by Paul Ham
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Sheldrick, Robert
Vincent, William Percival
Mitchell Library, Sydney
Otto, Robert
German Soldiers
Gelshorn, von (first name n/a), Offiziersstellvertreter, 6th Battery Field Artillery Regiment 62
Kotthoff, Reserve Leutnant (first name n/a), Reserve Infantry Regiment 77
Lincke, Major (first name n/a), Commander, 2nd Battalion, Reserve Infantry Regiment 212
Wohlenberg, Alfred, Reserve Leutnant, Reserve Infantry Regiment 77
(See also German soldiers in the text, sourced to their battalion histories and The German Army at Passchendaele, by Jack Sheldon)
Note: Canadian and New Zealand case studies are sourced to their official and other histories.
Official Documents and Publications
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Further Essays & Reports
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Email discussions
Harrison, Kristie, April 2015
Hind, Dorothy, 12 July 2016
Diana Richey (various)
Ketterer, Walter, 13 April 2015
Munro, Shane (various)
Vandenbussche, Steven, Director, Memorial Museum Passchendaele, Zonnebeke (various)
Museums & Exhibits
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