Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound Book 3)

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Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound Book 3) Page 3

by Anna Stone

  “That’s a very sensible answer,” Camilla said. “What made you decide to try sugaring?”

  “Well, Faith—the friend I’m living with—told me about it, and it seemed like it could be a fun solution to my problems,” Lindsey said. “Plus, I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately. I wanted to do something exciting.”

  “And? Are you finding this exciting so far?”

  A smile tugged at Lindsey’s lips. “I am.” She’d been worried she’d have to fake interest in Camilla. But Lindsey liked her. “Did someone really ask you for money for a boob job?”

  Camilla nodded. “A young woman with aspirations of being an actress. Lovely, but a terrible conversationalist. I’ve had more interesting chats with my ninety-year-old groundskeeper about the lawn.”

  Lindsey wasn’t at all surprised that Camilla had a groundskeeper.

  “Most of the women I’ve met through the Sugar Bowl have been the same,” Camilla said. “Nice, but we didn’t click. Don’t get me wrong, I’m under no illusions about these types of arrangements. Nonetheless, if we’re going to be spending time together, we need to be able to connect on some level.”

  Lindsey nodded. But there was a question at the back of her mind. “Why did you sign up for the Sugar Bowl? It’s not like you’d have any trouble finding a real girlfriend.”

  “You think I don’t know that?” Camilla asked.

  “I didn’t mean-”

  “To put it simply, I’m a busy woman. Relationships are hard work. And they’re messy. The way I see it is, I can go out on the dating scene and try to find someone who fits my strict ideas about what I’m looking for in a relationship. Or I can find a beautiful young woman who will give me exactly what I need, in exchange for being spoiled rotten.”

  Lindsey remembered all the men who had sent her messages filled with innuendo. “What is it that you need, exactly?”

  Camilla raised an eyebrow. “Darling,” she said, drawing out the ‘a.’ “If I wanted sex, I would have hired an escort. What I want is a companion of sorts. A girlfriend without all the strings and baggage that normally comes with one. A relationship on my terms, that fulfills certain requirements.”

  Lindsey sipped her drink and glanced up at Camilla. “What kind of requirements?”

  “You suddenly have a lot of questions.”

  “We’re supposed to be getting to know each other, aren’t we?”

  Camilla sat back and crossed her arms. “If you must know, I like to take charge in a relationship. And I don’t just mean in bed. I like control. I like things done a certain way. I like my routines. A lot of women have a problem with that. More than one ex-girlfriend of mine has called me a control freak.”

  “I don’t see anything wrong with that,” Lindsey said. “And I don’t mind being on the other end. Of giving up control. It’s nice, sometimes, to be told what to do. To have someone else make decisions for you. It can be freeing, not to have to worry about the little things.”

  Lindsey paused, suddenly realizing she was revealing her deepest desires to a woman she’d just met. And Camilla was watching her with an interest that made Lindsey’s skin prickle.

  “It makes everything simple, that’s all,” Lindsey said. “My exes thought it was weird too. The last guy I dated thought that ‘taking charge’ meant being a controlling jerk. I’ve never broken up with someone so fast.”

  “You date men and women, then?” Camilla asked.

  Lindsey froze. She’d gotten so comfortable with Camilla that she’d forgotten about the small matter of her lack of interest in women. But she couldn’t bring herself to outright lie about it.

  “It’s not a problem, of course,” Camilla said hurriedly. “I’m not one of those people who think bisexual women are just looking for a vacation from men. I just ask because I find it very hard to believe you’re still on the market when you have the pick of all the men on the site. There are so many more of them than women. You’re spoiled for choice. And I know someone like you has gotten dozens of messages.”

  That was a close call. “I have gotten a lot of messages,” Lindsey said. “But none of the men who sent them appealed to me. Not like you did.” That was the truth.

  “Oh? And what exactly appealed to you about me?”

  “What can I say?” Lindsey leaned in a little closer. She was feeling daring. “You’re gorgeous, for starters. And your profile was interesting. It drew me to you. And your message was very direct. I liked that.” She paused. She didn’t want to seem like she was fawning.

  “Oh, don’t stop,” Camilla said. “I was enjoying hearing all the wonderful things about me.”

  Lindsey bit her lip. “And I saw that we have something in common.”

  “Oh?” Camilla tilted her head to the side slightly. “Are you referring to a love of wine?”

  Lindsey shook her head.

  Camilla paused. “I take it you’re not referring to my interest in classic architecture?”


  “Then what is it?” The look in Camilla’s hazel eyes made it clear that she already knew the answer.

  For a second, Lindsey’s words caught in her throat. “You’re a dominant.”

  Camilla’s expression didn’t change. “And you’re a submissive.”

  “Yes,” Lindsey replied, even though it wasn’t a question.

  A cat-like smile spread across Camilla’s face. “Well, this just got a lot more interesting.”

  A waiter came over to ask if they needed anything. Camilla ordered them both another drink. They sat in silence as the waiter cleared away their empty glasses.

  As soon as he was gone, Camilla spoke. “All this time, you knew I was a dominant, yet you still made me tell you about what I require from a relationship?” Her voice dropped to a firm, smoky whisper. “That was very naughty of you.”

  Heat rushed to Lindsey’s cheeks.

  Camilla chuckled softly. “Is that all it takes to make you squirm? You really are a submissive.”

  “Well, I haven’t had a lot of experience,” Lindsey said. “I wish I had more. But the scene, the clubs, the rules—it’s all really intimidating.”

  “I understand. The scene isn’t very beginner friendly sometimes.”

  Camilla reached out and placed a sympathetic hand on Lindsey’s. The fleeting touch seemed to linger on her skin even after Camilla pulled away.

  “You were right,” Camilla said. “We do have a lot in common.”

  From then on, the conversation flowed much more freely. It was easy with Camilla. She was warm and witty, and made Lindsey feel at ease. And whenever Camilla made a suggestive comment, Lindsey couldn’t help but flirt back.

  After they reached the end of their second serving of fries and countless drinks, Camilla sat back in her chair and studied Lindsey.

  “I like you, Lindsey. You’re the first woman I’ve met on the Sugar Bowl who doesn’t seem like you’re working from a script. You’re refreshingly honest.”

  “Good company brings that out in me,” Lindsey said. Her cheeks felt warm. “The cocktails help.”

  A large group of drunk men blustered by their table. A couple of them turned their heads to stare at Camilla and Lindsey as they passed.

  Camilla gave them a dark glare until they were out of view. “Clearly, this place is being taken over by riff-raff.” She looked at her watch. “It’s getting late. I live a little outside the city, so I should head home. Let’s get going.”

  “Sure.” Lindsey was surprised by how much time had passed.

  Camilla paid off their tab, which Lindsey was sure was extravagant, and the two of them headed outside.

  “I’ll call a car to take you home.” Camilla pulled out her phone. “On me, of course.”

  “You don’t have to,” Lindsey said.

  “But I want to. I have to call one for myself too.” Without waiting for a response, she tapped the screen of her phone a few times and tucked it back into her purse. “Done. They should be here in a few minut

  The two of them walked a short distance down the street, away from the entrance to the bar. The night air was cool on Lindsey’s skin.

  Lindsey broke the silence. “This was… nice.”

  “It was,” Camilla said. “I’ve certainly enjoyed this more than all my recent dates. Probably because they were all with women who were so painfully straight that they couldn’t keep up the illusion. If this is going to be one big charade, the least everyone could do is be convincing about it.”

  Right. Lindsey couldn’t tell Camilla that she was just like all of those other straight women. She was in too deep now.

  “What is it?” Camilla asked. “I find it hard to believe you’ve suddenly gotten shy.”

  “It’s just, I, actually… I’ve never been with a woman before,” Lindsey blurted out. “On a date, I mean.” That much was true.


  “But I’ve kissed one,” she added. “Well, more than one.”

  Camilla’s lips curled up. “Would you like to kiss another one?”

  Lindsey barely even hesitated. She’d already gone this far. If she was going to do something crazy, she might as well go all the way. “Yes,” she said. “I would.”

  Camilla took Lindsey’s chin in her fingers and leaned in close. “Then kiss me.”

  Lindsey’s pulse raced. Camilla’s smooth, commanding voice resonated deep into her body, compelling her to do as Camilla told her.

  Closing her eyes, Lindsey kissed Camilla. It was a brief touch of the lips, nothing more. But it seemed to go on and on. For a moment, Lindsey forgot herself, as Camilla’s lips took over all her awareness.

  Camilla pulled back. “Your car is here.”

  Lindsey opened her eyes. A black car had pulled up beside them.

  Camilla opened the door for her. “I’ll send you a little something for tonight?”

  Did she mean money? “You don’t have to,” Lindsey said.

  “Once again, I want to, so I’m going to. You really haven’t done this before, have you?”

  “It just feels weird, getting paid for something like this.”

  “I’m not paying you,” Camilla said. “It’s a gift. Accept it.”

  “Okay. Thank you.” Lindsey slid into the backseat of the car. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Lindsey. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Chapter Four

  Lindsey was in Faith’s living room on Sunday afternoon when Faith returned home from work. They hadn’t seen each other since before Lindsey left to meet Camilla the night before.

  Faith walked over to the couch, lifted Lindsey’s legs up and sat down next to her. “Tell me all about your date.”

  Lindsey stretched her legs across Faith’s lap. “I already told you about it last night.” Faith had insisted Lindsey check in afterward.

  “Yes, but you didn’t tell me the details.”

  Sighing, Lindsey told Faith everything, from the moment she stepped out of the cab, all the way to when she and Camilla left the bar. “And then, we kissed.”

  “Whoa, hold on,” Faith said. “You and Camilla kissed? And you’re only telling me this now?”

  Lindsey shrugged. “I was feeling kinda weird about it. Not because it was bad or anything. It was… nice.”

  “Ooh, do I detect a crush?”

  “It was just a kiss. No matter how amazing Camilla is, she doesn’t have the right equipment.”

  “This may come as a shock to you, but when it comes to women who are into women, a lack of equipment is rarely a problem.”

  Lindsey picked up a cushion and threw it at Faith, who batted it away harmlessly.

  “Did you talk about money, at least?” Faith asked.

  “Not directly. We talked about what we both wanted from an arrangement. And she sent me some money through the Sugar Bowl website after the date. A gift, she called it.”

  “How much money?”

  “Three hundred dollars,” Lindsey replied.


  Lindsey nodded. “I was blown away too. Three hundred dollars just to spend a few hours with someone in a nice bar? Even if Camilla hadn’t given me money in the end, I wouldn’t have considered it a waste of time. We get along really well.”

  And Lindsey couldn’t help but feel flattered. It wasn’t every day Lindsey met a gorgeous dominant who was interested in her.

  “See,” Faith said. “The website’s algorithm was right about the two of you being a good match.”

  Lindsey crossed her legs in Faith’s lap. “We do have a few things in common.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, she likes art.” The two of them had discussed art, but Lindsey hadn’t mentioned that she was an artist. It wasn’t like she’d ever be a real one. “And, she’s a Domme.”

  Lindsey watched her friend’s face for a reaction. She’d told Faith about her unconventional tastes one night when they’d been drinking together. Faith hadn’t been fazed, but she didn’t seem to understand it either.

  “Weren’t you just saying you’re not into women?” Faith asked. “And now you’re excited because Camilla likes kinky sex?”

  “BDSM isn’t about sex,” Lindsey said. “Sure, there’s usually a sexual element to it, but it’s about so much more than that.”

  “Right.” The skepticism on Faith’s face grew.

  “I know it doesn’t look that way from the outside, but-” How could Lindsey explain the magnetic appeal of a Domme to Faith? There were certain things that Faith seemed completely naive about, and this was one of them. “A lot of people view it as something like a hobby or a lifestyle. It’s an interest we’re both passionate about, like hiking or something.” It wasn’t quite the same, but it was the only comparison she could think of.

  “It’s definitely more interesting than hiking,” Faith said.

  “Well, Domme or not, woman or not, I want to see her again,” Lindsey said. “There’s something about her that… I just can’t describe it. She’s so captivating.”

  “It’s nice to see you happy about something. Does this mean the two of you are going to go out again?”

  “We don’t have anything planned, but she said we’d talk soon before we parted ways on Friday night. I haven’t heard from her yet, but she seemed interested in going out again.” Lindsey had been checking her phone compulsively.

  “That’s great,” Faith said. “Aren’t you glad you listened to me and didn’t delete your profile?”

  “I am,” Lindsey admitted.

  “When your sugar mama starts buying you fancy clothes, you better let me borrow them.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  As if on cue, Lindsey’s phone rang.

  Faith leaned over and peered at her screen. “It’s her! Hurry up and answer it.”

  Lindsey stood up. “I will. In private.”

  “You’re no fun,” Faith said.

  Lindsey walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. “Hi, Camilla.”

  “Lindsey.” Camilla’s sweet voice came through the line. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

  “No, it’s fine.” Lindsey sat down on the edge of the bathtub. “I’m just hanging out with Faith in her apartment.”

  “The friend who convinced you to sign up for the Sugar Bowl? I should thank her.”

  “God, no. Faith would love that. She’s been so smug and happy about the fact that I went on a date with someone.”

  “And how do you feel about said date?” Camilla asked.

  “I’m pretty happy about it too,” Lindsey replied. “I had a great time.”

  “So did I. I’d love to take you out again.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Next Saturday,” Camilla said. “We’ll go to dinner.”

  “Okay. I can’t wait.” Lindsey hesitated. “And thanks for the gift.” She wasn’t sure if it was more impolite to mention it or to not thank her for it.

  “My pleasure. I do enjoy having someone to spoil
. It isn’t quite enough money for a boob job, but I hope it’ll help with those bills of yours.”

  Lindsey smiled. “It will. I’ll see you on Saturday.”

  She hung up and let out a breath. She was really doing this. Lindsey got up, opened the bathroom door, and almost walked right into Faith.

  “So,” Faith said. “What did Camilla say?”

  “Were you listening the whole time?” Lindsey asked.

  “I was trying to, but I couldn’t hear anything through this stupid door.” Faith put her hands on her hips. “Well?”

  “Well, we’re going out again on Saturday. She’s taking me to dinner.”

  “That’s great,” Faith said. “You’re going to need something to wear.”

  Chapter Five

  “I hope you left room for dessert,” Camilla said. “I have a sweet tooth, and this place does an amazing crème brûlée. The servings are enormous, so we’ll have to share.”

  “Sure,” Lindsey said.

  The night was going well. Just like their last date, Camilla had taken Lindsey somewhere fancier than she’d ever be able to afford herself. And, like their last date, Lindsey had started out a bundle of nerves, but Camilla had made her feel at ease. Dinner had simply flown by.

  There had been a minor incident when Camilla had sent back a perfectly good plate of scallops because they ‘tasted like something from the bottom of a supermarket freezer.’ Lindsey wondered if Camilla had ever eaten anything from a supermarket freezer before. Or if she’d even set foot in a supermarket.

  “They also do an amazing tiramisu,” Camilla said. “Which do you prefer?”

  “I don’t mind,” Lindsey replied. “Whatever you want.”

  “Whatever I want? What if I wanted you to kneel by my feet while I fed you dessert?”

  An image sprung up in Lindsey’s mind. Of herself, kneeling on the floor next to Camilla’s chair in the middle of the restaurant in front of everyone.

  She looked Camilla in the eye. “I would do it.”


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