An Agent for Rilla (The Pinkerton Matchmaker Book 32)

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An Agent for Rilla (The Pinkerton Matchmaker Book 32) Page 13

by Sophie Dawson

  Morgan passed his to Archie then took her items. He was surprised at how much Rilla had worn. It hadn’t occurred to him that she would be carrying more weight than he. It wasn’t double, but close. She’d never said a thing about how much she carried, only that she was glad she didn’t have to climb onto the upper berth to sleep last night.

  His respect for her tenacity increased in proportion to the weight of the gold she’d worn. His love for her did too.


  Rilla excused herself and left the parlor. She was tired and depressed. Nothing Morgan had said or done since they left Cañon City indicated that he wanted to continue their marriage. What was she going to do? How was she going to keep her composure when he spoke of the annulment? She knew she’d burst into tears. She felt so close to it now that she’d not been able to sit in the same room without doing so.

  Retreating to the room she’d been given, Rilla lay down on the bed. Exhaustion made her very bones ache. All she wanted to do was sleep until the annulment was complete and Morgan was away on another case. Then she wouldn’t have to be around him while her heart healed, if it ever did.

  A while later, Marianne knocked softly and opened the door. Rilla never knew that her friend had seen the tear streaks on her face as she slept.


  “Archie?” Marianne entered Archie’s office, concern written all over her face.

  “Yes, my dear?”

  She closed the door and took a seat across his desk from him. “What do you think of the relationship between Morgan and Rilla?”

  “I think they make a lovely couple and work well together. They’ll be a good team. Morgan said she needed more training, but he was impressed with her tenacity and willingness to learn.” He grinned. “She doesn’t like camping though.”

  Marianne bit her lip. Normally, she and Archie didn’t interfere with the couples they paired in relationships. They’d had great success with the marriages of convenience. Was this one going to be their first failure?

  “Rilla’s sleeping. She’s been crying. There were tear stains on her cheeks.”

  Archie sat up from leaning back in his chair. “What do you think caused it?”

  “I’m not sure. Morgan would never abuse her, or knowingly hurt her. They were very successful in the case. They figured out all the clues and found the gold. Bastion and Hickman aren’t a danger to her now. They’ve been moved to Cheyenne.”

  “Do you want me to talk with Morgan about it?”

  “Do you think it would help?” Marianne twisted her handkerchief.

  Archie rubbed his chin. “I’m not sure he’d take it well. Men don’t want other men butting into their dealings with women.”

  Marianne sighed. “I suppose we’ll just have to let them work it out between themselves.”

  “I think you are right. At least, neither of them has mentioned getting an annulment yet, but they’ve only been back a few hours.”

  Nodding, Marianne stood and left Archie to his work.


  MORGAN STOOD, LEANING against the carriage house, chewing on a piece of straw, staring at the second story window where he knew Rilla’s bedroom was located. He’d asked Pearl which one was hers.

  Disappointment had gripped him when she’d left them in the parlor. He knew she was tired. The journey had been hard on her physically. She’d lost weight even though she ate like a teenage boy would when she was being Riley. When she was Rilla too, but she’d done so more circumspectly.

  Had she simply needed to rest, or did she want to get away from him? Until today she hadn’t had the opportunity to be where he couldn’t be with her. Was his presence a burden? Did she not like being with him? Was she thankful the case was over?

  Those questions only fueled his doubt. He wished there was someone he could talk with about it. But, would he really talk with another man about his feelings? No.

  A woman’s shadow crossed a downstairs window. Marianne. That’s who he could talk to. She’d understand about Rilla. And, even more important, she would never tell Archie or the other male agents.

  Pushing off from the wall, Morgan strode to the house. He found her in the parlor, a cup of tea in her hand, the silver service on a low table in front of her. Another cup sat on the tray. There was plate of cookies too.

  “Hello, Morgan. Would you join me? Archie is busy in his office. I do enjoy tea in the afternoon.”

  As Morgan entered and sat down, she poured him a cup of tea. He accepted the cup and picked a couple of cookies from the plate. “Thank you.” He took a sip and hoped she would start a conversation. She didn’t.

  Morgan cleared his throat. “Marianne, does Rilla seem all right to you?”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Does she seem pleased that the case was so successful?”

  “Why wouldn’t she be?”

  A growl of frustration escaped. “Will you stop answering my questions with a question?” Morgan set his cup on the table.

  “What do you really want to know, Morgan? I’m sure she’s pleased that you were able to find the gold and get it back here safely.”

  Morgan decided to bite the bullet and just say it. “I’m in love with her and want to stay married. I haven’t a clue whether she has any feelings for me. She’s expressed her belief that men only think of women as property. Her entire experience has been with men like that.”

  “Not her entire experience. Not her time with you.”

  Marianne’s faith that he’d treated her with respect and consideration touched his heart. “A little at first, I have to admit. Not that she was my property, but I did dismiss some of her ideas.”

  “When you realized she was intelligent and talented, you adjusted your actions and thoughts. That had to show her you weren’t like the men she’d known, surely.”

  “I think so. We never really spoke about that, only that she believed men didn’t respect women and thought of them as property.”

  “What do you find so appealing about Rilla?”

  Morgan didn’t hesitate. “Well, of course she’s beautiful, but she’s also beautiful on the inside. She’s smart, funny, determined, doesn’t complain, but she does mumble to herself. Even that is appealing. It’s funny to see her expression when she’s irritated, mumbling it out, even as she does what she doesn’t like or want to do.” He went on expounding on all the things he loved about her until he saw Marianne smiling at him. “What?”

  “You truly do love her. Now all you have to do is tell her all those traits you love about her and that you respect her and want to stay married to her.”

  “Do you really think it’s that easy?”

  “No, it will be very difficult for you. You’re laying out all your feelings, knowing she may break your heart. It may be the most difficult thing you ever do in your life. But, are you willing to let her go without giving you both the chance to find out if you want to be together?” Marianne gathered the tea cups and left the room with them.

  She made it sound so simple, just lay his heart out, hoping Rilla didn’t stomp all over it.


  Rilla came downstairs after washing her face. She hadn’t even realized she’d been crying as she fell asleep. It was late afternoon, and the house was quiet. Supper wouldn’t be for another couple of hours. She had nothing to do. Nothing to look forward to. She didn’t even know if Archie would keep her on as an agent.

  The sun was shining, the day warm, so she went out onto the porch and sat in the porch swing, moving it back and forth slowly with her toes. What was she to do now? All she knew was, she didn’t want to lose Morgan. But, how could she let him know that? Could she risk asking if they could stay married? Make the marriage real, not in name only?

  Rilla didn’t know if she’d survive if he didn’t want her. She did know she wouldn’t stay a Pinkerton agent. She’d leave Denver. Maybe she’d go to Chicago or New York and try her luck on the stage there. Being an actress was really all she kne

  Staring at the floorboards, a firm footstep on the stairs to the porch made her look up. Morgan was coming toward her, an odd look on his face. One she’d never seen before. It held hope, doubt, and determination.

  “Hi,” Rilla said.

  “Did you have a nice nap? Marianne looked in on you and said you were sleeping.”

  “Yes, thank you.” Rilla studied the floor again. She didn’t want him to see the longing in her eyes.

  “We did well, getting all the gold back.”

  “Yes, we did.” Rilla folded some of her skirt fabric around her finger.

  “We make a good team.”

  Rilla shot him a glance then looked down again. She didn’t know how to reply. What was he getting at? The tightness in her throat nearly choked her.

  Morgan turned toward her and took her hand. “I enjoyed working with you.” He cleared his throat, seeming to prepare to say something important. “You’ll make a wonderful Pinkerton agent.”

  “Thank you.” Rilla nearly couldn’t contain her disappointment. She’d hoped he was going to tell her he wanted to stay married.

  They sat in silence, Rilla relishing the feel of his skin on her hand. Just as she was about to rise and escape into the house, his hand gripped hers tighter.

  “Rilla, I hope I’ve not been like the other men you’ve known, your father and Bastion. I hope you know I respect you. That…” Morgan stopped, released her hand, stood and paced the length of the porch and back.

  Rilla’s mouth dropped in surprise when he knelt in front of her. He took her hands and placed gentle kisses on the back of each.

  “Rilla, please, I love you. I want to stay married. I want to make a home, have children with you, grow to look like we did the last two days. If you don’t want to, I’ll try to understand. Please say yes, you want to stay married. I don’t think of you as property. I never will. I respect you. I want you as my partner in life and in the agency. I…”

  Rilla placed her fingers on his lips, stopping his stream of words as joy filled her. “Shh. Yes.” She was going to tell him of her love for him, but was swooped up and her mouth was covered with his lips. Her arms went around his neck and she held on, knowing she’d never been happier.

  Morgan finally released her lips only to spread kisses all over her face and neck. It gave her the opportunity to say, “I love you. I didn’t want to annul the marriage, but I didn’t know how to let you know how I felt.”

  His lips captured hers again, silencing her. When he pulled back this time, their eyes captured and locked on each other.

  “I was so afraid you’d insist on ending the marriage.”

  “Seems we were both thinking and being afraid of the same thing. I’m so glad you chose to ask me. I don’t think I’d ever have built up enough courage to tell you I was in love with you.” Rilla pulled on his neck and his lips returned to hers.


  Marianne smiled as she looked out the parlor window. Thankfully the lace curtains kept the couple from noticing her. Not that they were noticing anything but each other.

  She touched the lace, then turned away. Archie was in his office. She’d just go let him know their record was intact as the Pinkerton Matchmakers.


  Morgan held Rilla’s hand as they ran down the steps of the Denver Pinkerton Agency office. They’d spent the night after a spur of the moment celebration with all the agents now in Denver. Somehow, everyone had found out about their decision to remain together and shown up at the house for supper.

  They were heading to the buggy that would take them to the railroad station to catch the train to Davenport, Iowa. Morgan’s family lived there and he wanted them all to meet Rilla. A telegram had been sent last evening, notifying them of his marriage and their coming.

  They were using some of the reward for the capture of Bastion and Hickman to pay for a private Pullman car. They wanted their privacy this trip.

  Archie and Marianne drove them to the station. Marianne hugged them both and handed Rilla a box with some of Pearl’s best chocolate hazelnut cake.

  “You take good care of her, Morgan,” Marianne admonished.

  “I will,” Morgan promised as he shook Archie’s hand. Then he placed his hand under Rilla’s elbow assisting her up the steps. They stood on the observation deck and waved as the train pulled out of the station with a loud whistle and shot of steam.

  “My, this is more luxurious than I’d imagined,” Rilla said, once they went into the car. Rich dark wood lined the walls of the parlor. Red velvet covered the chairs and settee. A desk of the same wood as the walls sat against the wall. Lamps of polished brass would light the area at night. A stove provided heat.

  Rilla took off her hat and laid it and the box of cake on a table with a mosaic inlaid wood design. They moved, hand in hand, through the parlor into the next room. A large dining table occupied most of the space, several chairs tucked against its sides.

  When Morgan suddenly stopped, Rilla looked at him. His mouth was stretching into a broad smile. She turned to see what had him so transfixed. Through an open door was the bedroom with the largest bed she’d ever seen.

  Rilla pulled his head down and pressed her lips to his. Without ending the kiss, she said, “Isn’t this so much better than camping out in the wilderness.”

  Morgan must have agreed since he scooped her up into his arms, strode through the door, and kicked it closed behind them.


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