Beyond the Blue Girl

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Beyond the Blue Girl Page 6

by H K Belvedere

  The wine had started to affect Katie; she was feeling merry and giddy and was flirting more with Simon. She was giggling like a schoolgirl every time he said anything even semi-funny, he played it down however, he was used to hot woman flirting with him and could handle himself. He had other plans for Katie, which at this point she was unware of. He may have seemed very nice on the surface but behind the flash cars, suits, good looks and expensive clothing, there was a very dark demon lurking within the depths of his soul.

  Simon was a psychopath. He had little or no empathy for others and would do anything to anybody if it served his own secret agenda. He could stab somebody to death and walk away unaffected then sleep like a baby. He was a very dangerous man and he mingled with like-minded characters in his working life and for his jollies at the weekend.

  The stuff he was into was not pretty and young naïve Katie had no idea at all what she was letting herself in for at this point. She was being led down a very dark path by this handsome gentleman and was in for a very rude awakening in the not too distant future. They finished up their lunch and Simon, of course, paid the bill. He asked Katie on their way out of the restaurant what she was doing for the rest of the day; she never had plans, so he invited her back to one of his city penthouse suite apartments, which was only a ten-minute drive from the restaurant. She agreed and off they went into the busy roads of central London.

  Simon pulled into the underground parking lot beneath the apartment complex, where he had the penthouse suite. He told her he was on the sixteenth floor, the very top floor; apartment number 16/1 to be precise.

  They went up in the very fast and modern elevator, it only took around fifteen seconds to reach the top floor and it looked very fancy and upmarket. Katie was semi-drunk but still in control of her mind and body. “Ding-dong”, the elevator stopped at the top and the big, shiny, silver doors opened at the same time, the lift speaker system informed them it was “Floor number 16”, Simon led the way into the suite.

  The place was immaculate from top to bottom and the view was outstanding, you could see the London skyline in all directions for several miles, as the whole wall was made out of very thick-looking, expensive glass. He offered Katie a gin and also made himself one and told her to take a seat on his massive, slightly rounded, leather couch.

  He sat directly across from her on a single armchair and said, “Yeah, I do OK in life Katie, I worked hard all my life so it’s only logical I enjoy the fruits of one’s labour, wouldn’t you agree, my dear?”

  “Yeah, sure, Simon; you certainly appear to have things in good order. Can I ask you something Simon?”

  “Sure, Katie.”

  “What did you mean earlier when you said about us doing more photoshoots and ‘other stuff’?”

  Simon smiled slighted and slowly closed his eyes then opened them again even wider than they were before. He had piercing blue eyes, they were very seductive and Katie was mesmerised by them. He stood up and wandered over to the window without saying a word for a brief moment before taking a sip of his gin and saying, “Katie, my dear, people such as me and my kind, we have, shall I say, more peculiar tastes in life. I mean, we are comfortable in life, we have the money in the bank, the businesses, the nice cars, the ability to travel freely and express ourselves however we wish really. The truth is, and I trust you will understand despite coming from a less affluent background, is that after a while of being able to do everything you want, you tend to hit a ceiling and become bored and seek out more raw and extreme experiences to fill the void in your life, if you understand what I mean by that. We don’t get the same feeling from spending fifty thousand pounds on a weekend that we used to at the start. Sleeping with a beautiful women is not the same as it once was. We crave power and we crave control over others to fulfil us, you may think this sound’s cruel or twisted but in fact, we believe it’s a perfectly natural progression and take great pleasure in owning peoples’ mind, body and in some cases soul.”

  Katie was slightly taken a back from this, she understood the basic concept of what he was saying but it was still lacking detail, she asked him to expand more. He walked over to her and touched her cheek, this sent shivers down her spine and for a brief moment she thought about her father when he used to do the same thing in her younger years.

  “Katie, my darling, I feel for me to expand, I really must show you what we consider fun. Next Friday evening, I’m going to invite you to a very big country mansion on the outskirts of north London near Watford for a social event me and friends attend regularly; it’s a stately home and it’s very nice and it’s also a private and exclusive party, members only. You can come as my guest and you will gain an insight into what we do. Would you consider joining me?”

  “Sure, Simon, sounds fun.”

  Katie knew she would probably have to work on Friday but she knew if she sweet-talked the pimp and maybe gave him a ‘favour’ beforehand, she could get the night off. She never wanted to miss this event that Simon spoke so passionately about.

  The date was set and Simon agreed to collect her from her flat and take her to the party. They sat for a few hours and chatted away more before Simon told her he had a lot of work related tasks to take care of and needed to go into his office. He dropped her off at a train station on the way there. Katie made her way home slightly drunk and with a head which could only be described as being full of bumble bees! She was extremely interested in Simon and what he does, as he was so vague and always left a lot to the imagination, she thought about him the whole journey home and most of that day and evening. Katie was being manipulated and was going to witness some events in the very close future that would shock her to the core of her soul! And considering what she went through already in her turbulent life that was no easy feat!

  Chapter 10

  The week after could not have been more boring and mundane since Katie had meet Simon for Lunch on the Sunday. It was a quiet one for Katie at the brothel and she was actually for some unknown reason not drinking or doing drugs as much. She somehow temporary gained a more sensible and stable head since meeting Simon that day. Maybe he was starting to rub off on her. He had also been in contact more often, which Katie found strange but she was not complaining as she loved chatting to him. Sadly, he was not speaking to her because he cared about her or wanted to have conversations with her, he was simply just putting her into a false sense of security so she would lower her guard more and allow him to really get inside her already damaged mind and gain more control over her. It was very vindictive and borderline evil but people like Simon never cared about that. It was all about him and his own gratification.

  Katie and Amanda went out to the shops together on a Thursday afternoon. Katie wanted a new outfit for this event Simon had invited her to, he had informed her to dress smart and transferred her money to buy something really nice. Katie had no issues taking money from men as it was her bread and butter and she of course wanted to look good going to this big fancy mansion with Simon. They were on a busy street in central London and the two of them looked really attractive, most if not all the teenage and adult males would stare at them and some (as boys tend to do) would whistle and try to get their attention, it was pointless, they just brushed it off but they did enjoy the attention and the temporary ego boost.

  Katie was feeling really good again and the two of them were in good spirits that day. Amanda had started seeing a new boyfriend and he was very understanding about her choice of employment so she was feeling loved up and Katie was also becoming a bit obsessed and loved up with Simon, so they had a great vibe and chatted while they shopped. It was even sunny and dry, which was an added bonus.

  Katie was chatting to Amanda, “I can’t wait till tomorrow, babe. He is taking me to a big mansion to some private party with his rich friends, it should be good but I’m still a bit nervous.”

  “Don’t worry, sweetie,” said Amanda, “You will be fine, just relax and go with the flow, you never know maybe he will tak
e you home and fuck you senseless this time.”

  Katie smiled like a demented cat, “That would be so good, I bet he is great in bed, has such a nice body on him, I think he has a six pack but I’m not sure, hopefully I’ll find out soon.”

  Amanda replied, “You do know most of those rich, older guys are into proper nasty sex don’t you?”

  “Like what?” asked Katie.

  “I bet you he is into S&M, rough sex, using whips, belts, all that kind of stuff, humiliation etc., you know, like that madam and her husband who used me for a weekend with their friends, do you remember me telling you about that?”

  Katie burst out laughing. “How could I fucking forget that story! That was really extreme shit Amanda. Hey, I’m not saying I would not be up for trying similar stuff, but Simon seems a bit too clean cut for that, but he has said some things that would maybe suggest he could be into that stuff.”

  Katie really was naïve, she had no clue how extreme and hard-core Simon could be with his ‘hobbies’. She was in for a huge shock.

  Amanda said, “I bet he ends up being into all that mad shit.”

  “Maybe,” said Katie as she smiles gleefully like a little girl. “To be honest, Amanda, Simon could do anything to me, I don’t think I could resist or even want to!”

  “Aww you really like him, don’t you? I really like Jake also (Jake was her new boyfriend). He is so hot and good in bed, he actually treats me like an animal, I can’t stop thinking about him, he never really talks much either, which to start with I never found nice but now I just can’t seem to work him out, he keeps it cool, I’m going to stay over at his house at the weekend, I was going to ask him to come out and have a drink with us but you now have other plans.”

  “Yeah, maybe another night babe,” said Katie.

  They got all the shopping they required and were making their way home when all of a sudden the skies just opened up and it starting lashing down with rain.

  “Fucking hell man!” said Amanda. “Where the actual fuck did that come from? My bloody hair will be fucked!” It was the kind of rain that actually bounced off your head and had you soaked from top to bottom.

  They managed to make their way to the train station and get on the train before it started coming down really bad. As they were sat on the train an almighty rumble crackled from the sky above, it was thunder and lighting. Maybe it was symbolic of the danger that was impending for Katie but she never took much notice. They got off the train and made their way home. Katie had agreed to work later on the Thursday and the pimp would give her Friday off, if she gave him a blowjob. A small price to pay, he always ejaculated quickly because he really fancied her so she was not that bothered about it.

  It was actually quite a busy night at the brothel; Katie managed to go outside for a cigarette break when there were no clients in. She chatted to one of the bouncer guys who worked there, Big Douglas was his name, he was a nice hearted big chap but if you crossed him, he would rip your head off your shoulders. Big Douglas and Katie got along well and she told him about her plans for the following night with Simon.

  “Watford, you say?” said Big Douglas.

  “Yeah, she said North London/Watford area.”

  Douglas replied, “It’s really funny you mention that, Katie. When I was younger, I did private security for really rich people who went to some sort of event there. I would drive them up there and wait outside for them to come back out when they were finished up. They stayed in there from like 11 p.m. till sometimes around five in the morning. They never told us what they were doing inside but I remember one of the lads who worked with me at the time said he heard they had some sort of competition where really good looking women who had been kidnapped from eastern Europe would fight each other to the death and the rich people who attended would place bets on the fights. I always thought it was bullshit personally, sounds a bit farfetched to me but be careful nonetheless, Katie. Rich people can be very dangerous if you upset them.”

  Katie paused for a minute and slowly smoked her cigarette right down to the butt. She remembered what Simon had been saying to her at his penthouse that day and began to wonder what the hell she was actually signing up for. She gave it a second thought and decided she was going to attend regardless. She never wanted to let Simon down but the conversation with Big Douglas did actually spook her slightly but she was already committed to the event so had to attend. This was her warning and she chose to ignore it, she froze because her instincts kicked in and she knew deep down this was most likely a bad idea. (Ignore your instincts at your peril!)

  Katie found this out the hard way. She had two more clients in before she was able to leave and make her way home. She usually had a drink when she was finished to numb the pain of being a prostitute for a living but tonight she decided she wanted to be sober and remain fresh for tomorrow evening’s event with the mysterious Simon.

  Chapter 11

  It was a dark Friday evening in the huge, metropolitan, urban jungle named London. Katie was sitting, all ready to go with Simon to the event. She was kitted out in a really fancy cocktail dress and looked like a very high-class woman tonight. She had her hair done up all pretty in a beehive type style, like those American beauty queens you would see in old movies and TV shows. Tonight any man would be proud to take her out on a date.

  She was being collected from her flat at 8 p.m. sharp. It was 7 p.m. just now and she was feeling a combination of nerves and excitement and was eager to get on with the proceedings.

  She sparked a cigarette while she waited and slowly inhaled and exhaled the smoke while gazing out her bedroom window. 8 p.m. arrived and her phone rang, Simon said very abruptly, “Outside now.” She quickly got her stuff together and made her way to his car.

  They sped off towards North London and Simon seemed to be in a good chirpy mood.

  He turned around to Katie, while he was cruising along the motorway and said very calmly, “Tonight, my dear, you’re going to experience the fruits of high society; you’re going to see what having fun is all about, darling. I understand you will be nervous but please try and relax we are just having some relaxing downtime.”

  Katie sat quietly in the big, comfy, leather seat, she gazed out the window and saw a house that reminded her of her house in Edinburgh growing up. She felt a wave of nostalgia and was having flashbacks of her early childhood when she first remembered hearing her mother being beaten by her dad, she looked at her finger nails and despite having nice fancy fake nail extensions on now, she could still remember the days when she had bitten them down so much she barley had any nails left.

  She wondered what was in store for her at the party later, maybe she had made a mistake agreeing to this but she could not resist the offer from Simon. He was dressed very sharp, even more so than he normally was, he had a black tuxedo and one of those fancy bow ties and the little handkerchief in the breast pocket. He looked like James Bond and casually smoked a cigar, while they drove down the busy carriageway towards Watford. The journey took around thirty-five minutes and they pulled into the country road that led down to the mansion where the party was taking place. Huge trees lined the single track road on the way up to the mansion; Katie started getting intense shivers and chills down her spine and even jerked slightly at the sensation of it.

  “Are you OK, my dear?” asked Simon.

  “Yeah,” she lied, “I just caught a draft there, I’m fine Simon, are we nearly there yet?”

  “Yes, my dear, yes, almost there, try and keep calm you have nothing to worry about my dear, everything will be fine.” He reassured her by touching her right hand, this gave her another wave of shivers and tingles but this time it was more pleasant, she also blushed slightly but Simon did not notice as it was darker inside the black sports car.

  Simon parked up beside a row of equally as expensive looking cars. Katie could see Ferraris, Porches, Range Rovers, all the best makes and models of cars you get on the market today, whoever these people were, they had
money to burn, serious money.

  “OK, let’s go inside Katie, don’t say anything to anybody, I will do all the talking, just relax, we will go in and meet a few people then we will get some drinks and a light snack.”

  “Cool sounds good,” said Katie.

  They entered the huge Victorian style mansion, it was like a castle but not quite as run down, there were hanging plants, hundreds of huge windows, balconies, lots of well-maintained flowers and grass and a little pond in the centre of the front garden area with one of those little angel type statues that had water running out of the penis of the statue. It was really high class and over the top. Katie was thinking to herself, how did I end up in this kind of place? She was becoming overwhelmed but put on a calm face.

  They went into the mansion. It was stunning, they had huge portrait pictures of old people lined along the halls and lots of antique furniture and artefacts sitting everywhere, deer and other animal heads stuck on the walls, old swords and shotguns on stands and inside very expense looking cabinets. A butler welcomed them in and asked Simon a password before letting them proceed, he leaned over to the butler’s ear and whispered something before the butler stepped aside and let them into the main reception area.

  The place was very busy. You could see people everywhere stood around chatting and laughing away drinking from champagne flutes. An older man with grey, finely groomed hair and a younger woman, who was around her thirties walked over to Simon and Katie.

  “Well hello, young man,” said the old chap. “Simon my boy, where on earth have you been hiding?”

  “Gregory, my friend,” replied Simon. “I have been extremely busy, I was in Milan for a couple of weeks working for Italia Vogue. I would like to introduce you to this very beautiful, young model I have been working with recently, her name is Katie.”


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