Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound Book 3)

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Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound Book 3) Page 13

by Anna Stone

  Lindsey stared shamelessly at Camilla above her. Her silk nightgown was so thin it might as well have been invisible. Just weeks ago, Lindsey had been adamant that she wasn’t attracted to Camilla because she had ‘the wrong equipment.’ Now, every part of Camilla’s body made Lindsey throb. Her supple curves. Her soft, insistent lips. The tiny pebbled nipples poking through the fabric of her nightgown.

  Camilla slid her free hand down to where Lindsey’s thighs met and teased her swelling clit. Lindsey drew in a gasping breath. Camilla leaned down and sucked Lindsey’s nipple through her teeth, eliciting a strangled whimper. She tweaked the other nipple with her fingers.

  “Oh, Mistress. That feels so good.” Lindsey writhed on the bed, twisting the sheets around her. She had never gone from zero to wet and panting so quickly. Her gasps turned to moans as Camilla increased the pace.

  “Do you want your Mistress to fuck you?” Camilla asked.

  “Yes,” Lindsey replied. “Please!”

  Camilla glided her fingers down Lindsey’s slit and entered her carefully. Lindsey quivered. She had no idea how many fingers were inside her, but they were enough to fill her up. Camilla began to delve in and out, first slowly, then hard and fast.

  Lindsey arched up, pushing back into Camilla’s hand. She reached up to grab onto Camilla’s hip, but all she could grasp was a fistful of silk. She clung onto it tightly. This was so different from when Camilla had fucked her with a strap-on. This way, Camilla had far more control. And with her fingers inside stroking Lindsey’s sweet spot, and her thumb grazing Lindsey’s bud, she was being flooded with pleasure from all angles.

  “Mistress!” She arched up one final time and threw her head back as waves of ecstasy washed over her. Lindsey held on to Camilla until her tremors subsided and she fell back to the bed.

  That earth-shattering orgasm should have left Lindsey spent. Instead, it made her even more eager to please her Mistress.

  “Thank you, Mistress,” she said. “Can I serve you now?”

  “Yes.” Camilla’s voice rang with passion. “Just remember what I said. I like to hold the reins.”

  Camilla threw one leg over Lindsey, straddling her, and pulled her silk nightgown up her hips. The lips between her thighs had a wet sheen, like dew on a flower. It wasn’t like Lindsey had never seen a pussy before. But she had never seen one that made her want to touch it, and taste it, and explore it. Not until now.

  Camilla shuffled up the bed, holding her nightie around her waist, until she was kneeling over Lindsey’s head. “Do you want to taste me?”

  Lindsey’s breath shuddered. “Yes, Mistress.” Camilla’s intentions were clear. ‘Holding the reins’ wasn’t just a metaphor.

  Camilla grabbed onto the headboard. Gently, she lowered herself down onto Lindsey’s mouth. Lindsey slipped her tongue into Camilla slit, lapping at her folds. They were like liquid silk, and so hot that they seemed to burn. She slid her tongue down to Camilla’s entrance, darting it inside. Her upper lip tickled Camilla’s clit.

  “God, yes.” Camilla shifted her hips, pressing herself against Lindsey’s lips.

  Lindsey got the message loud and clear. She took Camilla in her mouth, licking and sucking her swollen nub. Camilla gyrated her hips, riding against Lindsey’s face. The silk of Camilla’s nightie fell down around Lindsey’s head, Camilla’s dizzying scent enveloping her.

  “Faster,” Camilla urged.

  Lindsey redoubled her efforts, devouring her Mistress. Atop her, Camilla moaned and bucked, nearly smothering Lindsey with her thrusts. The bed rocked and creaked around them.

  Finally, a cry erupted from Camilla’s chest, and her thighs began to shake. Lindsey licked away gently, until Camilla rose up, climbing off Lindsey and collapsing next to her.

  Lindsey rolled onto her side and ran her palm up Camilla’s chest. “How did I do, Mistress?”

  “I think you know the answer to that.” Suddenly, Camilla slapped her hand to her forehead. “Oh, christ.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I got caught up in the moment. I forgot that you’ve never done that before.”

  Lindsey frowned. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Lindsey, if you did something wrong, I wouldn’t be lying here completely unable to move.”

  “What is it, then?”

  “It’s just that, this was your first experience pleasuring a woman,” Camilla said. “And it involved me sitting on your face.”

  Lindsey burst out laughing. “That’s what you’re worried about? It’s not a bad thing. As far as first experiences go, it’s one that I’ll never forget.”

  “Wouldn’t you have preferred something more intimate?”

  Lindsey shrugged. “That felt intimate to me. Everything we do does. What’s more intimate than submission?”

  A soft smile formed on Camilla’s lips. “I feel the same way. We really get each other, don’t we?”

  It was true. Lindsey had never been with anyone who understood her desires like Camilla did. But it was so much more than that. More than just Mistress and submissive, more than two people with an arrangement.

  There was no denying it. Lindsey had fallen for Camilla so deeply. She hadn’t forgotten that this was supposed to be pretend. But it felt more real than anything she’d ever experienced.

  Lindsey looked at Camilla. “Mistress?”

  “Yes?” Camilla said.

  “I’m glad I get to share all these firsts with you.”

  “So am I.” Camilla rolled onto her stomach and gathered her hair over one shoulder. “And I’ve enjoyed having you sleep next to me these past few days. How do you feel about sleeping in my bedroom from now on?”

  “I’d like that,” Lindsey said.

  “And you can come into my rooms whenever you like. Just don’t mess anything up.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  Camilla lay back down and drew Lindsey’s head to rest on her shoulder. “By the way, I was going to reschedule that dinner party for next Saturday, but a friend of mine is having a last-minute engagement party. How would you like to come with me to that instead?”

  “Sure,” Lindsey murmured. “I’d love to.”

  “You’re going to have a great time. Vanessa really knows how to throw a party.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Camilla knocked on the door to the penthouse apartment. Lindsey could hear the faint sounds of music and chatter inside. She glanced at Camilla. There was a question Lindsey had wanted to ask her Mistress ever since Camilla invited her to this party. It shouldn’t have been a difficult question to ask. Nevertheless, it filled Lindsey’s stomach with butterflies.

  “Mistress?” Lindsey asked.

  “Yes?” Camilla said.

  “If people ask about the two of us, what should I tell them?”

  “What do you want to tell them?”

  “That I’m your girlfriend? It would be simpler after all.”

  “After a week of playing my girlfriend for Denise, you’re not tired of it?”

  “Not at all.”

  Even after Denise left, Lindsey and Camilla had continued with their feigned intimacy. It was almost as though they hoped that if they pretended hard enough, the lie would become real. At least, that was how Lindsey felt. But surely Camilla had noticed that this was no longer an act for Lindsey. Surely Camilla could tell that Lindsey’s feelings were real.

  Surely Camilla felt it too.

  “Okay then. You’re my girlfriend.” The corners of Camilla’s lips curled up. “And once again, I give you permission to not call me Mistress.”

  Lindsey smiled. It was impossible not to react to Camilla’s smile, and her bright eyes, and that stern but playful tone of hers that sent pleasant shivers through Lindsey’s entire body.

  The door swung open, and a raven-haired woman with pale skin appeared. “Camilla,” the woman said. “So glad you could make it.” She pulled Camilla into an embrace.

  “I wouldn’t miss this,” Camilla
replied. “Congratulations on the engagement.”

  “Thank you.” The woman broke off and turned to Lindsey. “And you must be Lindsey. My name’s Vanessa. It’s lovely to meet you.”

  Lindsey stumbled over a greeting. Her stomach swam with both nerves and excitement.

  “Here, I brought you a small engagement present.” Camilla handed Vanessa a bottle of whiskey with a yellowing label and a bow tied around its neck.

  Vanessa took the bottle and held it up to the light. Her mouth dropped open. “Where on earth did you find this? Last I heard, there were only fifty bottles left in the world.”

  “I convinced an old family friend to part with it as part of a business deal.”

  “This is incredible, Camilla. Thank you.”

  Lindsey and Camilla followed Vanessa inside. The enormous, lavishly decorated apartment held a few dozen people, all dressed to the nines. Lindsey now understood why Camilla had bought her a new dress for the occasion.

  “I have a gift for Mel too,” Camilla said. “I made a donation to the legal aid clinic where she works. I thought she’d like that more than something material.”

  “Melanie will be thrilled.” Vanessa looked around. “She’s here somewhere. I’m going to go find her. Make yourselves at home.”

  Camilla led Lindsey over to a small home bar to the side. They helped themselves to some wine.

  Camilla spoke to Lindsey under her breath. “Don’t tell anyone this, but Vanessa owns a string of BDSM clubs around the country. There’s one right here in the city. Lilith’s Den.”

  “Really?” Lindsey looked over at the woman, who was chatting at the other side of the room. “Is that how you know each other?”

  “Yes. I did some business with her when her company was just starting out. It must have been ten years ago. But we didn’t really get to know each other until we crossed paths at Lilith’s Den a few months later. I’ll take you there sometime if you’d like.”

  “I’d love that, Mistress,” Lindsey said. There was no one close enough to overhear them.

  “Actually, that’s how a lot of us know each other.” Camilla looked around the room. “Half the guests here go to that club.”

  “Really? But everyone seems so proper.”

  “Unlike the two of us, who look like a pair of sexual deviants?”

  “That’s a good point.”

  “You should see this crowd at Lilith’s Den.” Camilla leaned in and spoke quietly. “Between you and me, it’s always the proper ones who are the most perverted. There’s nothing quite like sitting through a business meeting with a woman you saw the night before getting spanked on a stage in nothing but a corset and a thong.”

  Heat crept up Lindsey’s face. She wasn’t sure if it was embarrassment or arousal.

  As the two of them mingled, Lindsey found herself distracted by the idea that some of the people she met were secretly like her and Camilla. She couldn’t help but try to pick them out. Of the couples, she thought she saw a few signs. They would give it away with a possessive touch, or a deferential look, or a disguised piece of jewelry that would have been impossible to spot unless she knew what to look for.

  Camilla led her over to a group of women lounging nearby. Vanessa was there, perched on the arm of a chair. Below her sat a woman with a serious face who looked around Lindsey’s age. She had to be Vanessa’s fiancée.

  “Camilla,” the woman said. “Vanessa told me about your gift. Thanks, that’s so thoughtful of you.”

  “It’s my pleasure, Mel,” Camilla replied.

  She and Lindsey sat down, and Camilla introduced Lindsey to Mel, as well as the others who were sitting across from them. There was a slender woman with short blonde hair and a fitted suit, who had her arm slung casually around the shoulders of a tiny brunette. Everyone seemed to know each other well.

  “So, who’s going to be your maid of honor, Vanessa?” The blonde woman asked. Vicki was her name. “I can throw you an amazing bachelorette party.”

  Camilla scoffed. “Sure, if you want strippers and booze, go with Vicki. If you decide you want something more sophisticated, I’ll be right here.”

  Vicki shot Camilla a look. “There are sophisticated strippers. I can put you in touch with some if you like, Camilla. Maybe it’ll help with that stick up your-”

  “Ladies, please,” Vanessa said. “We haven’t thought that far ahead yet. Besides, we might not even have bridesmaids. We’re thinking of doing something small.”

  “Vanessa, passing up a chance to make an ostentatious display of love?” Camilla said. “I’ll believe it when I see it. Which reminds me, what was the proposal like?”

  “If you must know, I took Melanie to a cozy little cabin and proposed to her there.” Vanessa’s hand fell to Mel’s shoulder. “It was all very low key.”

  “Low key?” Mel said. “The ‘cozy little cabin’ was two stories high and at the top of a mountain. We had to take a helicopter to get there. And there were fireworks, and-”

  “Like I said, low key.” Vanessa squeezed Mel’s shoulder. “She won’t let me spoil her anywhere near as much as I want to.”

  “That’s because you always go overboard.” Mel looked at the others. “She wants to have the wedding on a private island. Can you believe it?”

  “I’m open to other ideas,” Vanessa said. “I recently purchased a lovely villa in the French countryside. It would make the perfect wedding venue.”

  “What’s wrong with having the wedding here in the city?”

  “I suppose that would make things easier. And that way, we could invite even more people, and make the whole thing bigger.”

  Mel twisted the ring around her finger, her face frozen in alarm. Vanessa seemed completely oblivious. Mel looked like she was about to protest when Vanessa spotted someone by the door.

  “More guests,” she said. “Let’s go say hello.”

  The two women wandered off, leaving Camilla and Lindsey with Vicki and the brunette, April. Camilla had told Lindsey that April and Vicki were a couple, but Lindsey could sense a heavy tension hanging between them.

  April nudged Vicki with her elbow. “What was that you were saying about putting Camilla in touch with some strippers?”

  “I was kidding,” Vicki said. “I don’t know any strippers. At least, not anymore.”

  “Anymore? What does that mean?”

  Vicki shrugged. “It’s no secret the kind of life I lived before we met. But it’s all behind me now.” She crossed her legs. “Do you have something against strippers? How narrow-minded of you. Stripping is a legitimate profession like any other.”

  April folded her arms across her chest. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

  “Honestly, I had no idea you were so judgmental.”

  “Stop trying to turn this around on me, Victoria.”

  Camilla tapped Lindsey’s arm and spoke into her ear. “Let’s leave those two alone.”

  Camilla and Lindsey wandered off toward a table of canapes. Lindsey was just relieved to get away from the quarreling couple.

  “Don’t let those two fool you,” Camilla said. “They’re always arguing about something or other. I think they enjoy it. Give it five minutes, and they’ll be making out in a dark closet somewhere.”

  An hour passed, and another, and Lindsey began to loosen up. The drinks helped. So did talking to the other guests. Although half of them seemed as accustomed to the glitz and glamour around them as Camilla did, the other half seemed just as dazzled by their surroundings as Lindsey was.

  And being here, playing Camilla’s girlfriend for all the world to see, was making it all the more apparent that Lindsey wanted everything between them to be real. She didn’t know what to do with all these feelings. She’d never felt like this about anyone before.

  Did Camilla feel it too? She’d brought Lindsey here tonight as her date. But what if this was just Camilla showing Lindsey off to her friends? Didn’t most men do this with their sugar babies? Dress the
m up like dolls and show them off as status symbols?

  Camilla placed a hand on Lindsey’s arm. “I need to speak with April. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay.” Lindsey’s voice came out as a nervous squeak, but Camilla didn’t seem to notice.

  As Camilla disappeared into the crowd, Lindsey took another sip of her wine. Her eyes were drawn to Vanessa and Mel, who were standing to the side, arms around each other, smiling. Over the course of the night, she’d heard snippets of the story of Mel and Vanessa’s relationship. It was the kind of romance that Lindsey used to fantasize about. Being swept off her feet by some mysterious lover. In Lindsey’s fantasies, that lover had always been a man. Of course, that had all changed.

  Lindsey finished off the last of her wine and went over to the bar. She refilled her glass and drank some more. How was she supposed to continue everything with Camilla as they had before, knowing what she now felt? How was she supposed to go on?

  Her thoughts were interrupted when someone sidled up beside her. It was Vicki. The blonde woman poured two glasses of wine, then turned to Lindsey, a knowing look in her eyes.

  “So.” Vicki picked up one of the glasses and took a long sip, studying Lindsey carefully. “You’re this mysterious guest of Camilla’s.”

  Lindsey nodded. “Yep.” She wasn’t in the mood to elaborate. And she was tired of lying.

  “How long have the two of you been together?”

  “A couple of months, I guess,” Lindsey mumbled.

  Vicki put down her glass and held up her hands apologetically. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. Sticking my nose in people’s business is a bad habit of mine.”

  “It’s okay. It’s not you, it’s me.”

  An uncomfortable silence hung in the air.

  “Is something the matter between the two of you?” Vicki asked.

  Lindsey hesitated. Vicki seemed to think that Camilla and Lindsey’s relationship was real. She was one of Camilla’s close friends. Didn’t she know the truth?

  “What has Camilla told you about me?” Lindsey asked.

  “She hasn’t said much. Just that you’ve been living with her. I didn’t even realize you were a couple until tonight.” Vicki grimaced. “There I go again, running my mouth. I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just that Camilla doesn’t talk about relationships much.”


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