Ancient Origins: Books 4 - 6 (Ancient Origins Boxset Book 2)

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Ancient Origins: Books 4 - 6 (Ancient Origins Boxset Book 2) Page 109

by Robert Storey

  ‘Yes, you heard right!’ John held up the screen for all to see, as he looked Ashley in the eye. ‘MY WIFE HAS BEEN HAVING SEX WITH ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!’


  Paul Brown, Chief of Staff and long-time friend to the president, stood outside the Capitol as another FBI SWAT team entered the building. Whoever was on the loose inside was far more dangerous than anyone could have guessed.

  Paul suddenly remembered why he’d come outside. He’d got so caught up with helping Dante, he’d been on autopilot. He looked up at the sky, and couldn’t help but worry about John. He seemed manic, almost out of his mind. It didn’t make sense; he’d just received confirmation the GMRC was to disband. Why was he still stressing about a non-existent asteroid? Paul wondered if his friend had had a nervous breakdown. The pressures of an impending war, upholding martial law and trying to fight the GMRC all at once would likely send anyone over the edge. He felt on the verge of something similar himself.

  He relaxed and focused on the night sky. It was a patchy night, the clouds vying for space with the stars, which twinkled like diamonds, but there was no sign of an approaching asteroid.

  He gave a shake of his head and went to go back inside, but as he did so he caught sight of a military unit, one of many that patrolled the security cordon. The five soldiers had gathered at the corner of the building, while one of their number pointed up at something.

  Curious, Paul strode over to the barrier and looked up to where the man was pointing. At first all he could see was a ruddy reflection from the city’s light pollution, but as the clouds parted he saw what they were looking at. A large star shone bright in the night sky, standing out from those around it. It reminded Paul of something he’d hoped he’d never see again: the asteroid that had arrived two years earlier, AG5.

  He frowned. It looked close. Very close.

  Paul looked around to see if anyone else had noticed it, but everyone was continuing about their duties. He looked up at the phenomenon again, and then turned and ran back into the Capitol.


  Everyone in the conference room was keeping their distance from the quarrelling couple. John switched off the screen. ‘How could you do this to me?!’

  His wife’s eyes welled with tears.

  ‘Seriously, waterworks, now?’

  The tearful Ashley vanished and she wiped the tears away. ‘Oh, come on, John. I’ve seen you watching me flirt with other men. You love it. It turns you on.’

  ‘What? You think flirting is the same as this … this!’

  ‘You liked watching it, didn’t you?’ Ashley said. ‘Didn’t you? I know you did, you’re twisted, like me.’

  ‘It made me feel sick,’ John said. ‘You make me feel sick.’

  Ashley’s face dropped and this time real tears sparkled in her eyes.

  ‘Do you know what this means?’ John said, more to himself than her. ‘It means Dante is a liar and the hacker was telling the truth.’ He looked around the large room. ‘I have to get out of here.’

  John walked towards one of the doors and the agents moved closer together to bar his way. He changed direction and headed for another set of doors, but the Secret Service blocked his path again.

  ‘I need to leave,’ he said. ‘Get out of my way.’

  ‘I’m sorry, sir, it’s still too dangerous.’

  ‘I am the President of the United States and Commander in Chief. You will do as I say.’ He grasped the door handle, but the agent held it shut.

  ‘Get out of my way,’ John said, furious. ‘I’m telling you. I won’t ask again.’

  The agent’s hand strayed to his sidearm. ‘And I’m telling you, you need to stay here ... sir.’

  John let go of the door and backed away, and the two agents followed.

  ‘Get away from me!’ John said, pointing at them.

  The Secret Service agent held out his hand. ‘Calm down, Mr President.’

  Another agent moved in from the side and John swung round with a hand raised. ‘I SAID, GET AWAY!’

  The Chinese premier extracted himself from his security team. ‘Mr President, please,’ – he held out his hands – ‘calm down.’

  ‘I saw you looking at my wife,’ John said. ‘Don’t tell me to calm down!’

  John turned back to the Secret Service agents, who moved to encircle him. At the same time, the Conference room door opened and Dante entered. ‘Mr President, what seems to be the problem?’

  John glared at him. ‘You’re the problem!’

  The agents moved closer and Dante moved to the fore. ‘You need to relax, John. Everything will be over soon.’

  ‘I know there’s another asteroid heading for Earth,’ he said.

  Two of the agents drew their guns.

  The Chinese premier went to move away, but John reached out and grasped his arm and whispered, ‘Will your men protect me if you ask them?’

  The Chinese premier looked at him in surprise and then nodded.

  ‘I know you murdered the FBI Director,’ John said, raising his voice again, as Dante drew closer and more agents entered the room.

  ‘You’re seeing things,’ Dante said. ‘You’re not thinking straight.’

  ‘I’m thinking just fine.’ John raised his voice. ‘EVERYBODY! CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!!’

  ‘I think you’ve got it,’ Ashley said, from nearby.

  The delegates, John’s advisors, the EU president, the Chinese premier, and every security agent, foreign and domestic who populated the room, now looked at the President of the United States.

  ‘There’s an asteroid heading for New Mexico,’ he said, ‘and it’s going to impact in two hours!’

  ‘You’re delusional,’ Dante said. ‘Just relax and we’ll help you.’

  ‘Mr Liang,’ John said to the Chinese leader. ‘I request political asylum.’

  The Chinese premier barked out orders and his men drew their weapons and moved to obey.

  The Chinese agents now faced off against their U.S. counterparts.

  ‘Mr President!’ The EU leader stood before her own security team, who’d also drawn their guns. ‘This needs to stop, now!’ She turned to Dante. ‘Tell your men to put down their weapons.’

  ‘Or what, Madame President?’

  ‘Or you’ll make an enemy of the European Union.’ She turned to John. ‘We have your back, Mr President.’

  John felt a wave of relief as the EU security personnel joined ranks with the Chinese.

  ‘What now?’ John said to Dante

  ‘Did you think it would be that easy?’ Dante said. ‘The Council have prepared for every eventuality, even this.’

  A sound from John’s right made him turn to see the EU leader was being held by two of her men. A third drew a knife and slit her throat.

  The EU leader choked as blood gushed from her mouth, her face a mask of shock as she stared at John, before collapsing to the floor.

  John turned again to see the Chinese leader also being held at gunpoint by his own men, and John was grasped from behind by two other Chinese agents.

  ‘The GMRC thanks you for your contribution during this period of transition, Mr President.’ Dante raised his sidearm and smiled. ‘But I regret to inform you, your services are no longer required.’

  Chapter Two Hundred Nine

  John stared down the barrel of Dante’s gun and knew the game was up. The GMRC had always been in control, right from the start. He’d never stood a chance. He saw that now.

  ‘Go to hell,’ John said. ‘You sick bastard.’

  Dante smiled and cocked the trigger. ‘I’ll think of you, as I’m fucking your wife.’

  A disturbance behind Dante’s agents made John look in its direction. A hexagonal device spun in mid-air before shooting forward to clamp onto an agent’s arm.

  The man cried out in alarm and Dante turned to look; his eyes grew wide. ‘TAKE COVER!’

  An explosion tore through the room, vaporising the agent and those next to him in a fl
ash of light.

  A few seconds later John clambered back to his feet, his ears ringing, as ash and debris rained to the ground around him.

  At the other end of the conference room, a second explosion ripped open another set of doors. More agents disappeared in a fireball and John staggered back.

  A ghost-like apparition walked through the fire, the smoke and flames reflecting from its demonic form like a mirror to the underworld.

  The agents who’d survived the blasts opened fire and the demon drew two fearsome swords, one that shone white with heat, while the other shimmered dark, like its sibling’s shadow.

  Four agents fell in quick succession as the blades continued to rise and fall in a spiral of death.

  Ophion Nexus had arrived and the killing had begun.

  Chapter Two Hundred Ten

  John grasped the Chinese premier’s arm and dragged him to his feet. ‘We have to go!’

  Liang Junhui nodded, as the fighting raged and gunfire cracked out.

  Someone grasped his hand. It was Ashley.

  ‘Don’t leave me here!’ she said, looking petrified.

  John saw a way through the carnage. ‘GO!’ he said, pointing to the nearest exit.

  Ashley ran for the doors, with John and the Chinese premier close behind.

  As they left the room, John caught sight of Dante leaving by another door, as more agents swarmed into the room and another explosion shook the building.


  Special Agent Dante staggered as another blast tore through the conference room. An armed response team in full combat gear stormed past him and the gunfire increased.

  Dante retreated around a corner and leaned against a wall to catch his breath. Whoever it was who’d had the bright idea to tell him to release the German, Gerhard Beck, from custody, Dante didn’t know – if Beck was even his real name – but whoever it was, it had already cost him over thirty agents and more were dying all the time.

  ‘Sir,’ an agent said. ‘What’s happening?’

  ‘We’re under attack. What do you think’s happening?!’

  ‘How many tangos?’

  ‘Single target,’ Dante shouted over the gunfire. ‘Wearing camouflaged armour.’

  ‘A single target?’ the agent said. ‘One man?’

  Another explosion sent a cloud of dust billowing through the hallway.

  ‘Yes, one man!’

  ‘The FBI is on point. What other teams should engage?’

  Someone screamed and the body of an FBI agent flew past them; his head rolled past a few seconds later.

  Dante drew his gun, grasped the agent’s collar and dragged him close. ‘SEND THEM ALL!!’

  Chapter Two Hundred Eleven

  John, Ashley and the Chinese premier ran from the Capitol’s conference room, away from the gunfire and explosions that reverberated through the building, which had become a warzone.

  They entered another corridor and John dragged Ashley into a side room, the tall figure of the Chinese leader following.

  ‘John, what are you—’

  John clamped his hand over her mouth as a Secret Service response team thundered past. Their footfalls faded and John swapped a fearful look with Liang Junhui, before leading them back into the hall.

  ‘What do we do?’ Liang said.

  John looked around for signs of pursuit. ‘They murdered the EU president and we’re next, if they find us.’

  The Chinese premier looked at him in bewilderment. ‘But why?’

  ‘Because there’s another asteroid about to hit Earth. The GMRC have been lying to us all along. To everyone.’

  ‘It can’t be,’ Liang said. ‘We would have known. Someone would have seen it coming.’

  ‘They did and they made sure we didn’t.’

  Another blast made the room’s lights flicker and the screams of the dying grew nearer.

  ‘We have to go – NOW.’ John grasped Ashley’s hand and led the party of three down another hallway. More Secret Service agents mustered at the end and John heard Dante’s raised voice as he organised his men.

  ‘Back,’ John said, turning. ‘Go back!’

  ‘There he is!’ someone shouted.

  John glanced back to see Dante appear around the corner, his gun raised.

  Time slowed and the weapon kicked. A flash of flame billowed from the muzzle and John pushed Ashley aside and threw himself in the opposite direction.

  Another gunshot echoed out, and another and another.

  John slammed against a wall as bullets peppered the tiles around him. Rolling left, he dived around a corner to safety, and then he was up and running again, with Ashley and the Chinese premier hot on his heels.

  Another counterterrorism unit appeared ahead of them and John veered into another hallway, which opened into a circular anteroom with multiple exits.

  ‘This way, Mr President,’ said a voice.

  John looked round and saw a big red arrow flashing on a nearby screen, above the adjoining corridor to his left.

  ‘Where are you going, John?!’ Dante said, his voice getting closer.

  John ran left and another gunshot rang out. A puff of marble exploded from the wall he’d just passed, the bullet just missing his head.

  Another arrow appeared on a screen at the far end, pointing right. John followed it, then a third arrow, pointing left, straight after.

  The sound of their pursuers faded and another screen guided him into an unlit room.

  Ashley and Liang slipped inside behind him and John closed the door.

  ‘Stay silent, Mr President,’ said a voice from the dark.

  Voices could be heard, and the occasional gunshot and scream, but as the seconds ticked by they remained undiscovered and the voice spoke again. ‘You can turn the lights on now, Mr President.’

  John felt around on the wall for a switch and the lights blinked on.

  The room was much like other offices in the Capitol, and like those it had a holographic screen, on which read a message:

  Roses are red, violets are blue, you’re in danger and I am too _

  John frowned. ‘Hello? Is anyone there?’

  John swapped looks with the Chinese premier, and Ashley said, ‘Listen, what’s that?’

  Muffled talking could be heard, accompanied by the odd curse word and a hollow clonking noise. It was coming from behind a large desk.

  John peered over the top and watched as an antique ventilation grate toppled onto the floor with a clang. A large woman crawled out, followed soon after by a small woman with ginger hair and a young man, who muttered away in a foreign language.

  The three newcomers got to their feet and looked round in shock at John, Ashley and Liang Junhui, who stared back at them in confusion.

  ‘Who are you people?’ John said.

  Jessica Klein touched her prosthetic nose, looked at her friends and then turned to face him and said. ‘We’re here to help you save the world, Mr President.’

  Chapter Two Hundred Twelve

  ‘Save the world?’ Ashley turned to her husband. ‘John, we need to get out of here. It’s not safe.’

  ‘If what he says is true,’ the Chinese premier said, ‘nowhere is safe.’

  John ignored his wife and took a step forward. ‘You look familiar,’ he said looking at Brett. ‘Have we met before?’

  Brett glanced at Jessica and said nothing.

  ‘And what do you mean,’ John said, ‘save the world? You mean the asteroid, don’t you?’ His hopes soared. ‘Can you help me warn the nation?’

  A distant scream broke the silence. Brett drew her sidearm and moved to the door. She cracked it open. ‘We need to stick to the plan,’ she said, looking back at Jessica, who nodded.

  ‘We need to get to the subway system,’ Jessica said to John. ‘Do you know where it is?’

  John frowned. ‘Subway system? Capitol South, that’s the closest station, but we’d have to get outside first.’ Automatic weapons fire echoed through the open door. ‘We
’ll be lucky to get ten feet.’

  ‘What about the Secret Service?’ Eric said.

  John looked at the young German. ‘The Secret Service is working for the GMRC. I have no protection, unless I can get to the FBI, but even they might be compromised, for all I know.’

  ‘Dante,’ Brett said, her face darkening.

  ‘Yes.’ John glared at Ashley, then looked back at Brett. ‘You know him?’

  ‘That doesn’t matter now,’ Jessica said. ‘What matters is that we get to the subway system and get you to the White House.’

  ‘The White House, yes, I can broadcast from there. But there’s no train station at the White House, and there’s no station here.’ John’s expression changed. ‘Unless you mean the automated people mover that connects the Capitol to the House and Senate office buildings?’

  ‘That’s exactly what we mean,’ Brett said.

  ‘But that doesn’t go to the White House.’

  Jessica gave a grim smile. ‘Would you like to put a wager on that, Mr President?’

  Chapter Two Hundred Thirteen

  Deep beneath Washington D.C., a high-speed monorail train slowed as it neared its destination, its origin and intermediate terminals a closely guarded secret.

  The white futuristic train glided into a dimly lit station, its twin headlights ablaze in the dark. It slowed to a crawl, then finally drew to a silent stop.

  Brake systems discharged with a hiss and a wave of gas rolled over the surface of the platform, the vented coolant lingering in the air like mist.

  Two grey-clad armoured soldiers emerged from the front of the train, and one said to the other, ‘Sir, I have a connection.’

  Agent Myers held out his hand and was given a device. ‘Report,’ he said, his voice muffled by his helmet.

  A man in a dark suit appeared on the screen. ‘Multiple casualties, it’s like a battlefield up here! Why was I told to release Gerhard Beck?!’


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