Adepts in Self-Portraiture

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by Stefan Zweig

  1932: Publishes biography of Marie Antoinette Bildnis eines mittleren Charakters (Marie Antoinette: Portrait of an Average Woman).

  1933: January 30, Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. May 10, Stefan Zweig’s books are among those burned in 34 university towns across Germany. Zweig spends most of the autumn in London, meets a young Jewish refugee in London named Lotte Altmann, and hires her as his secretary.

  1934: Zweig officially relocates to London after the local authorities raid his Salzburg house. Friderike remains in Salzburg. Zweig writes to his friend Joseph Roth that at 53, he has fallen in love with a much younger woman. The biography Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam (Erasmus of Rotterdam) is published in Vienna.

  1935: Zweig vacillates between commitments to his wife Friderike and his lover Lotte. Richard Strauss’s opera The Silent Woman with libretto by Zweig opens in Dresden on June 24 and performance is banned in Germany. Zweig’s biography of Mary Stuart is published in Vienna.

  1936: Travels for the first time to South America to attend a PEN conference in Buenos Aires. He combines it with a lecture tour through Brazil. Publishes Kaleidoskop, a collection of short stories, in Vienna. Zweig’s books are formally banned in Germany.

  July 17: beginning of the Spanish Civil War.

  1937: Publishes the travel collection Begegnungen mit Menschen, Büchern, Städten (Encounters with People, Books and Cities), the legends Der begrabene Leuchter (The Buried Candelabrum) and his biography of Magellan, Der Mann und seine Tat (Conqueror of the Sea). Asks Friderike to oversee the sale of their home at Kapuzinerberg 5.

  1938: March 12, Germany annexes Austria. Zweig’s mother dies. He applies for British citizenship, travels with Lotte Altmann. In September, the Munich Conference allows Hitler to dismember Czechoslovakia. In November, there is a national pogrom in Germany. He applies for British citizenship. On Christmas Day he formally divorces Friderike but continues to correspond with and sometimes see her.

  1939: September 1, Germany invades Poland, beginning World War II. Publishes the novel Ungeduld des Herzens (Beware of Pity) in London and through exile presses in Stockholm and Amsterdam. Relocates to Bath and marries Lotte Altmann (1908-1942). Continues work on his biography of Honoré de Balzac.

  1940: Stefan Zweig receives British citizenship, lectures on The Vienna of Yesterday in Paris, then goes on lecture tour through North and South America.

  1941: Publishes Brasilien, Ein Land der Zukunft (Brazil: Land of the Future) in German in Stockholm, and in Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro. Completes the first draft of Die Welt von Gestern: Erinnerungen eines Europäers (The World of Yesterday), originally titled Drei Leben (Three Lives) in Ossining, New York. At 60, he decides to relocate in Petropolis, Brazil.

  1942: On February 17, he puts the manuscript of Die Welt von Gestern, which he has been working on since 1934, in the mail to his New York publisher. It will be published the following year and becomes one of the most popular memoirs of all time. On February 23, Stefan and Lotte Zweig commit suicide together in Petropolis by swallowing poison. The day before, he sends the manuscript of his short story Schachnovelle (The Royal Game) to his New York publisher. This short story becomes his most famous. In May, the University of Vienna revokes Zweig’s Ph.D. It will reinstate it in 2008.

  ~ Stefan Zweig: 1An English Bibliography

  His Works in Translation and Secondary Literature ~

  Compiled by Randolph J. Klawiter,

  Professor Emeritus in German, University of Notre Dame


  Jeremiah. A Drama in Nine Scenes [Jeremias. Eine dramatische Dichtung in neuen Bildern]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 336p. New York: Seltzer Press, 1922. Reprinted: 336p. London: Allen & Unwin, 1929. American edition. 336p. New York: Viking Press, 1929.

  The Silent Woman. A Comic Opera in Three Acts [Die schweigsame Frau. Komische Oper in drei Aufzügen]. Freely translated by Stefan Zweig after Ben Jonson’s drama. Translated by Herbert Bedford. 62p. New York: Program Publishing Company, no date indicated.

  Volpone / Ben Jonson’s “Volpone”. A Loveless Comedy in Three Acts [Ben Jonsons “Volpone”. Eine lieblose Komödie in drei Akten]. Translated by Ruth Langner. 159p. London: Allen & Unwin, 1928. American edition. 187p. New York: Viking Press, 1928.


  Casanova. A Study in Self-Portraiture [Casanova]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 158p. London: Pushkin Press, 1998. Excerpted from Self-Portraiture: Casanova - Stendhal - Tolstoy [Drei Dichter ihres Lebens: Casanova - Stendhal - Tolstoi]. London: Cassell, 1929.

  Farewell to Rilke [Abschied von Rilke. Eine Rede]. Translated with an afterword by Marion Sonnenfeld. Fredonia, NY: Friends of the Daniel Reed Library, State University of New York, 1975.

  House of a Thousand Destinies [Das Haus der tausend Schicksale]. 16p. London: Shenval Press, 1937.

  The Jewish Children in Germany. Address by Stefan Zweig at the house of Mrs. Anthony de Rothschild, London, on 30 November 1933 and then to the Committee for the Luncheon at the Savoy Hotel, 20 December 1933, in aid of German Jewish women and children. 8p. London, 1933.

  Journeys [Auf Reisen]. Translated with an introduction and photographs by Will Stone. 109p. London: Hesperus Press, 2010 [Modern Voices]. Contents: [1] The Season in Ostend [Saisontage in Ostende]. [2] Bruges [Brügge]. [3] The City of Popes [Die Stadt der Päpste]. [4] Arles [Arles]. [5] Springtime in Seville [Frühling in Sevilla]. [6] Hyde Park [Hydepark]. [7] Antwerp [Antwerpen]. [8] Requiem for a Hotel [Nekrolog auf ein Hotel]. [9] Return to Italy [Wiedersehen mit Italien]. [10] The Cathedral of Chartres [Die Kathedrale von Chartres]. [11] The Fair of Good Eating [Die Kirchweih des guten Essens]. [12] To Travel or to be ‘Travelled’ [Reisen oder Gereist-Werden]. [13] Ypres [Ypern]. [14] Salzburg - the Framed Town [Salzburg. Die Stadt als Rahmen]. [15] The House of a Thousand Fortunes [Das Haus der tausend Schicksale]. [16] Gardens in Wartime [Die Gärten im Kriege]. [17] Photographs. [18] Notes. [19] List of essays.

  The Meaning and Beauty of Autographs [Sinn und Schönheit der Autographen]. Translated with an introduction by David H. Lowenherz. 22p. New York: Lion Heart Autographs, 1995.

  Thanks to Books [Dank an die Bücher]. Translated by Theodore Wesley Koch. 4 leaves. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Library, 1929 [A New Year’s greeting for 1930].


  Amok. A Story [Der Amokläufer]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 121p. New York: Viking Press, 1931 [5th impression 1933]. British edition. 125p. London: Cassell, 1932.

  Amok and Other Stories. Translated with an afterword by Anthea Bell. 143p. London: Pushkin Press, 2006. Contents: [1] Amok [Der Amokläufer]. [2] The Star above the Forest [Der Stern über dem Walde]. [3] Leporella [Leporella]. [4] Incident on Lake Geneva [Episode am Genfer See]. [5] Translator’s afterword [Anthea Bell].

  Beware of Pity [Ungeduld des Herzens]. Translated by Anthea Bell. 362p. London: Pushkin Press, 2011.

  Beware of Pity [Ungeduld des Herzens]. Translated by Phyllis and Trevor Blewitt. 357p. London: Cassell, 1939. American edition. 498p. New York: Viking Press, 1939. Subsequent editions: 357p. London: Readers Union, 1940 [Special edition for members of the Readers Union]. 418p. London: Cassell, 1953 [Hallam Edition. Reprinted 1956, 1961, 1966]. 418 p. Chester Springs, PA: Dufour, 1961. 418p. New York: Crown , 1983 [Harmony Books]. 368p. New York: New American Library, 1984 [Plume Books]. 368p. West Drayton, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1985 [Modern Classics]. 353p. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1996 [European Classics]. 365p. London: Pushkin Press, 2000 [Revised edition 2003]. 353p. New York: New York Review of Books, 2006.

  Book-Mendel [Buchmendel. Translator not indicated] in The Menorah Journal [New York], 20:2 [Summer 1932], pp. 118-122, 198-206.

  Buchmendel [Buchmendel. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul] in The Jewish Caravan. Great Stories of Twenty-five Centuries. Edited by Leo Schwartz. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1935, pp. 478-497 [Revised edition. 1965, pp. 478-497]. Reprinted in A Book of Contemporary Short Stories. Edited by Dorothy Brew
ster. New York: Macmillan, 1936, pp. 115-147. Men at War. The Best War Stories of All Times. Edited by Ernest Hemmingway. New York: Crown, 1942, pp. 947-965.

  Buchmendel. The Old Book Scout [Buchmendel. Translated by Theodore Wesley Koch] in The 1954 AB Bookman’s Yearbook. Clifton, NJ: Bookman’s Weekly, 1954, pp. 39-50. Reprinted in The 1973-1975 AB Bookman’s Yearbook. Clifton, NJ: Bookman’s Weekly, 1974, Part 2, pp. 6-18.

  The Buried Candelabrum [Der begrabene Leuchter]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 122p. London: Cassell, 1937. Subsequent editions: 149p. New York: Viking Press, 1937. 105p. Oxford: Phaidon Press, 1944 [Reprinted 1945. The East and West Library].

  The Burning Secret [Brennendes Geheimnis]. Translator not indicated. 175p. London: Allen & Unwin, 1921.

  The Burning Secret [Brennendes Geheimnis]. Translated by Jill Sutcliffe. Abridged version] in Cosmopolitan [London], 11:2 [February 1982], pp. 118-143.

  Burning Secret [Brennendes Geheimnis]. Translated by Anthea Bell. 117p. London: Pushkin Press, 2008.

  The Burning Secret and Other Stories [Brennendes Geheimnis]. Translated by Jill Sutcliffe. Introduction by Jeffrey B. Berlin. 250p. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1989. Contents: [1] Introduction [Jeffry B. Berlin]. [2] The Royal Game [Schachnovelle]. [3] Amok [Der Amokläufer]. [4] The Burning Secret [Brennendes Geheimnis]. [5] Fear [Angst]. [6] Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekannten]. See The Royal Game and Other Stories.

  Chess. A Novella [Schachnovelle]. Translated by Anthea Bell. 75p. London: Penguin Books, 2006 [Penguin Red Classic].

  Chess Story [Schachnovelle]. Translated by Joel Rotenberg. Introduction by Peter Gay. 84p. New York: New York Review of Books, 2006 [New York Review Books Classics]

  Conflicts. Three Tales. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 297p. New York: Viking Press, 1927 [2nd printing November 1927. 3rd printing April 1934]. British edition. 297p. London: Allen & Unwin, 1928. Contents: [1] “Lur’st thou me once again from day’s clear light” [Lockst du mich abermals vom linden Lichte / A poem]. [2] Four-and-Twenty Hours in a Woman’s Life [Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau]. [3] A Failing Heart [Untergang eines Herzens]. [4] Episode in the Early Life of Privy Councillor D. [Verwirrung der Gefühle].

  The Confusion of Sentiments [Verwirrung der Gefühle. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul] in 21 Variations on a Theme. Complied by Donald Webster Cory. New York: Greenberg, 1953, pp. 347-417.

  Confusion. The Private Papers of Privy Councillor R von D [Verwirrung der Gefühle]. Translated by Anthea Bell. 143p. London: Pushkin Press, 2002.

  Escape [Im Schnee. Translated by Harry Zohn] in The Jewish Quarterly [London], 2:1 [Summer 1954], pp. 23-32.

  Fantastic Night and Other Stories [Phantastische Nacht]. Translated by Anthea Bell and Eden and Cedar Paul. 164p. London: Pushkin Press, 2004. Contents: [1] Fantastic Night [Phantastische Nacht. Translated by Anthea Bell]. [2] Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekannten. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul]. [3] The Fowler Snared [Sommernovellette. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul]. [4] The Invisible Collection [Die unsichtbare Sammlung. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul]. [5] Buchmendel [Buchmendel. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul].

  Fear [Angst]. Translated by Anthea Bell. 106p. London: Pushkin Press, 2010.

  The Governess and Other Stories [Die Gouvernante]. Translated by Anthea Bell. 236p. London: Pushkin Press, 2011. Contents: [1] Did He Do It? [War er es?]. [2] The Miracles of Life [Die Wunder des Lebens]. [3] Downfall of the Heart [Untergang eines Herzens]. [4] The Governess [Die Gouvernante].

  In the Snow [Im Schnee. Translated by Harry Zohn] in Austriaca and Judaica. Essays and Translations. By Harry Zohn. Bern/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Paris: Peter Lang, 1995, pp. 237-248.

  The Invisible Collection [Die unsichtbare Sammlung. Translator not indicated] in The Living Age [New York], 326:4230 [1 August 1925], pp. 255-262. Reprinted separately. 36p. New York: Pynson Printers, 1926.

  The Invisible Collection [Die unsichtbare Sammlung]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. New York: Ursus Books, 2008. Printing limited to 50 copies.

  The Invisible Collection. An Episode from the Inflation Period in Germany [Die unsichtbare Sammlung. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul] in The Golden Book Magazine [New York], 19:114 [June 1934], pp. 641-649. Between 1939 and 1950 this translation was reprinted in some seven different anthologies.

  The Invisible Collection. An Episode from the Period of the German Inflation [Die unsichtbare Sammlung. Translated by M. L. Nielsen] in The Art of Modern Fiction. Edited by Ray B. West, Jr. and Robert Wooster Stallman. New York: Rinehart & Company, 1949, pp. 347-358.

  The Invisible Collection * Buchmendel [Die unsichtbare Sammlung * Buchmendel]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 80p. London: Pushkin Press, 1998.

  Jewish Legends. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Introduction by Leon Botstein. 263p. New York: Markus Wiener, 1987 [Masterworks of Modern Jewish Writing]. Contents: [1] Introduction [Leon Botstein]. [2] The Buried Candelabrum [Der begrabene Leuchter]. [3] Rachel Arraigns God [Rahel rechtet mit Gott]. [4] The Legend of the Third Dove [Die Legende der dritten Taube]. [5] Virata, or The Eyes of the (Un)dying Brother [Die Augen des ewigen Bruders]. [6] Buchmendel [Buchmendel].

  Journey into the Past [Widerstand der Wirklichkeit / Reise in die Vergangenheit]. Translated with an afterword by Anthea Bell. Foreword by Paul Bailey. 124p. London: Pushkin Press, 2009. Contents: [1] The Resurrected Master. The Subtle Fiction of Stefan Zweig [Paul Bailey]. [2] Journey into the Past [Widerstand der Wirklichkeit]. [3] Translator’s afterword [Anthea Bell].

  Journey into the Past [Widerstand der Wirklichkeit / Reise in die Vergangenheit]. Translated with an afterword by Anthea Bell. Introduction by André Aciman. 100p. New York: The New York Review of Books, 2011. Contents: [1] Introduction [André Aciman]. [2] Journey into the Past [Widerstand der Wirklichkeit]. [3] Translator’s afterword [Anthea Bell].

  Kaleidoscope One. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 293p. London: Cassell, 1949 [Hallam Edition. Reprinted 1955, 1962]. Contents: [1] Amok [Der Amokläufer]. [2] The Burning Secret [Brennendes Geheimnis]. [3] Moonbeam Alley [Die Mondscheingasse]. [4] Transfiguration [Phantastische Nacht]. [5] Fear [Angst]. [6] The Fowler Snared [Sommernovellette]. [7] The Governess [Die Gouvernante].

  Kaleidoscope Two. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Ben W. Huebsch translated “The Royal Game”. 290p. London: Cassell, 1951 [Hallam Edition. Reprinted 1959]. Contents: [1] Buchmendel [Buchmendel]. [2] Leporella [Leporella]. [3] The Runaway [Der Flüchtling / Episode am Genfer See]. [4] The Invisible Collection [Die unsichtbare Sammlung]. [5] Impromptu Study of a Handicraft [Unvermutete Bekanntschaft mit einem Handwerk]. [6] The Royal Game [Schachnovelle]. [7] Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekannten]. [8] Rachel Arraigns God [Rahel rechtet mit Gott]. [9] Virata, or the Eyes of the Undying Brother [Die Augen des ewigen Bruders].

  Kaleidoscope. Thirteen Stories and Novellettes. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 418p. New York: Viking Press / London: Cassell, 1934. Reprinted: London/Toronto/Melbourne/Sydney: Cassell, 1954. Contents: [1] Foreword [Stefan Zweig]. [2] The Burning Secret [Brennendes Geheimnis]. [3] Moonbeam Alley [Die Mondscheingasse]. [4] Transfiguration [Phantastistische Nacht]. [5] Fear [Angst]. [6] The Fowler Snarred [Sommernovellette]. [7] The Governess [Die Gouvernante]. [8] Buchmendel [Buchmendel]. [9] Leporella [Leporella]. [10] The Runaway [Der Flüchtling / Episode am Genfer See]. [11] The Invisible Collection [Die unsichtbare Sammlung]. [12] Impromptu Study of a Handicraft [Unvermutete Bekanntschaft mit einem Handwerk]. [13] Rachel Arraigns God [Rahel rechtet mit Gott]. [14] Virata or The Eyes of the Undying Brother [Die Augen des ewigen Bruders].

  The Legend of the Third Dove [Die Legende der dritten Taube. Translated by Harry Zohn] in The Jewish Advocate [Boston], 23 September 1954. Reprinted in: The Reconstructionist [New York], 20:16 [10 December 1954], pp. 15-17. Harry Zohn. Austriaca and Judaica. Essays and Translations. Bern/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Paris: Peter Lang, 1995, pp. 237-248.

  Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekan
nten]. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 111p. New York: Viking Press, 1932 [Reprinted 1934]. British edition: 124p. London/Toronto/ Melbourne/Sydney: Cassell, 1933. Reprinted in Across a Crowded Room. An Anthology of Romance. Edited by Paul Dupont [i.e. Leslie R. Frewin]. London: Leslie Frewin, 1965, pp. 47-76.

  The Old-Book Peddler and Other Tales for Bibliophiles. Translated with a preface by Theodore W. Koch. 107p. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University, The Charles Deering Library, 1937. Contents: [1] Preface. [2] Books Are the Gateway to the World [Das Buch als Eingang zur Welt]. [3] The Old-Book Peddler. A Viennese Tale for Bibliophiles [Buchmendel]. [4] The Invisible Collection. An Episode from the Post-War Inflation [Die unsichtbare Sammlung. Eine kleine Episode aus der deutschen Inflation]. [5] Thanks to Books [Dank an die Bücher].

  Passion and Pain. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. 266p. London: Chapman and Hall, 1924. American edition. 266p. New York: Bernard G. Richards, 1925. Reprinted. 266p. Freeport. NY: Books for Libraries, 1971. 266p. New York: Arno Press, 1978. 266p. Salem, NH: Ayer, 1984. Contents: [1] Letter from an Unknown Woman [Brief einer Unbekannten]. [2] The Runaway [Der Flüchtling / Episode am Genfer See]. [3] Transfiguration [Phantastische Nacht]. [4] The Fowler Snared [Sommernovellette]. [5] Compulsion [Der Zwang]. [6] The Governess [Die Gouvernante]. [7] Virata, or The Eyes of the Undying Brother [Die Augen des ewigen Bruders].


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