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Chosen by the Alien Hybrids

Page 25

by Lia Nox

  It had been replaced with a landscape so unfamiliar to me, that the dread that squeezed at my heart had me ready to pop under its pressure.

  I’d never been here before. Never seen anything like it. The forest was a swirl of greens and orange and purple, and in the sky hung two blazing suns.

  Two. Suns.

  Oh shit.

  I’d fled from imprisonment twice before, however this new prison I’d stumbled into seemed more foreboding and altogether more horrifically littered with unknowns.

  I had no chance of comprehending what the next couple of steps would mean for me, let alone what lay in wait around the next corner.

  For the first time since I was a small girl, my resolve to be free finally cracked, and I begged for my father to come save me. “Please, please come get me. I promise I won’t be bad again. . .”

  I clenched my jaw tighter while grinding my teeth, the way it jarred my bones a familiar and dear friend. “I’ll n-never be bad again, I-I promise.”

  But he never came.

  Chapter 2: Clea

  “What is this?”

  Bolting upright, I scrambled to my feet and whirled in a complete circle.

  Surrounding me were sleek, silvery haired men. They crouched in readied stances, their bodies primed to spring at me should I move a hair out of place.

  This was what I should have been looking out for, but instead I’d crumbled under the pressure like the pathetic girl father had always told me I was.

  “Please—” I tried to plea, my voice so mousy and small compared to the confident bite that one of them had spoken with, even with the rough, broken language.

  All three of them laughed at me.

  One of them broke away from their ranks and ran to snatch at my face, firm fingers spidering along my chin and jawline so that I was manipulated into position, unable to move unless he allowed it. My lips trembled as I looked into his eyes, the piercing yellow of his irises unforgiving as he examined me, his pupils dilating and narrowing as he refocused on another part of my features.

  “Please,” I attempted to say, the rounded pronunciation of my words reduced down to a whimpering hiss.

  “Now, now,” a long, nimble finger pressed against my lips as he mocked me, the way my mouth was squashed together looking more like I was blowing him a kiss than grimacing in fright. “Best to be quiet, yes? Safer.” His eyes flashed wildly then, as if the idea of hurting me was one that delighted him.

  Scared into submission, I fell quiet under his control, my eyes darting all around me to try and see what the others were doing—did they intend to charge at me too, to grab and claw at me, or would they wait for their leader to give them an order? None of the options playing out inside my head had a desirable ending.

  These were the men my father had warned me of, carnal men so base in their pleasures that they acted on lustful instinct; it pained me to wonder whether his “protection” had been justified all along.

  Removing his finger from my lips, he pushed me hard into the dirt. I spluttered, coughing in a plume of dust and struggled to regain my composure. Riotous laughter sounded around me again.

  The one who’d held me looked like he was about to give an order, one of his fingers curling into a signal when, out of nowhere, a rowdy flock of feathered creatures flew up into the sky. It was like the trees themselves had spewed them from their branches. They were fleeing from the dense nest of purple trees that lay several miles to the north of us, their chaotic flapping smacking of distress; the way they moved seemed to trouble the trio surrounding me, their leader especially.

  Shooting a glaring look back at me once more, he stretched out a hand and snagged me by my t-shirt collar.

  “God, please no—”

  “Quiet,” he growled, the cool and collected man who’d toyed with me now gone entirely, leaving only a feral beast in its wake. “If cry, we leave you for the hordes.”

  “Let them have her.”



  A blur of words that I didn’t understand came out in a snarl, the other two cowering a little as he snapped at them. “If I say she comes, she come. Now move!”

  My emotions teetered somewhere between grateful and horrified. None of the men now in my company seeming to be sane or civilized in any way, shape or form—one of them had even wanted to leave me behind, to be devoured by whatever the hordes were!

  They were crazed, unhinged, and I was now in their possession for them to do with as they pleased. I wanted to flail about in his grip, my nails scratching at his face, yanking at his peppery hair, and kicking at him until he released me.

  However, common sense had a stronger hold on me than my instinct to fight back; I was so much smaller, weaker than them that the idea of fighting back was one that scared me as much as being around them did. I’d been conditioned to be a victim. It was what I was good at, and so I made the snap decision to play the part I’d rehearsed for since my birth.

  I would bend and yield, I would obey, I would be whatever they needed me to be in order to stay alive and unharmed.

  And then when I could, I would escape.


  With a growl he clamped something around my throat before defined arms scooped me up and flung me over his shoulders. A strange wave of dizziness passed over me. My behind stuck up in the air while my legs dangled limply; but I daren’t fight back.

  He must have liked my compliance because his gripping hand moved up to my ass and gave it a sharp grope, his nails digging into my skin through the material of my trousers. I squealed with shock, however this just made him squeeze all the more, the hardness of his touch causing me to bite on my lower lip to try and stave off more cries.

  “Where now?” one of his group asked, a hint of ire audible as he addressed his leader.

  Unperturbed by his companion’s exasperation, my captor called back, “We’ll head to the nearby station. No doubt that’s where this one has run from, she’s too well kempt to have journeyed farther than that.”

  Oh god, no, no, not the metal pod, anything but that! I wanted to wiggle free of him then, so sure that they’d throw me back into the metallic grave I’d woken up in and find a new way to seal it.

  Wait, what? The broken, barely understandable words were now clear, crisp. Had they only been playing with me?

  I twisted my head to look at the suns.

  Still there. Still two.

  I buried the urge to break free, although not enough to stop more tears dripping down my grimy face. The combination of previous tears, dirty earth and dust painted me as disheveled as the homeless people father had ordered to be locked up.

  I’d always pitied them when they’d been roughly treated by the authorities—one woman in particular they’d beaten before dragging her down a side alley, my troubled questions dismissed by my father as he’d steered me away from the window. Was I to meet a similar fate to this nameless woman, this Jane Doe I’d watched beg for mercy?

  We returned quickly to the station. I was tossed onto the ground to await my sentence.

  Sprawled out before them, my legs and arms resembling a dying starfish as I debated whether to move or not, I listened to them mutter amongst themselves. Deciding to brave it, although my inner voice screamed that it was foolish to do so, I lifted my head to watch them.

  They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t notice me stir, allowing me the time to study them in more detail now that I was away from their prying hands: they were so wild. . .so sexy.

  Their tousled, unkempt hair hung in waves around their shoulders, the coarse mix of black, gray, and white hair reminding me of mountain wolves; I wanted to run my fingers through their manes, to feel if it was fur I felt or softer hair like that of a human.

  I didn’t understand why I looked at them with such interest. The way they’d treated me cautioned me to do anythingbut regard them as attractive, and yet my gaze wandered over their slender frames. Honed muscles
gently flexed under their shirts, their violent yellow eyes shining brighter than the rays of the sun. I longed to learn more.

  What manner of creature were they to be so uniquely handsome, so ruggedly good-looking, that all common sense vanished as I gazed upon them?

  What was wrong with me?

  Chapter 3: Kobe

  It was amusing to watch her attempts at stealth, the way she lifted her head so noticeable that even the most unskilled of fighters would see it. She was a curious one, so petite and tiny, pretty too—almost like some kind of decorated doll.

  Glad to show her just how clumsy her movements were, I lunged at her; she screamed, one of her small hands clutching at her throat. The look of utter terror she wore was the most stunning vision I’d seen in weeks, even months. Her large eyes glistening with unshed tears made her all the more appealing to look at.

  And, oh by the Cosmos, the way she smelled! It was heavenly.

  There was a subtle hint of saltiness that clung to her skin, the sweat from her fear adding an extra layer of scent, but there was so much more to the aroma than that. The most prominent of all the notes was this delicate floral scent, similar to the wildflowers that grew atop the mountains in the west; I wanted to breathe her in endlessly.

  Judging by the half veiled expressions both Alok and Mahir now wore, they too were taken in by more than her charming looks.

  Now that I had her attention, I prowled around her prone form, her scent strengthening the longer I circled. How was it possible for her smell to improve so dramatically within such a short space of time?

  She cowered, her skin started to shine with perspiration. Those large, saucer-sized orbs peered at me, her gaze somewhat hesitant to meet mine. “P-please, I’m n-no threat.”

  Her hushed pleas were akin to the fine summer winds that rustled through the new saplings on top of the mountains and within the darkest foliage of the jungles further along.

  It had been worth stalking the other teams, watching their interactions with their new toys.

  Worth stealing what we needed, just in case we took one of theirs.

  But this was better.

  Before she carried on, I shook my head at her, those full, lickable lips clamping shut. I thrived off her obedience, as if she’d been trained. Given how easy it was to recognize this submissive trait, I concluded that she wasn’t in league with the Masters; someone like her would be used by them in other ways, not sent to spy on us.

  Not that I was about to let up on my silent interrogation.

  Leaving her to peek out from under her thick, dark lashes, I pivoted away from her and lightly stepped over to my faithful pack members, both of them unable to steal their gaze away from the female. I was tempted to pull rank on them just to give the girl a show, but decided I’d allow them their delights having watched my brothers salivating as they allowed their gaze to rove all over her.

  Who could blame them, she was delightfully cute, so innocent, so pure. It was delicious to think of tainting all those virtues with our own perversions, ultimately marking her as one of ours.

  “So, what we thinking?” I asked them, narrowly able to disguise my smirk.

  Mahir scowled at me once he tore his attention away from the girl. Elbowing Alok, the three of us grinned at one another in soundless understanding.

  “Don’t tell me you don’t already know!” Alok mocked, his incisors poking out from his upper lip as his grinned widened. He was a youthful idiot, but I couldn’t stop myself from being fond of him all the same—wasn’t that part of what made him one of our pack, his exuberance?

  “Oh, I know what I want to do to with this pretty thing, I was simply interested in your thoughts.” I threw him a quick wink. “Don’t be a jerk.”

  He knew I was playing, but he took it upon himself to perform a taunting bow all the same; Mahir sighed, causing the both of us to laugh at him. Mahir could be such a miserable beast—it was high time he had a bit of fun! And I knew the ideal way of making that happen. . .

  “I think we should start making use of her assets,” Alok interrupted, my thoughts seamlessly blending into his despite him not knowing it.

  Firmly in agreement with what he was proposing, I tilted my head back toward her to signal that this plan was about to be put into action. My hunger for her manic, we descended on her like the true wolves we were, her the snow-white lamb unknowingly trapped in the jaws of a predator that would never relinquish its hold.

  She reeled back from us as we moved on all sides of her, flinching as we advanced inch by inch. I wanted to be on her not teasing her, however it was all part of the hunt to work her up into this frenzy.

  The more she recoiled, the more we closed in—it made her all the riper for the taking. It would be a never ending dance until we were right on top of her. Mmmmmm, I craved to be pinning her down with all my weight, her squirms only adding to the pleasure of ensnaring her.

  She looked at us, and moved back. But then she smiled, just a touch. She was inviting us.

  We moved closer.

  When it became insufferable to keep from slamming my entire weight into her, pushing her down onto her back, I rushed her so that she collapsed under me, her legs slightly parted as I slipped between them.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  “Please what, lovely one,” I growled. “Please more, or please stop?”

  I grabbed at her wrists and secured them to the floor with my own, my grip firm as she whimpered under me; faint though it was, I could feel her pulse frantically hammering at her ribcage as I leaned towards her.

  “I-I don’t know,” she moaned.

  Try as she might to pull away, I licked the full length of her neck, lifting just a bit around the thick band of the translator I’d collared her with. I aggressively sniffed her as I tasted her, the smell mixing with the flavor to create the most irresistible of concoctions.

  Fuck. I yearned to rip her flimsy clothing off and spread that pussy of hers that I knew lay hidden underneath. Nonetheless, I refrained from charging headlong into it, wanting to make sure I could savor every last drop of her.

  “Tell me to stop, and I will,” I promised. I would. Probably. I’d try.

  But she stayed silent, heartbeat speeding even faster.

  Leaning back so that I could take in a quick glance of her, I then dived back to her neck, my sudden actions making her squeal and writhe, her body all the more inviting when she cried out.

  “You’re. . .driving me. . .crazy!” I found myself growling into her flesh, her squeals having subsided into gasping moans. “And I think you like it.”

  Without saying a word to Mahir and Alok, the two of them came to lie on either side of the girl and I, their tongues already outstretched so that they could lap at any available skin she had peeking out from her clothes. My licking, mixed in with theirs, wasn’t just a heady rush of adrenaline for us it seemed. As she soon started to openly moan, the gasps falling away so that all that remained were sounds of pleasure.

  She was losing herself to the moment. I hadn’t noticed the shift start, but now that I was aware of it taking place, it made it all the more trying not to fuck her like the animal I knew she secretly longed to be.

  Trying to keep my mind occupied as best I could, I lifted myself up onto my palms so that I was able to look at her pink cheeks and flushed, reddening lips. This little lamb was starting to look a lot more wanton than when we started.

  “Well, aren’t you a naughty girl, playing at being innocent when all three of us can smell just how wet you are for us.”

  Her cheeks turned a rich scarlet, the just bitten pinkness of them now gone to leave only the deepest of reds; the transition was beautiful to watch. It was fascinating to see how her mind worked—how her body reacted to our stimuli.

  Try as she might to remain the sweet girl who’d stumbled into the deep, dark unknowns, she was fast becoming an unchaste tease, our roaming fingers and slick tongues coaxing it out of her.

  I’d take m
ore from her before I was done. And if I knew my brothers as well as I believed, they’d take even more than I.

  Tiring of simply playing the tease but never acting, I snatched at her top. Using both of my hands, I snatched it from her body, its absence revealing such wonderfully pale skin. Gazing at her in awe, I was transfixed by how her pert breasts were cruelly shielded away by additional garments.

  I wasn’t about to have my view impaired again. Before I moved to right this wrong however, I spotted another item draped around her neck that had been hidden by the shirt. A finely worked locket hanging from a delicate chain.

  It only distracted me for a moment, but I was curious to learn more about what it meant.


  There were much more pressing needs now.

  Returning to her glorious breasts, I tugged at the thin strip of material, yanking it free with an audible ping. Her breasts lightly bounced as everything was stripped away. Her nipples were the most enticing shade of pink I’d seen; far more attractive than the hue her cheeks had turned earlier. These looked so delicate against her paler flesh, their soft points growing firmer under our ravenous leers.

  My mouth became hot and wet looking at them, the urge to trace the tip of my tongue along them before nibbling at her sensitive flesh more than any man could bear.

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