Protect Me: A Mafia Romance (The Rossi Crime Family Book 1)

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Protect Me: A Mafia Romance (The Rossi Crime Family Book 1) Page 19

by Cassandra Hallman

  I pulled the trigger without another thought, watching as the bullet went straight into my father’s chest. When he started to fall over, his knees slamming onto the hard ground I walked over to Damon, gripping him by the arm. I looked straight into my father’s eyes, right into the dark orbs that had promised me nothing but death and pain all my life.

  “Looks like the worms and bugs are going to be crawling through you soon.” Then I shot him again, right in the stomach. If the shot to the chest didn’t kill him, then he’d most likely bleed out. His mouth popped open and a vacant look appeared in his eyes.

  You could say that was the day I became fully invested in the man I was the dark monster he had crafted and molded me to be.

  The day I took over the Rossi Empire.

  Chapter One


  A million scenarios are running rampant in my mind as I try and sit up and stare into vacant space. Each one has the same ending, with me dead.

  Tied up in an empty room, I gaze down at my body. Fear trickles down my spine when I take in the revealing lingerie that covers little pieces of my creamy white skin.

  Who dressed me up in these?

  I’d never wear anything like this… never.

  There’s a pounding directly behind my eyes like I got hit by a bus or something and I might have. I don’t remember much of how I got here or even where I am.

  I know I was looking for my sister, my sole purpose in life since she’s gone missing a month ago. With her being the only family I have left I have a compelling need to find her.

  For so long that is all I could think about… finding her, making sure she was okay, but now I’ve gotten myself into something dangerous, something scary.

  My surroundings are eerily quiet like there is no one else in the bedroom, or maybe even house? I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse, to be left alone in silence.

  It’s merely a waiting game now… and I wait… on bated breath, for whomever, it is that did this to show themselves.

  My thoughts are foggy as I tug on the restraints again, praying just this once that I can break free. I cry out in pain when all they do is dig deeper into my already raw skin. My body aches, even as I try and stretch my muscles.

  I’m never going to get out of here.

  I’m never going to find my sister.

  The tears slip from my eyes with ease, sliding down my cheeks. Each drop lands onto my skin coldly. For a long time, I just lie there on the cold floor, with no sound other than my breathing, and the soft sniffles that admit from my nose.

  That is until another sound breaks the silence. Approaching footsteps from outside the door have me on high alert. My eyes lift to the wooden door. Waiting. Watching. The footsteps are faint at first but are definitely coming closer… heading straight for me.

  They stop right in front of the door. My ears perk up, and my body trembles slightly. I wonder who is going to be on the other side of that door? Apart of me wishes it’s someone that’s here to save me, but I know it isn’t.

  I hear the door handle turn and the door opens with a low creak. The sound is loud..and startles me even though I knew it was coming.

  A large figure appears in the doorway. Tall, with broad shoulders. My gaze lifts from the floor and to him, in an instant, my blood runs cold. Even though I’ve never seen this man before, nor met him, I know he is here to hurt me, maybe even kill me.

  His eyes are dark, darker than black, and there is no sympathy in them at all only darkness. An evil grin tugs on his thin lips… This man is the true devil in human form and his sinister smile tells me he is going to enjoy every single thing he does.

  A tear runs down my cheek without my permission. I don’t want to show him how afraid I am. I don’t want to be weak, not for this monster.

  “Oh sweet Ella, don't cry yet, it’s far too early for that. We haven't even started…” He takes a step towards me, and I recoil, wanting so badly to escape him. His smile widens when he sees me try to scurry backward.

  “I will enjoy those tears more as I’m licking them off your face when I’m balls deep inside of you and you are begging me to stop.”

  I was prepared to beg for my life, even if it made me weak I was going to do it, but now that I’ve seen and heard this monster I know for certain that he would only enjoy it more if I did. Looking into his eyes I know there is no hope for me. There is no one that can save me from this evil man.

  I will not give him the satisfaction he wants. I will not beg. I will not plead. I came here looking for my sister and I intend to find her even when all of this is over.

  “Fuck you,” I manage to get out through my clenched teeth.

  His eyes gleam at my words, “Oh, a feisty one. I will have so much fun breaking you. Inside and out. I’ll take every hole in your body, my cock claiming you and when I’m done. I’ll give you to my men to use.”

  He steps closer to me and I instinctively try to get away again. I try to crawl away as much as I can being tied up but it’s no use. With my ankles, and hands bound together, there is no escaping him.

  “In the end, you’ll wish for death…since it’s the only way you’ll receive mercy from me.”

  He grabs a fist full of my hair, his fingers digging painfully into the strands as he pulls me up, forcing me onto my feet, but they won’t work. Every muscle in my body is tight, cramped. A loud cry escapes my lips even though I try to swallow it, the pain of his grip tingles through my scalp.

  Without another word, he drags me to the bed and throws me down onto it making me bounce against the mattress. My body is shaking as I try to roll away to the other side but it’s pointless he already has a tight grip on my arms, and he’s yanking them upwards before I even get the chance to move.

  I hear something lock-into place and before I realize what's happening my bound hands are attached to the headboard and my bound ankles to the footboard. I’m immobilized. At the mercy of this evil, evil man.

  “Mh, look at you…” He runs a finger up my leg, starting at my ankle. He drags it slowly, so slowly, it terrifies me. I can’t anticipate his next move.

  When he reaches my upper thigh he moves his hand closer to the inside of my leg. Bile rises in my throat when he gets to my barely covered pussy. I clench my jaw and turn my face away from him. I sink deep inside my head, trying to think about anything but the monster touching me.

  Still I feel his touch. Using two fingers he circles over the most sensitive part of me. Tears spring from my eyes once more. I’ve never been with a man before or touched by a man. The thought of knowing my first time will be taken from me by this vile bastard sinks deep into my soul. I’ll be forever tainted, forever broken.

  “Your skin is soft… softer than I expected.”

  A sob escapes my lips, and I squeeze my eyelids shut. His breath fans against my face. He smells of smoke and whiskey, and I just want to escape this… escape him.

  Air fills my lungs but I refuse to release it. I don’t want to smell him. I don’t want to feel his fingers on my skin, and yet I know for the rest of my life this moment will be a nightmare I’ll never be able to escape.

  “Open your eyes.” He orders. “I want to see the fear in them.”

  I shake my head. He can take whatever he wants from me. He can use my body however he pleases but he cannot make me do anything. Nothing.

  “Open your fucking eyes, you little bitch.” I can feel spit clinging to my face, but I keep my eyes closed anyway. Pain explodes across my cheek, radiating from my jaw and upward. This is my punishment, all for searching for my sister… for wanting to find my only family.

  “I’m going to fuck you till you bleed.” He growls. His fingers move from my clit and I hear the sound of him undoing his belt. “I’m going to enjoy your cries, and begging…” I all but see the smile on his lips, even with my eyes closed.

  “Where is my sister!?” If he’s going to do this, if he’s going to hurt me then the least he can do is tell me what
I came here for. He can give me the answers I desperately seek.

  “If she’s lucky dead, right where you’ll be when I get done with you.”

  “Please...if you’re going to do this…” My heart cracks down the middle, part of my spirit leaking out into this horrible room. “Can you tell me where she is? What will happen to her?”

  “You know what… you are right. You should know. She’ll be auctioned off to the highest bidder at one of the most prestigious auctions. A place you’d have went had I not wanted a taste of you myself.”

  I feel the tears sting my eyes, my baby sister will be sold, raped, and passed around by men. She’ll be broken, and I’ll never get the chance to save her.

  “Does that make you sad Ella?” I can’t stop the tears from escaping my eyes. “Save your tears for when I’m fucking you. You’ll need them if you have any hope of surviving this. In fact maybe you’ll get lucky and I’ll like you. I guess it depends on how much you can handle?”

  I shake my head, wanting to escape this nightmare so badly, hoping maybe he'll actually shoot me. Certainly death is better than this. His smile of terror burns into mind as he reaches for me, spreading my legs wider.

  The sound of a door opening fills the room, and I crane my neck in the direction of the noise. Is someone here to save me? To stop this mad man from hurting me?

  “Boss, I’m sorry to interrupt you but we’re being attacked. If we want to get out of here before they make it inside we need to leave now.” An unknown man’s voice fills the space. I blink my eyes open, seeing my kidnapper snarl with distaste.

  “Fucking Christ.” The evil bastard mutters pulling away. “We will just let whoever is coming here for me have fun with you then.” He chuckles, and his laughter rains down on me like acid. I twist and turn against the restraints, desperately wanting to break free.

  “Bye bye Ella,” he chuckles before he grips tightly nlto my jaw and kisses me on the mouth harshly. All I want to do is throw up.

  I hear his footsteps retreat, each one getting further and further away. He is leaving me here, tied up and helpless. If I didn't know any better I would scream for help but at this point, I think staying quiet would be the best action.

  My body shakes like a leaf blowing in the wind as I await my fate. Who could be coming that would scare that man into running?

  Someone worse, and even darker monster? The thought sends me into a frenzy. I need to get away, out of this room. I pull on my restraints again, ignoring the sharp pain and the blood that starts trickling down my wrists.

  I need to get free. I have too.

  Every breath I take is labored. I pull as hard as I can but the ropes don’t budge. My body remains suspended, helpless and ready for the taking. I try and squeeze my legs shut, but it’s no use, my muscles are weak, my body exhausted.

  Whoever is coming won’t have to fight me long to get what they want. The sound of gunshots being fired off in the distance and the pounding of heavy footfalls throughout the hallways, meet my ears. There are people yelling at each other, I can hear voices, but the door to the room remains closed.

  Maybe they won’t find me. Maybe I’ll be able to escape. If I can’t actually break free, maybe I can pretend that I did inside my mind.

  The shouting and gunfire ceases and an eerie silence blankets me. I strain to hear anything, a voice, a step… anything at all. Long moments pass, and I pray no one comes.

  And then just like earlier, footsteps break the silence. They’re heavy and hold purpose.

  No, he came back for me.

  I sob uncontrollably even though I try my hardest to keep the tears in they break the silence all on their own. Apart of me wants to plead with him to kill me. I am weak this I know but even if I survive this there is no life worth living after these events.

  Between sobs, I notice that the approaching footsteps are accompanied by voices. There are two people coming. Even though I can’t make out what they are saying I know it’s not him. A tiny sigh of relief escapes me, but when the door opens once more and I see two large figures start to approach me, all that is left inside is panic. It grips onto my soul and holds onto me for dear life.

  My entire body tightens when the first man walks right up to me with a wicked smile on his lips.

  “Well, well, what do we have here?”

  I stare into his dark eyes trying to find a speck of goodness. He looks just like the other man, but much younger, much more handsome, but in the darkest way possible. He terrifies me but his presence is nothing compared to the other man’s. I can't explain the comparison and I don't care too.

  “Help me, please help me.” I croak. My voice cracks, and my throat throbs as I speak the words. My plea only widens his smile though, and that terrifies me more. He's not going to let me go. He's going to use me just like the other man. I thrash against the restraints once more, uncaring of the pain that radiates down my arms. Maybe if I’m lucky the rope will cut into my skin deep enough to slice my wrists.

  Maybe I'll die before anything bad can happen. The unknown man reaches for me and for a split second I think he is going to untie me, save me, but instead, he just wipes a treacherous tear from my cheek with his finger and brings it to his lips. My lips tremble, and I so badly want to close my eyes again.

  His eyes drift closed momentarily and he looks as if he’s lost in some blissful dream, “You do taste rather divine.”

  No! No! He’s going to do the same thing the other man did. He’s going to hurt me. My entire body shakes when he takes that same hand and brings it to my chest, his huge hand splaying right between my breasts. I look down to see what he is doing, watching his fingers move.

  His dark eyes remain on my face, I can feel the heat of his gaze on my cheeks as he drags two of his fingers down between my breasts, and over my belly, leaving a trail of tingling skin behind. I am shocked and confused by my reaction to his touch.

  It is warm and less terrifying than the other man’s. My thoughts swirl. I must be going insane, losing my mind completely, because I am not revolted by him like I was by the other man. I am still scared beyond disbelief and my body is shaking but something deep inside of me knows that this man is the lesser of two evils. That he’s a monster, but nothing compared to the monster I had just witnessed. When his fingers have just about reached my mound, a voice coming from the hall stops his actions.

  “Xander, we didn’t come here for this.” The other voice is laced in annoyance.

  I’ve been so consumed by the presence of this man that I forgot that two guys came in.

  “We didn’t but since our father is already gone, don’t you think we can at least have some fun, what do you say little brother? Should we rekindle an old memory.”

  Father? Now the resemblance makes sense. I don’t know why I didn't see it before. It is so clear now. The dark hair, and eyes. The sharp jaw, and striking high cheekbones. I tried my best to not look at the other man’s face but it’s too noticeable not to see now.

  “We don’t have time for this,” the other man snaps. “Let’s burn this place to the ground. At least he won't have anything to come back to, if he even comes back at all.”

  “No. Please don’t leave me here. I… I didn’t do anything…” My voice erupts like a volcano, the words pouring from my lips. The man touching me eyes me curiously, as if I’m a present he can’t wait to open.

  “She’s right brother, we can’t just leave her here,” A smirk filled with pleasure pulls at the man's lips. I blink, fear tumbling out of control inside of me as I wait for him to say something else. “Maybe we can bring her with. Torture the truth out of her. I know the perfect method.” At that very moment, he moves his hand, his fingers pressing harshly against my mound. I gasp, and cry out in pain, fighting against the restraints. I feel warm blood sliding down my arms, the warmth of it over my skin is strangely soothing.

  “Xander…” The other man’s footsteps fill the room, his tone is impatient and I wonder if I could reason w
ith him. If he’d release me instead.

  “P-please…” I beg, and more tears fall. The other man comes into view his eyes are on me, but his gaze wavers, guilt consuming his features.

  “She’s his type. Sweet. Blonde, with big blue eyes.” The man named Xander snickers, “I bet he kept this one for a while. She must know something. I could break her, snap her in two, send her body in pieces to him.”

  His words strike fear deep down in my belly, a different kind of fear…. An all-consuming fear. This man doesn’t just plan to break me, to rape me, he plans to kill me, and use my body for revenge.

  “I… I don’t know him…” I shake my head, trying to get them to understand. “I…” The pain in my wrists consumes me, and I feel my arms growing heavy.

  “Xander, you need to make up your mind. Bring her with, I don’t give a fuck, but I am burning this place and all the dead bodies inside of it to the ground.” I hear the other man say, but it sounds so far away. I can’t really explain what is happening… I can hear my pulse pounding in my ears and my vision starts to blur.

  No, I can’t die like this. I can’t. I won’t.

  I thrash against the bed but feel nothing, not even pain. Why don't I feel anything?

  Darkness closes in around me and I know then that I am about to pass out. I see the two men looming above me, the man named Xander still has his hands on my body, his hand is warm and I want to sink into it, into the warmth it brings.

  As my eyes drift close, pain is still absent for the moment being. My last thought before everything goes completely black is if I am ever going to wake up again.

  And if I do, what does fate have in store for me.


  About the Authors

  Born and raised in Germany, Cassandra Hallman moved to the United States when she was eighteen. She’s now a stay-at-home-mom to three boys, and happily married. She always had a love for reading, that love slowly transpired into writing. She put fingers to keyboard and started writing about the dark side of romance. She is known for her intriguing stories and complex characters.


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