Evermore: The Rylakian Heir

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Evermore: The Rylakian Heir Page 18

by Caroline Metzlaff

  Uncle Doc bent over to look at the comb. “Why that is the comb I bought for her in Crystallise!” He exclaimed in bewilderment.

  “I believe I found her in time for my antidote to be fully affective, now I seek to reverse the worst of the damages done by the poison and the curse. What do you know of energy healing Doctor?” The Gypsy Leader asked.

  “Not much Madame.” He answered sadly. Energy healing was but a theory in the mainstream medical world.

  “I have studied it briefly for a paper Madame.” The prince offered.

  “Well, come closer both of you. I will lead us.” She commanded.

  As the prince drew closer to the still form on the table, he noticed her face so white next to her shiny black hair, and he still found it beautiful. He reached out and stroked her cold white hand looking up at the old gypsy for guidance.


  Outside the chamber, Mercury sat on the ground holding his head, his handsome face grim. Rapunzel and Cindy sat on either side of him, stroking his shoulders, trying to ease his obvious suffering. As her protector, he felt it was his fault that she had been poisoned. He had been dancing with Red when it happened, he hadn’t been anywhere near her...hadn’t even been thinking of her.

  “I was sworn to protect her!” He whispered fiercely. “I never should have let her out of my sight! Of course her stepmother would take advantage of a night like this? How could I have not seen this coming?”

  “Mercury, how could you have known where she would attack from? You can’t watch over someone every minute of every day! It is impossible. And you can’t blame yourself, Snowy would never.” Rapunzel held his warm hand tightly and spoke intently in to his eyes.

  “Of course she wouldn’t!” Cindy exclaimed reaching for his other hand. “No one does!”

  Both of the girls looked up at the impassive Manuel who simply blinked.

  “If it isn’t my fault, whose is it? She was my responsibility. And if she dies all honour in our pack will be destroyed.” He stared back at Manuel’s emotionless eyes. Cindy clung to him tighter.

  “She won’t die!” Rapunzel cried. “Manuel, tell him so!”

  Manuel considered Rapunzel for a brief moment.

  “Blaming yourself will not save the girl. You did the right thing in bringing her to me as I could transport her near instantaneously to the one being that could in fact save her. Great Mother Sardinia is among the greatest healers in all of the kingdoms, she is in capable hands.” Manuel offered; it was the best he could do.

  “Had I stayed by her side, I would not have had to bring her to you.” Mercury insisted.

  “No offence Merc, but her stepmother is way too sneaky and inventive.” Cindy said with a shake of her head. “No one could have seen this coming. Even if you had been there, she would have found a way. She’s really good at what she does; she’s evil...like spiders.” Cindy’s voice dropped to a whisper as she uttered the last word.

  Prince Leonardo poked his head through the doorway.

  “Her stepmother is behind this heinous attack?” He asked incredulously. “That hardly seems logical.”

  “You don’t know her stepmother; she’s a powerful sorceress back in Rylak. And tricky too.” Cindy shook her head again. “Is she going to be okay?”

  Stray tears ran down both girls cheeks. Mercury lifted his head to stare hopefully up at the prince.

  Alessa poked her glossy head through the doorway beside the prince.

  “She has not yet regained consciousness, but my grandmother says she will recover in time.”

  Cindy and Rapunzel rushed forward catching the lovely gypsy girl in a tight embrace.

  “There is no news I would rather hear, thank you Alessa.” Rapunzel whispered.

  Mercury sat up at once and embraced the overwhelmed girl as well. Rapunzel retreated back to the security of Manuel’s side, he reached out and took her hand.

  “Snowy is a Rylakian with a sorceress stepmother? I’m not sure I follow.” The prince asked in confusion.

  The friends exchanged looks. No one wanted to break their friend’s trust, but on the other hand, Leo was their Crown Prince destined to be their king...were they even allowed to deny a direct request? Not that he had ever used his position before but...

  “Please, explain this to me.” He asked again. Alessa and Manuel looked on with interest as well.

  Cindy looked over to Mercury and Rapunzel who both gestured that she should take the floor. With a deep breath she began.

  “Ah hell. Snowy is the Rylakian heir “Snow White”, her stepmother is a...a batshit nutcase and for some crazy psycho reason she tried to kill Snowy, so she ran away; that’s all I really know. Snowy hasn’t ever said much, but batshit keeps trying. Uncle Doc found her, and...I don’t know what happens now, but we aren’t supposed to let anyone know who she is; it’s not safe for her. Not with crazy psycho stepmother out there and all.”

  “She tried to kill Snowy?” Leonardo asked somewhat sceptically, one eyebrow raised. “Perhaps that is an exaggeration.”

  “Really? She hired a huntsman to cut her heart out. That’s pretty ‘tried to kill’, no exaggeration to me.” Cindy shot back, and instantly blushed completely ashamed that she had sassed her very own Prince Leonardo.

  “Her heart?” Asked Alessa in shock. “How barbaric!”

  “She enchanted a corset as well, not long ago I heard, almost crushed her to death in the square.” Rapunzel turned to Manuel. “Mercury had to rip it off of her using his werewolf strength or she would have suffocated to death.”

  “So the dark soldier we witnessed at Rapunzel’s cottage was in fact a minion of Snowy’s stepmother.” Manuel said thoughtfully pulling Rapunzel closer. “He bore the crest of Rylak. What would a Soldier of Rylak have to do with the old woman?”

  “I don’t know. But I don’t think anything good can come of that.” Cindy suddenly felt overwhelmed by the past events.

  “I would prefer you didn’t return there.” He murmured softly to Rapunzel.

  “That is my home.” She reminded equally softly.

  “For now.” He was barely audible as he brushed his lips across her hair.

  “If Snowy is the Rylakian heir, we are all duty bound to protect her. I will seek out her stepmother and deal with this matter diplomatically.” Leo said with finality.

  “Yes Fair Prince, that does on the surface sound like the best way to deal with this. And in any other circumstance I would agree with that course of action. But answer me this, has the Queen of Rylak presented herself formally for this visit, asking the notoriously diplomatic ruling family to aid her in her domestic dispute? Or has she visited your kingdom anonymously, in secret and attempted twice now to assassinate visiting royalty, employing both poison and dark enchantments.” Manuel asked casually. “Are you sure ‘talking to her’ will solve this matter?”

  The prince saw the vampire’s point, although he didn’t like it.

  “How do you suggest we deal with this?” He asked finally.

  Manuel considered the question at length, finally he shrugged. “In the absence of any proof, we have nothing to gain with open confrontation. If it were up to me I would direct my attention to simply protecting the heir and gathering information for the time being. She will strike again; but from where? We need to be ready. I believe that once she finds that she has failed again, she will return with something truly heinous.”

  Leonardo nodded. “You might be right.”

  “You could start with locating the Rylakian soldiers frequenting The Lonesome Forest, and inquire as to why they did not ask for passage, as is customary. They might provide a clue as to what this Rosalyn of Rylak is truly up to.”

  Leo nodded thoughtfully.

  Suddenly a small sphere of silver appeared beside him. Gradually expanding until it reached perhaps 6’ in height. All eyes watched as the muse stepped delicately out of the portal, her huge masses of hair swaying around her.

  “I have
just spoken with the Great Oracle and have been assured that your friend will recover fully. The Great Oracle extends gratitude for returning my crystal and stabilising the balance. I never forget a debt. Are you ready to leave sweet vampire?” She asked without ever saying a word.

  Manuel looked at his friends questioningly and they all nodded. Taking a step forward he reached out and accepted her extended hand.

  “Close your eyes.” She reminded as they both stepped in to the swirling portal.

  Manuel’s last sight was that of Rapunzel. He forgot to close his eyes.

  Chapter 11

  He watched as she wiped the last of the white grease makeup off of her face. Without a word he handed her another towel. He could only guess where she had been this evening, but he had a very good idea about the what she had been doing, and judging by her smile he could reasonably assume she had been successful. He was torn between joy for her and sorrow for Snow.

  What drove her like that? What fueled her anger and hatred? He could not understand, he never would. What bothered him most of all was that she had left him behind. Again. How could he protect her if she left him behind, how could he reason with her?

  Sometimes it was hard to reconcile the sweet young Rylakian farm girl with the dark angry Rylakian Queen. Too many years had passed between his last memory of her in Gaston and his re-entry in to her life as her personal bodyguard. Alaric would never know what fortune had placed a beautiful, yet penniless farm girl on the throne of Rylak. Alaric could only guess what fueled and distorted her emotions; she kept much to herself. In the end there was little he could do.

  So he did the only thing he knew how to do. He protected her. When she let him.


  Everyone watched, eyes and mouths wide open as Manuel disappeared in to the portal with the muse. And just as quickly as it had appeared, it contracted back down, blinking out completely taking both Manuel and the Muse with it. Rapunzel stared the longest at the spot Manuel had just disappeared from, her hand fluttering helplessly up to her neck, finally grasping the red sun that hung on the fine chain. Alessa put her arms around the distraught girl’s shoulders.

  “That is how magic works. They are there, and then they are gone. But most assuredly he is just fine. He is with a muse, and they are above all, good. She will not let any harm come to him and he will be home before you know it, and perhaps he will be even more pleased with himself, as it is a great honour to travel with a muse. Add to that a meeting with the Great Oracle? He will be insufferable now.” She laughed at the thought.

  “He’s always insufferable.” Cindy muttered.

  Alessa smiled warmly at her friend. “Come, all of you. My grandmother would roast me alive if I forgot to offer you food and drink! Especially your Highness.” She curtsied again.

  “Now I told you, I’m just Leo when I’m working.” The handsome prince objected.

  “But you are done working. Now you are resting. But I shall do as you ask none the less and call you Leo...your Highness.” She said with a teasing laugh.

  Cindy would have done anything if she could be as confident as the young gypsy girl. And her height. She would really love her height. Cindy put her arms around Mercury, who wouldn’t believe everything was going to be all right until he saw Snow up walking and talking with his own eyes. She knew there was nothing any of them could say to lessen his guilt, so she did the only thing she could think of; she stayed by his side, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

  Prince Leonardo hung back.

  “I would like to spell Dr. Rutherford; he needs refreshments more than I.” He announced before turning back to the old gypsy’s treatment chamber.

  One look at the set of his handsome jaw, and Alessa realised the futility of arguing with him, so she smiled and nodded with a small curtsy and led Rapunzel, Cindy and Mercury over to the main camp meeting area.

  Pushing back the beads, the young prince entered the chamber. Uncle Doc and the old gypsy sat on either side of Snow. Although still motionless, her face had regained a little colour making it appear somewhat less pasty. At least she was resting peacefully. Uncle Doc looked up as the prince knelt beside the sleeping girl.

  “Leo, you have had a very long day. I would suggest you head on home to the palace and get some rest yourself, Mother Sardinia and I will keep watch of our girl.” He whispered his voice laced with weariness.

  “Dr. Rutherford, I thank you for your unending thoughtfulness, but I am not tired in the least. I would be happier if you joined her friends in some refreshments. I am more than capable of guarding a sleeping girl.” The prince whispered back.

  “Perhaps that might be considered a Royal Decree, Doctor.” Mother Sardinia smiled over at the exhausted man. “I would do as he says, and quickly.”

  The prince simply nodded at the little man. Uncle Doc took the hint, it had after all sounded somewhat like a command. Slowly he stood up, barely hiding the various aches and pains in his back. Stiffly he made his way out of the chamber; the old gypsy regarded him closely with narrow eyes.

  The prince sat down on the bench the doctor had vacated and took hold of one of Snow’s soft hands. The gypsy turned her speculative gaze to him.


  “Oh dear, sweet vampire.” Came the muse’s sweet voice in his head as his feet finally felt solid ground beneath them. “You forgot to close your eyes.”

  Manuel wondered if he even had eyes anymore, he couldn’t see a thing. The myriad of brilliant colours and piercing flashing lights had assaulted his eyes with what felt like deadly force. He clutched his head in his hands and struggled to remain on his feet.

  “This will never do. I must take you to the Great Oracle’s own realm.” She decided. “Once there you can rest and your eyes can be attended to, although I think you would have preferred this Neutral Plane. Please do close your eyes this time.” She gently reminded in his head.

  He felt her take his hand and once again the world lost shape beneath his feet and he experienced the curious sensation of spinning through a vortex. But not once did he even think of opening his eyes.

  Finally the sensation stopped and Manuel felt solid ground beneath his feet once more. The muse gently led him across what felt like a large room. Loud indescribable music with a relentless beat vibrated off the walls, sounds joining together in a way the vampire had never before heard, a drum beat mercilessly and he felt the deep echoing in his bones. Tenderly she helped him sit down on what must have been a chair of some sort, although he couldn’t be sure as his eyesight had not yet returned.

  “Rest now dearest vampire. The Great Oracle is almost finished.” She whispered close to his ear and he realised that this time she had not spoken directly in his head.

  For the first time in his very long life, the Vampire Manuel did not feel that he was in control. This was a very unsettling feeling and would have been more so if he hadn’t felt his fangs...intact. Although the idea of harming a muse in anyway was unthinkable at best. He just needed to know. With a sigh he relaxed against the chair, allowing the incessant music to pump through him.

  In time the music came to an end and was met with thunderous applause. For a few minutes the world seemed to shake and his ears rang curiously in the music’s absence.

  “Aye Mate! You made it! Sybil, fetch us a drink will ya luv?” A loud friendly voice emerged seemingly from nowhere.

  Manuel struggled to open his eyes.


  The door swung open with a bang.

  The old woman squinted at the sleeping form on the bed, wondering why she did not react to the noise.

  There Rapunzel lay. Her glorious hair trailing over the pillow, coiling on the floor beside the bed, one arm thrown over her head, she slept on peacefully. Puzzled the old woman shuffled over to the sleeping girl, a sudden thought struck through her heart what if the girl was dead? Fearful of what punishment would befall her if the girl were really and truly dead, she quickly grabbed Rapunzel’s arm
and felt for a pulse.

  The arm fell to the floor, shattering.

  In horror, the old woman threw back the blankets and was shocked to find two long pillows instead of the girl!

  She was gone! Fear and rage filled the old woman, and she paced back and forth through Rapunzel’s room. The girl was gone! Ran away in to the night! It was then that she noticed the almost concealed ends of a rope ladder extending out from the window. At a quick glance, the chair and flower pot would have hidden it. Looking down out the window, The Mother realised that this ladder could only mean one thing...

  Rapunzel would be returning. The old woman’s mouth curled in a cruel snarl. She would never have the opportunity to escape again. Of that the old woman was most assured.


  His vision was still somewhat hazy, but Manuel was able to make out his surroundings to some extent at least.

  He appeared to be in a dimly lit room, sitting on a very cushioned black leather chair. In front of him was a small, low, square table and beside him a very wide, black leather chair, perhaps wide enough for three people. Directly across from him, on an identical chair, sat a man.

  The man was dressed in tight black leather pants and a sleeveless black shirt; his longer white blonde hair sprang up off of his head standing at attention in all directions. He had great big blue eyes, high cheekbones and a wide generous smile with just the hint of a dimple.

  “Your eyesight’s come back to ya, ennit?” The man nodded and smiled amiably at the bewildered vampire. “Sybil, luv?”

  The muse appeared by his side with a short rounded glass in each hand. She handed one to each of them.

  “Ah, there we are. Thank you.” The man said emphatically, taking a long drink from his glass.

  Manuel studied the contents of the glass the muse, Sybil, had handed him. It contained a dark fizzy liquid and had a lime wedge on the rim. Delicately he sniffed the contents, it smelled strong and sweet. The man nodded encouragingly and Manuel took a tiny sip. He felt the burn all the way down.


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