Wild: A Savage Alpha Shifters Romance

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Wild: A Savage Alpha Shifters Romance Page 24

by DD Prince

  Yep: reality; it’s out there and I probably need to connect with it.

  “Everything okay?” Bailey asks.


  “You look as if your mind is a million miles away,” Cat whispers.

  Riley and Tyson are in conversation by the window, and they excuse themselves to go outside so Ty can show him the truck Riley asked about, obviously having seen it when I drove it almost to him, Cat, and the others that day. Tyson kisses me goodbye as if he’s going on a long journey and will miss me. My foot dressing has been changed and Cat tells me she wants another look on Friday. If anything changes, I’m to let her know right away.

  They’re setting out containers of food that they brought in insulated bags and emptying a cooler.

  “Oh, I’m good,” I say, waving my hand dismissively. “Lots of craziness in the past few days, that’s all. I had no idea your…kind… even existed.”

  “It’s not easy getting claimed by a wolf shifter. They get pretty adamant and sort of all Me Tarzan, you Jane. You my woman now.” She says this in a deep voice and both Cat and I laugh. “When a shifter alpha claims you it can be pretty intense.”

  “I’d say,” I agree.

  “I knew what was happening when it happened to me and it was still so intense,” Cat agrees. “Alpha men are very strong-willed and stubborn, but you’ve got a voice and you don’t have to lose it. You just have to learn how to deal with them. They’re territorial over you and protective. But if you find a good one, they’ll give you everything.” She says this with nothing but love in her eyes and I feel a pang of sorrow for her because of the loss she’s endured.

  She must read my expression because her smile slips. “After all this time, I’ve found a way to just think back and remember the good times. Not that there weren’t hard ones, bad ones. It’s not easy being with an alpha, never mind one with so much testosterone in him that he’s destined to be the protector of a whole village.”

  “Holy,” I groan.

  “I’m just so happy that I’ve got Tyson back in my life again, it’s a dream come true. Until six years ago I thought he was gone. You can’t imagine the feeling of…” she trails off and stares for a second into space.

  I swallow down a lump of emotion. Bailey grabs her hand and squeezes and Cat shakes it off and continues. “Cornelius came to me three separate times since he killed my husband and each time, he lied about Tyson. Told me he was gone and wouldn’t tell me how. Spouted off all sorts of accusations about others in the pack. Now I know how he masked his smell and snuck up on me before he forced himself on me all those times. I had no idea my boy was alive all this time, thought I’d never find out what happened to him until six years ago when Tyson approached our village and I caught the scent. From there, I could only guess what he’d been through. Cornelius was barking mad. I went into a deep depression after that day six years ago, worrying about him. Wondering what he’d endured, but something inside told me he’d be back again.”

  “I’m so very sorry,” I say, tears pricking my eyes.

  “I don’t want to look back,” she shakes her head. “I’m excited about looking forward. About getting to know him. And you. And about grandchildren.” She smiles brightly with wet in her eyes.

  “Oh, hold up,” I raise my hand. “I’ve known him a couple days. The only reason I can even be here is because my workplace caught fire and it means I have a bit of extra time off. I have no idea what the future holds.”

  They both look at one another and I see concern on their faces.

  “Sorry to burst your bubble, but like… all of this came about out of nowhere. I was here only by chance, and –”

  “I find there are very few things that are just by chance,” Cat says quietly.

  I keep talking. “I’m driving along and outta nowhere, bam – I’ve hit him with my car and went down that hill and he was a wolf lookin’ in my window and then he was a naked guy and he broke through a car to steal me and bring me here talking about how he’s gonna mount me and make me his. It was all pretty scary. Biting me and doing that… supernatural knotting thing. Sorry. TMI.”

  She shrugs while she gives her head a shake like it’s really not TMI. Bailey is leaned forward now, looking like she wants more TMI.

  “Anyway,” I continue, “I’ve learned there’s a lot to him in a couple days but that doesn’t mean I’m … you know… staying and stuff. I’m super-happy that you guys are here because if I have to go back to my regular life he’ll have you. He’s obviously ready to not be alone anymore. He’s had it really rough. I’m not gonna say anything because that’s his story to tell, but I’m tellin’ ya, really rough, you guys. Sorry, Cat. I’m sure that’s not easy to hear.”

  Cat gets a faraway look in her eyes.

  I feel remorse for even saying what I just said.

  Bailey gives me a kind smile and gently rests her hand on my arm.

  “He’s your mate, Ivy. It’s meant to be, or it wouldn’t be. You might think you’re just here hanging out and enjoying the great sex, and devoted attention, but this is it for you, girlfriend. He’s your husband in his eyes and he’s not gonna be okay with you just saying, ‘It’s been a slice.’ For some reason, fate decided you were his and you and Tyson met that night by design. It might take some time for you to come to terms, but you will.” She pats my hand.

  I go tense.

  “You’re not just enjoying a romp with him while you make sure he’s good with us so that you can go off with a clear conscience,” she adds.

  “You got mind-reading powers or something?”

  “Well, not exactly, but it’s been suggested. For me, you’re kind of easy to read.”

  “Bailey has strong intuition,” Cat puts in. “So do I. It’s clear you’re already developing feelings for him, so we just want you to know that you’re not alone. If things get confusing or if you need to figure out how to cope with being a mate to an alpha that’s as alpha as Tyson, you’ve got us. And the rest of the pack. None of this generation’s council alphas have mates, but there are plenty of us around with experience who can help you navigate your new world.”

  I shake my head in denial but realize it’s pointless to argue with them. I haven’t made a decision about anything. My head swims with confusion when I try.

  “You’re about to become a very important part of our pack being his mate.”

  “You know I’m not a shifter so…”

  “Doesn’t matter. I can’t shift. I’m an important part of the community. My mom isn’t even half shifter and she’s definitely an important part of the community. We’re all here for one another. Just know that if things ever get confusing or you don’t know how to handle that very alpha man you’ve got.”

  I say nothing. I sip my delicious coffee.

  “Gimme your phone. I’ll program my number and Cat’s number.”

  “Oh; I’ll give you my digits and you can text me and I’ll save you. My phone’s not on right now.”

  I ramble off my phone number and she puts it into her phone.

  I’ll turn my phone on and face reality after they leave.

  “We’re having a party Friday night,” Bailey says. “We’re hoping you and Tyson’ll come. It’d be a great way to meet everyone. Maybe you can work on him if he’s reluctant.”

  “It’d be good for him to meet everyone,” I say.

  “And for you, too,” Cat adds.

  “She’s a little shell-shocked,” Bailey says.

  “She is,” Cat agrees.

  “I am,” I concur.

  They laugh.

  “We don’t know him well yet so don’t know exactly what you’re dealing with, but –” Cat starts.

  I blurt, “He’s accidentally hurt me twice when he’s angry, not knowing his own strength. He’s really sorry about it afterwards.”

  I get looks of empathy from both of them.

  I continue, “He’s still sifting through all his memories,” I add, “and he said not shi
fting for so long made it all foggy. He could drive a car but didn’t know how to peel a banana. But he’s not dumb. It’s just like… he’s recovering from basic skills amnesia or something. And I think he’s also figuring out who he really is. He’s probably struggling with the truth that was kept from him and there’s other stuff he’s realizing about his upbringing and about his uncle. And I think whatever you guys have been doing is a good thing. If he gets to know you, it’ll be good – whether he chooses to live with you and be part of the community you have or simply to know you’re there and that he doesn’t have to be lonely.”

  “He needs to be with us. It’s where he belongs,” Cat says. “And you don’t need to help us convince him of that because I can see in his eyes that he knows deep inside who he is. He’ll come to the right decisions. He doesn’t have a clue yet how wise he is, how much he’ll accomplish in his life. He’ll be a great leader because of what he’s endured, not in spite of it. Anyway, I’m gonna go call them in for lunch. Be right back. We’ll talk more later.” She touches my cheek affectionately. “Whatever you’re doing with him, honey, just keep doing it and he’ll find his way.” She smiles and leaves.

  “I have so many questions about the sex stuff,” I whisper to Bailey the second the door closes behind Cat.

  “I know all the mechanics,” she replies.

  My head jerks in surprise. Is she saying what I think she’s saying? “Pardon?”

  “I’m single. Unmated. And… drumroll… untouched.”

  “Untouched? Bailey! You’re a---”

  “A virgin. Yeah. I’m omega so there’s a good chance I’ll be mated to an alpha. It’s the most common match for omegas. I don’t shift but I do know my fate.”

  “Oh.” I’m a little lost for words.

  “Some of the girls in our pack have sex before they mate, but I’ve decided to wait. Besides, overprotective big brother.” She laughs. “That makes it tricky.”

  “I bet. How old are you?”

  “Twenty-five. Greyson’s one of the alphas of the pack, so… yeah. Tricky.”

  “You have your eye on someone,” I say, knowingly.

  I recognize lovesick when I see it.

  “Yeah, but he doesn’t see me. I doubt he ever will. Hopefully, I get to be with someone local. And … right for me. Not all love matches are easy ones. And I don’t wanna leave the area. Anyway, I understand all the mechanics so if you have a question, ask away.”

  “The men identify their soulmate. What about the women?”

  “We don’t always know. Sometimes we think we know but don’t know until we really know. It’s confusing. I’ve known girls who thought it was one guy but then another set his sights on her and bam, different story. She’d be like - oh! That’s the one. The other one was just a crush.”

  “So you don’t know if the one you have your eye on is your destiny?” I ask.

  She shrugs. “Time will tell. Maybe. What’s your question?”

  “Knotting,” I say, “That’s what Ty called it. Is it true they can only do that with their soulmate? He said he’d done it to nobody before me, but he’s been with a lot of women.”

  “Yep,” she says definitively.


  “Was it amazing?” she asks, looking starry-eyed.

  “Yeah. Um, to put it mildly. But he’s really aggressive sometimes. And relentless. Most guys can go after ten or twenty minutes for round two if they’re really randy, but Ty can just go ‘n go. Beyond round two.”

  “Dreamy,” she whispers.

  I giggle but then I sober. “It’s not all fun and games, though. He uh, held me down with his teeth once when he was mad, and it really scared me. He wasn’t sorry that time. He didn’t hurt me but he… used sex to try to punish me. Which is weird, because he was mad, but it felt so good. But then he wouldn’t stop. He just kept making me orgasm over and over and…”

  Bailey is biting her lip and looking at me with huge eyes.

  “You get the picture,” I say and cover my eyes.

  “Yeah, but keep talkin’.” She laughs. “Typical alpha. Sounds awesome.”

  My face is hot. I can talk about sex, but this level of explicit isn’t something I’d typically talk to a perfect stranger about.

  She wiggles her eyebrows. “If you’re gonna be punished, might as well be with sex. Why was he punishing you?”

  “Because I tried to leave him.”

  “Ah. Punishment with orgasms so you’ll submit. Classic alpha shifter move.”

  “I’ve lost count of how many times we’ve had sex since I’ve been here, Bailey. So many orgasms,” I breathe out, “Best ones of my life!”

  And that’s when the door opens, and Ty comes in.

  We both go quiet.

  Too bad Bailey doesn’t have extra-sharp hearing. Cat is fighting a smirk. Riley is smiling huge. Tyson’s eyes are on me.

  “So, Ivy wants to come to our Strawberry Moon party, Tyson,” Bailey says to break the tension that is evident because it’s obvious that Tyson, Riley, and Cat, who all filed in together heard me say the ‘o’ word.

  “Does she?” Tyson replies, his mouth twitching with amusement. He scoops me off the couch, into his arms and kisses me hot and heavy.

  “That’s rude in front of guests,” I whisper.

  “Don’t care,” he replies against my lips. “What’s for lunch, women?”

  “He shouldn’t be starving. We ate less than an hour ago,” I inform. “But he’s had very little experience with people food and he likes it.”

  Everyone laughs.



  Not only does my Ivy make food that I like, but so does Catrina.

  She served us a dish called lasagna with some salad and bread with herbs and tomatoes and cheese on it. I ate all of mine and half of Ivy’s.

  It was strange sitting at a table with these people. My table was only big enough for four and we were five so an armchair from the bedroom was pulled up and I had Ivy sit there because it was most comfortable.

  After the food was finished, Cat offered dessert, but no one was hungry, so she told us to eat it later, saying it is her famous cinnamon streusel coffee cake.

  Ivy again thanked her for bringing the coffee maker and that prompted Cat to make more coffee.

  “All this food, I need a run,” Riley says, rubbing his stomach. “Wanna run this off?”

  He’s looking at me. Just me.

  The world stops making noise as all eyes are also aimed in my direction.

  “You should,” Cat breaks the silence with an encouraging tone. “Nothing like a good run.”

  “Do you mean as wolves?” Ivy asks. “You guys don’t just become wolves when the moon is full, I notice. And not just at night.”

  “Nope,” Bailey says. “Shifters in our pack generally shift whenever they want a good run. It’s one of the benefits of living where we do. Those who integrate with mainstream society don’t get that flexibility.”

  “Shifters live in regular cities, too?” Ivy asks.

  “Plenty, yeah. Some of them have clubs where they meet and can be themselves. Others belong to a pack remotely and do meetups at times to be able to spend time in wolf form. Our pack is a much tighter-knit community than some. We spend most of our time as people. Some more than others. And some, like me, don’t shift. Some get the urge to run, crave it, particularly alphas.”

  I know what she means.

  “Do you crave a run, Ty?” Ivy asks. “If so, you should go. Run with someone who might be able to keep up with you. He runs pretty fast,” she says with pride, talking about me.

  I find this funny, because she hasn’t really seen me run as a wolf, just when I chased her the night we met, and it was just a short distance.

  “I’d keep up with him no problems,” Riley says with a big smile. “Could probably run faster than you,” he adds, a sparkle in his eye.

  “I’d like to see you try,” I return.

  “Put your money w
here your mouth is, cuz.” He kicks his shoes off and throws his shirt off.

  My eyes move to Ivy.

  Riley has big muscles and she likes muscles. Her eyes move over him for just a brief instant and then they’re on me with a smile in them.

  It’s like she knows I’d wanna do this and is encouraging me. She isn’t staring at his muscles.

  But do I want this? More importantly, do I leave her with them?

  What if something happens? Will she try to leave?

  I look to Catrina.

  “It’ll be fine. We’ll take great care of her. Just go. Thirty minutes. Probably do you guys a world of good. Give us a chance for more girl talk.” Catrina winks at me.

  I don’t know if I should. But my heart is racing with excitement.

  “Go ahead,” Catrina adds.

  “No pressure, Ty,” Riley says, the humor no longer on his face.

  “Oh, you’re backin’ out?” I tease. “Guess you don’t like to lose.”

  He bites his lip and shakes his head, then he’s shifting, jeans dropping at his feet.

  “No shifting in the house!” Catrina exclaims and heads to the door, opening it. “Bloody alphas. Go!” She gestures out the door and Riley, now his large brown wolf looks back at me and winks and then he’s off.



  “Be good,” I warn Ivy. “Stay here. Listen to Cat. I love you.” I kiss her.

  She startles.

  I peel my shirt off and then I’m shifting, and I’m gone to catch up with Riley.


  I run down the long road that goes right and leads to nothing but forest, the road Ivy drove down the other day. It’s a good straight run lined both sides by trees before hitting a fence that was there before Cornelius bought this property. Beyond the fence is deeper woods. In no time, I’m running alongside Riley.

  My paws pound the pavement, which is cool today. It’s breezy and the wind in my thick coat of fur feels good. We’re keeping pace and then I’m outrunning him. And then he’s outrunning me, by just a shoulder for a minute and getting cocky about it not realizing I’m allowing it. I overtake him again by two lengths. We go on that way for the few miles of straightaway until we’re coming up toward the fence line and we both jump over the four feet high fence without catching on it, and head deeper into the bush.


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