The Champions of Darkness

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The Champions of Darkness Page 5

by D L Colon

  Lucifer points behind her and answers, “Well, look behind me. These are your opponents. You have three days to rest, but after the three days we will have our fight. The fights will be one on one and will take place in the Arena. Rest well, Osiris, this could be your last fight.”

  Lucifer and the warriors behind her disappear in a flash of light and Osiris stares at the black smoke left behind before he says, “Well, you heard her. In three days our fight is happening so rest your bodies and your minds.” Everyone nods and heads to their rooms.

  Jack enters his room and is getting ready to rest when someone knocks on his door. He opens the door and sees War on the other side. “Can I help you with something?” He asks in a husky voice.

  War grabs his cock softly and says seductively, “You know what I came for. Are we going to stand here talking all day or are you going to invite me in and fuck my brains out?”

  Jack steps aside letting War enter his room and he closes the door behind them as a grin crosses his face.

  Chapter 26

  The three days have come and gone and everyone has taken their time to rest so they are prepared for the fight happening today. Everyone is ready and they are waiting in the Arena for Lucifer and her team. Osiris is eager for this fight so he can finally show his full power.

  When the doors of the Arena burst open and Lucifer comes through them with her eight warriors Osiris grins. Before anyone can register what’s happening the Arena starts to fill with people that want to see the fight.

  Lucifer looks at Osiris, smiles devilishly and says, “Well, Osiris, I hope you don’t mind me bringing some spectators to witness your downfall.”

  Osiris smiles at Lucifer like she just told a joke and he responds, “Doesn’t bother me at all, this is for your pleasure only. But it is yet to be determined who is going down, Master of Hell.”

  Lucifer turns to face Cerberus and points at him. “You know that you can’t fight today. If Osiris wins he will take you and Jason the Blacksmith to Earth with him, but right now you will be the announcer of this fight.”

  Cerberus bows in respect and says, “Very well, Master.”

  Lucifer leaves for the announcer’s box and Cerberus follows her. Once they make it to the top Lucifer tells Cerberus what he must say and Cerberus clears his throat. “Welcome everyone. Today we are here to witness a special fight, the fight to determine who will hold the title of The Champions of Darkness. These two teams will face each other in combat and fight one on one. You will see the best fights this place has to offer. Now, let us show our appreciation to the one who made this fight possible, our Master, Lucifer.”

  Everyone in the crowd cheers loudly, but when Lucifer raises her hand they go quiet and she proceeds to say, “Whoever wins this fight will have the privilege of being brought back to life and going back to Earth as my Champions and Commanders of my Destroyers. Now, the time to fight has come. It is time for some blood spilling and action, don’t you agree everyone?”

  Everyone cheers loudly and Lucifer lifts her hands again to silence them before she addresses the warriors. “You know the rules. One by one you will face each other. There will be interruptions of the individual fights by any of the warriors and the team with the most individual battles won at the end will be our Champions.”

  Lucifer sits down and one of her team walks forward. Smirking, he turns his hand to fire and looks around at Osiris’ team. Jack looks at Osiris and Osiris simply nods and lets him walk forward. While walking toward his opponent, Jack turns his hands to water and the warrior’s smirks completely disappears. Jack grins and asks, “Ready? Because I am.”

  Chapter 27

  The warrior starts throwing fireballs at Jack and Jack is slowly, but swiftly, evading them. After playing this game for a while the warrior shifts gears and starts running toward Jack with his hands covered in fire. As the flames engulf his hands Jack can see gauntlets forming within them. The warrior reaches Jack and starts throwing punches, which Jack evades easily. After a couple of minutes the warrior adds a fireball with the punch, like the punch was part of it, but Jack evades that as well and smiles, knowing he found an interesting fighter. His smile grows as he says, “You almost got me with that one, but that won’t happen again.”

  Jack takes out his broken sword and the warrior smiles as he thinks to himself; there’s nothing he can do with a broken sword, but when Jack pours water to the sword, making the sword complete, the smile disappears once again. Jack gets close enough to stab his opponent, but he covers himself and Jack goes for the kill. Jack makes a movement to cut his opponent’s face, but the only thing it does is wet it and the guy thinks that it was just a fluke and starts laughing at Jack. Jack jumps down to his spot and the guy starts taunting him, “Is that the best you can do? Just wet my face? Your powers are just a fluke and you are nothing more than a walking corpse. Now it is my turn.”

  The warrior tries to move, but realizes he can’t and Jack is looking at him smirking. “Is there a problem, little spark?” Jack asks with humor in his voice.

  This makes the warrior madder and he tries to form fireballs with his hands, but realizes he can’t. Jack grins again and says, “Well I guess it’s time for class. What percentage of the human body is made of water?”

  The guy looks at Jack like he has lost his mind and answers, “I don’t know.”

  Jack’s grin widens, “More than sixty percent of our body is made up of water. That means the water that fell on your face is now running through you and I am now in control of your body.”

  Jack turns around and goes back to his place with his team. Once he is seated War turns to him and asks, “Aren’t you going to kill him?”

  Jack turns to her and asks. “How do you like your enemies to be killed?”

  “Cut into pieces.” She answers with a grin.

  Jack smiles and says, “Your wish is my command.” Then he snaps his fingers, and the warrior is cut into pieces from the inside out.

  The crowd cheers loudly and Cerberus announces, “And the win goes to Osiris’ team.”

  War grins again and whispers in Jack’s ear, “That made me wet. I’m blowing your mind after these fights.”

  Jack nips her ear softly and whispers back, “I’ll be waiting happily for that.”

  Chapter 28

  For the next battle Shadow steps forward and a big, muscular warrior steps up from the enemy team. Shadow takes a deep breath and smoke comes out of the mask he always wears. Suddenly Shadow disappears and reappears in front of the gigantic warrior. The warrior throws a punch, which makes Shadow step back. The warrior, thinking he has the advantage over his smaller opponent, keeps attacking and all that Shadow can do is evade. After several long minutes Shadow takes out a ninjato and starts walking softly toward the warrior and the warrior throws a kick at Shadow. When all he hits is an image he stops moving and feels the back of his feet being cut. Little by little he feels cuts on specific parts of his body, his shoulder, his knees, his wrists, under his arms and finally the back of his neck. The over-large warrior falls face first to the floor, motionless. Shadow is behind him cleaning the ninjato and walking back toward his place with Osiris’ team. Jack stands and put his hand out to shake Shadow’s hand. Shadow hesitated for a moment before he stuck his hand out and grasped Jack’s.

  Sphinx stands and walks to the middle of the Arena for the next battle and places a book on the floor. From Lucifer’s team a four-handed warrior walks forward. Sphinx looks at the warrior and smiles as he picks up a book he was looking at and starts walking toward his opponent. The warrior starts attacking with his four swords and Sphinx is evading the attacks while looking at the book in his hands. Sphinx finally attacks, cutting one of his opponent’s arms off, the blood splatters on his body and the pages of the book. Sphinx, now mad, starts violently cutting his opponent, finally opening his skull. Sphinx, now covered in blood, walks back to his seat, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. When he reaches his team he lets go of the book, l
etting it fall open for everyone to see that it is blank inside.

  After Sphinx goes back to his spot drenched in blood, the Leader of Lucifer’s team stands and says, “Hello, my stupid son. Why don’t we make this more interesting? Why don’t you face me and decide whose team is better? If I win my master’s team wins all the fights and if you win your team wins. Sound easy, Boy?”

  Everyone on Osiris’ team looks at each other, wondering who he is referring to, then they hear someone say, “Sure, Father, it has been a long time since I saw you. My last memory of you is from the night I poisoned your drink.”

  They turn around see that it is Osiris who is talking. Osiris walks forward, but stops before he reaches his father and looks up at Lucifer. “Does this meet your terms, Lucifer?”

  Lucifer just nods and Osiris’ dad says, “Well, she agrees so let’s get ready.”

  Osiris walks forward, letting his real appearance show. His long black and white hair is now spiky short and he has a Hollywood-type beard on his face. When his staff appears he smiles and says, “I often remember when everyone in the Palace said ‘Soon you will be a great King’. But, you know something, I grew tired of hearing ‘soon’. It sounded like something I would have to wait for, and I did. I waited until I was strong enough and decided that I wouldn’t hear ‘soon’ any longer. I decided it was now my time so I used an untraceable poison in your wine, but I regret nothing and I would do it again, if the chance presented itself.”

  Osiris’ dad, hearing the revelation Osiris made, grows mad, but quickly calms himself and says, “Soon, my son, I will take care of you, but I will let you boast all you want.”

  “I speak the truth, Father, but you are right. The time for talking is over. It is time to start this fight.”

  Chapter 29

  Osiris starts walking toward his father. As he walks, the floor trembles and he starts chanting, “O warriors, fallen by my hands, rise from your slumber and serve the one who owns your soul now. Your King summons you.”

  Slowly skeletons start to rise and answer the summons of Osiris. They gather behind Osiris and Osiris’ Father says, “That won’t bring me down, Son. You know better than that. All you know is because of me.”

  “That’s where you are wrong, Father. You know nothing of what I have learned.” Suddenly the skeletons start to make a pathway and right at the end of the pathway is a lone skeleton and Osiris chants, “Skeletons without a body or soul the time to merge has arrived. Your soul and flesh have arrived.”

  There’s a change in the atmosphere of the Arena. It grows colder and one by one all the skeletons eyes change from white to red. Their bodies begin to change and flesh covers them. Their souls have also been united with their body. The skeleton at the end of the pathway is a woman and Osiris’ Father’s eyes grow wide. “It cannot be. You aren’t supposed to be here.”

  Osiris’ triumph shines in his eyes, “But she is, Father. Love is a powerful emotion that can lead to the loss of a life when you lose your only one.”

  Osiris’ Father starts to attack Osiris with magic and it does nothing. Then he runs toward him and starts attacking with his staff, which makes Osiris move to evade the attacks, but he still can’t make a mark on Osiris.

  Using his staff, Osiris hits his Father in the stomach, making him lose his breath and drop to one knee. Once he’s down Osiris hits him in the head, causing him to hit the floor. Osiris touches him and walks away as his Mother walks toward her Husband. Her eyes are as dead as the night as she grabs her husband’s head. Osiris’ Father’s eyes lock on her dead ones and he says, “I have never stopped thinking about you, even after being here for many millenniums. Until we meet again, my Queen.”

  Suddenly Osiris snaps his fingers and his Mother breaks his Father’s neck. A single tear rolls down her face and falls on her husband’s face and Osiris’ grip on her disappears. When she crumbles and her soul disappears Osiris lets go of the other skeletons and they disappear as well.

  Cerberus announces cheerfully, “And the winners are Osiris’ Team. Here you have it everyone, our Champions of Darkness.” And the Crowd cheers loudly.

  Chapter 30

  A few hours later they are all in Lucifer’s Throne Room. Lucifer is looking at them and saying, “Well, Osiris, you have accomplished what nobody else has. You and your team are now officially named my Champions of Darkness.”

  Osiris bows in reverence and says, “Lucifer, there is nothing I want that I cannot obtain, but thank you.”

  Lucifer waves her hands and says, “As promised, you will take Cerberus and Jason with you as my congratulation gift.” She pauses and snaps her fingers and the Armor that Jason made for the team appears on their bodies. Everyone looks at their armor as Cerberus enters with Jason and Lucifer says, “There’s nothing for me to tell you except to be careful. Don’t underestimate Noryad King, Osiris, he defeated Raphael when no one thought he could.”

  Osiris chuckles humorlessly and says, “Lucifer, I treat everyone the same. If they are my enemy they will be treated as such, so I won’t be underestimating anyone. Go ahead and send us to where we are heading.”

  Lucifer nods and says, “I want you to get the Holy Flame before Rick Blaze does.” Then she snaps her fingers and all of them disappear.

  Osiris and his team re-appear in an unusual place and they don’t know where they are. They can see a big temple in the distance and Osiris can see a group of people running from it. He motions for his team to follow him and as they near the temple they see it is engulfed in blue fire. He notices who is in the group of people, but searches with his powers to confirm it. He grins as he checks his waist to make sure he has the Sword of Light and the parchment with his staff. Once he confirms he has everything he starts walking. “If I am correct we are too late to get the Holy Flame, but I will get something better.”

  Jack looks at him and asks, “What’s that?”

  Osiris grins and answers, “Noryad King. Get ready everyone because as of right now we are jumping from the pan and into the fire.”

  The End




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