Viking's Crusade (Viking Ancestors: Rise of the Dragon, #6)

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Viking's Crusade (Viking Ancestors: Rise of the Dragon, #6) Page 23

by Purington, Sky

  Ava had never looked so beautiful, with her hair blowing free around her shoulders then she did as she and Soren exchanged their vows. He had wanted to toss her over his shoulder and carry her back to his lodge—their lodge—then and there but unfortunately, celebrating with kin had to take priority.

  “You must’ve really had your hands full with her,” Ava commented, referring to Agatha, who was surrounded by a throng of men.

  “As you saw firsthand in the time flux,” he pulled Ava closer, “I certainly did.” He inhaled her sweet scent and kissed the side of her neck. “I’m so glad you decided to stay, wife...that you now know you do not need to forgive yourself.”

  “Actually,” she said softly. “Despite the elf’s influence over me, I’ll always take responsibility for my part in the deaths in that village. For being there when there was always a risk of my dragon surfacing.” She met his eyes. “In the end, though, I’ve forgiven myself.” She shook her head. “But I’ll never forget.”

  She paused a moment before continuing. “In honor of the lives lost, I’ll always do my best to be a mediator here in Scandinavia. To help keep the peace whenever I can with fellow tribes or even during the transition of the newest dragons and demons who just arrived.” She winked. “After all, even infected people can squabble.”

  “It is a good mission,” Thorulf agreed, skidding to a stop in front of them when he and Dagr nearly raced by. “That will earn you a position as my first-in-command very quickly.”

  Dagr nodded with approval. “I agree with your assessment, Thorulf.”

  They were about to take off again when Sven leapt onto a table and rallied everyone’s attention, using his magic to make sure people far beyond the building heard him. “I have spoken with your former leaders, King Heidrek and King Bjorn, and they agreed I should remain king.” Roars of approval rang out, but Sven quieted them. “I, in turn, feel each kingdom would be better served with its own king.”

  When everyone’s eyes swung his way, Soren knew what Sven was going to say.

  “I will rule my father’s kingdom,” he said. “But I think a man who has always seen to his people’s needs and saved Midgard alongside his mate, Soren Sigdir, Son of Heidrek, should lead this one.”

  Sven barely got the words out before a roar of approval rang out from the Fortress to the shore. Ava smiled at Soren and urged him to join everyone as he was crowned, and a new era truly began for the Sigdirs.

  After that, they laughed and danced, and all were merry. So happy, in fact, that Davyn even gave Pierce his blessing to pursue Halla. She, in turn, reminded both she would be with Pierce if she wanted to and, technically speaking her parents should be the ones to give their blessings. So in the end, despite her father Tait's grumblings, all blessings were given, and doe-eyed, clearly in love, Halla and Pierce vanished into the night.

  Though Soren enjoyed time spent with his people as well as time with Ava’s parents who would be remaining here, it felt like centuries passed before he finally carried Ava into their lodge. He had never seen her so relaxed or genuinely happy as he set her down.

  “I think I’m going to love living here,” she murmured, her eyes half-mast with pleasure as he took his time undressing her, savoring every inch of skin he unveiled. “Just as much as I love you.”

  While she had said it once before and he had seen it in her eyes when they married, to hear it yet again sent his heart soaring and fueled his inner dragon to surface. Her dragon eyes flared to life in turn, and she began undressing him as well.

  “I wonder why I didn’t end up with a tattoo,” she said softy, pondering that as she kissed her way down his chest before her eyes rose to his. “Maybe I wasn’t meant to.” She gave him a sultry look and licked her lips, admiring all he had to offer. “Or maybe we haven’t finished our adventure yet, mate.”

  “If I have my way we never will,” he vowed hoarsely, incredibly aroused.

  He was so desperate for her that when she began to lower to her knees to take him into her mouth, he pulled her up and walked her backward until her knees hit the bed. She yelped with excitement when he scooped her under her backside and had her beneath him in a heartbeat.

  As verbal as ever, she cried out when he spread her thighs, thrust deep, and filled her with one long stroke. The pleasure of her tight heat combined with their mated state and the love in her eyes nearly made him release right then and there. Thankfully, his dragon’s need to draw out the pleasure and linger in the moment took over, and he regained control.

  Drenched in lust and desire, he thrust again and again, lost in the feel of her, and building pleasure between them. Sweat slicked their skin as they drowned in each other, limbs sliding along limbs, their dragons relishing being together as they should be.

  When it became too much, and he couldn’t hold back any longer, her dragon followed his, and they went over the edge together, roaring their release, crying out their pleasure. Yet even as he found fulfillment, he craved more, and it began all over again. Sometimes he rode her, other times she rode him, and it all blended together in the glow of their love.

  A love that, at last, gave way to her dragon tattoo.

  A small fiery red dragon over her heart.

  “Our son,” she said softly, placing her hand over it. “Once a leader, always a leader, keeping the hearts of his people together when they might fall apart.”

  “A true peacekeeper like his mother.” Soren rested his hand over her womb. “Keeping the hearts of his people whole.”

  After that, all fell away, and they continued to love each other.

  Something they would do for the rest of their days.

  They had led a crusade not once but twice and saved a world that didn’t know it needed saving. Even better?

  They had found their beloved fated mate, and reunited with their precious offspring.


  Two Years Later

  “WHAT DO YOU think then?” Leviathan looked from Thorulf to Dagr who stood on either side of him in front of Níðhöggr’s Ash. “Are they ready?”

  Dagr and Thorulf looked at each other before they considered the toddlers lined up in front of them. Not only Dagr’s sister and Thorulf’s brother but Sage and Håkon’s son, Tess and Rokar’s son and Sven and Emily’s son. Not to mention several other children born of the New Tribe of dragons that had come from Múspellsheimr.

  “Yes,” Dagr finally announced.

  “They are ready,” Thorulf finished for him.

  Ava smiled and nodded she was okay when Soren squeezed her hand and looked at her with concern. “We can fly with them, wife. Dagr and Thorulf will understand.”

  “No, just behind them is fine,” she replied, trying not to worry as their son teetered around, a little red replica of the dragon he had been in his former life. “They should fly with the boys and Leviathan. They should establish that level of trust while they’re young.”

  “Hell,” Shea muttered, shooting Davyn a look when he helped her sit. With her changeable moods lately, she either adored or loathed him for impregnating her. But then, she was so overly pregnant, everyone felt for her. “The way our daughter is kicking and fluttering around inside me, you can bet your ass she would’ve already taken off by now.” She nodded once, convinced of it. “Everyone would be following her.”

  Sage chuckled and eyed Shea’s belly dubiously. “I know we only hear one heartbeat but are you sure there aren’t three or four in there?”

  “Right,” Kenzie echoed, patting Shea on the shoulder.

  “At least she can only go as far as your belly right now, Shea,” Tess muttered. She and Rokar tried to round up their son who never sat still but always charmed everyone with his winning smile. Naturally, Kenzie's dog Harley was right there smiling alongside him. Tess rested her hand on her own round but not nearly as swollen stomach. “I count my blessings our daughter is calm-natured.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Shea muttered, her hair constantly shifting colors and sparkling. H
er little Cupid daughter was already trying to match-make and could clearly use some guidance. If that weren't comical enough, Kenzie's cat Pink found it fascinating to jump on Shea's shoulder so she could bat at it.

  Pink's brother Floyd lounged in a patch of sun, watching the toddlers as he often did and wisely steering clear of their antics.

  “It is time,” Leviathan announced to the whole of the Realm.

  New Tribe and Ancients alike, as well as every Sigdir, was in attendance for the first flight.

  Something that happened far sooner than expected when Ava and Soren’s son caught sight of what swooped overhead and squealed in delight then took off.

  “It’s the Great Serpent’s spirit,” someone exclaimed as Níðhöggr sailed overhead alongside Dahlia’s ghost.

  Thorulf and Dagr muttered something about unruly troops and took off with Leviathan alongside. In hot pursuit, the other children followed. They spread their wings for the first time, flapped them wildly and wobbled along.

  “I don’t think we need to follow them after all,” Soren said softly.

  “It doesn’t seem so,” Ava agreed.

  In fact, they all agreed as they walked to the edge and watched their offspring fly, applauding with the rest of the Realm. For generations to come, they would talk of when the Great Serpent’s spirit came and led dragons on their first flight.

  Ava met Soren’s eyes, her heart soaring as they watched their son.

  For as it would be told until the end of dragon time, seen by the light of a dying sun as a fiery red dragon, he rode on the back of the Great Serpent Spirit all over the Realm, and into a new era.

  Fitting, many said, as he was the spark that gave way to the Rise of the Dragon.

  Coming Soon

  Pre-order Now

  WITH THE FIRST BLADE of his Viking ancestors at the ready, Laird Tiernan travels home only to find magic waning in every corner of Scotland. After pledging to his clan he will make things right, he travels to the twenty-first century to seek out his destined Broun lass. Yet none compare to Julie. So he breaks the rules and brings her back to the medieval period with him. She might lack the bloodline needed to harness the power of the Claddagh, but he won’t leave her behind.

  Together, they embark on a whirlwind quest to protect King David II against Edward Balliol and his disenfranchised nobles, the ‘disinherited.’ They also face a dark threat nobody foresaw. Will Tiernan and Julie defeat it without the power of predestined love? Or will breaking the rules be their ultimate downfall and Scotland’s ruin? Find out in A Scot’s Pledge, an emotional and passionate journey into the turbulent onset of the Second War of Scottish Independence. Coming December 17th, 2019. Available now for pre-order.

  Look for Leviathan and the children born of Viking Ancestors: Rise of the Dragon in a new Viking Ancestors series coming in 2020/2021.

  Just Curious?

  First off, I’d like to thank all of you who have kept reading my books and followed my characters over the years. As I always say, without you they’d be voiceless, their stories forever untold. I’d also like to thank those of you who just found me. I hope you’ve enjoyed spending time with all my various characters. Enough so that you might share your experience.

  To that point (and it’s taken me over a decade of writing to work up the nerve to ask this), if you enjoyed this story, would you consider leaving a review? Just a line or two. It would mean the world and would make such a difference when it comes to reaching more readers and continuing the craft I so love. If you’re up for it, thank you in advance. I appreciate it more than you know as do my characters.

  Fondest Regards,


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  Midgard Locations Glossary

  Ancient’s Lair– Ancient dragon lair

  Cave Catacombs– Network of interconnected caves across Scandinavia

  Cave Harbor– Harbor in Ancient’s Lair

  Cave of Memories– Cave born of Forest of Memories

  Dragon Lair– Sigdir dragon lair

  Forest of Memories– Powerful forest that captures traumatic events or memories and replays them

  Hvergelmir’s River– A river in Níðhöggr’s Realm that pours from the well that nourishes all life

  Hvergelmir’s Spring– Spring that feeds Hvergelmir’s River

  Kjar’s Cottage of Shields– Demi-god’s lodge of magical Viking shields

  Maine Ash– Níðhöggr’s ash tree in modern-day Maine

  Mt. Galdhøpiggen’s Peak– Home of the seers

  Níðhöggr’s Ash– Great serpent’s ash tree in Scandinavia

  Níðhöggr’s Realm– Safety point created by Níðhöggr for twenty-first century time-travelers

  Place of Seers– Magical location only those with seer blood can go

  Skáld’s Ash– Double-headed dragon’s ash tree in Scandinavia

  Skáld’s Domain– Double-headed dragon’s domain in Scandinavia

  Vanaheim Willow– A point of safety within Skáld’s Domain

  Viking Fortress– Stronghold once ruled by King Heidrek

  Viking Keep– Stronghold once ruled by King Bjorn

  Nine Worlds

  Please note that while these worlds do, in fact, reflect those from Norse Mythology, creative license was taken in the world building of this particular series.

  Niflheim (Old Norse: “Niflheimr”) means “mist home” or “mist world.”—The first of the Nine Worlds in Norse mythology, Niflheim is made of fog, mist, and ice. The darkest and coldest of the worlds, it possesses the eldest of three wells called Hvergelmir, a bubbling boiling spring protected by a dragon called Níðhöggr. It is said that all cold rivers come from this well and that Hvergelmir is not only the origin of all living but where all living will return. When the world tree Yggdrasill started to grow, it stretched one of its large roots far into Niflheim and drew water from the spring Hvergelmir.

  Midgard (Old Norse: “Miðgarðr”) means “middle earth.”—The home world of humanity, Midgard is connected to Asgard by Bifrost the Rainbow Bridge. Odin and his two brothers Vili and Ve created humans. From an ash log, man. From an elm log, woman.

  Asgard (Old Norse: “Ásgarðr”) Home of Norse gods and goddesses—The male gods in Asgard, are called Aesir, and female gods Asynjur. Odin (All-Father) rules over this world and is chief of the Aesir. His wife Frigg is Queen of the Aesir. Within Asgard is Valhalla, a great hall where half the brave souls of Vikings who have died in battle are received to feast alongside Odin. The other half who died courageously in combat go to Fólkvangr, a meadow ruled over by the goddess Freyja.

  Vanaheim (Old Norse: “Vanaheimr”) Home world of the Vanir (AKA–Seers)—An old branch of gods, the Vanir are masters of sorcery and magic. They’re also well known for their talent to predict the future. This world possesses healing rock.

  Muspelheim (Old Norse: “Múspellsheimr”) Home world of dragons—Burning hot, filled with lava, flames, sparks, and soot, Muspelheim is home to not only massive dragons but fire giants, and fire demons. Ruled by Surtr, those on Muspelheim are forever warring and often threaten those on other worlds. Surtr swears vengeance on many worlds including Asgard, vowing he will turn it into a flaming inferno beneath his fiery sword.

  Helheim (Old Norse: Hel) Home of the dead—The final destination of anyone who did not die in battle. Families reunite in Helheim.

  Jotunheim (Old Norse: “Jötunheimr”) Home of the giants (Jotuns)—Jotunheim consists mostly of rock, wilderness, and dense forests, and lies in the snowy regions on the outermost shores of the ocean. Because of this, for lack of fertile
land, the Jotuns live off fish from the rivers and the animals from the forest.

  Alfheim (Old Norse: “Álfheimr”) Home of the light elves—Ruled by the god Freyr, Alfheim hosts beautiful creatures called light elves that are considered to be “guardian angels.” Known for delivering inspiration via art or music, light elves are minor gods of nature and fertility with the ability to help or hinder humans with their knowledge of magical powers.

  Svartalfheim (Old Norse: “Niðavellir or Svartálfaheimr”) Home of the dwarves—Masters of craftsmanship and ruled by King Hreidmar, the dwarves of Svartalfheim live under the rocks, in caves and underground. The gods of Asgard have received many powerful gifts from the dwarves.

  The MacLomain Series

  End of an Era

  A Scot’s Pledge (Tiernan’s Story)

  A Scot’s Devotion

  A Scot’s Resolve

  A Scot’s Favor

  A Scot’s Retribution

  Previous Releases-Best Reading Order

  ~The MacLomain Series- Early Years~

  Highland Defiance- Book One

  Highland Persuasion- Book Two

  Highland Mystic- Book Three

  ~The MacLomain Series~

  The King’s Druidess- Prelude

  Fate’s Monolith- Book One

  Destiny’s Denial- Book Two


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