Chosen by the Alien Hybrids

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Chosen by the Alien Hybrids Page 5

by Lia Nox

  “More?” I inquired as I knelt before her, raising an eyebrow as I watched for her response. Erin nodded, her eyes glued to mine.

  I was happy to oblige. While I pulled her trousers down further, Kern supported her as she stepped out. Once he’d lowered her to lay stretched before us, I returned to the covered mound between her legs. Using the palm of my hand, I begun to press down on it, massaging gently as I did so; Erin bit her lip, her hips lightly grinding into my hand.

  Encouraged, I pressed down slightly harder, the pressure of my hand matching the increased speed of my rubbing. This was where I wanted to explore next, where I burned with the need to slip my fingers, run my tongue, and thrust my cock.

  But at the same time, I didn’t want to rush the moment.

  I’d make her realize her worth, how special she was, soon enough.

  We all would.


  The gentle way Talos touched me was unexpected. After initially seeing their great size, I’d believed that their handling of me would have been more aggressive, forceful even, but instead they held me like I was a rare diamond.

  I’d prepared myself to be ravaged by them, a secret part of myself wanting that outcome with all my heart, but then there was the other side of me that gave way to relief.

  I appreciated their care and tenderness. Even in my highly aroused, dazed state, I was thankful for how they pleasured every bit of me with care. They made me feel like I was a prized possession, invaluable and irreplaceable.

  Yet, in the furthest shadows of my mind, I hungered for something darker, more primal.

  Never had I been turned around by someone so much—one minute unsure of my new surroundings, the next laying on my back with every inch of my body alight with passion. The simplest of caresses had me wanting to fall apart at the seams, and they’d not even ventured beyond light fondling. It was a delightfully torturous position to be in.

  The nape of my neck lifted off the ground once more as I arched into another full body moan, Talos’ hand firm in its controlled, kneading movements. God, how I longed for him to pull my panties down and have his flesh against mine; the idea sent me whirling. I ached, throbbed, ravenous for his fingers to tease along my lips, that tentative touch of his slowly opening me up like a flower.

  And yet, there was a side of me still reeling from the position I now found myself in. I wasn’t ashamed of having three men thirsty for my taste, but nor was I experienced with such a predicament either. It was overwhelming, but in a way that only heightened the experience.

  Words of encouragement, or orders even, kept dancing about on my lips, my devilish side wanting to let them out. And yet, I also wanted to be rational and move at a pace better suited to the situation: I was with three alien men who had hardly told me anything about themselves.

  We knew each others’ names, that was about it. It trumped the most abrupt and reckless one night stand ever, and as a result I was conflicted on how to handle myself. The choices turning over in my head were hard to get a grip on, especially as Talos lowered his lips to my stomach and began kissing along my panty line. For him to be so close that he could smell me, almost taste me, it had me quivering. The urge to buck my pelvis up and into his face was undeniable.

  It would only take that one whiff of me and he’d cave into his carnal nature.

  The heat in his eyes made that painfully clear.

  In an attempt to ground myself back in the here and now, I stole a glance over at Kern and Roth; to my surprise, the two of them seemed to be enjoying the spectacle of it all. Their green eyes were blazing, smoldering pools of pure green, the way they looked at me as real as the touches Talos planted all over my flesh. I had to close my eyes to it, it was so intense.

  Opening them back up, I moved my attention away from their faces and to their bodies, the strong, broad frame of both of them a powerful aphrodisiac. The way their bulges pressed against their clothes filled me with wanting. I hadn’t seen them naked yet, but if what I envisioned was even half true, they were going to be massive.

  The area between my thighs ached, my swollen clit pulsating.

  I needed more of them. Right. Now.

  I turned back to Talos, my mind in turmoil, unable to fixate on anything for too long because I was in a constant state of arousal. It rose and fell again and again, a rollercoaster I couldn’t, and didn’t, want to get off of.

  “I need,” I whispered, still at odds with myself. Right on cue, Talos paused for a moment to look up at me, his lips only millimeters away from my navel. That half-lidded, expectant expression was a drug to me. “I need more, I want more.” There was no pleading this time, no nerves coloring my words. I was done being coy with myself, it was time to get exactly what I wanted from men I knew could give it to me.

  Talos smirked at me, his eyebrows raised in smug satisfaction: he was pleased I’d grown more comfortable in his presence. As he dipped his head back down, I’d anticipated him giving more kisses, a gentle buildup of the tease. But oh no, he suddenly yanked my underwear down to reveal the small mound of hair there. Shocked, I squealed in excitement.

  Talos observed the coarse red curls; he was taking in not only the fur there, but I could also see he was looking lower, to where my nether lips met. I couldn’t quite pinpoint his expression, though it seemed one of wonder—had he never seen one like mine before? I had no way of knowing how the women of this world looked, if there were even any females to begin with, and so I was in the dark on how he was judging me. At last, he moved. He looked from me to the others, his head motioning for them to come join him as he pushed my knees towards my shoulders, fully exposing me.

  When they were all down between my open legs, me a nervous onlooker both curious of their responses but also desperate for them to get on with it, I noticed Roth’s grin. It was the widest I’d seen him wear yet.

  Nonetheless, it wasn’t him who reached out to explore my sex but Kern. His hand rubbed up along my pussy, so soft yet it sent me gasping for breath. He spread his fingers out so that his index digit lay just on my slit. He lightly pushed me open, my juices finally freed. The way they murmured with pleasure, the thrill of finding this part of me, was all I needed.

  Mischievously, I rotated my hips ever so slightly, the motion opening me up to reveal more of what awaited them. Kern relished it, I could tell. He brought his other finger in to part my lips, spreading my pussy open while he used his other fingers to touch me; it was electric. As he slid his finger up and down, I moaned, writhing around, my body giving itself over to what it desired. But it was when his fingertip brushed past my clit that I groaned, my eyelashes fluttering as I closed my eyes.

  This response piqued their interest the most. Watching my reactions keenly, Kern returned to my clit and pressed at it, lightly at first and then harder as my moans increased.

  He’d found a button that unlocked more of my sexuality; I should have known there was no way he’d stay away from its power.

  Any inhibitions I’d had ebbed away in that moment. I reasoned with myself that I was a fool to turn away such pleasure—it wasn’t like anyone would know what I was doing. And even if they did, so what! I was in charge of my own gratification and sexuality, it was nobody else's business but my own how I sated my deepest desires. Nothing was going to hold me back from discovering more about my own wants, not anymore.

  These aliens were so skilled with just their fingers, it made me question what else they’d be good at, how else they’d have me trembling. I wanted to quake underneath their strong bodies, I wanted to be pinned in place unable to escape how they made me feel. I longed to not stop until my muscles were too weak to hold me upright any longer.

  I wanted everything.

  “Yes,” I moaned at Kern, my eyes looking down the length of my body to his deft fingers playing with my clit, each flick of its erect nub sending jolts through me. “Right there.”

  Kern frowned a little. “Here?” he quizzed, a smile pulling at his mouth as he probed
at me again, my body rocking with the sensation.

  “Yes…!” I answered, my voice firmer now despite the breathiness of my speech; my confidence was growing. “Don’t you dare stop.”

  It was a harmless order, one which had no real weight behind it as there was no way I could force them to do anything. But it didn’t matter. The way I was speaking to them, forceful and demanding, was a surprise for them that encouraged them to shed some of their soft caresses. I was by no means the dominant one of this group, but having been without anyone to order them about for so long, I think they relished having someone take the reins. And I was ready to do that.

  I’d gladly hold their leashes if it meant I could get them to keep doing this, their glorious bodies mine to command whenever I craved.

  Without warning, I shattered, curling up from the floor as my body spasmed. Roth and Talos held my legs open while Kern wrung every last drop of pleasure from me. Waves of dizzying sensation spiraled out from their touch until at last I collapsed, limp and spent.

  Exhausted, half-asleep, I was barely aware of being gathered in Roth’s strong arms, my clothing tucked around me. Darkness claimed me, and I finally faded into dreamless sleep.

  For now.


  I stood against one of the walls, reeling.

  Pleasure still coursed through my limbs like wildfire, even in spite of how long it had been since I’d last touched her. My brain seemed as if it had been doused in some chemical far stronger than anything I had experienced. Whoever this woman was, she was one of a kind.

  Even Roth, someone who could only see whoever in front of him as an obstacle to be removed or a prize to be conquered, seemed taken by her. That didn’t surprise me. I was sure that anyone would be taken by someone like Erin. Beautiful and tender, her figure one that was designed to lure wandering eyes, she was like something out of legend.

  Naked and exhausted, she’d fallen back to sleep, face slack as if she’d given up trying to process everything that had happened. It wasn’t an easy task. Even I, who only ever saw the pleasures of the flesh as a reward to be had after victory, was struggling to make sense of Erin’s presence.

  What was she doing here, in a planet like this? She wasn’t a prize bestowed on us by the Masters, of that I was sure.

  But what then?

  Could her presence here mean that the Masters wanted her to serve as the newest member of our team? That made even less sense.

  Roth, Kern, and I were an elite unit designed and engineered to succeed where others failed. Our dynamic was something that the Masters wouldn’t meddle with lightly.

  Still trying to untangle all my thoughts, I folded my arms over my chest and watched as Erin slept. Night had already fallen, and with it a biting cold that would certainly make it harder for her to find comfort. While at this time of the year the days were long and hot, baking the ground on which we walked into arid surfaces, the nights always descended swift and merciless.

  Walking past Roth and Kern, who looked as if they were still trying to catch their breaths, I made my way toward our bags and tried to check if there was anything I could use to make Erin more comfortable. It was useless, of course.

  Our bodies had been engineered to withstand the most extreme conditions and none of our belongings were meant to give comfort. Unless a cache of ammunition and high-powered rifles were something that would make Erin relax, I doubted I’d find anything she could use in the bags.

  Frowning, I went into the back room, finally finding a few pieces of torn fabric strewn across the floor, a memento of whoever occupied this now abandoned station. Grabbing the longest piece of fabric I could find, possibly the remnants of a long tunic, I brought it with me outside and whipped it in my hand repeatedly, sending a cloud of dust into the air. It wasn’t perfect, but it would have to do.

  Making my way back into the room, I headed straight toward where Erin was sitting and went down on one knee. She opened her eyes, expression anxious as she saw me kneeling. Careful not to scare her, I draped the torn blanket over her shoulders and gave her a reassuring nod, satisfied when she relaxed. She thanked me with a soft smile and closed her eyes once more, exhaustion overwhelming her.

  I remained there for a moment, watching her chest rise and fall steadily, and only rose again when I was sure she had fallen back asleep. Careful not to make a sound and wake her up, I made my way toward Kern and Roth. They had already dressed, although they had decided against wearing their chest plating and were bare-chested, just like I had.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Roth quickly lifted one hand up and silenced me. With a quick gesture of his head he pointed toward the room’s entrance, a hole in the wall where once a door had been, and the three of us quickly shuffled outside.

  The sky overhead was a vaulted ceiling, as dark as our own shadows. Only the stars, strewn across that dark blanket like dust, fought to keep the darkness at bay. In the distance, the steady sound of waves crashing against the shore continued to perform its job as this place’s sole soundtrack.

  “What are we going to do about her?” I finally asked, keeping my voice low even though I knew she was fast asleep. Not that I cared to disturb her. I simply didn’t feel it was wise for her to listen in on our conversation, although I doubted she could understand us fully. “Her presence complicates things.”

  “Does it?” Kern clicked his tongue, a devious smile on his lips. “I think her presence makes things more enjoyable.”

  “That she does,” I agreed. Even though Kern sometimes saw things in a way I considered too rash, this time I couldn’t stop myself from agreeing with him. While Erin’s presence made it slightly more difficult to focus on our mission, there was no denying it that she made things much more enjoyable.

  “We don’t know what her presence means, and I doubt we’ll find an answer for that easily.” Joining the conversation, Roth spoke as if he hadn’t listened to a word of what Kern and I had said. He had, though. Roth always listened to every word that was said around him, and he weighed every fact and opinion before he made a call. That was why he was in charge of our team. “That means we’ll just have to be careful and deal with the unknown. We’ll take things as they come. In the meantime, we have to protect her. She won’t make it without us.”

  “What about the mission?” Even though I wanted nothing more than stay here with Erin, in this abandoned station by the ocean, to ignore my responsibilities wasn’t an option. My life’s purpose was a simple one: to complete whatever objective the Masters saw fit to assign me.

  “We continue,” Roth replied in a heartbeat, as if he didn’t even have to think twice about it. Just like me, he lived for the mission. “We’ll have a few rough days ahead of us, as we don’t know the exact location of the other teams, but we will do as we were told. We’re going to find whatever teams are active in the zone and ensure they’re maintaining protocol.”

  “Are we even sure that is our mission?” Pursing my lips, a nervous shiver ran up my spine. The Masters had always been clear with their orders, but it had been some time before they had reached out to us.

  Radio silence was something we had never experienced before, and it was hard to shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

  We’d never been awakened without orders.

  “Until we have new orders, we stick to the plan,” Roth replied, even though he didn’t sound as certain as I had expected. As a leader, he had always been sure of the path he set us upon, but now I saw a sliver of doubt in his words. The Masters’ silence didn’t sit right with him either.

  “Understood.” Nodding, I then let my eyes shoot toward the place where Erin was sleeping. “And what do we tell her? She has questions. Lots of them.”

  “We can replace her questions with moans, maybe?” Kern offered, that sly grin of his dancing on his face. It didn’t matter if we were having fun or facing a life-or-death situation: Kern was the kind of man that saw the humor in every damn situation.

much as I’d like that,” I chuckled, “I think it’s best we keep our distance from her. We’ll protect her, and we’ll look after her. But we have to be careful not to let her get too close. We can’t let our focus waver, and she’ll become a distraction if we let her.” My words sounded hollow the moment I said them. She was already a distraction, I knew that deep in my bones. If it came to that, I didn’t know if I’d be able to put the mission in front of Erin’s safety.

  “You’re overthinking this.” Kern shook his head. “We’re elite. As in, we’re the best of the best. We won’t get distracted. If anything, she’ll makes us even more focused. I mean, I feel super focused right now, don’t you? I feel like I could kill an army by myself if that meant there’d be a round two.”

  “You have a point,” I admitted.

  “You both have a point,” Roth cut in. “But we’ll take it one step at time. Right now, just remember that we another objective: Erin must be protected at all costs.”

  “At all costs,” Kern and I said in unison.


  Stretching my back, I paced the outer perimeter of the abandoned sub-station.

  I had grown used to the sound of wild animals going about their lives, their busyness a hallmark of this planet, but now there was nothing but silence. There was something wrong going on, almost as if the planet was dying. Could this be the Masters doing? I had no way of knowing. And, truthfully, I didn’t really care. It wasn’t my job to solve the mysteries of the universe.

  Still, even though I didn’t hear anything and only had my thoughts to keep me company, I kept on patrolling my surroundings. No matter the situation, we couldn’t lower our guard. Especially now that we had no idea what the hell was going on with this place.

  Kicking a stray rock with my boot, I watched it bounce across the ground until it disappeared into a squat bush, the sound of the leaves rustling cutting into the silence.


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