Evermore: The Rylakian Heir

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Evermore: The Rylakian Heir Page 15

by Caroline Metzlaff

  Thankfully Mercury walked Cindy through the forest to Rapunzel’s tower daily, and waited patiently in the trees for her to return. It wouldn’t do to scare the Mother Goethal by flaunting a fully grown werewolf in front of her, although Cindy did occasionally daydream about it to be sure; those daydreams usually ended with The Mother flying off in terror and Mercury and Cindy running through the forest with Rapunzel between them, shouting “freedom” at the top of their lungs. But in the end, she went up to deliver the lesson alone, of course lingering to visit with the lonely teen for as long as she could. Cindy also delivered Snow’s lesson each day, but here at least, Mercury was welcome.

  “Strange, I haven’t seen him either. But don’t judge him too harshly; there is something off in the forest lately. I don’t know what it is, but the whole vibe is out of synch.” Mercury said in partial defence of the missing vampire.

  “Something off everywhere.” Cindy agreed. “I haven’t been able to sew very well lately, that’s never happened before. I can’t even remember my dreams the last few days.”

  “That is odd; come to think of it, neither can I.” Snow grimaced, dreams were usually her ‘happy place”, the loss of them wasn’t doing anything for her good humor that much was for sure.

  “Uncle Happy has been complaining about his cookies not turning out right lately, and Uncle Gordon is even grumpier than usual; maybe everyone’s off. But Manuel was her only friend at night when we couldn’t come; he better have a good reason.” Snow sighed and threw herself back on to her pillows. Where was the damn vampire.

  “I’d say the cookies were just fine, if anyone were to ask me that is.” Mercury offered; he really loved cookies. He really loved food in general, and since Uncle Happy really loved feeding people some would call it a match made in heaven.

  “Are there any left?” Snow teased.

  Mercury shook his head. “Nope.”

  Just then a knock sounded off the door, and a little bald head poked around the corner. Sweet Uncle Donovan, or ‘Uncle Dopey’ as Snow affectionately referred to him, gave the kids a big smile and looked up hopefully at Mercury.

  “Mercury? Gordon went and got his axe stuck in a log out back.” Dopey paused to laugh silently. “He’s cussing up a storm; you think you could pull it out for him before he has a stroke?”

  “Of course!” Mercury immediately sprang up and followed the little bald man out of the room. Mercury, so tall and strong looking and Uncle Dopey, so small and cute; they made quite a pair. Uncle Grumpy...er Gordon was not known for his patience and he knew more cuss words, in more languages, than Snow could even imagine. Although his bark was usually much worse than his bite, people rarely tangled with him.

  Watching the action from the corner window, Snow couldn’t actually hear what was being said, but then again she didn’t really need to. Uncle Grumpy had both hands on the axe and was using the log to brace both of his little legs, but even using all of his strength, the axe wasn’t budging, and he was red faced with exertion. Judging from the look in Cindy’s wide green eyes and the way she immediately clamped her hands over her ears, he really was cussing up a storm...in several languages.

  Uncle Snyder was laughing so hard tears flowed from his eyes, although to be honest Snow wasn’t sure if the tears were from laughter or his chronic hay fever. Sweet, Uncle Dopey covered his smile, although his laughing eyes betrayed him and waited patiently as Mercury approached the irate little man and offered his assistance. Apparently Mercury had said the exact right thing, so Uncle Grumpy finally let go of the axe and Mercury was quick to pull it out of the log. Snow smiled softly as she made her way back to her bed.

  What had they ever done before Mercury joined their little group? The brothers were constantly relying on his strength for one job or another, and the big wolf was always happy to comply. Uncle Happy, as Snow fondly referred to him, was pleased as punch to find someone who loved gingersnap cookies as much as he did and the two of them were often found beside the empty cookie jar, swigging great mugs of milk. And sweet little Uncle Ben, Bashful Ben as he was often referred to, had shared his biggest secret with the big lovable wolf...his crush on a certain milkmaid named Marion. Mercury knew all about the secret crush.

  He chopped up all of the wood, stacking it in a neat pile by the back door before he went home for the evening.

  Of course he did.


  Dr. Cornelius Rutherford had spent days going over book after book; searching for anything he could find on the mysterious illness called “Hoglas disease.” But even an exhaustive search through his shelves of medical files, books, articles and case studies had proved completely fruitless; and without any specific symptoms, the search became near impossible.

  Sitting at his desk gently rubbing his temples, he had to admit defeat. He was exhausted and frustrated; but more than that, he was intrigued. Now, more than ever he knew he had to meet this young woman and examine her himself. Perhaps her Mother could be persuaded to conduct an introduction between him and her attending physician; he found himself greatly excited by the prospect.

  He would examine Snow, and if she was mended sufficiently he would accompany her to the teen, Rapunzel’s tower. Silently he laughed to himself, of course she would declare herself healed; she had been itching to go out for days. You just couldn’t hold teenagers down, could you?


  The early afternoon sun blazed high in the pale blue sky. Dazzling rays of sun reached down caressing each blade of grass and wild flowers stood straight up, petals and leaves reaching back up towards the beautiful sky. The entrance to The Lonesome Forest was a beautiful sight this early in the day, and Snow stopped to hug her favourite willow tree, whispering words of endearment as she clung; it had been far too long and she sincerely apologised to her tree.

  The girls had never entered the forest this early in the day, and now traveling with Mercury and Uncle Doc they had a chance to see the forest’s true beauty. In another hour or two the sun would have moved just far enough away to stop illuminating the dense forest, but for now it was a secret just waiting to be uncovered.

  For instance, the variety of multi-coloured mushrooms that grew at the base of the trees, and the rich, velvet green moss that almost begged you to stroke it that grew like patchwork over stones and logs. The tiny ivy that grew in magnificent purplish splotches across the ground that made you think of a short dense carpet, and previously unnoticed birds sang together in great choruses; all of it was incredibly beautiful. The millions of shades of greens, browns and in some cases red leaves that decorated the trees in the early afternoon sun proved to the girls that the forest was far, far more beautiful than either of them ever could have imagined

  The walk to Rapunzel’s tower was suddenly new and magical and they laughed and chatted as they strolled through the spectacular forest. They stopped just as they entered the clearing surrounding the stone house and tower. Snow took a deep breath; to say she was nervous about introducing Uncle Doc to The Mother Goethal was putting it quite mildly. Unpleasant was an understatement when referring to the Mother. Resolutely she started for the door and knocked.

  After waiting for a moment with no response, she picked up the large metal knocker and knocked again, louder this time.

  Finally the round dark door opened a just enough for a sliver of The Mother’s face to be visible, and she was wearing a deep set scowl.

  “It’s Saturday. There is no lesson to be dropped off. Scat and leave a tired, old woman in peace.” And with that she shut the door firmly in Snow’s face. Snow turned to look at the frowning Uncle Doc.

  The doctor, being a man of strict politeness, was somewhat taken aback with the reception awarded Snow, so he walked forward and took the knocker himself. Rapping firmly three times he waited patiently. The door opened that small sliver again.

  “I told you to scat, you mangy good for nothing teenager!” She spat out the door way; but the good doctor slipped his foot in
the opening just before The Mother could slam it again.

  “Excuse me, Madame?” He inquired politely, expertly masking his pain as she slammed the door hard on his foot.

  “Who are you? And what do you want?” She spat again at Uncle Doc, who was truly stunned at the depth of her impoliteness. Snow, Cindy and Mercury hung back, unsure of what exactly to do.

  “Good afternoon Madame, I am Dr. Cornelius Rutherford, I am here to take an examination of your daughter Rapunzel, if she will allow it.” He greeted extending his small hand.

  She ignored the offered hand completely, sneering at him instead. “I have heard of you Dr. Rutherford, and I do not recall requesting your...services.”

  “No, of course you didn’t.” He replied easily, opening the door a little wider with his hands. “But my Snowy has told me all about your dear Rapunzel’s illness, and how all avenues of treatment have appeared hopeless. I am here to lend my expertise; I was awarded the medal of “Medical Innovation” just this year at the convention in Crystallise. I wish to lend my support to your daughter’s most puzzling and debilitating illness, as a Mother I knew you would want nothing more than to see your daughter live a fuller, healthier life.”

  At the mention of her name, The Mother had turned a withering eye on Snow, who shrunk back instinctively. “I assure you doctor, there is nothing you can do for my Rapunzel. Now I will ask you to remove yourself from my doorstep.” She tried to shut the door again but Uncle Doc, small but strong, kept a firm grip on it.

  “But Madame, surely you wish to see your daughter cured?” He protested with genuine puzzlement.

  “Doctor, I suggest you remove yourself from my doorstep while you are still able.” She snarled as she fought over control of the door with him. Hearing that, Mercury stepped forward and took the door in his own large hands, opening it wide. The Mother took in the huge werewolf boy and swallowed her next retort, as Uncle Doc stepped aside and allowed Mercury the floor.

  “You wouldn’t be threatening Doc would you? I’m just making sure, because that would make me really, really angry. And no one likes me when I’m really, really angry.” He explained to The Mother as he leaned down to look her right in her watery eye.

  “Of course not you hairy fool; I am merely respecting my daughter’s wishes.” She sputtered as she looked him up and down avoiding the glower on his face and the intensity in his eye. “Rapunzel does not wish to be poked and prodded by every visiting physician in Lonstas.”

  “Then maybe we should ask Rapunzel how she feels?” Mercury asked as politely as he could given the present circumstances.

  “I could ask her.” Cindy offered stepping forward; Snow caught her hand pulling her back pointing silently to the tower window. Rapunzel’s sleek head popped out; Uncle Doc looked back at Snow and she pointed upwards. Following her gesture, he raised his gaze and took his first look at the girl, Rapunzel, as she frantically waved in greeting to him.

  “My daughter is quite ill, as you have been informed, and is resting right now. I will not disturb her much needed rest for such foolishness.” The old woman declared fiercely with malice in her eye.

  Snowy made a “locked door” gesture. Nodding once, Uncle Doc returned to the door.

  “I understand your misgivings Madame, but should the child Rapunzel awaken, and was to allow the examination, you would not stand in our way? Is that what I am to understand?”

  “Of course doctor, I am nothing if not a doting and concerned mother.” She replied rather piously.

  “Okay then. I do hope you are a woman of your word as I intend to hold you to it!” Uncle Doc sang gaily, as he stepped out from the door. “Good afternoon Rapunzel!” He called out waving.

  Rapunzel waved frantically back again. “Good afternoon Dr, Rutherford, Snowy has spoken of you often and with great fondness!” She sang out the window, so terribly excited to have company.

  The Mother, a look of shocked anger stamped on her ugly face stepped out as well and looked up the tower.

  “Dear child,” Uncle Doc called up to Rapunzel. “Snowy has informed me of your most unfortunate illness, and I am so very curious ,as yours is the first such case to reach my ears. Would it offend you if I was to request an examination?”

  “There would be no offense taken doctor, I too, am most curious about my affliction.”

  “There you have it. Now Madame, if you will excuse us we shall head up to visit the young girl, and don’t worry we won’t take very long.” Clearly pleased as punch, Uncle Doc couldn’t keep the wide smile from spreading across his kindly face. He marched back to the doorway.

  The Mother placed herself firmly in front of the doorway, hands on her hips and a defiant look in her eye.

  “I would not have you taking advantage of my daughter in her innocence, nor have her pressured in to being poked and prodded like a circus anomaly, to appease what she believes to be friends, only to be discussed and made mockery of.”

  “Excuse me? Madame, we would never make fun of Rapunzel, she’s one of my best friends!” Cindy rushed in.

  “You, Miss Vanholston? The talk of the town¸ the way your scoundrel father lets you run wild? Oh, I have heard all about your doings. Have you not influenced my sweet Rapunzel enough?” She spat.

  Rapunzel watched in horror as The Mother barred the entrance to the house. She had no idea what to do, she was locked in; but if they simply left, she was unsure if she would ever see them again. Silently she placed her hand on her chest and fought to control her panic.

  “Now Madame-” Uncle Doc began in the stupefied Cindy’s defence.

  “Enough! We are done with these lessons. I will not have these open challenges of my authority in my own home continue. I will not allow these lawless girls to further influence my pure and innocent daughter...with these!” The Mother cried and threw something at the Doctors feet.

  Bending down he carefully picked up the offending magazines. The last two issues of “The Lonstasian Eye” tabloid. Cindy bit her lip in guilt.

  “Nothing but a silly entertainment tabloid Madame-” He began again.

  “Filling her head with places she can never see, things she can never do on account of her illness.”

  Snow and Cindy shared a horrified look, they had never, ever meant to cause Rapunzel pain.

  “Unspeakable cruelty; and from those who would call themselves ‘friend’.” She declared. “We are done with your form of ‘friendship’.” She slammed the door in their stunned faces.

  Wide eyed and angry, Mercury stepped forward to knock again, but Uncle Doc laid a soothing hand on his shoulder.

  “We will accomplish nothing more here today my friend. Come, let us leave in peace.”

  Mercury struggled to suppress his anger at the sight of Rapunzel in her tower window, crying as if her heart would break. Uncle Doc turned in response to the wolf’s anguish, and the tears rose in his eyes as well. The compassionate doctor would find some way to help her; otherwise the image of the lonely heartbroken girl locked away in her tower would haunt him forever.

  Chapter 10

  Whoever had planned this pre-season kick-off festival, deserved a big hug, that’s all Snow knew. It was a wonderful idea and just the thing to break the town out of the fog that they had all been living in lately. The town of Turin and surrounding encampments had been buzzing about nothing else for days. Commencing just after dark in the great town square, the line up already included two well known vampire bands, a fairy/pixie light show, a mime show and it was even rumoured that Great Mother Sardinia was sending her best musicians and dancers as well. Not to be left out, Caspian Van Holston had made arrangements for two of his biggest clients to make the trek from Crystallise and perform that evening as well. It was more excitement then Turin had seen in a long time.

  Of course the ever ready vendors were busy setting huge vats for caramel corn, candy apples, cotton candy and pretzels. The general fog that Turin had been living under seemed to have been lifted and been
replaced with a light hearted joyful feeling as people ran to and fro setting up streamers, lamps and decorations. There was no admission charge, but any money collected was to be donated to the “Chances for Children” fund. The fund was relatively new, funded by an unknown benefactor; it was aimed at opening up equal opportunities for all children, regardless of race and species. It specialised in integrating wolf children, elf, fairy etc with human children; no group was excluded, it allowed them the rare opportunity to play together. Uncle Doc habitually donated to this particular fund, although it was a source for some very real contention among the Aristocrats, who were constantly trying to shut it down.

  For this one event, Uncle Doc had given the girls and Merc permission to bring Rapunzel. Well, he hadn’t actually said it in so many words, but as Snow had wistfully mentioned, several times¸ how wonderful it would be if Rapunzel could attend the festival, he had merely smiled and agreed that yes it would, she had taken that as an ‘unspoken permission’. He hadn’t made any mention of asking The Mother to allow her out, but as Snow saw it, after his explosive meeting with The Mother Goethal, he understood the utter pointlessness of asking her permission. For days he had been conferring with local authorities, trying to find a legal loophole with which to liberate the imprisoned girl, but as of yet he had found exactly nothing. Mercury had taken to checking in on her once or twice every night.

  But for this ever so special occasion, they had decided they would do whatever they had to in order to spring their friend. Cindy set about making a plan.


  They met in secret, just after dark, each bringing with them the item Cindy had asked them to procure.

  Snow had brought two of the longest pillows she could find. Uncle Horst and Uncle Donovan, Uncles Happy and Dopey respectively, had each given her the strangest of looks when she had begged to trade pillows with them. But, always the doting uncles, they had dutifully relinquished their nice long body pillows, accepting Snow’s pink lacy pillows in exchange.


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