The Champions of Darkness

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The Champions of Darkness Page 2

by D L Colon

  “Anything is better than spending time here being a guard dog all the time. Yes, I will help you.”

  Osiris replies, “Good” and leaves.

  Chapter 7

  Osiris is back in his room and he is seated looking at the four remaining spheres. He grabs one that reads, Vince Sky; creator of the Guild Never Too Late.

  Osiris starts reading and discovers that Vince is also a half Angel and half Demon and discovers there was a settlement of families that were children born from Angels and Demons who fell in love and left the war to live together. Raphael and Gabriel thought that one of them was going to be the child of the prophecy. Vince had already reached manhood, but the rest of them weren’t ready for what approached and were slaughtered. Years after that incident, Vince became a menace in battle and created a Guild to build an army and bring back control to the humans; to bring them peace and weapons of preference unparalleled.

  Osiris drops his head into his hands and mumbles to himself, “What do I get this time? A stupid sad story, but nothing that matters. Oh well, let’s see the next one.”

  Osiris looks at the other sphere and reads, Samantha Wolf; leader of the Guild The Reapers.

  He starts reading, but discovers nothing of value. The only thing it told him was the reason behind the creation of her Guild, which was that the moment Vince built his Guild and claimed part of a state she did the same and so did two others and all of them were comrades in the war.

  Osiris sighs and rubs his eyes. “More garbage. On to the next one.”

  Osiris grabs another sphere and reads, Raven Light; Leader of the Guild Last Choice.

  He starts reading and sees something that catches his attention. “God of Light?” He mumbles to himself then continues reading, but finds nothing of interest. “Well, one good thing is he’s a God, but the rest of the information is garbage. Last one.”

  Nemesis dark; Leader of the Guild The Trojan Horse”

  Osiris grabs it and starts reading, but only notices the same thing as Raven’s, “God of Dark.” He finishes reading it anyway and says, “Garbage again. I don’t need their back ground story. I need to know what their powers are and what they can do with them and maybe how they fight or something like that. Not a fucking sad story of how they rose to power. For that I can go read a book about romance and choke myself to death while reading it. I wanted useful information, not worthless garbage about their background.”

  Frustrated, Osiris gets up and heads out. “Time to look for the members of my team.”

  Chapter 8

  Cerberus is waiting for him when Osiris comes out of his room. He looks at him and grins. “Just the man I was going to look for.”

  Cerberus smirks and responds, “Ready?” Osiris nods and Cerberus asks, “What are we looking for?”

  “The best warriors Hell has to offer.” Osiris answers with a grin.

  Cerberus scratches his chin and thinks for a minute. “Well, that’s a tough one.”

  Osiris looks at Cerberus questioningly and can feel his temper starting to rise. “What do you mean by that?”

  Cerberus raises his hands in defense and answers, “Well, I’m just saying it as it is. If you notice all the best warriors always take their time in the Coliseum, that’s how we keep the fights coming until one rises up to fight the Champion, to which I might add, you kill all of them. So unless you are looking for the ones that are unstable, who serve no one, you aren’t going to find anyone strong enough to keep up with you.”

  Osiris looks at him for a second before he responds. “Well, if what you say is true I guess I need to go looking for the unstable ones. Then I might have the seven spots on my team full soon.”

  Cerberus looks at Osiris with a deadly expression and says, “I better be in one of those spots.”

  “I don’t think your owner will like that, Cerberus. After all, you are her guard dog.”

  Cerberus growls at him and says, “I am not only the guard dog. I can change back and forth and I don’t have three heads, that’s just stories to scare people. I am far stronger than many believe. Lucifer has set some restrictions to limit my powers, but if I get back on Earth those restrictions will be gone and I will be a force to be reckoned with. Anyway, time to work. Follow me and I’ll take you to the first one.”

  Osiris follows Cerberus through a lot of different places within Hell, passing a set of guards each time. As they pass through different sections the guards seem to be stronger and wiser. Each place they go through is worse than the one before.

  As they walk Cerberus questions Osiris about what exactly he is looking for and Osiris is telling Cerberus what little he knows from the spheres. When they come to an area where all the people are chained to a wall which is draining their power, Osiris looks at Cerberus and asks, “What is this place? Jail?”

  Cerberus answers, “You could call it that, but this is the confinement place. This is where all the warriors that can’t be controlled and were far too strong in their life on earth are. They were sent here to be kept in check. The chains reduce their powers to the minimum so if they try to escape the guards can take care of it. That doesn’t mean the guards aren’t strong though. Each guard can take care of one of the warriors, but he is not able to take care of more than one at the same time. He can hold himself against them, but they would end up killing him.”

  Osiris grins and says, “Well, some of them won’t need their chains soon enough. You know what I want, so take me to the ones that meet the requirements for the job and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  Cerberus smiles and says, “Follow me.”

  Chapter 9

  Cerberus and Osiris walk through the halls, looking at the guys who are in chains. When Cerberus stops in front of one guy who is standing up like nothing is happening to him, Osiris look at him and then he looks at Cerberus. The guy smiles and looks toward Cerberus and says, “Long time no see, Cerberus. How’s Hell treating you? Better than me I presume?”

  Osiris looks at Cerberus and tilts his head in a questioning way. “Do you know this guy?”

  Cerberus answers, “Yeah, I know him. His name is Jack. He used to be my nemesis until we both died. He was a God of Water but he lost his status because of something a human said that disrespected him and Jack killed him. When he lost his Godhood was when we met each other and started to fight. That’s how our weird friendship/rivalry began. He wanted to kill all the humans for disrespecting him. Jack, I want you to meet Osiris, the Champion of the Coliseum”

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence here, Mr. Osiris?”

  Osiris grins and answers, “What I want is simple, Jack. I want you to fight for me and to join my team to fight against Lucifer’s team.”

  Jack, not thinking about it twice, answers, “Not interested. I fight for no one, much less you. Who wants to fight against Lucifer’s team when they will only be defeated? I’m not wasting my time with you, Champion Osiris”

  Osiris shakes his head at Jack’s quick answer. “Well, it is your loss. Especially considering that if we defeat Lucifer’s team we would be going back to the earth that you would like to see destroyed, as Lucifer’s Champions of Darkness. Come on Cerberus, it seems your friend Jack is not interested in going back to earth to have some fun,”

  Osiris and Cerberus turn to walk away, but Jack stops them. “You must be kidding me, right? This is a joke, right? Where is the guy with the camera who is going to appear any moment now?” Jack stops and shakes his head, bringing himself back into reality. “Never mind, I lost myself for a second. You aren’t joking, right? If we defeat Lucifer’s team we would be able to go back to earth?”

  Osiris points at himself and asks, “Do I look like I am joking? Do you think I would waste my time in coming here and telling you all that just to play a joke on you?”

  Jack shakes his head. “No, you wouldn’t, and I do want to join your team.”

  Osiris scoffs and says, “Fuck you, Jack. I gave you the opportunity to jo
in me and you thought I was joking.”

  Jack quickly realizing he has no way out says, “Osiris I do want to join you. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  Osiris grins. “Good, because that’s all I want from you.” He snaps his fingers and Jack feels a slight pain on his neck, like he is being marked. Then Cerberus proceeds to take the chains off Jack’s hand and ankles.

  Once they are gone Jack feels his powers return to him and he uses his newly released right hand to touch the back of his neck. He feels a skull shaped mark on his neck and looks at Osiris with shock in his eyes. “You marked me?”

  Osiris smirks and answers, “Yes, because you belong to me now.”

  Chapter 10

  Osiris, Cerberus and Jack are walking through the corridors of the unstable warriors looking for more warriors when Jack stops in front of a man and says, “If you are looking for warriors we better get him.”

  Osiris and Cerberus stop and look at Jack then at the warrior. Cerberus grins when he sees that the warrior standing there has a mask hiding their face, but you the can see the deep blue eyes and long black hair. There is a cape covering their body and he realizes who it is. “Osiris, I apologize for not paying attention. I have heard a little about this warrior, but I don’t know anything about him. We might have to ask him to learn anything.”

  Osiris walks toward the warrior and asks, “What’s your name?”

  The warrior looks at him and with a deep, metallic voice says, “Shadow.”

  “I’m looking for warriors to fight against Lucifer’s team. Are you interested in standing against them and killing them?

  Shadow answers, “I want revenge against Lucifer for putting me in here. I will join you. I will follow every command you say, and if you need to know my abilities, here they are.”

  Suddenly Shadow’s chains fall to the floor and disappear in front of them like they weren’t even there and he starts to put marks on Osiris, Cerberus and Jack without them even feeling them. Suddenly Cerberus’ and Jack’s expressions start to change from one of amazement to one of holding back pain. When Shadow appears beside Osiris he tells them, “That’s just a small taste of what I can do. I need my stuff and my horse from Lucifer before I can truly show you.”

  Shadow feels a sharp pain on his neck and a small skull appears on it. Shadows touches where the pain was coming from, feels the mark and says, “A small price to pay for what I have lost.”

  After a moment the guards come running in and they are going to attack Shadow when Osiris stops them. “He is part of my team now, stay away from him.”

  The guards stop, nod their heads, turn around and head back out. Jack, while holding back his expression of pain, says, “Well, that was a lesson in having power.”

  Osiris looks at Jack and Cerberus for a moment then turns to Shadow, “Care to take care of that?” He asks with a nod to his warriors.

  “The effect should be wearing off right about now.”

  As soon as the words leave Shadow’s mouth Cerberus’ and Jack’s expressions change to one of relief and Osiris starts walking away with Shadow following right behind him. Cerberus and Jack, still trying to catch their breath, follow slowly.

  Chapter 11

  Osiris and company continue walking until they come across a big corridor. They enter and make their way into a big hall with four different rooms. Each of the rooms has a name on the door. Osiris reads then aloud, “War, Famine, Death and Conquest.”

  Shadow looks at Osiris for a second before he speaks, “Apparently the Four Horsemen are real.”

  Osiris looks at him in disbelief. “And you thought they weren’t? There are more things that we haven’t seen that exist. There are many things we don’t know of, but those same things may know about us.”

  Osiris and the rest walk closer to the doors and as the near they hear four different voices say in unison, “Who has dared to enter our chambers and disturb our long sleep before the end of the world starts?”

  Jack smirks and says, “Well, I don’t know if you know but the end of the world already started. Earth is already at war. Saviors and Destroyers are facing each other and now the half human are trying to keep them from conquering Earth.”

  Before they can respond the Four Horsemen are standing in front of their room doors, three men and a woman. Jack looks at the woman then looks at the name on the door she’s standing in front of, which he assumes is her room, and it says, WAR. Jack looks at her and sees she has long white hair pulled back in a ponytail, her eyes are completely blue, including the iris, and she doesn’t have any armor on her body, but she has a hammer hanging from her waist. All his senses tell him that she is not the type of woman you can just play around with. Before another thought can enter his head War is standing in front of him and in a seductive voice she says, “So you want to play with me and find out what’s under my clothes?” She grins, grabs him by the balls and squeezes them. “If you think I am just a common whore you can play with you better think again.”

  Suddenly a guy who is wearing full armor with a long sword on his side, a face the color of melted chocolate, eyes as grey as the mist and short, pointy hair, steps up and says, “War, that’s enough.”

  War looks at the expression of discomfort on Jack’s face the moment she hears her name being called and with a look of annoyance marring her features she looks toward who called her. When she sees who it is, she lets go of Jack’s balls and says, “Yes, brother.” Then she looks at Jack again and says, “I might give you a try since what you carry is big enough to suit my taste.”

  War walks toward her spot and the guy who spoke to her says, “How do you know all of this, fallen God?”

  Jack answers, “I’ve been in hell long enough to make some connections.” He waits a few seconds then adds, “But I learned this when I overheard the guards talking.”

  Osiris looks at the guy who commanded War to stop and then looks up and sees his name, Death. “Death, I am Osiris and what Jack said is correct. Earth is at war and I am gathering a team to bring it down, but first we have to face Lucifer’s team. Would you like to join my team?”

  Death looks to his sides and everyone is nodding their approval as they start to introduce themselves. The first to speak is a man with black hair, green eyes and who is dressed in all green. “I am Famine.”

  Next is a man with spiky white hair and white eyes, wearing armor and a cape. “My name is Conquest.”

  Then War formally introduces herself, “I am War.”

  Finally Death speaks, “I am Death and Osiris, The Four Horseman shall join your team.”

  Chapter 12

  Everyone turns to leave when Osiris sees a mural on one of the walls that is holding a sword and parchment. Osiris turns to Death and asks, “Can any of you pick up that sword?”

  Death shakes his head. “No one can pick up that sword. Everyone has tried to pick it up, but none can take it from the wall. It is said that whoever gets that sword shall kill the Savior of Earth.”

  Osiris, liking what he just heard, looks at the wall and says, “Everyone hast tried except for me.” He walks toward the wall and lets the cape covering his body fall to the floor, showing his toned muscle, which surprises everyone and Jack whistles in amazement. Osiris ignores him and puts his hands on the hilt of the sword and pulls. After a few seconds he stops, takes a deep breath and tries once more, but this time the sword starts to pull out. Once he pulls the sword out it takes on a white glow on the blade, like a light surrounds it. Everyone looks at the sword as he grabs the parchment and reads, “Whosoever holds the Sword of Light shall kill the Savior of Earth, but it shall also take the love of his life from him. Because she is bound by duty she must fulfill her duty as a Goddess. This parchment is blessed by the God of Gods and no one can destroy it. The Goddess can choose not to follow her duty, but at the price of her Godhood. If she decides to fulfill her duty she must go with the owner of this parchment unless her duties are being taken.”

  Osiris loo
ks on his waist for his bag and puts the parchment inside. Then he grabs the scabbard that is dark as night and puts the Sword of Light in it and walks toward the exit of the room with everyone following behind him. When he walks out the door he thinks to himself; Now my victory is imminent. You think you can defeat this team, Lucifer? We soon shall soon find out who is the strongest in all of Hell.

  Chapter 13

  Cerberus is leading everyone back outside of the jail when they come across a tall, strong man with white hair being brought in. The guy is holding a book in one hand and a sword in the other. Cerberus looks at the guard and asks, “Bringing a new one this time?”

  The guard looks at Cerberus and answers, “Yeah, we don’t know who he is, but he is quite skilled with the sword. It took fifteen of us to knock him out.”

  Osiris looks at the new arrival and asks, “Do you love to fight?”

  The man nods, “It’s all I’ve ever known, so yes I love to fight”

  “What’s your name?”


  Osiris grins, “Well Sphinx, the rules are simple. If you fight with me against the team Lucifer puts together, and we defeat them, you will get a spot on my team and go with me to Earth to control the Destroyers who aren’t following orders and we will get to fight against half-humans, humans with abilities.”

  “Where do I sign?”

  Osiris snaps his fingers and a skull appears on the back of Sphinx’s neck. Sphinx touches the back of his neck and asks, “Is that all?”

  Osiris nods and looks at the guards. “Release him.”


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