Guarding the Single Mother (SEAL Endgame Book 1)

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Guarding the Single Mother (SEAL Endgame Book 1) Page 10

by Leslie North

  He swallowed hard then said, “Hey.”

  Smooth move, idiot.

  “Hey,” she responded, adjusting her son in her arms. Her expression was still a bit guarded. “What are you doing here?”

  “Oh, uh, well.” He felt tongue-tied and twisted in the worst possible way but somehow managed to get the words out. “I didn’t want to leave things like we did. I thought you should know some things. About me. About us.”

  She narrowed her dark gaze on him as another announcement echoed overhead. “Last call for Air Carib flight 3560 to San Juan, Puerto Rico boarding at Gate 7E.”

  His heart battered against his ribcage and his throat felt tight as a fist.

  Tell her, dumbass. Tell her before it’s too late.

  But too many years of isolation took their toll and those old walls came down hard. Instead of dropping to his knees and begging her to stay, he proceeded with more caution. “That’s your flight, isn’t it? Shouldn’t you get going?”

  “I thought you had things to tell me first,” Leila said, jutting out one hip and raising a brow at him. “Best get talking.”

  “Right. Yeah.” He wiped his damp palms on his jeans and prayed for eloquence. “Listen. I know you think moving back home with your mother is the right choice for you and Thomas, but what if it’s not?”

  “Do you have a better alternative?” she asked, her gaze narrowed. And there it was, that same hint of yearning he’d seen earlier. A spark of hope lit within him, spurring Clint on with his confession.

  “I do.” He took a deep breath and squared his shoulder, determined to see this through no matter how fear was shredding him up inside. Just because everyone else in his past had been temporary didn’t mean this woman had to be. “Everything you need is right here in Vegas. A job you love. A home for you and Thomas. A man who loves you and will protect you no matter what.”

  The words hung between them as she just blinked at him.

  Oh God. Please don’t let her walk away too. Please.

  Her small, sweet smile nearly killed him. “And who would this man be?”

  His breath caught in his chest and he forced himself to breath and relax. “Me. I want you Leila. All of you. Your messy past, your messy life now, whatever your future brings. I want it all. Thomas too. I want to share everything with you. I’ll be an open book too, if you want me to be. Just please don’t leave. Move back in with me and stay. Stay forever.”

  Stunned, Leila just looked at him. Wow. She’d expected him to maybe ask her to delay her flight so they could talk. She’d not expected him to hand her everything she’d ever wanted on a silver platter.

  She tamped down the burgeoning excitement within her, the crazy thrill that wanted her to blurt out an enthusiastic “Yes!” immediately. She couldn’t just follow her instincts—not when she still didn’t trust them. She needed to think this through, make a rational decision. She bounced her son in her arms and took a deep breath, exhaling slow. “Walk with me.”

  “You’re staying?” He looked like an eager puppy trotting through the airport lobby beside her.

  “Final call for boarding, Air Carib flight 3560 to San Juan. Repeat final call. Thank you,” the announcer said, and Leila swallowed hard, doing her best not to run over anyone’s toes with the wheels of her carry on. She stepped onto a moving walkway and did her best to keep her balance. Between the ground moving beneath her and the man she’d grown intensely fond of over the last few days standing close enough beside her for his heat to penetrate her thin cotton shirt, it was difficult. At least Thomas was happy, chattering on. She could only understand about every fifth or sixth word, but he was getting better at communicating every day. Clint was leaning over, talking to him like they were having a real conversation and looking totally adorable while doing it too, but she had to be smart about this.

  She tossed her hair over her shoulder and ignored the insane urge to burrow into Clint’s arms and let him share her burden. Sure, he’d asked her to stay, said he’d wanted to be a part of her and Thomas’s life, offered to share his home and his secrets with her, but was that enough?

  Granted, it was far more than any other man had ever given her.

  The moving walkway ended, and they rounded a corner into the sunny atrium then rode down an escalator to the exit. Then they headed outside into the dry desert heat and over to his truck parked a few rows back in the short-term lot.

  “Leila?” Clint said, catching her arm. “Please. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “I’m staying. Obviously. At least for now,” she said, finally, picking her son up out of the stroller and beginning to fold it down while Clint took the suitcase from her to load it into the back of his truck. “But that doesn’t mean I’m agreeing to the rest of it. I just got out of one situation with a man I had very deep feelings for, at one time. It doesn’t mean I’m ready to rush into another one.”

  Dammit. She got Thomas secured into his car seat—which she noticed Clint had not removed from his vehicle—then slid into the passenger seat and buckled her seat belt while he finished up in the back of the vehicle then did the same behind the wheel. What the hell was wrong with her? Back in the airport, before he’d showed up, she’d been all about exploring a relationship with him, having a fresh start right here in Vegas, giving the connection a chance to grow into something more.

  Now though, with him there, beside her, offering her exactly what she’d said she wanted, Leila hesitated. Seemed her old fears weren’t quite conquered yet.

  As they headed back toward his house on the outskirts of the city. She called her mother and told her there’d been a change of plans and that she’d talk with her more later, then stared out at the arid landscape blurring past and said a silent prayer, wishing for a sign that this was the right decision for her.

  Please God, don’t let me screw this up again.

  Once they arrived at his house, she got Thomas out of the backseat while Clint retrieved her luggage and the stroller. They walked up the sidewalk to the front door together. He stopped on the porch, fumbling with his keys, his movements oddly stilted as if he was nervous. She found the thought endearing and found herself falling for him a little bit more, if that were possible.

  “I left the crib up and there’s still some of Thomas’s food in the fridge too, if he’s hungry,” he said, finally fitting the key into the lock and pushing inside. Clint flipped on the lights, then faced her, the warmth and sincerity in his eyes making her heart ache. “I’m really glad you’re here. Both of you.”

  You wanted a sign, chica? Here it is.

  Pulse racing and mouth dry, she nodded, not trusting her words. Before she could stop herself, she closed the distance between them and hugged Clint tight, burying her face in his neck and inhaling his good Clint smell. “I’m glad we’re here too. And I plan on staying this time. For as long as you’ll have us.”

  “Thank God,” he said, kissing her briefly then smiling down at Thomas. “Hear that, kiddo? You and your mom are moving in. Maybe you guys can help me make this place a real home.”

  She smiled up at him. Couldn’t seem to stop now. From what he’d told her, he hadn’t had a real home since he was a kid. “Yes. We will.”

  If she told the truth, though, it already felt like home to her.


  Six months later…

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Leila squinted down the lane at Ask Questions Later gun range as the machine dragged her used paper target toward her. She’d kept up her lessons and was now pretty damned good, if she did say so herself. Actually, Clint agreed with her. The machine stopped in front of her and she surveyed the three bullet holes in the target. Chest, stomach, and pelvis. Centre mass, just like Clint had taught her. Take down the threat first, ask questions later.

  They’d been so happy since she’d made her decision to stay in Vegas and move in with him. She thanked God each day for the second chance she’d been given with him. Thomas was growing by leaps and b
ounds too. He was talking in full sentences these days, most of which even made sense. Clint read to him each night and she was working with him on his colouring skills and basic counting. Before she knew it, it would be time to get him into pre-school. Time was going so fast.

  Her job at the dental clinic was going well too and she was up for a promotion to staff leader. She loved her clients and her work and was considering going back to school at night at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to become a full-fledged dentist. It would mean lots of hard work and tons of studying, not to mention more student loans, but she was done avoiding risks—especially when there was a chance at even more rewards. Look at the rewards she’d gotten from the last risk she’d taken. A life she loved, a son she adored, a loyal, generous, kind-hearted man who made all of her dreams come true. She’d been truly blessed and she knew it.

  Speaking of that kind-hearted man…

  Clint peeked through the door then entered the gun range, walking over to her and slipping his arms around her from behind, pulling her back into his chest, his breath warm against her ear. “Look at that beautiful target work. No wonder I love you so much, honey.”

  “Aw, thanks. I love you too, papi.” She turned slightly to kiss him over her shoulder. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing much. Store’s been busy, but I wanted to let you know that I saw the news at noon.”

  Leila’s heart gave a little skip and she moved away to face him. “Did they have anything on about the trial?”

  Mike’s old gang had been rounded up one-by-one over the last few months and taken into custody. The media had said that her ex had turned state’s witness and would be going into Witness Protection after testifying. Good thing for Mike, since if any of those bastards caught up with him, he’d be dead. The gang members didn’t take well to betrayal.

  Good for her too, since it meant the threat to her from that quadrant was finally over. WitSec would hide Mike somewhere far away from here—and he’d know better than to return. There had been no trouble for her from Mike’s gang, so she believed the police officer had been right in saying that they’d leave her alone.

  “Nope. Just that it’s going as expected and the whole thing should be wrapped up by the end of this week. It’s almost over.”

  It was the fresh start she’d wanted. Finally, she and Clint and Thomas could focus on the future.

  She breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Um, there is something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Clint said, reaching into the back pocket of his jeans. He was acting nervous again, his normally graceful movements stiff and shaky. Her chest squeezed. Uh oh. Things had been so good. Maybe too good. What if he decided taking on her and her kid wasn’t what he wanted after all? What if…

  Then he went down on one knee in front of her and all Leila could see was the sincerity in his beautiful blue eyes and the sweet smile on his handsome face and oh God! She covered her mouth with a trembling hand as her tears began to flow.

  “Leila, honey. I love you. I love Thomas. If I’m honest, I have since the first day you walked into my gun range and asked to buy a gun.” She snorted and he grinned. “You know I have a thing for independent woman who can take care of themselves. Well, at least for one woman in particular. Over the last six months, you and Thomas have become my light, my world, my everything. Please say you’ll be my wife and we can live as a true family for the rest of our days.”

  Through her sniffling, she smiled and knelt before him, nodding as he slid a glittering diamond solitaire engagement ring on her finger. She hugged him close and kissed him long and deep, then rested her forehead against his. “Yes, papi. Yes! I love you Clint. I always have and I always will. You’re part of my true family, now and forever.” She kissed him again and laughed. “Now, let’s call my mom and tell her. She’s going to be thrilled. She’s been eyeing you as a son in law ever since we went to San Juan on vacation last month.”

  He grinned too, raising a dark brow at her. “Does that mean I get to enjoy your mama’s amazing tostones and empanadas whenever I want?”

  “You know it, papi!” Leila chuckled, happier than she could ever remember being. “She loves you almost as much as I do. You’ll never starve with her around, that’s for sure.”

  “I’m not starving now,” he said, pulling away slightly. “In fact, I’ve never felt fuller. Full of love and joy and peace and contentment. And it’s all thanks to you. You and Thomas. Thank you.”

  “No.” She traced her fingertips over his lips, her hear near to busting with emotion for this man. “Thank you. Thank for taking us in and for showing us how a real family should be. I love you Clint.”

  “And I love you, Leila.” He kissed her again sweetly then stepped back. “Now, let’s go call your mom.”

  End of Guarding the Single Mother

  SEAL Endgame Book One

  Guarding the Single Mother, September 12th 2019

  Guarding His Pretend Wife, September 19th 2019

  Guarding His Unexpected Twins, September 26th 2019

  Do you like sexy military men? Then keep reading for exclusive extracts from Guarding His Pretend Wife and SEAL’s Homecoming.

  Thank you!

  Thank you so much for purchasing my book. It’s hard for me to put into words how much I appreciate my readers. If you enjoyed this book, please remember to leave a review. Reviews are crucial for an author’s success and I would greatly appreciate it if you took the time to review the book. I love hearing from you!

  About Leslie

  Leslie North is the USA Today Bestselling pen name for a critically-acclaimed author of women's contemporary romance and fiction. The anonymity gives her the perfect opportunity to paint with her full artistic palette, especially in the romance and erotic fantasy genres.

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  Eric Harvey is the perfect man to play journalist Beth William’s fake husband—he’s a guy and he’s willing. Beth is on the cusp of breaking a huge story about an exclusive couples-only retreat when her partner becomes ill. In walks Eric, her brother’s buddy, and a brilliant idea strikes her. This Navy SEAL, on leave nursing an injury, could step in and pose as her husband while she tries to uncover what’s really happening at the retreat. With their story set, the two head to the tropical island, ready to do their job. It’s all business—until it isn’t. Beth hadn’t realized how difficult it was going to be pretending to be in love while not actually falling in love with this sexy man. As the two get closer to finding the truth about the resort, Beth finds herself getting unexpectedly closer to Eric. Something that wasn’t in the plan at all.

  Eric agreed to Beth’s plan out of pure boredom. Why not spend some time on a tropical island with a beautiful girl, even if his buddy’s sister is completely off limits? But it doesn’t take long before he realizes something is seriously wrong with this paradise. Someone seems to be out to hurt Beth, kicking Eric’s protective instincts into high gear. Now he’s keeping Beth close for her safety even as his head warns him to keep his distance. Sure, there’s danger on the island, but the most dangerous thing may be the way his body and his heart is responding to Beth.

  Thank goodness Beth reminds him that the only reason she is on the island is for her job—a job that just might kill them both…or leave their hearts in tatters if they don’t trust in each other…

  Grab your copy of Guarding His Pretend Wife

  Available September 19th, 2019


  “What do you mean he isn’t going?” Beth Williams glanced around the quiet newsroom the lowered her voice. “Can’t he just get some antibiotics and suck it up?”

  “I’m afraid not,” her editor said, his judgmental tone making Beth bristle even more. This sto
ry was important to her, dammit. It could make her career. “Hepatitis A can be life-threatening if not treated properly. He’ll be in the hospital for at least a week.”

  Well, shit.

  Remorse for the man who was supposed to be her undercover partner on this story slammed into her. Jeff was a good guy. Had a wife, kids, a new mortgage to pay. Most likely he’d not contracted a disease on purpose, no matter how it might feel to Beth at the moment. Her disappointment increased both at herself and the situation. She sighed and closed her eyes. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Please tell Jeff and his family I’m thinking of them.”

  “Will do,” her editor said. “And I’m sorry about the story.”

  She ended the call then sat back, wondering how in the hell she might salvage what had promised to be a real scoop. There was something not right with these LoveFix Couples’ Retreats adverted all over the place. She and Jeff had been researching the expensive counseling trips to an exotic private island in the Caribbean for nearly a year now and had turned up some suspicious information. She wasn’t sure what was going on there, but her reporter instincts had her convinced that there was something wrong. The retreats were being run by a shadowy company called Hartstrings, Inc., a play on the psychiatrist owner’s last name, Robert Hart. Beth had tried to dig into the guy’s past to figure out more about him, but there’d not been much available. Seemed the guy came out of nowhere about five years prior and within months had become a media darling to the stars after successfully saving the marriage of a popular celebrity couple. With that kind of publicity and momentum behind him, Hart had turned his attention to these retreats, which were making the guy major bank. According to the anonymous sources Beth had spoken with, in the last year alone Hartstrings, Inc. had netted close to a billion dollars in revenue. Pretty impressive, considering the company had only been in business three years.


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