Surprise Daddies: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

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Surprise Daddies: A Contemporary Romance Box Set Page 32

by London James

Parr nods. “I have no doubt you will,” he says. “Baker seems to love learning and knowledge about as much as you do. The kid always had his nose in a book. Like, always. The squad used to rail on him for being such a nerd, but he wore it like a badge of honor and never failed to give it back to them for being knuckle-draggers.”

  Parr laughs at the memory, and I see in his face that he’s thinking back through the years, recalling those fond memories in vivid detail.

  “It’s one of the things I love the most about him,” I say.

  We both fall silent for a long moment, and I know I’m going to have to talk about the elephant in the room. It’s the dark cloud hanging over us in all of this and one that makes me shudder to even think about. Even though Baker said that it’s all over, it’s really not. Not yet.

  “What happens next?” I ask.


  I nod. “I know that Baker killed the son in the attack, but I also know the father is still operating the cartel in Mexico,” I say. “It’s only a matter of time before he sends somebody new up here to run things and we’re right back in the same spot again.”

  Parr scrubs a hand over his face and nods. “Yeah, the beat goes on.”

  “And what are we going to do about it?” I ask. “I know for fact Baker will never accept assignment into witness protection. And if he doesn’t, I won’t. I want to be with him, and I know you’ll make me give him up if I go into the program. But, with Zavala still running around out there…”

  I let my voice trail off, but I don’t need to finish it. The sentiment is clear, and Parr knows it already. It’s only a matter of time before they gear up and come after us – again. And if the Marshal’s Service really has been corrupted by the cartel, there’s nothing they can do to protect me. No matter what, they’ll find us.

  “Did they make the case against the cartel?” I ask.

  Parr shakes his head, his expression darkens, and his mood turns sour.

  “Star witness is in the wind. Probably already back in Oaxaca,” he says, his voice thick and miserable. “Imagine that. His protection was taken out, and then he was whisked away to safety. He could be dead, or he could be sitting at Osvaldo’s hand right now.”

  I sigh and slump back in my seat. “There is no end to this is there?”

  “There has to be,” Parr says, though he sounds anything but hopeful about it.

  I reach down into my bag and pull out the box my brother gave me. Parr looks at me and nods as I hand it over. I have a feeling he already knows what’s in there. He takes the box and sets it in his lap.

  “The combination to the lock is my birthday,” I tell him.

  He gives me a small smile. “Thank you, Isla,” he says. “This is going to help.”

  “My brother – and Baker – believe it’s the silver bullet,” I say. “The one that will take the entire cartel down. I have no idea if it’s true or even what’s in the box. But my brother was certain this would cripple Zavala. Permanently.”

  “It very well could be,” he says, “Your brother was in a position to know a whole bunch.”

  I can tell he wants to rail on me for not turning this information over earlier. I can see him physically fighting with himself to bite his tongue. I understand why he’s upset with me. I understand why he’s angry that I’ve held this back for so long. But, he’s gracious about it and says nothing. Maybe he’s just grateful that I finally turned it in. Maybe Baker said something to him about it. I have no idea.

  I know a lot of people have died in the time I’ve had it. That’s something I’m going to have to learn to live with.

  “Thank you, Isla,” he says and taps the box. “This is going to do a lot of good. I’ll see to it.”

  “I really hope so, Marshal,” I tell him. “I really, really hope so.”

  We sit back in our seats and sip our coffee in silence. The tension in the room has lifted and has even become – companionable.

  There are still a lot of questions about our future moving forward and a thousand moving parts. But I know that as long as I’m with Baker, as long as I have my one stable ship to cling to when the waters get the roughest, I’m going to be okay.

  That together, we will make it through to the other side – just the three of us.

  And that’s all I want or need.

  Chapter Forty-One


  Two Months Later…

  “I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing this is,” I say.

  “Is it everything you hoped it would be?” he asks.

  “It’s well beyond what I hoped it would be,” I say.

  He places a soft kiss on my cheek and gives me that wide, warm smile that never fails to melt my heart. What Parr said was probably true – war bonded us closer together than most people. But, there’s more than that between us. What exists between us is deeper and more substantive than just being bound by trauma. What we have is real and is a part of our very souls. I know it, and I can see that Baker feels it too.

  We stroll hand in hand – Stabler prancing by our side, on a leash of course – down the small cramped walkway in Venice. I watch the gondolas and vaporettas cruising by on the waterway. And all along the edges of the canal, boats are lined up. Some of them selling fresh fruits, some other goods, and some of them even selling wine. Of course. All around us is the buzz of voices of the people hawking their goods, or just out and about with friends.

  The night air is cool, and the electricity of the place is getting beneath my skin. I’m filled with a sense of wonder and excitement that makes my entire body vibrate. I can’t believe I’m actually walking the streets of Venice, Italy. I literally pinch myself several times, just to be sure.

  The moon hangs high overhead, and the air is redolent with a thousand different aromas – most of them great, some of them not so good. And yet, all of it absolutely wonderful to me.

  Every now and then, Baker limps, but it’s getting better. His body is healing, and we’ve been able to move forward with our lives. Though, it wasn’t necessarily the smoothest transition. We had a few hiccups along the way, but nothing we couldn’t handle.

  After turning over all the information I had to Parr, the Department of Justice went after the Zavala Cartel with all its might. For several weeks, it was top headlines in the news as arrests were made and people were killed. A lot of people.

  U.S. and Mexican authorities worked together to bring in Osvaldo Zavala, and after some legal and political maneuvering and posturing, he was extradited to the States to stand trial. Given the fact that multiple witnesses had been murdered before testifying against Zavala, I was permitted to give my testimony on tape in a secure location outside of the courthouse.

  Knowing that Zavala would know who I am – would be able to see my face – as I gave testimony against him still sends a cold chill through my bones. If he gets off for some reason, I have no doubt he’s going to double his efforts to kill me. Just like he’s killed everybody who’s spoken out against him.

  Parr assures me that he’s hearing from the DOJ lawyers that they have Zavala dead to rights. He says they insist that the information I turned over is the smoking gun they’ve needed to put him away forever and roll up the cartel entirely. Not that there’s much of a cartel left anymore. After Zavala’s arrest and all of his lieutenants were rounded up, another cartel moved in to fill the power void.

  From what I understand, there is a bloody war going on down in Mexico right now, as the factions fight over control of the area. If Zavala were to get out though, he would very likely waltz right back in and stake his claim to the area in a bloody coup.

  But, according to Parr, the DOJ lawyers are not going to let it happen. Which brings me a sense of guarded relief. If that’s the case, then this truly is over.

  Baker shares my optimism, but in private, he tells me that no matter what happens, we’ll be ready. He promises that he’ll never let anything happen to me – and I believe him. After all, I watched him ta
ke on a small army – alone – and come out of it victorious.

  Once my part in that little drama was over though, Baker packed me and Stabler up, and we blew the country. Our first stop on our world tour was Italy, where we spent two glorious weeks in Rome, and we now find ourselves in Venice.

  “Baker, I don’t even know how to thank you for this.”

  He gives me a cocky little grin. “I bet I can think of a few ways.”

  I slap him playfully on the arm. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Yeah, but you love that about me.”

  “You’re lucky I do,” I say and laugh.

  “That I am,” he replies. “I’m the luckiest man alive right now.”

  I scoff and put a hand on my growing belly. My baby bump is really starting to poke out now, and I know I’m going to need to swallow my pride and opt for actual maternity wear soon.

  “Please,” I scoff. “I’m lucky you enjoy being with a manatee.”

  His laugh is loud and thunderous. But then he stops me and pulls me to him. He holds me tight against his body and looks deeply into my eyes.

  “You’re carrying our child,” he says. “You look even more ravishing than you did the first day I met you. Which was a high goddamn bar to clear. But, carrying our baby makes you shine even brighter, Isla.”

  I feel my heart melting as he speaks, and I place a soft kiss on his lips to try and fight back the tears that are threatening to spill over. That’s one thing I could lose about being pregnant – the fact that I’m even more emotional than I was before.

  “You are perfect,” I whisper.

  “We’re perfect for each other.”

  We stand in front of Doge’s Palace in St. Mark’s square. Small lights illuminate the golden lions on the Palace, and the Campanile stands silent sentinel over to the right and beyond that is the lagoon, where boats buzz back and forth.

  I look around, soaking it all in, and can’t keep the smile off my face. All around us, tourists are buzzing here and there, exclaiming over this and that – and still can’t believe I’m standing here. In Venice, Italy.

  Off to my left, I see a group of teenage boys and girls in what look like choir robes filing into the plaza. I look over at Baker who gives me a strange little smile.

  “Looks like it’s time for some choral music,” I say. “I’ve always thought it was a beautiful form of music.”

  He nods. “I know you do,” he says and places a kiss on the top of my head.

  The choir lines up and begins to sing – it’s in Italian, so I can’t quite understand it – but it is the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard. I stand there enchanted by it, taking in every note, savoring the nuance of the voices. It’s just one more thing that has made this trip all the more mind-blowing to me.

  All of the sudden though, I’m caught in the middle of a bright light. I shield my eyes and turn to see what looks like somebody standing on the roof of the nearby building shining a spotlight down on us. It’s strange and kind of annoying, so I turn to Baker and feel my heart drop into my shoes. My breath literally explodes from my body in a loud whoosh, and I start to shake. I put a trembling hand over my mouth and give up any pretense of trying not to cry.

  When I turn, I find Baker down on his knee, a wide, wavering smile on his face, a nervous glint in his eye, and a black ring box in his hand. Inside the box is a large, sparkling diamond set in an antique style band that’s utterly amazing to behold.

  “This is crazy,” he says. “But, everything about our relationship to this point has been crazy, so why not continue the tradition? Isla Nelson, would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  I stand there speechless, gaping at him for a moment like an absolute idiot. All around the square, I can feel eyes on us as people watch this spectacle unfold. My cheeks flare with color, and my heart fills with the purest love I’ve ever felt in my life.

  “Yes,” I finally choke out. “A million times yes.”

  Baker’s smile grows, and I swear I see tears welling in his eyes as he stands up and slips the ring on my finger. The people in the plaza around us burst into applause and cheers as Baker pulls me into a tight embrace. We kiss each other like there’s nobody even around, letting all of our love and passion flow into one another.

  Just when I didn’t think life can get any better – it does.

  I stand on the balcony in our hotel room, looking out at the moonlight sparkling off the lagoon before me. It’s late, but I’m still infused with an energy I’ve never known before. I look at the ring on my finger and still can’t believe it. I turn my hand this way and that, letting the moonlight hit the diamond, smiling at the dazzle and sparkle of it.

  “It looks beautiful on you,” Baker says as he comes out of the room wearing nothing but his boxers.

  My eyes involuntarily slide up and down his chiseled physique, and I feel the fires inside of me burning bright already.

  “You are an amazing man, Baker Redmond,” I say. “How in the world did you set that up?”

  He shrugs. “I’m a man who knows how to get what he wants.”

  His voice is low and husky as he says it and I can’t help but notice the way his eyes glide over my body as he drinks me in from head to toe. I’m wearing nothing but a blue negligee with matching blue panties.

  But, knowing I was going to have to have this man, I threw on a pair of white thigh high stockings and heels to complete my sexy little outfit just because I know how much he likes me in lingerie. Aside from knowing his preferences though, I figure I might as well take advantage of my body before I balloon up like a cow.

  Baker takes me in his arms and pulls me close. I can feel his cock, thick and hard pressing against my belly, and I feel myself growing impossibly wet already.

  “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he says.

  Heat flares in my cheeks, but the way he looks at me makes me believe him. He looks at me like I’m the most beautiful – or only – woman in the world. Most guys will always look at another woman when she passes by – at least, that’s been my experience. But Baker’s eyes never stray. Ever. He remains devoted to me, and his eyes always remain on me.

  I slide my hand down his body, letting my fingertips trail over his abs, and slide my hand into his boxers. I grip the base of his cock tightly, and a small gasp passes his lips. I give him a few strokes, relishing in the feel of his rock hard dick in my hand. I can never get enough of feeling this man’s flesh, feeling his mouth on mine, or his cock inside of me.

  Baker leans forward and kisses me, his tongue slipping between my lips. His breath is warm and sweet in my mouth, and as our tongues swirl and dance together, my heart skips several beats. I tighten my grip on his cock and start to pump it a little faster. He pulls away and closes his eyes, moaning my name softly.

  With him so distracted, I quickly fall to my knees and yank his boxers down to his thighs. Before he can react, I lean forward and take his cock into my mouth. I move my head up and down on that thick, glorious shaft, swirling my tongue all around as I go. I reach up and cup his balls, giving them a firm squeeze as I suck him off, drawing a sharp breath from him. His body is rigid and tense as I slide my mouth and tongue up and down his stiff prick, and his breathing starts to grow a little more ragged.

  “Jesus, Isla,” he whispers. “You may just kill me.”

  “I can think of worse ways to go out,” I say as I look up at him.

  “Yeah, this wouldn’t be half bad,” he says.

  Taking his cock into my hand again, I stroke him up and down, the slickness my mouth left behind, making my hand glide smoothly. I cast a glance around, a nervous flutter in my belly. Though there are high walls on either side of our balcony that doesn’t allow our neighbors to see, the fact that we’re outside is both scary and exciting. I’ve never had sex outdoors or in a public setting, and I find myself getting a cheap thrill out of it.

  I tighten my hand around his dick and go back to work with my mouth. I s
uck and stroke him with a vigorous energy that makes him moan. I feel his hand in my hair, gripping it tightly as his body stiffens up again. I move my hand and mouth up and down on him, reveling in the feel of him in my mouth. I really cannot get enough of this man. He’s like the most intense drug ever created.

  He suddenly steps back, a grin on his face and his breath a little labored. He lifts me to my feet and kisses me deeply and passionately while working my panties down and off my hips. Suddenly, as if I’m as light as a feather, Baker picks me up and sets me down on the table. The top of the table is cold against my ass, and I let out a small squeal that makes him laugh.

  I part my thighs as he steps forward, sliding his hands up the silky material of my thigh highs. The look in his eyes is one of pure desire, and it makes me soaking wet. Baker kisses me again, and slips the straps of my negligee down, exposing my breasts. He takes them in his hands, gently kneading them as he kisses me. I groan when he pinches my nipples, then slides his tongue down my neck, trailing his mouth all the way down to my breasts.

  As he sucks on my nipples, he slides a hand between my thighs and starts to rub my clit. I lean forward and bite his shoulder to keep from crying out as he circles my clit with his thumb and drives two fingers into me at the same time. He works his fingers in and out of the warm, wet center of me as he alternates between kissing me and sucking on my nipples.

  A line of blinding heat and passion runs straight from my pussy to the center of my brain as Baker pleasures me with his fingers and mouth. I feel my body quivering and hear my whispered gasps as he starts bringing me to the brink.

  Baker slips down to his knees and buries his face into me. He licks and sucks on my clit, then runs the tip of his tongue around my wet, swollen lips. I call his name softly when he buries his tongue deep inside of me, feeling my body shake. He drives two fingers into me as he sucks on my clit, using his mouth and hand to make my body explode with sensation. I grip his hair; my thighs involuntarily contracting and squeeze his head as he goes down on me.


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