Evermore: The Rylakian Heir

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Evermore: The Rylakian Heir Page 31

by Caroline Metzlaff

  He fell silent, it hurt to speak of Snow. He pulled her closer to him; she gasped again.

  “Does anyone know you are meeting me?” He asked urgently. “Tell me the truth.”

  “GG-Gerta.” She stammered. “My maid.” It never even occurred to her to lie to him after one look in his eyes. They were so beautiful...and dangerous. Now, in retrospect she really was glad that she had told someone what she was going to do.

  “Good. That’s good.” He nodded. “Are you afraid of me? You shouldn’t be. I would protect you from absolutely anything and everything that would ever threaten you. I am far more than capable. Do you believe me?”

  He began to steer her in to the forest, the sun was setting and the forest was alive with colour; he wanted more than anything to share it with her. Share the magic of his beloved forest, with his beloved.

  She nodded; because she did believe him. And she knew she would see him again should he ask.

  She hoped he would.


  Leo sat on a chair beside Snow’s bed, holding her small, pale hand in his. Cindy sat perched on a stool on the other side of the bed. People had been coming and going in this sick room for the past five days, but Leo and Cindy had been keeping a constant vigil, each lost in their own thoughts; each grieving for their Snow.

  Cindy knew a loneliness that she had not felt since before Snow arrived in Turin. In some ways this was worse, because before Snow’s arrival, Cindy didn’t know what a best friend was. A true best friend, as opposed to the rapid revolving door of friends that Cindy had grown accustomed to all of her life. Now she couldn’t imagine any life without her.

  Rapunzel and Manuel joined them every evening for a time, and Mercury constantly hovered close by as well. But it was Cindy and Leo that had to be coaxed away from her bedside to eat. Manuel spent much of his evenings going over all that could be learned from various underground sources, with regards to curses and the darker enchantments, but none of his sources had ever come across a curse such as this. Rapunzel spent countless hours going through medical books with Mercury and Uncle Doc to no avail. Day and night they could be found sitting on the floor in Doc’s study poring over his medical documents.

  The uncles ran around helping whomever they could wherever they could. A sadder bunch of little men was never seen. Even Uncle Happy couldn’t seem to find the will to smile anymore. They brought flowers to Snow’s bedside continually, until the room was overflowing. Cindy found a vase for every single bouquet; it kept her hands busy.

  Leo, anger and pain colouring his voice, had commanded his soldiers to comb the countryside for anything Rylakian, any stories of Rylakian soldiers on Lonstasian ground. Anything that could point back to Rylak, but most of all he hoped that they could catch up to Rosalyn herself; she would pay for her crimes, Queen of Rylak or not...the peace they had held with Rylak for so long was perilously damaged, they were on the brink of war.

  So for now they sat, in their usual places that morning; Leo sitting on Snow’s left and holding her hand, while Cindy sat on a stool on her right when the door opened and Madame Morgada swept in with a terribly distraught looking Annette and Juliette trailing behind her. She stopped short in front of Snow’s bed.

  Snow lay there, her dark hair spilling out across the white silk pillow, her skin pale as milk and her lips pink as a rose. Her dark eyelashes so black against such pale skin, even in near death, Snow was beautiful. The Madame took a moment to take the scene in.

  “Oh.” She closed her eyes in apparent grief, her hand fluttered up to her brow. “How horrible. To see someone so young and promising fall prey to such evil. It breaks my heart.”

  The twins dutifully lowered their heads.

  “The girls were so very close to the poor dear.” She sniffed from behind a silk and lace kerchief, batting her false eyelashes. “I had to bring them by...we’ve had no news at home.” With that she looked pointedly at Cindy.

  “They were not!” Cindy exclaimed in surprise.

  “Cinderella, how rude of you; did you honestly believe that you were Miss Rutherford’s only friend? Typical behaviour from a spoiled teenager, always so caught up in their own life.”

  “She was my special friend.” Sniffed Juliette, one had held up against her mouth.

  “Mine too. I miss her already.” Added Annette, who carefully wiped a nonexistent tear from her eye.

  Prince Leonardo, ever the charming gentleman, felt terrible for Annette’s apparent grief and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “There, there. We are working ‘round the clock, we will find a way to break this curse; that I promise you.”

  Juliette and Cindy both looked on with hostile eyes, but each for a different reason. Juliette took a hitching breath and sniffed loudly, her shoulders shuddering dramatically. Leo, who hated to see any woman cry, immediately reached out with his other arm and hugged her close as well.

  “I know, I know, it breaks my heart as well. I share your grief.” He murmured softly.

  “Oh pu-lease.” Breathed Cindy as she rolled her eyes. She couldn’t believe Leo was falling for this, for a smart guy sometimes he was just so dense when it came to female manipulations.

  “How hard this must be for you, with the first ball of the season starting tomorrow night.” The Madame remarked casually. “Perhaps that will serve to take your mind off of all of this unhappiness for a short time.”

  Leo let go of the twins after giving them both a soft pat on the back, quickly he looked up at the Madame. “I send my apologies but I will have to sit these first few balls out I am afraid. My brother Nickoli has just arrived for the holidays, so he will be making the Season’s Toast in my place this year. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Nickoli.” The Madame said slowly. “I have not seen him in years, not since he was a young boy.”

  Leo smiled. “I looked away for just a moment and he grew up. He just celebrated his eighteenth birthday last week, can you believe it? I understand that Crystallise is still trying to recover.” He turned to Cindy. “I think the two of you would get along very well.” He laughed at the thought.

  Cindy blushed, which was a very rare thing for her to do. The Madame narrowed her eyes as she looked at the delicate blonde teen. Perched on a stool beside Snow, she was dainty and doll-like in comparison to the Madame’s tall, sullen daughters. Even at the worst of times, Cindy was alive with a contagious energy that made most people seem dull in comparison.

  Both Cindy and Leo were looking down at the comatose Snow, each wishing that she were awake and ready to make plans for the first ball, each for their own reasons; they both missed the cold calculating look that flashed in the Madame’s steel gray eyes.

  “Come along girls, it’s getting late and there is much to do this evening.” She said swiftly. “Your dear friend is in very capable hands.”

  “But mother, I can’t bear to leave her.” Wailed Annette.

  “Annette, enough. You may visit her again soon.” Madame said sharply.

  Quickly recovering Annette smiled. “Of course mother.”

  The Madame turned to Cindy. “That means you too Cinderella.”

  “What?” Cindy looked up somewhat confused. She had been keeping a constant vigil beside Snow’s bed since they had found her. Why ever would she leave now?

  “I said, we have much to do this evening. With the staff on holiday, we all have to take part in the chores. If you want to go to the Ball tomorrow, you will have to finish your chores. I suggest you start sooner rather than later.” The Madame said, annunciating every syllable carefully.

  “The entire staff is on holiday?” Cindy asked incredulously. “Why on earth would my father send them all off at the same time? Has he lost his mind?”

  “He didn’t send them. I did.” The Madame informed her, a slight smile pulling at the corners of her stained red lips. “After all that you put them through with the wedding, I am surprised they didn’t quit weeks ago. It was all I could do to convince them to
stay on until this holiday; did you really think they were helping you out of the kindness of their hearts? Silly little girl, now come, there isn’t any time to waste; we all have a lot of work to accomplish, unless of course you don’t want to go tomorrow night.”

  “You have got to be kidding.” Cindy muttered as she reluctantly got up from the stool.

  “Excuse me?” The Madame asked, ice in her eyes.

  “Nothing.” Cindy muttered again. “Hey Leo, if there is any change, please come and get me. Otherwise I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “You can count on me.” He replied. “I told Nickoli to look for the ‘Wood Nymph’ costume...that was a great idea. You’ll look beautiful in it.” Leo smiled at his friend. “Don’t even think about missing the ball, I have this covered. She would be so angry with you.”

  Cindy smiled slightly, although she was still feeling somewhat resentful at being pulled away from her best friend’s bedside. “Okay. See you tomorrow.” She promised.

  Leo smiled politely as they left and sat down on the chair beside the bed to hold Snow’s pale cold hand again.


  The Madame was certifiably insane. That’s all Cindy knew, she had been steadily working down the list of chores for hours and it seemed she was no closer to finishing. Worse yet was the fact that both the twins had accomplished both of their lists and had retired to their beds to get some ‘beauty sleep’. Cindy snorted to herself, they certainly needed it. Every time she thought about the fake concern and grief they had pretended to feel that day, she just burned. Snow was her best friend, they hated her. But Cindy knew well enough that it was all about looking good in front of Leo, a chance to interact with him. They believed that Snow would never awaken...and Leo would eventually rejoin the festivities. The Madame was placing her daughters directly in his path, and apparently that of Prince Nickoli as well. Yeah, Cindy thought, good luck with that.

  What if they were right and Snow never did wake? Cindy sat down hard. Covering her face with her soot stained hands, Cindy Vanholston began to cry. Cindy had only ever truly cried, and I mean big heaving sobs, twice in her life now. The first being when her mother had passed away, leaving a huge gaping hole in the little girl’s heart that had never been filled. Caspian Vanholston was a wonderful father, a truly loving and doting father, but he failed miserably at replacing a fabulous mother; and Lorraina Vanholston had been a truly fabulous mother.

  Exhausted and heartbroken, Cinderella Vanholston cried herself to sleep in the cinder box.

  . ~~*~~

  A cool hand reached down and lightly touched Leo on his shoulder. He awoke with a jerk, knocking the heavy medical book he had been scanning off the table next to him, he looked up in to Manuel’s dark, weary eyes. Silently the vampire had crept up on him in the still of the night. He hadn’t even noticed when he fell asleep, he had been watching Snow breathe...thankful for each rise and fall of her chest although the Doctor had informed him that she was breathing far too slowly and shallowly for his taste. She was barely alive. But she was still alive and he clung to that.

  “I have found some information that I find interesting.” The vampire simply stated.

  “Go on.” The prince rubbed his eyes and sat up straight in his chair.

  Just then the door opened and Uncle Doc burst in looking around wildly.

  “I thought I heard a noise in here, I’m sorry I was worried that...never mind I was just worried.” He explained when he saw that it was just Manuel and Leo in the room.

  “I knocked the book down, I’m so sorry for disturbing you Doctor Rutherford.” Leo reached down and picked the heavy book back up.

  “Actually I am glad that you are here Doctor, you may find this information useful as well.” Manuel informed them.

  “Okay then.” Uncle Doc said as he walked around the bed and sat down in the chair opposite Leo. “What is it Manuel?”

  “As a vampire, I have a different sense of smell than either of you. I have noticed a certain scent, a signature scent I believe surrounding the Heir since she fell prey to the curse. I have exhausted many contacts in the underground magical community, and finally I came across one who had heard of such a thing before.” He started.

  The prince and the doctor were completely alert now as they hung on to Manuel’s every word. Mercury’s interview with Baba Yaga and the other crones of Turin had proven fruitless; Rapunzel had spent nearly every waking hour examining hundreds of documents and legends without finding anything of use. Manuel was their only hope left.

  “There is a rumor, that a similar signature scent was believed to have occurred in Sarrilia over one hundred years ago, my source believed it to be the stamp of a legendary rogue fairy. My source also believes it was used against the Sarrilian Royal Family.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense, the Royals disappeared, and Snow is still here.” Leo negated.

  “Perhaps it is a different curse, same maker.” Doc suggested. He began to wonder how much of the rumoured malevolent Sarrilian fairy tale was true.

  “Perhaps it is the same curse as well, just administered differently.” Leo added.

  “That was my assumption as well.” Manuel replied. He had spent the last two days searching for anything that might aid them in breaking the curse, and although he had uncovered much he was still no closer to breaking it. He hated failure; it went against everything he believed in. So when the doctor asked him how his source said the curse might be broken, he was furious at himself for having to say that he didn’t know.

  “Well,” Leo said with an exhausted shrug. “At least we can focus on Sarrilian legend and myth. Rapunzel will be glad to know her search can be narrowed down at least. I have never seen anyone read the way she does.”

  “Sarrilia comes up in many of our dealings. Doctor Rutherford, Rapunzel tells me that the elixir that was used to spare my life was created by an elvish healer from Sarrilia. Is that correct?”

  “Swardish. Yes, that is correct. He will be overjoyed to hear that his elixir has passed its first trial. But I must warn you my friend, I am not convinced it was the elixir alone. There was the rain storm, the darkening of the sun...too many other factors to conclusively say that it was the elixir that spared you. I would not feel comfortable allowing you to risk yourself again.”

  Manuel smiled slightly at the good doctor’s concern. “Neither would I.”

  They all looked down at the comatose teen.

  “All curses can be broken.” Leo whispered.

  “Yes. Yes they can.” Manuel quietly agreed.


  The day couldn’t have been worse, Cindy thought as she dragged her weary feet up the grand staircase, intent on soaking her aches and pains away in a hot bubble bath. Cherry blossom bubbles to be exact. She was going to bury herself in cherry blossom bubbles, she grinned just thinking about it. She deserved it.

  She had awoken and quite nastily found herself in the cinder box that morning, the sound Juliette’s nasally laugh made it worse...if that was even possible. It was a truly offensive sound, she wondered what adjectives Manuel would have used, he was very creative. She had been mortified though to have actually have fallen asleep there, on the floor in the soot and ashes. She looked down at her dress...ruined. Of course. And her hands? She had slivers and broken nails...that’s when she got really mad.

  No one to make her breakfast. No one to make her lunch. The Madame and the twins had gone out for their meals, but not Cindy, no Cindy had to stay and finish her chores. She was going to have a talk with her father about this when he returned from Crystallise. She was tired, dirty and hungry. But she knew that a feast awaited her at the palace if she could just hold out. So she slaved her way through the list, just barely finishing with enough time to get ready for the ball. Mentally, she made a list of all she had to do in preparation of the costume ball as she took the recycling out. A tiny bud of excitement began to form in her chest.

  On top of the overflowing recycling b
in was a copy of the latest edition of the Lonstasian Eye. The Madame had indeed secured the coveted cover picture and she was resplendent in her original Cinderella V wedding dress, the Kingdom’s much adored Crown Prince Leonardo posing next to her at her magnificent wedding. In the background Manuel looking every inch the vampire, danced elegantly with Rapunzel...

  The bubble bath had felt amazing, and it did wonders toward reviving Cindy’s tired soul. She had laid there in the hot bubbles, luxuriating in the scent and skin softening minerals till her own tender skin had puckered up. Finally she felt like she had washed away the soot and grime, and she decided she was ready to face the world. Well, her own small portion of it anyway. She had just returned to her bedroom when the door was suddenly flung open.

  The Madame stood there with an exasperated and impatient look in her eye.

  “Did you think I was joking?” She demanded. “Did you think I would let you go anyway, even if you didn’t finish your chores? Really Cinderella, don’t confuse me with your father, you do not have me wrapped around your finger the way you do him.”

  Cindy just stared at her.

  “I did everything on your list, which might I add was considerably more than either Annette or Juliette.” She replied as evenly as she could through gritted teeth.

  “Of course it was, you know where everything is here. We have only been here less than a week. How your Father could have left us so early like this I will never understand, hopefully I can find it in my heart to forgive him. But you didn’t finish your chores.” The Madame held out the list.

  Now Cindy knew very well that she had completed and crossed off every horrible item on that list, so she reached out and grabbed it from her stepmother. There at the bottom, written in fresh ink was ‘sweep the wine cellar’.

  “That wasn’t there earlier.” Cindy pointed out. “You just wrote that in.”

  “I wrote it in two hours ago.” Corrected the Madame. “You would have seen it if you hadn’t indulged in a two hour bubble bath.”

  “Oh come on! I’ve been slaving my butt off for a day and a half, on an empty stomach no less! I deserved that bath! It was your crappy idea to send away all of the staff at exactly the same time! Why am I getting punished? Own your mistakes.””


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