”

  There, where Avando had instructed, was the biggest mug that Jayden had ever seen. He picked it up and put it under the nozzle labeled Hot Chocolate and pulled the lever. When his cup was nearly full, he let go of the lever, and out rolled five fresh marshmallows from the little hole next to the lever. “Wow. I don’t believe it! Everything has been thought of,” He said, but then his stomach growled. “Well, almost—just not the food.”

  Avando’s face lit up. “I’ve just remembered. Press that little compartment next to the hot milk. There should be a couple of small travel packs of cookies in there.”

  Jayden eagerly followed the instructions. “So there is food!” His fingers fumbled with the packaging, unable to open it quickly enough. After succeeding, he looked at Avando. “Not much food, but I thought it was very strange that you said you didn’t have any when it appears everything is in the vehicle.” He shoveled the cookies into his mouth, desperate to silence his stomach.


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