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by Stefan Zweig

  Allday, Elizabeth. Stefan Zweig. A Critical Biography. 248p. Chicago: J. Philip O’Hara / London: W. H. Allen / Scarborough, Ontario: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1972.

  Arendt, Hannah. “Portrait of a Period” in The Jew as Pariah. Jewish Identity and Politics in the Modern Age. By Hannah Arendt. Edited by Ron H. Feldman. New York: Grove Press, 1978, pp. 112-121.

  Arendt, Hannah. “Stefan Zweig - Jews in the World of Yesterday” in Reflections on Literature and Culture. By Hannah Arendt. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007, pp. 58-68. Notes, pp. 318-319.

  Arens, Hanns. See: Stefan Zweig. A Tribute to His Life and Work.

  Auernheimer, Raoul. “Stefan Zweig” in The Torch of Freedom. Twenty Exiles of History. Edited by Emil Ludwig and Henry B. Kranz. New York/Toronto: Farrar & Rinehart, 1943, pp. 407-426.

  Berlin, Jeffrey B. “The Struggle for Survival - From Hitler’s Appointment to the Nazi Book-Burnings. Some Unpublished Stefan Zweig letters, with an Unpublished Zweig Manifesto” in Turn-of-the-Century Vienna and Its Legacy. Essays in Honor of Donald G. Daviau. Edited by Jeffrey B. Berlin, Jorun B. Johns, and Richard H. Lawson. Wien: Edition Atelier, 1993, pp. 361-387.

  Berlin, Jeffrey B. “The Austrian Catastrophe: Political Reflections in the Unpublished Correspondence of Stefan Zweig and Arnold Zweig” in Austrian Exodus. The Creative Achievements of Refugees from National Socialism. Edited by Edward Timms and Ritchie Robertson. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1995 [Austrian Studies VI], pp. 3-21.

  Berlin, Jeffrey B. “Stefan Zweig and His American Publisher: Notes on an Unpublished Correspondence, with Reference to the Genesis of Schachnovelle [The Royal Game] and Die Welt von Gestern [The World of Yesterday]” in Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte [Stuttgart], 56:2 [1982], pp. 259-276.

  Berlin, Jeffrey B. “Carl Zuckmayer and Ben Huebsch: Unpublished Letters about Stefan Zweig's Suicide” in Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift [Heidelberg], 38:1/2 [1988], pp. 196-199.

  Botstein, Leon. “Stefan Zweig and the Illusion of the Jewish European” in Jewish Social Studies. A Quarterly Devoted to Contemporary and Historical Aspects of Jewish Life [New York], 44:1 [Winter 1982], pp. 63-84.

  Brener, Milton. Opera Offstage. Passion and Politics Behind the Great Operas. New York: Walker, 1996, Chapter 26: “Richard Strauss, Stefan Zweig, and the Nazis”, pp. 207-221.

  Cockburn, Alexander. “Death - Zweig’s Last Game” in Idle Passion. Chess and the Dance of Death. By Alexander Cockburn. New York: Simon & Schuster / London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975, pp. 72-96. Notes, pp. 220-221.

  Daviau, Donald G. “The Friendship of Stefan Zweig and Felix Braun” in Brücken über dem Abgrund. Auseinandersetzungen mit jüdischer Leidenserfahrung, Antisemitismus und Exil. Festschrift für Harry Zohn / Bridging the Abyss. Reflections on Jewish Suffering, Anti-Semitism, and Exile. Essays in Honor of Harry Zohn. Edited by Amy Colin and Elisabeth Strenger. München: Wilhelm Fink, 1994, pp. 317-336.

  Daviau, Donald G. “Literary and Personal Responses to the Political Events of the 1930s in Austria - Stefan Zweig, Raoul Auernheimer, and Felix Braun” in Austria in the Thirties - Culture and Politics. Edited by Kenneth Segar and John Warren. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 1991, pp. 118-150 [Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought].

  Daviau, Donald G. and Harvey I. Dunkle. “Stefan Zweig’s Schachnovelle” in Monatshefte. A Journal Devoted to the Study of German Language and Literature [Madison], 65:4 [November/December 1973], pp. 370-384.

  Eisenberg-Bach, Susan. “French and German Writers in Brazil. Reception and Translations” in Latin America and the Literature of Exile. A Comparative View of the 20th-Century European Refugee Writers in the New World. Edited by Hans-Bernhard Moeller. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1983, pp. 293-306. Notes, pp. 395-396.

  Gelber, Mark H. “Sholem Asch, Josef Leftwich and Stefan Zweig’s Der begrabene Leuchter” in Identity and Ethos. A Festschrift for Sol Liptzin on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday. Edited by Mark H. Gelber. Bern/Frankfurt am Main/Nancy/New York: Peter Lang, 1986, pp. 101-120.

  Golomb, Jacob. “Stefan Zweig’s Tragedy as a Nietzschean ‘Grenzjude’” in Jüdische Aspekte Jung-Wiens im Kulturkontext des “Fin de Siècle”. Edited by Sarah Fraiman-Morris. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2005, pp. 75-93 [Conditio Judaica, 52].

  Gross, Ruth V. “Stefan Zweig” in Austrian Fiction Writers 1875-1913. Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume 81. Edited by James Hardin and Donald G. Daviau. Detroit: Gale Research / Book Tower, 1989, pp. 313-335.

  Karsen, Sonja P. and Mark Ritter. “Stefan Zweig’s and Gilberto Freyre’s Views of Brazil as Country of the Future” in Latin America and the Literature of Exile. A Comparative View of the 20th-Century European Refugee Writers in the New World. Edited by Hans-Bernhard Moeller. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1983, pp. 347-361. Notes, p. 399.

  Kiser III, John W. Stefan Zweig. Death of a Modern Man. 80p. Edited by Susan Hitchcock. Published by the Author [Appleton Press, Sperryville, VA], 1993.

  Klawiter, Randolph J. Stefan Zweig. An International Bibliography. 934p. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 1991.

  Klawiter, Randolph J. Stefan Zweig. An International Bibliography. Addendum I. 535p. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 1999.

  Leftwich, Joseph. “Stefan Zweig and the World of Yesterday” in Leo Baeck Institute Year Book. Vol. XXX. London: Leo Baeck Institute, 1985, pp. 81-100.

  Liptzin, Solomon. “Stefan Zweig” in Germany’s Stepchildren. By Solomon Liptzin. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1944, pp. 211-225.

  Lucas, W. I. “Stefan Zweig” in German Men of Letters. Vol. II. Twelve Literary Essays. Edited by Alex Natan. London: Oswald Wolff / Philadelphia: Dufour, 1963, pp. 227-248.

  Martens, Lorna. “Secrets, Speech and Silence. Stefan Zweig’s Concept of Expressive Language” in The Hebrew University Studies in Language [Jerusalem], 10:2 [Autumn 1982], pp. 181-207.

  Mathis, Alfred. “Stefan Zweig as Librettist and Richard Strauss” in Music and Letters [London], 25:3 [June 1944], pp. 163-176 and 25:4 [October 1944], pp. 226-245.

  Matuschek, Oliver. “Three Lives: A Biography of Stefan Zweig”. Translated by Allan Blunden, 512p. London: Pushkin Press, November 2011.

  McClain, William H. and Harry Zohn. “Zweig and Rolland. The Literary and Personal Relationship” in The Germanic Review [New York], 28:4 [December 1953], pp. 262-281.

  Mintz, Laurence. “Introduction” in Balzac, Dickens, Dostoevsky: Three Masters. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. Introduction by Laurence Mintz. liii/238p. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2010, pp. ix-l.

  Modern Austrian Literature. Journal of the International Arthur Schnitzler Research Association. Special Stefan Zweig Issue. Edited by Donald G. Daviau. Vol. 14, Nos. 3/4, 1981. Riverside, CA: University of California at Riverside, 1981. Contributions in English. No. 1. Preface [Donald G. Daviau], pp. (vii)-(x). No. 2. Stefan Zweig and Hermann Hesse [Donald Prater], pp. 1-70. No. 3. Stefan Zweig and Rainer Maria Rilke [Ilsedore B. Jonas], pp. 71-98. No. 6. The Eclipse of Humanism. Zweig between the Wars [Lionel B. Steiman], pp. 147-193. No. 7. Stefan Zweig’s Ungeduld des Herzens. A Nietzschean Interpretation [Adrian del Caro], pp. 195-204. No. 8. Stefan Zweig’s Sole Librettistic Attempt, Die schweigsame Frau. A Modernistic Opera Buffa [Steven Cerf], pp. 205-219. No. 13. Stefan Zweig’s Judaism [Stephen H. Garrin], pp. 271-290. No. 15. The Impact of Martin Buber on Stefan Zweig [Mark H. Gelber], pp. 313-335. No. 18. From Europe’s “Volcanic Eruption” to Fredonia. The Zweig Collection [Joanne L. Schweik], pp. 361-364.

  Murdoch, Brian. “Game, Image and Ambiguity in Stefan Zweig’s Schachnovelle” in New German Studies [German Department, The University of Hull, Hull, England], 11 [1983], pp. 171-189.

  Naravane, Vishwanath S. “Art and Loneliness. A Study of the Stories of Stefan Zweig” in The Elephant and the Lotus. Essays in Philosophy and Culture. By Vishwanath S. Naravane. London/Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1965, pp. 191-208.

  Oltermann, Philip. “Endgames i
n a ‘Hypermodern’ Age. Stefan Zweig’s Schachnovelle Reconsidered” in KulturPoetik. Journal for Cultural Poetics [Göttingen], 8:2 [2008], pp. 170-186.

  Persels, Jeff. “Stefan Zweig and Montaigne” in Montaigne Studies. An Interdisciplinary Forum [Chicago], 20:1/2 [March 2008], pp. 105-115.

  Prater, Donald A. European of Yesterday. A Biography of Stefan Zweig. 390p. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972.

  Prater, Donald A. “Stefan Zweig” in Exile. The Writer’s Experience. Edited by John M. Spalek and Robert F. Bell. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982, pp. 311-332.

  Prater, Donald A. “Stefan Zweig” in Major Figures of Austrian Literature. The Interwar Years 1918 - 1938. Edited by Donald G. Daviau. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 1995, pp. 521-576 [Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought].

  Prater, Donald A. “Stefan Zweig and England” in German Life and Letters [Oxford], 16:1 [October 1962], pp. 1-13.

  Prater, Donald A. “Stefan Zweig and the Vienna of Yesterday” in Turn-of-the-Century Vienna and Its Legacy. Essays in Honor of Donald G. Daviau. Edited by Jeffrey B. Berlin, Jorun B. Johns, and Richard H. Lawson. Wien: Edition Atelier, 1993, pp. 317-336.

  Romains, Jules. Stefan Zweig. Great European. Translated from the French by James Whitall. 64p. New York: Viking Press, 1941.

  Roshwald, Mordecai. “Stefan Zweig. A Witness to the Collapse of Europe” in Modern Age. A Quarterly Review [Wilmington], 44:4 [Fall 2002], pp. 359-367.

  Shaked, Gershom. “The Grace of Reason and the Disgrace of Misery. Zweig and Roth - A Correspondence” in The Hebrew University Studies in Language [Jerusalem], 10:2 [Autumn 1982], pp. 247-269.

  Sommer, Fred. “Nostalgia, Francophilia, and the Agony of Hitlerism. The Autobiographies of Heinrich Mann and Stefan Zweig” in New German Studies [German Department, The University of Hull, Hull, England], 16:2 [1990/91], pp. 109-123.

  Sonnenfeld, Marion. See: Stefan Zweig. The World of Yesterday’s Humanist Today.

  Sørensen, Bengt Algot. “The Sense of Time in Zweig’s Stories and Novellen” in The Hebrew University Studies in Language [Jerusalem], 10:2 [Autumn 1982], pp. 208-224.

  Spitzer, Leo. “Into the Bourgeoisie. The Zweig and Brettauer Story” in Lives in-between. Assimilation and Marginality in Austria, Brazil, West Africa 1780-1945. By Leo Spitzer. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989, pp. 73-100.

  Stefan Zweig. A Tribute to His Life and Work. Edited by Hanns Arens. 191p. London: W. H. Allen, 1951. Contents: [1] Foreword, pp. 7-8. [2] Stefan Zweig. His Life and Work [Hanns Arens], pp. 9-93. [3] Did You Know Stefan Zweig? [Carl Zuckmayer], pp. 94-98. [4] A Note in Memory of Zweig [Frans Masereel. Autograph facsimile], p. 99. [5] In Friendly Remembrance of Stefan Zweig [Hans Reisiger], pp. 100-101. [6] Stefan Zweig the European [Walter Bauer], pp. 102-114. [7] Two Letters to Stefan Zweig [Rainer Maria Rilke], pp. 115-117. [8] From a Letter from Alexander Lernet-Holenia [Alexander Lernet-Holenia], p. 118. [9] Stefan Zweig’s Last Days [Ernst Feder], pp. 119-131. [10] Note about Picture on Opposite Page [Bruno Walter], p. 132. [11] Memorial for Stefan Zweig [René Fülöp-Miller], pp. 133-134. [12] Two Letters to Stefan Zweig [Romain Rolland] pp. 135-137. [13] Stefan Zweig’s Death [Franz Werfel], pp. 138-146. [14] Testimony to Stefan Zweig [Benarsi Das Chaturvedi], pp. 147-148. [15] Otherness. To Stefan Zweig (1909) [Felix Braun], p. 149. [16] Farewell to Stefan Zweig [Berthold Viertel], pp. 151-157. [17] Stefan Zweig and Humanism [Richard Friedenthal], pp. 158-174. [18] Epistle to a Dead Friend [Richard Friedenthal. A poem], pp. 175-177. [19] Stefan Zweig - A Jewish Tragedy [Otto Zarek], pp. 178-191.

  Stefan Zweig - Exil und Suche nach dem Weltfrieden [Acts of the International Stefan-Zweig-Congress, 18-23 February 1992. Schloß Leopoldskron, Salzburg]. Edited by Mark H. Gelber and Klaus Zelewitz. 345p. Riverside, CA: Ariadne Press, 1995 [Studies in Austrian Literature, Culture, and Thought]. Contributions in English: No.7. Stefan Zweig. The Legacy of World War I and the Tasks of Exile [Lionel B. Steiman], pp. 73-87. No. 14. Stefan Zweig. A Model and Victim of the Impressionistic Lifestyle of the Fin de Siècle [Donald G. Daviau], pp. 167-188. No. 24. Death in Paradise. A Postscript [Alberto Dines], pp. 309-326.

  Stefan Zweig Reconsidered. New Perspectives on His Literary and Biographical Writings. Edited by Mark H. Gelber. 225p. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 2007 [Conditio Judaica, 62]. This volume is comprised of 14 contributions, which are revised and expanded versions of lectures delivered at an international conference on Stefan Zweig that was held in Israel in 2004. Contributions in English. No. 1. Introduction: Stefan Zweig in Israel [Mark H. Gelber], pp. 1-6. No. 2. Erasmus: Stefan Zweig’s Alter-Ego [Jacob Golomb], pp. 7-20. No. 5. Stefan Zweig and the ‘World of Yesterday’ [Robert S. Wistrich], pp. 59-77. No. 8. Stefan Zweig’s “Untergang eines Herzen” as a Version of Tolstoy’s “The Death of Ivan Illych” [Sarah Fraiman-Morris], pp. 107-117. No. 10. At Kithaeron Mountain. Stefan Zweig’s Approach to the Daemonic [Bernhard Greiner], pp. 139-150. No. 11. Stefan Zweig as (Austrian) Eulogist [Mark H. Gelber], pp. 151-162. No. 12. Fragmentation and the Quest for Unity. Stefan Zweig’s Novellas as Tales of the Assimilationist Jewish Predicament [Hanni Mittelmann], pp. 163-174. No. 15. A Spectral Mirror Image. Stefan Zweig and his Critics [Vivian Liska], pp. 203-217.

  Stefan Zweig. The World of Yesterday’s Humanist Today. Proceedings of the Stefan Zweig Symposium. Edited by Marion Sonnenfeld. 357p. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1983. Contents: [1] Preface [Marion Sonnenfeld], pp. xi-xii. [2] Some Introductory Observations on Stefan Zweig’s World of Yesterday [Georg Iggers], pp. 1-9. [3] The World of Yesterday in the View of an Intellectual Historian [Wilma Iggers], pp. 10-19. [4] The Quest for Reason. Stefan Zweig’s and Romain Rolland’s Struggle for Pan-European Unity [Helene Kastinger Riley], pp. 20-31. [5] Stefan Zweig. The Man of the Hour and the Consistent Humanist [Brenda Keiser], pp. 32-39. [6] Friendship and Kinship between Georges Duhamel and Stefan Zweig [Claire Hoch], pp. 40-63. [7] Into the Bourgeoisie. A Study of the Family of Stefan Zweig and Jewish Social Mobility, 1750-1880 [Leo Spitzer], pp. 64-81. [8] Stefan Zweig and the Illusion of the Jewish European [Leon Botstein], pp. 82-110. [9] The Ideal of Eternal Homelessness. Stefan Zweig and Judaism [Klara Carmely], pp. 111-117. [10] History As Literature. Stefan Zweig’s Sternstunden der Menschheit [Stephen Howard Garrin], pp. 118-127. [11] The Worm in the Rose. Historical Destiny and Individual Action in Stefan Zweig’s Vision of History [Lionel B. Steiman], pp. 128-156. [12] The Humane Ideal in Stefan Zweig’s Novelle. Some Complications and Limitations [David Turner], pp. 157-167. [13] Narrative Technique and Psychological Analysis in Two Novellas by Stefan Zweig [Ann Clark Fehn and Ulrike S. Rettig], pp. 168-176. [14] Portrayal of the Elderly in Stefan Zweig’s Novella “Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau” [Gerd Schneider], pp. 177-185. [15] Zweig as Dramatist [Peter J. Macris], pp. 186-194. [16] The Spirit of Humanism as Reflected in Stefan Zweig’s Dramatic Works [Donald G. Daviau], pp. 195-209. [17] Stefan Zweig’s “Big Balzac” [Joseph Strelka], pp. 210-216. [18] Zweig’s Contribution to Strauss Opera after Die schweigsame Frau. New Evidence [Bryan Gilliam], pp. 217-226. [19] Politics and Psychology of Die schweigsame Frau [Michael P. Steinberg], pp. 227-235. [20] Stefan Zweig and Emil Ludwig [Johanna Roden], pp. 236-245. [21] Stefan Zweig. A Wanderer between Two Worlds [Editha S. Neumann], pp. 246-253. [22] Emigration. A Contributing Factor to Stefan Zweig’s Suicide [Rosi Cohen], pp. 254-261. [23] Brazil As Seen by Stefan Zweig [Sonja Karsen], pp. 262-268. [24] Beyond Memory. Stefan Zweig’s Last Days [Erdmute Wenzel White], pp. 269-275. [25] Stefan Zweig and Georges Bernanos in Brazil. An Encounter [Jean-Jacques Lafaye], pp. 276-281. [26] The Zweigs and Gabriela Mistral in Petropolis [Frances Hernandez], pp. 282-288. [27] Death in Paradise. Some Revelations About Stefan Zweig’s Presence in Brazil [Alberto Dines], pp. 289-301. [28] The Burning Secret of Stephen Branch, or a Cautionary Tale About a Physician Who Could Not Heal Himself [Harry Zohn], pp. 302-313. [29] Zweig in Film [Mimi Grossberg], pp. 314-319. [30] Comments on Letter from an Unknown Woman [Henry Salerno, Carol Br
ownson, Robert Deming, David Meerse, and James Shokoff], pp. 320-323. [31] The State of Stefan Zweig Research. An Update [Randolph J. Klawiter], pp. 324-340. [32] Symposium Program, pp. 341-343. [33] Index [compiled by Yvonne Wilensky], pp. 344-357.

  Steiman, Lionel B. “The Agony of Humanism in World War I. The Case of Stefan Zweig” in Journal of European Studies [London/New York], 6:22 [June 1976], pp. 100-124.

  Strelka, Joseph P. “The Paradox and Dilemma of the Humanist in Our Century. On the Fiftieth Anniversary (1942-1992) of the Death of Stefan Zweig” in Turn-of-the-Century Vienna and Its Legacy. Essays in Honor of Donald G. Daviau. Edited by Jeffrey B. Berlin, Jorun B. Johns, and Richard H. Lawson. Wien: Edition Atelier, 1993, pp. 337-350.

  Teller, Gertrude E. “‘Virata or the Eyes of the Undying Brother’ and Stefan Zweig’s Thought” in The Germanic Review [New York], 27:1 [February 1952], pp. 31-40.

  Turner, David. Moral Values and the Human Zoo. The ‘Novellen’ of Stefan Zweig. 353p. Hull: Hull University Press, 1988 [Reprinted 1990].

  Turner, David. “A World Beyond Space and Time. Some Implications of a Recurrent Motif in Stefan Zweig’s Novellen” in The Hebrew University Studies of Literature [Jerusalem], 10:2 [Autumn 1982], pp. 225-246.


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