When We Fall

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When We Fall Page 15

by C. M. Lally

  “That’s wonderful news. I’m so excited for you,” I giggle, happy that she’s found love again. “Do you need a wedding planner, because I’m pretty damn sure I know a woman.”

  “As a matter of fact, I want you to come see me and meet Jeremy, like now,” she hints. “Hurry up and get here.” She laughs, and I hear a man’s voice in the background holler for me to hurry up.

  “Well, I’m in Knightsen. I can be there in an hour,” I advise.

  “Make it faster than that, and I’ll supply the Chocolate Mint ice cream,” she teases me. She knows the way to my heart. “Same address. Park in the alley.”

  “Deal,” I say, before hanging up. The clock says ten minutes until seven. I wonder if I can be there by eight? I guess we’ll see. I throw my purse over my shoulder and head out through the back patio, the same way I came in, unnoticed.

  Within the hour, I’m pulling into her back alley and opening the latch on her fence. She runs across the lawn in bare feet practically falling into me. She looks amazing, and that wide smile of hers still makes me think of bright sunshine. Vanessa is a true blond with gorgeous green eyes. She’s got this alabaster skin that makes her look like a porcelain doll. She’s true beauty and elegance with a deep soul.

  “So, talk. Give me the details, lady,” I beg. We sit on the patio under the expansive Maple tree, enjoying the full evening sun. “Tell me about your love.”

  “Jeremy is a customer of mine at the bakery,” she starts. “He knew what had happened because of the local news and my closing of the shop. At first, he would just check on me every so often, making sure I was okay. Then it progressed into bringing me things, little trinkets, to make me smile or ideas for the shop because Jeremy is in marketing. Then finally, after about a year of occasional meaningful conversations, he asked me out for coffee.”

  “So, it’s been a slow-burning romance?” I ask, smiling at the look of pure happiness on her face.

  “Yes, but don’t get me wrong. We’ve had our ups and downs. Mainly my downs,” she confides. “I’ve battled guilt, depression, memory overload, sleeplessness, anxiety and so many other feelings, but he’s been there through it all. He just wouldn’t leave. He’s constant, and that’s what I needed. The security of a relationship without the pressure of the relationship, if that makes any sense?”

  “Girl, these are words for my soul. They make complete sense,” I assure her.

  The screen door creaks open and a very tall, dark handsome man walks towards us carrying a tray of ice cream pints, bowls, spoons, and several toppings for sundaes. He even has a can of spray whipped cream, the extra creamy brand. We both giggle like eight-year-olds when he sets it down in front of us. “Go ahead, Ladies,” he says. “Don’t be shy.”

  We both reach for our perspective pints because we know each other so well. We ignore the bowls and start loading toppings right into the pint carton. She holds her pint out to me to spritz it with some of the whipped cream, and then I do the same to mine. We both laugh as we take in the shocked look on his face, but he smiles and we roll with more laughter. “He’s a keeper, for sure,” I mumble with a mouth full of ice cream, mini chocolate chips, and some of the cream.

  I finally introduce myself to Jeremy after a few bites. “You’re a brave man for bringing two old friends some ice cream and staying through the fray of toppings,” I tease. “It’s nice to meet you, Jeremy. I’m Isabella, otherwise known as ‘the wedding planner’. We each reach across the patio table and shake hands.

  “I’d do anything for Vanessa,” he purrs, grabbing her hand and caressing it with his thumb. Oh, this man is in love. He’s practically got moonbeams shining from his eyes.

  “Have you set a date yet?” I ask. They both look at each other like they’ve got a secret, and turn their heads towards me.

  “We were hoping next month?” Vanessa says, looking hopeful with a slight blush on her face and her warm smile.

  “Oh, wow,” I mouth, trying to keep my look of surprise in check. I start shaking my head, smiling like a crazy woman. “You know, I’d do anything to see you happy again. It honestly doesn’t matter how crazy this is going to get because it’s gonna be worth it.”

  Jeremy starts gathering up our ice cream mess. “I’ll leave you ladies to plan it then,” he says, and stands and starts to leave.

  “Oh, no you don’t, Mister,” I call to him. “You can leave, for now, so we can catch up, but you are most definitely helping to plan your wedding. Just know that.” I wink at him and he looks at Vanessa before smiling sheepishly.

  “You got it, Wedding Planner,” he chuckles before heading inside.

  Vanessa leans forward on her cushioned seat and grabs my left hand, rubbing her fingers over my empty ring finger. “Now tell me why this is still empty after two years,” she demands.

  “Oh, you know...always the planner, never the bride,” I laugh nervously. I get the feeling I’m about to get a stern talking too from a concerned friend. “Funny that you say that,” I say, scooting back further into the lounge chair while trying to dispel her thoughts on my singular status. “I’ve found someone, but he’s got a shit ton of baggage and it’s preventing us from being together.”

  “You just need to help him unpack his luggage,” she chuckles at her joke but stops immediately when she sees my distressed face. “I get it. It’s harder than it looks, but he’ll do it for the right person. And that’s gotta be you. He just needs a bit of convincing.”

  “You and he have a lot in common,” I say, sinking back further into my seat and tucking my feet underneath me. “He lost his fiance in a bad car wreck a few days before their wedding. He undid her seatbelt and her neck snapped. He’s got it seared in his memory that he killed her.”

  “Holy shit, Isabella,” she exclaims. “How the hell are you handling that?”

  “Currently, we aren’t,” I sigh heavily. “He came to one of my weddings last week after I left his house without a word two weeks prior. We had been intimate, and he called me by her name. It crushed me and I ran away. At that point, he still hadn’t told me how she died. So, when he showed up, I made him spill it, then and there, demanding that he tell me everything. I forced him to relive their final, traumatic moments together. It was an ugly cry of a confession, and I haven’t been able to connect with him since. I need to apologize for pushing him, but he won’t answer my calls or texts.”

  “In speaking from experience, I would just slow down and let time roll you back to each other,” she offers. “Just keep showing up and being there. Let him know you aren’t going anywhere and that he’s your man even with knowing the truth. Love after death is a very steep mountain, but each small step will still get you to the top.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper, leaning forward to accept her tight hug. “That means a lot coming from a survivor.”

  “And don’t ever think that men don’t like to be chased and courted because I know better,” she winks.

  “My upcoming wedding this weekend is for a family member of his,” I say, twisting the corner of her throw pillow nervously. “It’s actually taking place in his bar. It’s a big NBA celebrity wedding. I’m going to have to come up with a plan to get through the event and get him to talk to me.”

  “Ooh, I’m up for a celebrity wedding,” she exclaims, teasing me with a wink and that full face gorgeous smile she owns. No wonder Jeremy is madly in love with her. “If Jeremy and I were to be invited as potential clients...or we can crash it, let me know which one works best for you...then I can be there for moral support and maybe feel him out on your behalf. Maybe work some of my magic on him. What do you think?”

  “Oh, I think that’s a perfect idea,” I clap my hands together and laugh in agreement. “Now I need to plan my approach.”

  “Don’t you worry, Bella,” she appeals in that loving manner she has, “the next wedding going on your calendar is going to be yours. I have a good feeling about this.” My eyes glisten with tears, but I don’t let them fall. No
sense in crying over that great news.

  After another hour of catching up and coming up with ideas for my ‘Operation Frank’ plan, we say our goodbye’s with a promise to see each other in a few days at the wedding. I’m so excited for her to start planning her rejuvenation of love wedding. It’s going to be amazing.

  If ever I needed a fairy godmother to help with Frank, she was perfect timing.

  Chapter 27 – Isabella

  I’ve specifically stayed away from Frank and The Beer and Brood Tavern so that he could have the space he needed. I stopped calling and texting, allowing him time to either miss me or get over me. It may not sound like the best plan in the world, but it’s my plan. I’ll adjust it if I see it isn’t working.

  We weren’t able to schedule a practice rehearsal on the night before with the bar being open, so everyone agreed to show up a few hours early in the morning for a quick run through, before heading out to a rehearsal breakfast. Which I love and think is a great solution to our evening dilemma.

  My crew arrives late on Friday night to start setting up the tents. Frank did as originally promised and cordoned off the parking lot for the tent set up. It’s been really hard to complete my pre-wedding checklist with not communicating with Frank, but Aran has been a go-between with my reminders and instructions. I hate doing that to her, but she volunteered and promised it wouldn’t stress her out. I’ve given her minimal things to convey knowing I could handle it all early Saturday morning.

  My arrival at 6:00 am Saturday morning is apparently not a surprise. The parking lot is empty, and at first, I’m hesitant to approach the building. Is he going to be inside? Are the doors open? I exit my car and stare at the glass doors unsure if I should approach them or not.

  I turn to look over at his back gate, and there he stands. He’s in his jogging suit, leaning against the fence, stretching for his morning run. He nods in my direction before he takes off at a slow pace, disappearing around the corner. Well, at least I know he’s alive and well.

  My morning crew arrives, honking and waving at me excitedly. We walk inside together, loaded with boxes and bags of decorations in hand. It’s time to get this fairy tale started.

  I stand in awe as soon as I enter. Frank has done wonders with the inside of the bar. Every single piece of exposed wood is gleaming. The walls have a fresh coat of light beige paint, and when I entered the bathrooms, I almost cried. They are completely re-decorated and remind me of a guest bath in a luxury bed and breakfast. It also doesn’t smell like a bar saturated with alcohol and tobacco. There is a slight vanilla scent to the place. I look around and can’t find any automatic air fresheners or little plug-in deodorizers. What has he done to get it to smell so good?

  He’s been busy. Even though it sounds crazy, I’m proud of him. He came through when I needed him the most. He certainly didn’t have to accommodate my requests to make Aran’s wedding special, but he did. He truly is a great man with a generous heart.

  Within a few hours, every vendor has arrived and completed their set up. The wedding party also squeezed in their morning rehearsal. I actually enjoyed the casualness and laid-back spirit of this morning rehearsal idea. I’ll have to suggest this more often.

  The guests start to arrive just after noon, and I make it through my final wedding checklist without any issues pending. Now fully decorated, the bar looks like an upscale lodge with the decorations and lighting that Aran and I choose, along with the subtle renovations that Frank made. It’s simple and elegant, and a magnificent representation of where Aran and Kyle truly come from in their life and love.

  I hate to have favorites because every wedding is truly unique for the couple that it represents, but this one...it’s special to me. My eyes wander around the room taking in the soft lighting on the bare tree branches, the cream-colored lanterns hanging from the beams, the ivory drapes around the stage to highlight the bride and groom, the soft, bluesy piano music playing Anita Baker...I’m speechless. The intimate setting we’ve created is definitely Aran and Kyle’s love come to life, and I couldn’t be more pleased.

  Suddenly, there’s a high-pitched shriek and Aran’s boys have broken free of the room they were contained in. They are running up and down the aisles chasing each other, dodging guests and arms trying to catch them. I’m just about to go and grab them when large arms scoop them both up and carry them back towards their mother. Frank. He looks so good in a tuxedo. I’m breathless as he walks them, legs kicking in all directions, down the aisle towards the back room. Fake cries and tears are bellowing throughout the room as they yell for their mother to rescue them.

  “Lord, please let them settle down,” I silently pray. Frank walks past me, and before I can offer to help, he winks to let me know he’s handling the situation.

  I check my watch and end up following him to align the wedding party while cueing the band to start the wedding music. The photographer is in place, and everything is ready. I send Kyle and his groomsmen up front to the officiant, and we begin.

  I REALLY DON’T KNOW what I did in a previous life to get this one to work out so smoothly, but the famous little wedding of Kyle and Aran Daniels went off without a hitch.

  The magnificent food has been served, the enormous and quite decadent, tiered cake has been cut, the garter and bouquet have both been tossed to the wind, and now the dancing commences. I’d love nothing more than to step away for a while and swing in the hammock over at Frank's’ place. Nothing sounds more relaxing to me right now than that.

  I’m standing with Vanessa and Jeremy in the back of the tent when the DJ comes over the sound system and requests my presence on the dance floor. I have no idea what is going on, but Vanessa pushed me forward and still can’t see anything through the throng of guests that have lined the dance floor waiting to see what’s going to happen.

  When I get to the edge, the crowd parts and I can only see Jenna on stage with her band, JEMFire. She lifts the mic to her lips and says, “By special request for you...Bella.” ‘I Want To Know What Love Is’ by Foreigner starts to play. The crowd parts further and Frank walks onto the floor, holding his hand out to me and asks me to dance. I look back at Vanessa and she’s crying, Jeremy is behind her with his arms wrapped around her. Dreams really do come true.

  Tears spring to my eyes. No man has ever requested a song for me to dance to. He doesn’t know it, but he just made a silly girl’s dream come true. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hold him tight to me. If he tries to run again, at least I’ll have a good grip on him.

  “I’ve been making plans and preparing for you,” he whispers in my ear.

  I look up at him in surprise. My eyes narrow in confusion. “You have?” I ask.

  “Yes,” he replies. “I was reminded what an empty life I live, and that it’s not really living without love in it. It’s merely existing. We were put on this earth to live, and that’s what I want to do— with you. I love you, Isabella. I can’t go another moment without you in my world.”

  “I love you too,” I confess. “These past few weeks have been the longest of my life. I thought about you every moment and how much you must hate me for making you relive your trauma. I’m so sorry I pushed you.” I lower my face and place it on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat. He touches my chin tenderly and raises my face to his.

  “Don’t apologize for pushing. I needed it. I’m not usually a weak man, but when you fear something for so long, it becomes an uncontrollable monster,” he admits. “You got me to act. I cleared out my front room and some other things in my home. It’s ready for new memories made with you.”

  “Frank, I want you to know,” I say, swallowing hard on the tension that is building in my throat. “I’ll be patient. I understand that this might take time, but I want to grow something meaningful and lasting with you. I want to support you and love you for an eternity. No matter how long it takes, we’ll do it slowly, but together.”

  “You’re damn right we’re doing everything togethe
r,” he says. The song ends and as the crowd cheers and whistles for Jenna and the band, Frank drops to one knee. “I have Kyle and Aran’s permission to do this today, so don’t worry that we are stealing their thunder.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m thinking,” I laugh.

  “Bella, will you marry me?” he asks. Holding a gorgeous engagement ring on his pinky finger towards me.

  For a woman that talks a lot, I’m speechless. All I could do is nod my head. He slides the ring on my finger and before I can do anything else, he throws me over his shoulder and marches me out of the tent and back to the bar. The crowd is hollering and chanting. Vanessa grabs my hand as we pass her, and all I can do is pull her with me. Tears are spilling down my cheeks, as Frank swats my ass as hard as he can. “Ouch,” I holler over his shoulder.

  When we get inside The Beer and Brood, the officiant is standing on stage with Aran and Kyle. They appear to be waiting for us. Suddenly it dawns on me...

  “Did you mean today?” I ask, wide-eyed.

  “Oh, I thought I said that,” he laughs, raising his eyebrows looking hopeful.

  “Ah, hell. Why not? No time like the present,” I exclaim.

  “Exactly,” he says, wrapping my arm around his elbow and escorting me to the stage.

  After the preliminary wedding verbiage that I don’t even remember his speaking, the officiant asks, “Do you have vows prepared?”

  “We can wing it, I think,” Frank says, winking at me and taking my hands in his.

  “Bella, I’ve been a dead, broken man for half my life now. For some reason, I was fine with that— until you came along. Your fire and energy have made me a jealous man. For the first time in a long time, I want to live and be in love. I want to be in love with you. I promise to love you and be in love with you for the rest of my days. I promise to support you, to hold you, to challenge you, to make you laugh, and to take care of you all the rest of my days so help me God.”


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